SURNAME FORENAME JOJOBB TITLE ORGANISATION COURSES/GROUPS Abbott SSuuee Senior HR Consultant, Equality & Diversity Newcastle - 2001/02 Matrix Acton-Davis Poppy PPuuppiill Central Newcastle High School, Newcastle Upon Tyne Your Turn Tyne Spring 2004 Your Turn Programme Adam Rachel Head of Development The Sage Gateshead, Gateshead Tyne 2003-2004 Matrix Adams Thomas PPuuppiill Gosforth High School, Newcastle Upon Tyne Your Turn Tyne Autumn 2002/03 Your Turn Programme Adcock BBrriiaann Director Robson Brown Advertising, Newcastle Upon Tyne Newcastle - 2002/03 Matrix Addison Veronica Community Development Worker Home Housing Association, Tyne Regional Office Newcastle - 1998/99 Matrix Procter & Gamble Ltd, Newcastle Tyne 2003-2004 Addison MMiikkee Section Head, Research & Development Upon Tyne Matrix North East Consortium for Asylum & Refugee Support, Ahmad Nadeem Regional Manager Newcastle uuppoonn TTyynnee Newcastle - 1992/93 Matrix Ahmed SSaaaadd PPuuppiill Your Turn Newcastle- 2001 Your Turn Programme Airey MMiikkee Relationship Director Barclays PLC, Newcastle upon Tyne - PO Box 378 Co Durham - 1994/95 Focus Aisbitt Kevin Investment Manager, Asia Pacific One NorthEast, Newcastle upon Tyne Tyne Spring 2003 Matrix Aitchison TToonnyy Director of Regional Strategy East Midlands Regional Assembly, Melton Mowbray Newcastle - 1994/95 Matrix Aitken David Newcastle - 1993/94 Matrix Alden Alison Newcastle - 2001/02 Matrix Allason-Jones Lindsay Director of Archaeological Museums University of Newcastle, 6 Kensington Terrace Newcastle - 2000/01 Matrix Allchurch Christopher Hull - 1995/96 Matrix Allen CChhrriiss Co Durham - 1998/99 Focus Allen Catherine PPuuppiill Gosforth High School, Newcastle Upon Tyne Your Turn Tyne Spring 2004 Your Turn Programme Anderson Deborah Head of Development Tyne & Wear Museums, Newcastle Upon Tyne Newcastle - 1999/00 Matrix Anderson Richard Assistant Director - Personal Lending Northern Rock plc, Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle - 2002/03 Matrix Anderton MMaarryy Newcastle - 1998/99 Matrix Andrews TToomm Communications Manager Northumberland Wildlife Trust, Newcastle Upon Tyne Tyne 2003-2004 Matrix Angier Philip Angier Griffin -, Alnwick Newcastle - 1991/92 Matrix Appleby KKaattee PPuuppiill Central Newcastle High School, Newcastle Upon Tyne Your Turn Tyne Spring 2004 Your Turn Programme Appleton TToonnyy Newcastle - 1996/97 Matrix Archer Janet Director Dance City, Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle - 1993/94 Matrix Armstrong SSuuee Newcastle - 1999/00 Matrix Atkinson Geoff Mortgage Underwriter Newcastle - 1995/96 Matrix Atkinson Patsy Newcastle - 1995/96 Matrix Atwell Kathryn PPuuppiill Emmanuel College, Gateshead Your Turn Tyne Spring 2004 Your Turn Programme Azocar-Santos Enrique AArrttiisstt Tyne-Spring 2002 Matrix Badger RRuutthh Newcastle - 1995/96 Matrix Baharini Declan Wansbeck Initiative Manager Wansbeck Initiative -, Bedlington Newcastle - 2002/03 Matrix Bailey TTiimm Principal XXssiittee Architecture, Newcastle Newcastle - 1996/97 Matrix Bainbridge Peter Newcastle - 1993/94 Matrix Bairstow Andy Comercial Director Nexus, Newcastle Upon TTyynnee Newcastle - 2000/01 Matrix Baker JJiillll Director, DDSSTT aanndd PLUS Ecotec -, London Newcastle - 2000/01 Matrix Tyne-Spring 2002 Baker Clare Communication Services aanndd Training Director RNID, London Matrix Baker Sophie Gosforth HHiigghh School, Newcastle Upon TTyynnee YYoouurr TTuurrnn Newcastle - 11999988 YYoouurr TTuurrnn Programme BBaallaa Sumati Equal Opportunities Consultant 22BB Consultants LLttdd,, Unknown Newcastle - 2002/03 Matrix Bamford Simon PPuuppiill Dame Allan's School, Newcastle Upon TTyynnee YYoouurr TTuurrnn TTyynnee Spring 22000044 YYoouurr TTuurrnn Programme Banks Norman VViiccaarr TThhee Vicarage, Norfolk Newcastle - 1989/90 Matrix The Open University, Newcastle Matrix Newcastle - Banton Mandy Student Services Manager (Residential Schools) Upon Tyne 2001/02 Banwell IIaann CCiittyy ooff Sunderland - 1993/94 Matrix Barker MMaarryy Newcastle - 1994/95 Matrix Barker NNeeiill Director Mackellar Architecture Limited, Newcastle uuppoonn TTyynnee Newcastle - 1989/90 Matrix Barker Marina Corporate Communications Manager Procter && Gamble UUKK,, Newcastle uuppoonn TTyynnee Tyne-Spring 22000022 Matrix Barker Christine Commercial Manager Marks && Spencer, Newcastle uuppoonn TTyynnee TTyynnee 2003-2004 Matrix Barker Karina Director ooff Finance Connexions, Sunderland TTyynnee 2003-2004 Matrix Barnes AAlleexx PPuuppiill Ryton Comprehensive School, Ryton YYoouurr TTuurrnn TTyynnee Autumn 2002/03 YYoouurr TTuurrnn Programme Barron DDoott Deputy Headteacher Kenton BBaarr Primary School, Newcastle Upon TTyynnee Newcastle - 1994/95 Matrix Barton LLiiaamm PPuuppiill Ryton Comprehensive School, Ryton YYoouurr TTuurrnn TTyynnee Spring 22000044 YYoouurr TTuurrnn Programme Bateman Jenny PPuuppiill AAllll Saints College, Newcastle Upon TTyynnee YYoouurr TTuurrnn TTyynnee Autumn 22000033 YYoouurr TTuurrnn Programme Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council, Redcar - Bates Maurice Director ooff Social Services Kirkleatham Street Seafield House Newcastle - 1992/93 Matrix Batey MMaarrkk TTVV Assistant Producer BBBBCC,, Newcastle uuppoonn TTyynnee Newcastle - 1998/99 Matrix Batey JJooeeyy PPuuppiill SStt Cuthbert's HHiigghh School, Newcastle Upon TTyynnee YYoouurr TTuurrnn TTyynnee Autumn 2002/03 YYoouurr TTuurrnn Programme Bathgate IIaaiinn Assistant CChhiieeff FFiirree Officer TTyynnee && Wear FFiirree && Rescue Service, Hebburn CCiittyy ooff Sunderland - 1996/97 Matrix Baudouin Claire PPuuppiill Central Newcastle HHiigghh School, Newcastle Upon Tyne Yoouurr TTuurrnn TTyynnee Spring 22000044 YYoouurr TTuurrnn Programme Baveystock Zelda Keeper ooff Contemporary Collecting TThhee Discovery Museum, Newcastle Upon TTyynnee Newcastle - 2001/02 Matrix Bayes Debbie PPuuppiill Churchill Community College, Wallsend YYoouurr TTuurrnn TTyynnee Autumn 2003 Your TTuurrnn Programme Beadle Liam Royal Grammar School, Newcastle Upon Tyne Your Turn Newcastle - 1998 Your Turn Programme Beaton Helen Head of Finance & Corporate Services Learning + Skills Council, Cramlington Newcastle - 2002/03 Matrix Bedford Trevor Newcastle - 1994/95 Matrix Bedi Jaya Pupil Central Newcastle High School, Newcastle Upon Tyne Your Turn Tyne Spring 2004 Your Turn Programme Live Theatre, North East Theatre Trust, NEWCASTLE Beirne Jim Executive Director UPON TYNE Newcastle - 2001/02 Matrix Bell Graham Director North of England Civic Trust, Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle - 1989/90 Matrix Bell Tiffany Pupil Walker Technology College, Newcastle upon Tyne Your Turn Newcastle - 1999 Your Turn Programme Bell Mike Co-Founder and Director KINNE, Newcastle upon Tyne Tyne-Spring 2002 Matrix Bell Kerrie Head of CJU South Crown Prosecution Service, Washington Tyne-Spring 2002 Matrix Bell Ged Councillor Newcastle City Council, Civic Centre Newcastle - 2002/03 Matrix Besford David Newcastle - 1996/97 Matrix Bevis Chris Pupil Walbottle Campus, Newcastle Upon Tyne Your Turn Newcastle - 1999 Your Turn Programme Bhalla Sabrina Pupil Gosforth High School, Newcastle Upon Tyne Your Turn Newcastle- 2001 Your Turn Programme Bhopal Rajinder Newcastle - 1993/94 Matrix Binks Paul IT Support Manager British Airways, Newcastle Upon Tyne Newcastle - 2002/03 Matrix Bird Frances Newcastle - 1995/96 Matrix Blackburn Jane Chief Executive Joined Up North, Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle - 1997/98 Matrix North East Museums, Libraries and Archives Council, Blackwell Ian Head of Access & Learning Newcastle Upon Tyne Tyne 2003-2004 Matrix Blair Jean City of Sunderland - 1992/93 Matrix Blennerhassett Sue Newcastle - 1996/97 Matrix Blight Martin Pupil All Saints College, Newcastle Upon Tyne Your Turn Tyne Autumn 2003 Your Turn Programme Blythe Carol Diversity & Equality Manager One NorthEast, Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle - 2002/03 Matrix Boer Sarah Pupil Benfield School, Newcastle Upon Tyne Your Turn Tyne Autumn 2003 Your Turn Programme Bolam Philip Pupil All Saints College, Newcastle Upon Tyne Your Turn Tyne Autumn 2002/03 Your Turn Programme Bottomley Richard Office Senior Partner KPMG LLP, Newcastle Upon Tyne Bradford - 1990/91 Matrix Bourke Diane Tyne 2003-2004 Matrix Bowden Peter Director DTZ Debenham Tie Leung, Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle - 1996/97 Matrix Bradford John Pupil Hookergate School, Rowlands Gill Your Turn Tyne Spring 2004 Your Turn Programme Brady Jessica Pupil Walker Technology College, Newcastle upon Tyne Your Turn Newcastle- 2001 Your Turn Programme Braiden Lesley Director of Student Recruitment University of Newcastle, 6 Kensington Tce Newcastle - 1998/99 Matrix Newcastle upon Tyne Church High School, Newcastle Breakey Annabel Pupil Upon Tyne Your Turn Tyne Autumn 2002/03 Your Turn Programme Fire Services Youth Training Association, Newcastle Breeden Geoff National Officer upon Tyne Newcastle - 1995/96 Matrix Middlesbrough Borough Council, Middlesbrough - Town Brider Michael Head of Communications Hall Newcastle - 1989/90 Matrix Briggs Nik Pupil Gosforth High School, Newcastle Upon Tyne Your Turn Newcastle- 2001 Your Turn Programme University of Northumbria at Newcastle, Newcastle - Briggs Pamela Dean Ellison Place Tyne Profile Nov 2004 Broderick Richard Artist Newcastle - 2000/01 Matrix Bromley Heather Financial Controller Northern Information Systems, Newcastle Upon Tyne Co Durham - 1996/97 Focus Brooks Madalyn Organisational Excellence Manager Procter & Gamble UK, Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle - 1995/96 Matrix Brown Jim Head of Sports Output Talksport Radio, London Newcastle - 1994/95 Matrix Newcastle Chronicle & Journal
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