Home oj the NtfDI AU the N.ws of < . AU the Pointes Every ?.iia\ ~\, ,< Thursday Morning ."II~ ews ,i--.1 L -:1 '1\.>1 ~ ~I _,~....'.. Vol, 3o-No. 51 Entered a. Second Cia$! Maller at 15.00Per \'ear the Post Ottlca at Detroit, !dlclll&all. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, DECEMBER 18, 1969 JOe PerCOpl' 28 Pages -' Two Sections - Section One , . ~, .' ,. .',", . II~llDI~INt;S Auto Club, Police Join in. S~fetyCampaign Tight Money Puts Many Cases of the ' Unreported, \V.EEK Buyers an d Sellers Says Doctor As Compiled by thl! Grosse Poiflte News Of Home in Bind Deputy'Director County Health Dept, Furnishes Thursday, December 11 News Latest Figures Many Properties for Sale, but Virtual Moratorium on HENRY FORD II, chairman of the Ford Motor Company. Mortgages Brings Frustration to AU Involved By Pepper Whitelaw tilok an anti. pollution pledge In Potential Transactions Hepatitis is at epidemic Wednesday. He said the com. pro p 0 r t ion s in. Grosse pany would tl':r to achieve in By.Phil Loranger Pointe, according to Dr_ the shorte6t possible time pro. There are more homes for sale in The Pointe to. Thomas Hamilton, Deputy ducts and manufacturing facili. day than in recent memory, but a tight money market D ire c tor of the Wayne ties that do not signific,antly has created a real stalemate between buye~ and seller, C 0 u n t y Department of contaminate the atmosphere, according to Robert G. Edgar, a partner in Purdy and Health. He told the NEWS waters or landscape. Mr. Ford Edgai.' Associates, real estate brokers. that in some cases said the company has hudgeted 1968 12 more than $31 million ,for 1970 "There is little doubt that I!l . were reported. Of these, to intensify its program on homes are available and that IPla CZ.. one was of the serum type automotive emissiol1ll, people have the desire to move, I n I,R1C and 11 of the infectiou:; but the money necessary to pur- • • • chase a new home is just not T G.' A .d type. A PENNSYLVANIA JUDGE there," Et1gar told the ~EWS. 0 f,Ve I So far this year, 42 cases rejected Wednesday a request "Those persons, 100klOg to . have been reported. Of these to exhume the body of 'Mary Jo k buy a home in the 'below $35,- To Sm..o ers 35 have been the infectious type Kopechne for an autopsy, that 000' category, have Federal and seven of the serum type. clears tlie way for a secret in j H 0 us i n g Association (FHA) Dr.' Hamilton hastened to add quest Into how she died in Sena: : and Veterans' Administration Those Seeking to Break that many cases of hepatitis go tor Edward M. Kennedy's car.' (VA) insured loans av;;i1able, unreported and many ar~ re- Judge BernardC. Browinski of but homes pric!!d above the H.~bit Invited to Free ported as irifections rather than Common Pleas Court said. there $35,000 cutoff, present a host Program at, St. John serum, because doctors often was insufficient evidence to of problems for buyers, s~llers . Hospital protect their patients from the challenge the original finding 1 and realtors.". stigma associated with having of death by drowning. the serum type, which is 1>ften '" '" Virtual ~Ioratori~m' Heavy smokers represent a direct result of the use of . 12' Although it is difficult to nail "f' t t 0f Friday, December a Slglll lcan percen age unsterilized s y r f n g e sand ' aSI'de' them down to words. lendingd in.. pa t'len ts at sam. t J0hn H os- needles by drug users. THE SENATE brush eo stitutions have impose Ii Vir. 't I h ffl d a veto threat and a last.ditch 111al mortgage moratorium by pI a w 0 are a icte with . Reveals Mar'ted :RIse Republican plea for economy refusing to lend money for home lung cancer, respiratory Dr. Hamilton said recently Thursday and passed a massive buyinl(. With the exception of and heart diseases. To re- there has been a marked rise tax bill which would touch the long.time cus!J)mers and th06e duce the toll.from these fre- In serum hepatitis in the 1S. to life of.every Ame~icantaxpay. ... .. " .• _~ ._.. , persons havinll good banking quently tragic diseases, for 29-year.old age group. This is er. The' biggest tax measure i ~hown I'!9Iding materials which are being dis- . :E~LEN~URG, D,ireC{0f:or-l'ublic ,Saf!~! .@:: Grosse connections, buycrs are being which smoking is consid. the age group that has been since the adoption of the in-. tributed through the Auto Club's "First a Friend, Then POlilte ParK. ,~heY:hOmJjo.mesleev~st'!lt~.the n.ew hard.pressed to come up with ered a contributing factor, increasingly involved with il- come tax in 1913 was approved' a Host" holiday traffic safety program, designed to en- Alcohol ~dUc'atlOn Cel1ter display behmd tbem, which funds for homes. , the hospital is sponsoring licit drug use and according to by. a vote of 69 to 22, with most courage moderation in the use of alcohol, are. (left to promote the use of common sense, rather' than ab. "It takcs the 'creative' real a S m 0 kin g Withdrawal Dr. Hamilton, a definite correla- Repu.blieans vo~ against.it right): JOHN J. HINSBERG, Assistant Manager of the stinence. estale bro~er, one .who is e~- CUnk. tion is apparetll; He. said .this 0nly.. 8l1d~m.~!..n...t.•.•.. : ... ~.~., ...•.. r. tsa~;;.~.r . .:~: Auto Cl~:s'. ..Gt'?sse P9i~te .branch, an~r. Wl~!"~~lll~'...:.. .,...." ._ p~denced In, the heJ~. and.ls .The Clinic will be held on fi)(e type of he"AaUtis is comlnon "J.', •. ;;~: •. ",~; Y-"",.,J_ " ." ".' .' '.. ", -,.' "4'.,. ~. .:.( :~~g'ill~:;m~.t~~:~~ae~~~n~M;rid~~:eJa~~~~'~,~~~;~fifJ~:~r~~te~ ::d y ., SNiGtardR"E'.a DeSEeNTembetor,. Ip3re's'I"'.High Schoo.l Q..tiesfionna7r.' es.':'-::P..io...¥J. ":.'.RJ. :: '.~(r~~---'Drive'.V rges mortgage In to~~y ~ II'!arke.t, Friday, January 9, inUle caf. also among amp~etamJDe users CO ss claim~d Edgar. ThiS situation eteria, at Saint John Hospital. .when the drug IS taken Intra. dent NixoD Friday a c(llnpro.,V .f" C'.Z b P.'.ubIi'~.c,_.SC.l.-.~.I.,S' .t:'.U"d-,'.:J1S.i:n;'\,~t..d." 'Mi.. o"dnp.,a:'t:o'n has placed a.~mendoU~bur. Cooperating With the'h()Spltil, Vl!JiOusly.. m}se. $01' ~il!iOn"h6~$ing bill!. arSf, Y' U . _ '. Dvv ~ ~ c;. ," den on all th~se mvolved m the and lending' their experiencll Drug addicts use .ul1sallitary With proviSions enablillg more I . " . , •.•.. .'D .' k. real estate field." in the techniques of smoking methods of self-injection." he poor families to qualify for :01-- "8a' }'Ita I gam., "li.,. .:"Rtl,. .Harold Fels, m~nager of the withdrawal will be the Michigan continued, "even if they realize public housing. One new pro. rm'1s ,.." In rl."~_h.~A'. s..~...__'_,.p~._~~__..'g_ ~se .. ,.".n L7 First Federal Savmgs and Loan Cancer Foundation TB and the dangers 18Ck of concern vision of tbe bill wOl'ld require - ,.' - -'".... - . Association, office~ at 1715~K.er. Respratory Disease,Society, and rituals asso~iated with addlc: that for each slum home or H' 0 t SI t E 'Hope to Obtain Information Which Will Help Battle Sitfer .Holidays Goal of ~heval, ~Ialmed hiS or&:amzation Michigan Ifeart Association. !Ions, sharing equipment and apartment razed as part of an . Ire u as aves 0 arn . Problem", Sig.n-atures Not R • d Forms Orilfe laun.che.d b.y Auto IS makmg loans available to Headed by Dr. Burrows poor . socj~l circumstances all urban.renewal project, a new Money .to: BLi.yTandem' equlre on CI b f M' h' regular customers, nbuctest'lht3t John H. Burrows. M.D., Direc- contribute to. tAl! Problem." low-income dwelling unit must I Bike for Cerebral Being Distributed ,. \",' 0 ,.IC 19an; ne~vcomer5 are, byes y, tor of Nuclear Medicine and Dr. Halllilton said last year be built in the city or county I PIP t' tAt f.t t" f t' . t "Centers Set Up bemg turned away. Onocology at Saint John Hospi- in. Wayne County there were 120 involved. a sya len, spar 0 1 S con mumg program 0 ac IOnagams. __ ' !\Iany Requests Refused. ta', will head the'five.day eli- reported cases of hepatitis. This • • • • . " ,i aru,g abuse in the community. the Grosse Pointe 'P~blic Automobile Club of Mich- "People are being forced to' nic, Appearing with Dr. Bur- year some 340 cases have been AN ARAB from Yemen and . The Va. r SIt Y Club. of School S,:stem has arranged for students at the mld~le igan's Grosse Pointe office turn to land contracts or FHA rows, will be the noted crusader reported to date. He said South. an African from Senegal at. Grosse Pomte South HIgh school, hIgh school and elementary levels topr~vldelocated at '15415 East Jef: loans," said Felts. "1 know we and lecturer in the ,battle eastern Michigan is the only tempted to hijack an Ethiopian SC!hooJ is made up of boys them with information on the local drug problem by ferson, , has been deClared are giv~ng out mortgages, but against smo~ing, Dr. Arthur W. area .in tlte entire United Sta~es Airlines jetliner on Friday and who have earned varsity filJine; out unsiJ1ned ouestionnaires on the subject.. an Alcohol Education Cen.
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