!If Youare a Shrewd Buyer-You Are a Careful Reader

!If Youare a Shrewd Buyer-You Are a Careful Reader

THE SAN CALL, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1912, 23 ! IF YOU ARE A SHREWD BUYER-YOU ARE A CAREFUL READER OF CALL WANTS ... ! .??.. ..... I??? -...? " - - . -^ LOST AND FOUND BUSINESS PERSONALS __ FEMALE HELP WANTED BARBERS AND SUPPLIES C'oatlnoed Continued _ n ued Continued ADVICK FREE?No charge unless successful: all ?_? FOUND (,n ami b* ot>- oases, traila *fid f*l*/* con BERNARD, steam bmtiK elertrk* trwt- all business quickly and quietly attend- i BE a I.IVK wlrp nnd rtrro yeur customers with taioed by owner »t SAN FRANCISCO-OAKLAND MISS end ed to; bankruptcy: general practice; opes TOXIC dnrrlru* remedy ha* key system key ment: Van's Me\ien» hair restorer: select pat- fIY-Kl the tkat terminal kah.wavs. ronage only. St.. every evening. 1028 Market St.. room 12. ' ma*le GOOI>. CORDY TItTCHINSON CO., dis route pjeu terminal. Oakland: oct. 10 21." O'Forrell S. F.. office r>. CAM,, (imnt A?Telephone Permanent positions j' Irlbnting aypnts. 120 Turk st. _AjgTfiM All Communication* to THE SAX FRANCISCO ?Cane; 2 pr. gloves; pkg. drees handbag; TO J)ATB maseage W. KING, attorney at lew, bldg.. Mkt. lAA ' Roods: UP h*lh nnd swriore- elec. ,R. for young women and girls. \u25a01 single books; kodak: um- end 7th. 520; nothing CHAIK shop low rent: Telephone i glove. Oet 11?3 vibra. treat. 1012 FHlmore ft., office 17. rm. all caces: low fees: Salaries to (.', day. nrar water front: _X Will Connect brella; pkg. calling cards; pkg. corset: pr. In Hdvunce or for consultation. Ph. Mkt. from $1.10 ncr yours' iriisr; flm, ouMh. trad": cost $I.2*W* *KEAR>Y 86*?A*fc for The Cell. The Operator W2. Estr* pay for evening and night work. You gloves: pkg. gloves; silver card ca»* pnrse; WELLS* MAONKTir TsV SCALP THEAT- to fit: saorin>f\ FOSTKitS. 204 W«M«thapk. With the Department Ton Wtelt sqiiHre; MEKTg. ST.. ROOM 85. HAKIMS A HESS, attorney* at law: W. T. Hes». Ssl.iry of $1.10 per day paid while learning. IOct. 12? Pkg. tooth paste, etc.: steel JOfifi MrSSION Telephone building. and Ipkc. shoes; "pr. gloves; pktr. robber sole shoes notary public Room 70fl He«r«t bnlldlne. Call at Pine Stelner FOR sale, olii-ap--t ihair harbor shop in pro#p*r- BUSINESS OFFICE and and Third Streets and shirt; pkg. shirt: envelope lace: matting fcHKUMATISM treated bf .Tensuese masseur ?t*.. San Francisco. Telephone West 7595. ous town: pii-turf of ibop n f Defkclman Bre*., EDITORIAL ROOMS ..Market lady f!ry hot h»th. 140« Oearv et. Employment office open week days from 8 . Open Until 11 o'clock Every Night in the Year luiichbox; nkg. Japanese English reader: with air r> Address J. W. CAIXAQHAN. Sunnyyale. Til handbag: W. F. & Co. money order. Oct. 18?* a. m. to p. m. EI.ECTBIC face *n<l i"«!p treatment. 1754 hot- ACCOUNTANTS?Certified Pub* Oakland emplovinent of Franklin st. Tie- FOR Ba|e?TM b**t 4 chair barber MAIN, CITY BRANCH Fillmore Street Xear Post Roll rubber; book- umbrella: pkg. shoe*; salt- flee. nerinc f»He» ter to Telephone investigation; .1657 pin. f>Ct. *t.: hntir* 10 10; R. tween 15tli and 17th. Oakland 131. across the lvi.v:will stHiiil risiU case: "Eagles"; extension basket. WHS KI:CKSTF.LL. C. P. A. 3d floor. Clan* Open or 14?Pksr. box of blocks; pkg. pair *hoe«: bag- SpreekVls (Call) bniidrng: phone Kearnv 4151. week days from 8 a. m. to 5 p. in. ! will -ell all half. Baa .VUO. Cull. Oeklan*. OAKLAND OFFICE?9O4 Broadway 77 .Telephone Oakland 1083 gage check: umbrella: pkg. lady's hoy: pfcg. <JO to SEEr.Y for Imrpains: ijnick ««le». imaU picture frame*: single clove; polf stlcke;- pkg. MATRmOWAL l'j«-ath>ns ALAJIEDA OFFICE?I43S Park Street Telephone Alameda 659 j'kjr. Oct. vrofltt; shop* for sale; new fur- papersr Scientific Press: commute. J niture at tlincnunt. HfM H.nyp« nt. 1."?Roll plans: umbrella: card case: pair sloven; LADIES?Here U your or>J»rt!inlty. A young OFFICE?2OII Telephone Berkeley 77 pkg. stamped man, years o)<1. dark hair, dark PATB^t^tTdiiMMYS If jo:i are looking for a good position in any BERKELEY Shattuck Avenue 2 yard* white cloth: pkg. wal«t: 33 brnwn registered WOOD paying »b*n'. Wt»t«rn Addition. 4 chair*, Ptg. overall*; eyes, rosy R feet. 11 tall, ARTHI'R L. SLEE. Datent etty. and particular line, file copies of your references 8 bottles catnip leaves: pka;. eomntexloi. mechanical expert; V. S. and foreign patents with for sale. For particulars, G. A. TROST, 133S CHICAGO OFFICE?9O2 Marquette Bldg.. .C. Geo. Krogness, Advertising AgU cane; pke. lady* garment: pig. wrencn, weight IRS pounds, wishes to rnV,;e t!># The Call's free employment hureau ami Masoo aftrr :; p. n». white «ct|naintanc<? matrimoninliy solicited; inventions perfected; promptness and will you securing employment. st.. \u25a0?tc. Oct. IC?Pk(. H«thma remedy, baby *lioe. of a latfyof means. guaranteed; we assist In vemples; willing aecrtr,aey our roechenlcal and patent Office hourfe 9 a. m. till noon. 4 CHAIR shop, (ioivnrown: r»nt lraup 19te; KJBW YORK OFFICE?92S Brunswick Bldg.. J. C. Wilberding:. Advertising Agt. pkir. gloves: pkc book of wooien Inclined: one who would be to adverse drawings f J7-": child's it for the bwrt office can no be eonaled. rpcpjpts Sl2O Hfwk: l»fst buy in city; ca*h hand satchel: beaded purse: ryeelass; few thousand doliar« oppor- Foxproft hide. Sfi Prwt «t.: »el. Douglns IST. LEARN HAIR DRESSING _ The FAMo'rS %SOO WASHINGTON Bldg...lra Bennett, Correspondent \u25a0Ingle clove; pair gloves. Oct. 17?Spectacle tnnfty in the United Stites to enter a s«f» - \vi!7 handli*. FOSTKK. NEWS BUREAU?Post E. - P. V. PEAVY. SYSTEM. Enroll now. CALIF. cjise: lunch satchel; t>kg. diapers: liack-aw: «m- snd profitable bus'nefs. Address V. N. SAVIN, DEWEY. STRONG CO -Founded 1860: aye.. & t:. ». SCHOOL of HAIR DRESSING. W57 Market et.. KOR *alo Rartwr shop, three ctialrm: two batfe NEW YORK NEWS BUREAU?SI 6Tribune Bldg. .C. C. Carlton, Correspondent -brella. Oct. IS?Photo; 111. Com. Traveler* 1323 Ist Seatttr. Wash. and foreign pa*e"tB : inventors* guide: 100 second floor, near Empress theater. tubs: 3d assn. button; purse: 2 pr. gloves; pk.s.: allver mechanical free. 011-916 Rood location. Address 925 St.. B\u03bc- aged xvovild like i<i make tic movements Crocker raiu<>nto. Cel. butionbook; pk*. osk reneem; pocket memo, MIDDLE la'l.v nr bufldlnir. Son Francisco. LADIES cam 512 weekly coloring postcards t Forelern Office* Where The Cell la> on File Oiiftinlence of niechanic or cnri><Miter steadily and book: roll Forest Hill tract mans: cardcase. plctnres; samples end instructions 20c. Dept. ei«*K barNt Saterdw; LONDON. Eng...3 R*«ent Street. S. W. Oct. 21?Silk handkerchief; jrloves; breast- employed, somo mpnn«: age ,"iO: object rnatri- I. GBIKFIN. eiesaminer p*ter.» WANTED.?.FIrot fer pair J IC. U. >«. office; 25, Roxhury Card Co.. Rojbury. Mass. wiigos $.%..'>(). Call rurly at 2.">02 Trlfßraph »i., PARIS, France... B3 Ruo Cambon pin: Imitation neck furplece: box electric tester; inony. Box 10fi2. CalL \u25a0 \u25a0 IT. S. an«l foreign patents. 704 Pacific hlrtg. BERLIN, Germany. 3 pnrae: jrlove. years age vrrqp- Btrkelry-. .Unter den Linden lunch box: black belt: nicele Oct. many GIRLS 1R of for cashiers nnil enamel pk*. skirt; MATHJMONIAL oajer: man* wwltby: H. C. SCHB«<EDEH. ratent. tre-iesoiark ottorney. pers. Artniv- S2?White pin: black 9 um- marriage*. MBS. BELL. IS'5 Magnolia ay., superintendent's office, THE FOR SAI-E?Four fhalr barber shop In iTcllate, «I"BSCRIPTfOV RATIW?BY CARRIRR DKMVEBY. brella*; lunch Rrtp: pkf. bose. etc.; key; half 417 Flr«t National Bank bulldinir. Ot»klsnrt. RMPORJI'M. at a bargain. Address P. O. B. 181 VMlfjo, La "y and Sunday, 20 Cents Ppt Week, 75 Onto Per Month. $9.00 Per Year suitcase containing lewbook: Oct. 23?t umbrel- Los Ane«le«. Cat. over, COAST NoVELTY CO.. 210S 15TH ST.?TOOLS GIRLS 11 rears ..f ngr for An- Single Copies. 5 Cents las; pair glOTet; book: single glove: pkg. MARBY? Thousand* tjred llvlnr alone; alt age*; DIES AND FTPETUMEVAL WORK. atnc* mirki-r.. alls: commute: pair glove*; roll' music; ahow 2*77 ply superintendent* offloe. THE FMl'('ißn'M. BARBKRS flfc Dm I'ont's mans*, gb*mpn» and jret call or write. MRS. R. HTHR. M'^^"*- MV(I. SI'BSCRIPVtOX UATCS?BY MAIL?TV IXITF.D STATES poster: nnihreila. Oct. 25?S firabrellasr pkE- GET livine results. 1W PONT CO.. 45.T I»<vic!ai.«. HnDinlo paner: fur: msp P.*nrrE« to marry, cafi t*v write MRS. MARRlED?Thoiivarida'tlred nlnne- all _ Inrl'idinjrPostage (Cash With Order) feather ho*: ta" from wfehlne ages. Call or write MRS. HYDE. 2677 Mission. aoap T>ATT,T CALT, Sunday), of V. S.: lunchbox. Oct. 26?Pkg. photo paper; MILLARD. 2200 Slitter st.: details 25c. "CAMFORNIA Olive Brand" shavinß sa»»t fTncluritnic 1 Year S*.OO lunch workman's JFWS , barf the rohhinp. BAt KHR 50 et. nATLT CATT, rTnchidinK Punday), fi Months natehel: 2 vomraut»»; pkg. WIDOW. situated, wonld marry. AD. ROCOT'R, NEAT girt to assist in homework and care of -. 54.00 apron: pkg. iind overcoat; sate'hel »?>. eoirfortahlr reliable furrier: repalrtntf. remod- children nt 2130 nATT.Y CALL (Tnelu<linpr Sunday). 3 Month* $2.00 overalls ehlrt: R.. box League. O. eling; dyelnp at Howard st. MKN. »oib«i). imrn th» hirber. »t(M books; purse; umbrella*; ring .15. Toledo. popular prices, 222 Monadooct r>*Tl,r CALL (Including Sunday).

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