Bradley’S & Tracey’S Hundreds" (Being Part of Mt

Bradley’S & Tracey’S Hundreds" (Being Part of Mt

1312 "Bradley’s & Tracey’s Hundreds" (being part of Mt. Calvert Manor) B 150 - 130 &c Mortgaged to Joseph N. Burch March 12, 1812 Prince George's 1827 Bradley, Uhiel B 150 - 510 Creditor 1848 Bradley, William Complainant B 176 - 525 Dorchester Bradley, William B 180 - 490 Grantee (trust) June 2, 1838 Allegany Bradley, William A. B 144 - 324 Subscriber 1827 B 155A- 117 Surviving Trustee, Defendant 1828 B 162 - 528 Defendant 1843 Washington, D. C. Bradshaw George,- Inquisition and Mandamus ordered upon lands sold by him to Richard Rand- all,deceased.May 11th 1680.(1) Chan. C.D. 271. Inquisition returned by Wm. Chandler,Sheriff of Charles Co. ordered a "Melius inquirendim" Dec. 14th 1680 (l) Chan. C.D. 285 Bradshaw George,- his land inquisition returned by Win. Chandler, Sheriff and order of Court for "Melius inquirendum" June 4th 1681.(l) Chan.C.D. 297. Bradshaw, James 3 111 - 645-647 Clerk 1316 111 - 649 Clerk Kent Bradshaw, James, Jr B 111 - 621 Witness (Bond) 1808 Kent 1791 Bradshaw, John B 56 368 Mentioned in will of John Page as having sold land belonging to Page in Kent County. Bradshaw Jas. B 142 986 J.P. 1829 Kent 1722 Bradshaw, John, 63 yrs. deposed he was requested by Michael Fletcher to give notic to Mr. Robt. Goldstrump, V/m. Skin ner, Dan'l Sherwood, Francis Shen wood & Jacob Gibson, vestrymen of St. Michaels Parish to meet com- missioners. # 3 Chan. P. L.- Folio 841 Bradshaw, John B 155 - 652 Account 1837 B38 - 115 Plaintiff Dorchester 1805 Bradshaw, John B 63 - 380 Witness 1844 Bradshaw, Joseph Creditor B 166 - 307 Dorchester 1794 Bradshaw, Richard B 29 - 438 Debtor Bradshaw, Sarah B 142 - 212a Account 1830 B 145 - 259 Account 1832 Dorchester Bradshire, John B 114 - 156 Debtor 1767 Bradun, Thomas B 109 - 475 Debtor Bradway, Thomas B 173 - 886a Purchaser 1822 Cecil Brady, Benjamin B 155 - 33 Defendant 1836 - 35 Mortgagor 4/29/1834 Baltimore City 1802 Brady, Benjamin B 64 - 89 J. P. - 249 J. P. Kent Co 1848 Brady, Henry Purchaser of Lot #3 B 174 - 505 t 1774 Brady, James Deposition for Browning agt. Gedda # 13 Chan. - Folio 47 1781 Brand, James Referee in Stukey agt. Shelby. # 13 Chan. - Folio 206 Brady, James B 113 - 93 Debtor 1796 Kent 1847 Brady, James Infant B 171 - 568 Baltimore City 1782 Brady, John B 40 - 150 Creditor Deceased B 23 - 675> 6?9> 682, 683 Assignee. (1793) Brady, John B 179 - 110 Purchaser of house & lot on Corn Hill St. April 8, 1851 Annapolis Brady, John B 137 - 835 Lessee 2/22/1794 Baltimore City Brady, John B 137 - 792 (1818) Baltimore City Brady, John B 131 - 124 Grantee 3/20/1816 - 127 Grantor 9/16/1816 - 128 Grantee 12/28/1816 - 129 Grantor 10/3/1818 Hampshire Co., Virginia 1846 Brady, John Complainant B 169 - 271 Delaware Co. Indiana t 1796 Brady, Jonothan B 44 - 43 Commissioner Queen Anne's 1800 Bready, Jonathan B 67-885 Witness - Note (1802) - 888 J. P. 1800 Queen Anne's Co. 1846 Brady, Mary (wife of John) nee Wright Complainant B 169 - 271 Delaware Co., Indiana 1847 Brady, Mary (Widow) Deceased B 171 - 568 Baltimore City 1792 Brady, Mr B 25 - 592 Inn- Keeper 1847 Brady, Patrick Petitioner B 171 - 568 Baltimore City 1837 Brady, Samuel B 60 - 342 Witness Brady, Samuel B 159 387 (1842) B 165 325 Account 1844 B 171 449 Collector 1847 Baltimore City Brady, Samuel D B 131 - 126 Witness 1816 Hampshire Co., Va 1796 "Brady's Sugar Camp" 8^ acres B 105 - 400 Allegany Co 1847 Brady, Thomas Infant B 171 - 568 Baltimore City Braham, John B 124 - 249 (1810) Mississippi _ 1707 Brain, Beng., Agt. John Hyson. # 2 Chan. P. C. Folio 586 Brains, Beng., Agt, Francis Dollarhide # 2 Chan. P. C. Folio 776 1711 Briines, Beng., Agt. John Atkey of Cecil # 2 Chan. P. C. Folio 825 1712 Brains, Benj., Francis Dollarhide. Agreed # 3 Chan. P. L. Folio 1 1799 "Braintree" B 45 “ 270 Tract on St. Michaels Riber 350% acres. Talbot 1798 "Braintree" B 43 - 359 Land owned by William Perry On St. Michaels River, Talbot Co 1799 "Braintrees Addition" B 45 - 270 Tract on St. Michaels Riyer Talbot 1798 "Braintree's Addition" B 43 - 359 land owned by William Perry On St. Michaels River, Talbot, 1791 Braisher, William B 21 - 456 Creditor 1791 Braxthwaite, William B 50 - 139 Former owner of Lot #4107 containing 50 acres Allegany 1790 Brakill, John B 21 - 8 (Capt.) Bralest, John Tavern Keeper B 179 - 306 (1851) Allegany 1836 Bramble, Aaron B 154 - 645 Account Dorchester 1745 "Brambles Addition" tract of l&nd B 105 - 389 ■/forcester Co 1745 "Brambles Desire tract of land B 105 - 389 Worcester Co 1841 Bramble, Andrew B 157 - 792 Witness 1841 Bramble, Clement H. B 157 - 253 Witness Dorchester 1850 Bramble, Ellen Defendant B 177 - 92 Q,ueen Anne’s Bramble, Jeremiah B 140 - 435 Creditor 1817 B 154 - 833 Complainant 1835; Assignee Dorchester Bramble, John H. B 174 - 578 Surety 1848 B 178 - 489 Complainant 1850 Dorchester 1786 Bramble, Lewis agfc. Levin & Timothy McNemare. Injunction subpa. # 15 Chan. - Folio 6 1335 Bramble, Nathaniel B 153 - 470 Account Dorchester t 1787 Bramble, Lewis agt. Levin Tim McNemara. Inj. bill issued. Leave to file — "Revivorl,. # 16 Chan. - Folio 6 # 18 Chan. - Folio 4 1850 Bramble, Olivia H. (wife of John H.) nee Traverse Complainant B 178 - 489 Dorchester 1850 Bramble , William Andrew Defendant B 177 - 92 ^ueen Anne's Brambley, Thomas B 138 - 139 Account 1827 Baltimore Co Bramhall, John B 123 - 917 (1826) Frederick 1809 "Brampton" B 59 - 628 Property of Allen Quinn, deceased Anne Arundel County 1848 "Brampton's Addition" B 176 - 341 Q,ueen Anne’s 1780 "Branans Choice" B 43 - 259 37 acres B 45 - 292 " ,1 (1780) 1780- Branan, Thomas B 43 - 259 Sold land to Henry Fite the elder B 45 - 292 " " « (1780) B. C. 1809 "Branch Bank" B 6? - 579 Bank mentioned Washington, D. C 1808 "Branch Bank" B 64 - 540 Mentioned ■Easton 1847 "Branch Gate" B 171 - 515 Somerset Branch, William B 125 - 531 Account 1825 Baltimore Co 1769 Brand, James Com. to report in Fredk. Co Sjtl-cey agt. Shelby. # 11 Chan. D. D. #2- Folio 316 1778 Brand, Dr. James B 47 - 52 Executor of Joseph Helms 1796 Brand, Meredith B 35 - 188 Debtor. 1833 Brand, Polly (widow) nee White) B 151 - 402 Complainant Baltimore City ISO? "Brandon" B 66 - 503 Tract of land - Plat 1792 "Brandon Long On The Hill" B 25 - 120, 123 Tract of Rich. Chenoweth. 1804 "Brands Discovery" B 68 - 156 Tract of land Charles Co Brandt, Gerard B 136 - 419, 420 Witness 1809 1850 Brandt, Hannah Plaintiff B 177 - 711 Q,ueen Anne’s Brandt, John T B 164 - 547 Complainant 1843-4 - 548 Mortgagee 1/16/1841 B 178 - 195 Creditor 1850 Baltimore City 1714 Brandt, Randolph, a minor depositions for his tract ^Reserve." depositions before Gerard Fowke, Thos. Jton & Thos. Dent about " Hammer Smith" & "Reserve." # 3 Chan. P. L.- Folio 97 1779 Brandt, Randolph Witness to deed from Balthrope to Browning. # 13 Chan. - Folio 206 Brandt, William B 114 - 409; B 180 - 236 (1789) B 169 - 523 Lessee B 20 - 10, 16, 17 Lessee. Baltimore City "Brandy" B 132 - 154 (1826) Anne Arundel Brane, Frederick B 116 - 219 Affidavit 182C Baltimore City 1795 Braner, John B 35 - 346-365-369 Creditors acct. & receipt Braner, John B 110 - 405 Witness — Case of Schnertzell vs. Leatherman Frederick 1793 "Branford" B 23 - 704 of Jas. Jones. 1807 *'Branford" Liber 70t f. 106 Queen Anne "Branksome Hall" part - 293 acrec, 3 rds. 30 perches - adjoining village of G-raceham B 142 - 472 Sold by John Stewart to Basil Brooke Oct. 1, 1822, but no deed of conveyance made. - 485 Sold to Edward J. Wilson 1830 in two parts. - 488a Plat Frederick 1817 Brann, Basil B 56 - 628 Witness (Will) 1791 Brannan, Lawrence Soldier 3 50 - 139 Former owner of Lot £1581 containing 50 acres Allegany Brannell, George B 179 - 251 Purchaser of lot on corner of East St. & Carroll’s Alley April 29, 1851 Annapolis Branneman, Ben B 137 - 788 (1815) Baltimore City 1795 Branner, Timothy B 34 -636 Yfitness 1789 Brarmer, Benj. Bond to Jno. Glassford & Co # 16 Chan. - Folio 601 1792 Branner, John B 25 - 592 witness "Brannicks Bay B 137 - 546 (1828) Dorchester 1841 Brannock, Betsy (v/ife of Edmond) Deceased nee Marshall B 157 211 Defendant 1841 Brannock, Edmond (Widower) B 157 - 211 Defendant Dorchester 1847 Branno ck, Jame s Witness B 172 - 667 Caroline 1710 Brannock, John, Agt. Thos. Macnemara # 2 Chan. P. C. Folio 691 "Cham- 1714 Brannock, John, depositions on "Seller" & berley" before John Kirk, Y( alter Campbell & Tobias pollard for heirs of George Seward. # 3 Chan. P. L. -Folio 271 1719 Brannock, John, 60 yrs. deposed to hearing Step- hen Grays deposition on boundarie of "Gaterly", same as deposed by Hudson. # 3 Chan. P. L. - Folio 462 1720 Brannock, John, vs. Philip ledderman. Injunction perpetual agt. Deft. Abated by death of Deft. Struck off. # 3 Chan. P. L. -Folio 497 & 499 - 607 1720 Brannock, John, agt. John Moll. Bill withdravin by Gomplt. with costs to Deft. Com. to Walter Campbell, Henry Tripp, John Hider & Wm. Emails. Decreed by Chancellor Holland,- Gomplt. to pay Defts. costs &Deft dismissed from Bill of Gomplt. Bill of Gomplt. in full by Thos. Larkin & Defts. ans. by Dan'L Du- lany with replication of Gomplt. # 3 Chan. P. L.- Folio 499, 565 & 602 & 597-600 1720 l^innock. John, depositions before John LeCoiapt, Walter Campbell on Cedar Point in Dorchester.

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