Announcements Business Opportunities I 23S 1260 Classified Business KWWG Barbec;i* and lunch stand located Directory Meten Kilocycle* on main highway in McAllen. Sa- -TH» TOIC« OV THB BORDER" Valley Travel Bureau crifice. Leaving for north. Address WHAT DO Greenwald. General Del. McAllen. 0246 The Brownsville Herald Radio Station | Offers unusually attractive service to both car owners and passengers COME IN Now is the time going any place. Our plan makes serve the Miscellaneous to shop thru the travel cheap. We entire and have been closely allied Col- Valley Classified with Valley growth for the past ten ARTICLES FOR SALE Radio Features A li m n s Bei^PAyJ /■ Today’s of the years. FOR SALE- One 10x12 lent with Address Box 385 or 405 at Ple^auRe To Brownsvile Her- phone detachable 5-foot side wall. One I WEDNESDAY, MAY 27 (Central Standard Tim* 1121 W. Harrison, Harlingen. N179 Snow ald. 12-16 wagon cover. Call at 345 west You I P. M. unless indicated. Programs subject to chance by stations. Now is the time Levee St. after 5pm 0172 Ahouwq / (liv Ths Associated Press) WMT KMOX WNAX KFJF KRLD d J KTSA _i_ CoHfFtfTf 454.3—WEAF KDYLKFPY to real FOR SALE—4-burner Red Star (NBC)—660 8 00—Personalities—Also WADC WHK pick up LOST A FOUND v5 TOCH. 6:00— — stove, good condition. Phone 1193.1 Gen* Austin Also WOC WWJ WKRC WXYZ WSPD WLAC WBRC bargains. Itft*cm To I Phone I WENR WEBC KSD WDSU WISN WOWO WFBM WBBM WILL THE LADY who picked up 0242 6:16—Science Talk — Also KSD and WCCO KMOX KMBC KOIL KFH WANT brown leather -I SeLtCTto*/s coast purse containing'im- KFJF KRLD KTRH KTSA KLZ KDYL FOR SALE: Calcium Arsenate, very 6:30—Alda A La Forge —Also WSAI am) coast portant papers and other articles in 52 C. P Barreda. 0236 21 "WTAM WGY 8:1b— Parisians — Also WADC WHK .a car, a heme, a the Cromack Bldg. Saturday after- cheap. 8:45— Back of the News-KOA WSAI WKRC WXYZ WSPD WOWO WBBM noon bring to the Herald WOO a room, a busi- please SCHOOLS-COLLEGF.S WENR WDAF KSD WOW and WCCO KMOX KMBC KOIL KRLD job, office. No asked. coast 8:30 — Polishers — Also WADC WHK questions ness ... 6:00 —Bobbv Jones—Also WTAM WWJ WKItC WX\Z WSPD WRKC WLAC opportunity WSAI W'lRO KSD WOC W AUTOS FOR SALE SMITH’S OIL RED FLOOR WOW WHAS DSU WISN WOWO WFBM WMAQ liste dbecause .... wsm wmc *van wjdx wfaa WCCO KSCJ W’MT KMOX KMBC Sunshine School SWEEPING COMPOUND WoAl KOA KSL WGY KPRC WTMJ KOIL KFJF CADILLAC 1928 Sedan for sale WRR KTSA WACO KLZ of supervised play. To be opened V.’SMB KTHS KSTP WKBC WDAY KDYL and coast cheap. Body wrecked. Good mechan- KFYR coast in Brownsville soon for children Small ants and and 8:45—Columbia Concerts—Also WADC Snrnmstiflk tifrnli) ical condition. Make fine wrecker roaches cannot stay where It Is used. .6:15—Varieties -- Also WTAM WSAI WHCM WSPD WOOD WRKC WLAC between the ages of 3 and 8 years.' SPECIAL PRI< ES ON LARGE WIBO WWJ KSD \Vi>C WOW WDAK WDSU WISN or truck. C. H. Swallow, Alamo. ORDERS WTAQ WFBM WCCO For particulars write 0206, The WIOD WSM WGY WSB V.'SMB WJDX KSCJ KMOX WNAX KOIL KFJF Texas Phone No 8. 0248 j Herald. 0206 "WFAA WOAI WEBC KOA KSL KTSA WACO KDYL KFl'Y KHJ 100 Lb*.$1.75 WHAS WDAY KFYR KSTP WMC and 9:15 — Pryor’s Band — Only WDOD THE .CITY'S coast WANTS ARE REFLECTED WRKC WLAC WBRC WDSU WISN Phone 233 or address 6:30—Shlikret Orchestra—Also WSAI • WTAQ WOWO WFBM WMAQ WCCO CLYDE SMITH KSD WOW WTAM KOA KVOO KSCJ W’MT KMOX KMBC K LRA Employment MUSIC LESSONS EDINBCRG. TEXAS WOA! WKY V / ;WFAA KPRC KSL WGY WNAX KOTL W'lBW KFJF WRR 50c ’WON WEBC WDAK WOO WWJ KTRH KTSA WACO KLZ KDYL KuH HELP WANTED Any Instrument, KSTP WTMJ WDAY KFYR and coast PAULINE ALBRIGHT — 7:00 Old Counselor — Also WGY 9:33—Will Osborne Orch.—Aim WADC WANTED—Unincumbered English- 1022 St. Charles Phone 1288 KOA KSL WSAI KSD WOC WOW WBC.M WSPD WOOD WRKC WLAC woman as house- 0214 WWJ WSMH KVOO KPRC WOAI WBRC WDSU WISN WTAQ WFBM Spanish speaking WTMJ KSTP ICYW WHAS WSM WCCO KSCJ W MT WNAX KFJF keeper. Write P. O. Box 174, Wes- WMC WSU WTAM and coast KTSA KDYL KFl’Y AUTO LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL laco, Texas. 0196! LOANS — ADVERTISEMENT I 7:30—Olivo —_ Palmer Artists—Alan WGY 10:00—Hotel Orchestra Also n, WADC Refinance Yoor Car if the WON KSD WOC WOW WSM B WTMJ WUi’II WSPI) W’DOD Payments are Too High WRKC Wl.AC Shawnee, 20 BOYS WANTED to sell The Trees Seeds & Plants KSTI* WHAS WSM WMC WDAK WBKC WDSU WISN State National Bank. Witness my hand and seal of the Room 5, Madison Hotel Arcade — WTAQ WFBM aiternoon Harlingen. Texas WSFi WOAI KOA KSL WRAP KPRC WCCO KSCJ WMT KMBC WNAX Brownsville Herald every j has filed in the County the Commissioners’ Court of Cam- WWJ WTAM KVOO and coast. KOIL KFH KFJF KTSA Oklahoma, in Brownsville. Come down and KLZ KLZ SEED—Best sour SOUTH TEXAS FINANCE CORP. — an orange. Extract- *:30—Interviews Also WSAI WOC KDYL Court of Cameron county, ap- eron County. Texas, this 14th day make some vacation spending WEBC WKY KTW KSD ed. cured and fresh. De- W.IAX KSTP 10:30—Ann Leaf—Alan WADC WBCM of administra- oi May, A. D. 1931. 0233 shipped WSM WSMB KTHS WSPD plication for letters money. KPRC WOAI WOOD WREC WLAC WBKC SEAL Soto Nurseries, DeSoto City, Fla. BLUEPRINTING KOA KSL WJIX WDAF WHAS WDSU WISN WTAQ WFBM KSCJ tion upon the estate of the aa:d P WTAM WOW' H D WANTED—Waitress to wait on 0-77 WMC WSB WWJ WMT KMBC WNAX KOIL KFH KFJF J. Hill, deceased, winch will be SEACO WAPI WGY WTMJ WBAP WFAA KTSA KLZ KDYL KFl’Y Clerk Court & Ex-Offlclo tables. Kit Carson s Pie Shop. 1214 Dependable Prompt and heard at the next term ot said County coast. Clerk of the Commissioners’ Washington St. 0243 Phone 353 6:00—Nellie Revell—Also KSD WOC 394.5—WJZ (NBC)—760 court commencing on the lirst WGY WIBO Court, Cameron Texas. Livestock & WIOD — County. 8:00 Amos ’n’ — Also KDKA Monday in June, A. D. 1931, the ALFRED TAMM 6:16—Vincent Andy SALESMEN-AGENTS Poultry Lopez—ADn WOC KSD WLW W’JAX WCKY June. 5-17 to 31 inc.-13t-4D42 I — Brownsville Title WGY W.IAX' same being the first day of Photostating. and WTAM WOW WENR 5:15—Phantom Caravan—Also WREN Blueprinting WWJ WDAF A. D. 1931, at the court house 5:30 — Phil Cook—Alsa WEBC W.IDX Supplies — at Company 10:00—Albin's Orchestra Also WGY W’SMB WMC WO AI KTHS WSii thereof in Brownsville. Texas, WENR WOW HOGS WANTED WHEN KWK KOA KSL WUAP. which time all jiersons interested in Announcements Opposite Court House 10:30—Funk's Orchestra—Also WTAM 20-Year Renewals <• | KDKA W LW W.IAX WKNR W Da i Texas KSD WOW said estate may appear and contest Harlingen, Brownsville KFYK WKY KFAB W’FA A WAN We are nowr in the market for i said application should they desire NOTICE is herebv 348.6—WABC (CBS)—860 WTMJ KSTP WHAS KPRC an I coast given that the Nonforfeitable all the hogs we can buy in the Abstracts of Title 5:45—Robert —Also KDKA to do so. annual of the stockholders 6:00—Morton — Ripley meeting Valley. We pay San Antonio Downey Also WBCM WLW Herein fail not. but have be- Title WDOD WREC W’l.AC WBRC you of Port Isr bel Ac Rio Orande Vail ;y Plus the most liberal policy con- market See us. Floor Tile Tile Insurance WTAQ 6:00—Adventure Moments—WJZ Chain of prices. Mantels WCCO KSCJ WMT KFH KFJF KULD fore said court on said first day be tracts ever devised for the of Season — Railway will held in the offices protec- KTSA KI.Z KDYL KEPT 6:00—Songs Only WGAH the next term writ WLS thereof, this of said in tion of man's earning power and HAUSMAN BROS. PACKING CO. Wall Tile Tile Drain Board* Complete abstracts of title 6:16—Ferdmando's Orchestra — Onlv corporation Brownsville, 6:30—Crusaders — Alva IT CAR with your return thereon showing WBCM W DOD W REC WLAC WBRC KDKA Texas, on the 3rd day of June, A. D. estate. Brownsville, Texas. Estimates Giver Lo all lands in Cameron WCKY HY V KYW WREN KFAB how have executed the same. Cheerfully WDSU WISN WTAQ KSCJ WMT you Write for full details of agents' N-286 7:hP— First Nighter—Al*o KDKA WLS 1931, at 10:00 oclock, a. m —L. B Texas KOIL KFJF KRLD KTSA KLZ KDYL Given under my hand and the contract Wm. Cameron & Co., Inc. County, KFPY WOAR WREN Brady. S< t.retary. 0-4 — seal of said court, at office m 7:30 Pie sure Hour — AI«o KDKA my Harlingen Phone *00 8:30—Evangeline Adame—Mao WADC Floyd Fowler,- Mgr. WREN WI.W KYW Will KWK Brownsvi.le. Texas, this the 5th day AUTOMOTIVE WHK WKRC W AI IT WXYZ — WSPD UMAX WANTED Thoroughbred femalr W W WOAR of May, A D.
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