- -- - - v-- s"- "T ?" rsfjf jFm 07 'WL. JOTl j4 jkAk Cd--w , uk (121 (Artlrft rra Tint- - WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, IHSW. PRICE FlVECEiVTS vruh. XXXV, NO. 120. ASTOKTA, OREGON, KILLED OVER POLITICS. Washington! FIGHTING IS THE PAPERS. TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. HORSE gossip ra FOUR MILES A MINUTE PROPHET Campbell Bluffing: Highest of all in Leavening Power. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. MM A Fatal Quarrel In a San Fran Corbett and cisco Saloon. at Each Other. Coyle at o. Special .1 Jean committed suicide Special to Tick Astoria J to The Astokian Oct. 28. Lawrence WMtney Has San Fbancisco, Oct. 28. Jim Cor- All Sax Fraxcisco, large RaBifl Mail Seryice for flew Tort All tha steam Altera in Chicago an? ou TIib Slonx G&ier BesDonsiblB For .Roach, a republican saloonkeeper and bett has prepared another letter for Or., t strike. a politician, was shot and instantly Senatorial Aspirations. Dave Campbell of Portland, in the TronUe. killed by John J. Allen, a which he offers the latter to fight for Ani PUtoieljliia. Baking General ltobertf, a war vtterun. ied democrat. Roach and seven persons the entire gate receipts if he will meet at Rrooklyn, N. Y. registered from one room in the rear him at any time in any place. V discovery saloon cited to DISASTEES ON" rich quartz is HE MADE A VISIL'TO UEAVEff- - of his and bad been OLETELAtfD StfTJBS HABRISOH. PortiiANd, Oct. 28. In reply to THE OOEAH". near Cbilcat, Alank 1. appear before tbo election commis- Jim Corbett's challenge to Dave sioners. Allen was the principal wit- Juu Corbelt and Davo Carspbell :ire Campbell to fight for the entire gate Powder ness against them. Ho showed that the fol- fighting on paper. receipts, Campbell hasissued Suicide of a Young Man Who Was ag.iin Thero Are no Fears of an Uprising there was only one bed for eight per- The Does 2Tot Pollow lowing above his signature: "Seeing Out of Luck Another Mining A lively election was held iu Switzer- sons lo occupy. that Jim Corbett, the would-b- e cham- But Thero is Great Trouble feelings Ouatoms Eumora Political and land; blood was spilled. This created bard and pion, is anxious to gain back the Discovery in ABSOLUTELY PURE 9 lvoacb Allen, Alaska. The Union Pacific and its Chicago at the Agency. about o'clock attacked Otherwise Hotes- - laurels he lost to me last winter, I will who is crippled, with a knife. Allen 1W connections nre still ct outs. meet him in any club that will put up tried to run away after being cut purse finish fight if Corbett Special by the United Pkes3. CARDS. the British a for a aiiNKSS Fears for the safety of urThoU.MTknPaKSs.l twice in the bead, but when be found will come to my weight, 165 pounds. C. P. Upshur, Srocial Special by The Uxited Puess 1 New York, Oct. 28. Arrange- bark Embleton are entertained. his pursuer gaining on him ho turned hope this will satisfy this statue BisirARCK, N. D., Oct. 2S. "Kicking aud shot him. Washington, Oct. 28. It is no I ments are being made for the laying - Merchant com- fighter." N.1'- Shipping and Commission J. Y. DornBifer, of Kansas City, Horse," the great Sioux prophet, longer a secret that of a double pneumatic line between CIVIL ENG1NEKK. mitted suicide at San Francisco. to responsible most ol .XX OLD SOLDIER f.ONC. seat BLOOD WAS SUED. New Main St. Wharf. Astoria, Oregon. seems lo for Whitney is looking for a in the York and Philadelphia. Between County Surveyor of Clatsop County, Woideman'a brewery nt Nowiwrt, Ky., tbo trouble at the Standing llock United States senate and tbat bo these two cities and all intermediate SPECIALTIES : destroyed by fire; loss $100,000. ticntii of General Roberts in Liivcly Times an Election was agency. He claims to lmvo veiled aspires to succeed the venerable Mr. at in points it is expected that letters, news- Office lloom No. ?, Kinney's Brick, Aste rirooltlyii N. Y. Switzerland. : Taooma is overrun with toughs and to I ria, Oregon. heaven and returned to earth ell S,.ccl.il to Ti:k AsTOniAX.1 Evarls, whose term will expire on the SDeclal to The AstorianI. papers and small packages will be Cannery Supplies burglaries are of nightly occurrence. tbo Indians what good things arc iu New York, Oct 28. General Kob-erl- s third of next March. Bebne, Oct. 28. A dispatch from whirled at a rate of four mile3 a min- F. IIA3IILTON, Tom Mcluerny in rn D. McLeod defeated store for thein. died in Brooklyn lato last night Mr. Whitney has his eye on the Frebourg states that the result of the ute. San Francisco. pro- ATTORNEY' AT LAW, a wrestling match at Major McLaughlin ordered him- - off Ho was 72 years old and enlisted as a elections there on Sunday was Salmon Net Twines. S. presidency as bis ultimate destiny, ductive of much feeling. The radi- Barbour's Dewey Underwood, a noted wiug shot, confined several private in the U. army moro than ill A SS11P ASHOBE. Astoria, - Oregon. the reservation and, half a century ago. He served iu the but he is not yet ready to movo and cals accused the conservatives of falsi- Salmon Twine. was killed by a train in Kansas City. Office, three doors cast Court House, NEPTUNE Brand other tronblesorae spirits in the guard Indian and Mexican wars and iu the wilt allow Cleveland and Hill to figbt fying tho ballot. Charges and coun- In Collision Off the Hera.. girl, was boon rank to-da- Third street WOODBERRY Cotton Lines andTwlnes Annie Young, a bouse as tbo ludians have NEth Eegiment, New York Volun- out next time and use the senator-shi- p ter charges were made and the much Damage Dene. night hideous. it asphyxiated by gas in San Francisco. ing day and teers. Ho was a warm personal friend as a stepping stone. trouble culminated in a serious con- Special to Thr Astorian.1 ''Kicking Horse' is cunning enough McGlcllan. flict. reports Lug-rane'sta- te J. CURTIS, SEINES and NETTING The BbipSf. Mary iB ashore near Stan- of Lincoln. Grant aud A gentleman who is in tbo confi- Tho radical from San Francisco, Oct. 28. Advices C. xvitb prophetic utterances. He telh appointed post-inaster- pr that fighting occurred to- Bbo off the Horn. General Bobertawas dence of Mr. Whitney arrived here Stanley re- Atteraej-at-LaT- Xotarj Public. ley; was in collision Lin-co- from dated October 21st, them tbev must not kill the whi:c, as bi y day between the troops and disaffected Of all Description Furnished at Brooklyn by President from New York and said that port tho ship St. Mary ashore on Au- "Washington Factory Prices. The atriko of telegraph operators in the great spirit would take care ol and served 'in that position for Colonel Lamont is managing tho liberals and some blood was shed. Commissioner of Deeds for will gust 16th and she will be a total Territory. Office In Flavors new brick St. Paul does not nffect San Francisco. them. He declares the lirao toon two years. Whitney campaign with the greatest ' building. Cor. Secoud and Cass streets. when Indians will ocenpy wreck. The captain is dead. fire'insurance was seriously injured by come the ability, and that as sure as the dem- Still at Outs. Robert Starr tbo cnrlh to the exclusion o tha "'cuglis in Tacoiim. Special to Tnc Arrangements had been made with Effected in First Class Companies, San 'Francisco. ocrats got a majority in the legisla- Astoria. two schooners to save cargo a door falling on nIm in whites. rf irrial to Tub AsToniAN. Chicago, Oct. 28. So as the for OKX U. SMITH. ture this wintor, bo will be elected. far learned 40 per cent, of the value recovered, as A pneumatic tube lino is to bo estab- were spring instead of the fall Tacoma, Oct. 28. This city is y J Representing 813,000,000 If it Colonel Lamont, as everybody nothing has been done toward the vessel was lying exposed New Philadel- there would b3 danger of an uprising, crowded with a very tough element, in an ATTORNEY AT LAW. lished between York and knows, is a skillful politician and has settling the differences between tho position and salvage difficult PIHEKIX......................... Hartford, Conn but it is not believed one will now and not a night passes without a bur- Union Pacific and its Chicago connec- is HOME...... .New York, phia. a very thorough acquaintance with The ship bad collision with Office on Cass street, 2 doors back ol Odd occur. "Sitting Bull" is doing all he glary or an attempted one. The police tions. Tho outlook is still for the been in Fellows Building, Astoria, Oregon. W. S. Wharton, a cbattle mortgage New York democrats, particularly a painted port ship when offtheHorn. can to foment the disturbauce. are arresting suspicious characters and thoser in the country districts. Mr. severance of relations between them Agency Pacific Express and Wells. Fargo A Co. broker, has skipped from Chicago with ordering many to leave the city. She was run into with some violence Whitney has furnished him with all on the first of November. bow- O,. A. BOWJuBX, $50,000. An Affed Counterfeiter. and tho colliding vessel lost her ,- o- -, tho money he needs to carry on tho J. -0 E by J. Special to Thk Astouiax.J sprit and jibboom, beside other dam- TH Lawronoo Roach was killed John campaign and the democratic mem- age 28.
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