~ THE AMERICAN JANUARY/FEBRUARY 1979$2.00 i DANDGUNNE ~~ u OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF THE OUTSTANDING AMERICAN HANDGUNNER AWARDS FOUNDATION N SPECIAL! HANDGUNNER PROfILE E R A NEW llfE•••A NEW lOOK JEffCOOPER: SHOOTING "El PRESIDENTE" NEWEST IN HANDGUN TEST STOCKS HOGU~ . REPORTS: NAMS,'MWAADU Tt~T STOCKS HOGU 'S ' REPORTS: MONO-GRIP • A.256 DANWESSON • ASTRA CONSTABLE INTRODUCINGI IIII I 11111" ~,J, __NEWCOLUMN FORlit At Bianchi, we handmold the For further information on our leather around a replica of your complete line of gunleather and handgun. Form fitting assures a law enforcement products, see perfect gun-to-leather fit. It's one your authorized dealer or send of the important extras you get $1.00 for our 1978 catalog.Write when you buy Bianchi gunleather. Bianchi Catalog Offer, 100 Calle Although today we make holsters Cortez, Dept. AH-l, Temecula. and belts in thousands of models California 92390. for police, military and sportsmen alike, we still craft our leather products the old western way- as if your life depended on it. That means rugged durability. The look of aualitv. And nerfect fit! .Join PMAtoImproveYour ShootingS kills Americcis onlyorganizationdedicated solelyto police weapons training i \ andcompetitiveshooting. STEP-BY-STEP HELP FROM THE PROS If you want to learn the "secrets" of champions and the techniques of expert fire arms instructors . .. like Royce Weddle, Frank May , A llen Arrington , Tony Borgese and many more . .. you are invited to join the Police Mark sman Assoc iatio n. PMA's membership ro ll is growing rapidly because we police shooters are special-a different type of shoo ter fro m civilian co mpetitive shooters. For us, Training and Competit ion go hand-in-hand. Created exc lusively for Law Enfor cement Personnel and Officers, PMA is Am eric a's first organization dedicated to improving an officer's skills both as a training supplement and for competition . There are a lot of po lice gro ups around but none designed just for shoo ting and weapons training. Each of our memb er benefits are aimed at serving you and helping you become a better marksman . PMA members are already exchanging ideas and techniques that will provide you with supplemental skills and knowledge you need to enhance your chances of survival in perform ance of duty. Join our thousands of satisfied members who agree that PMA is the EXTRA EDGE for winning - on the job and in matches. If you want to learn mor e, gain confidence, and ability to react, we'll be proud to have you join us. Here's why you should sign up today! The POLICE MARKSMAN Magazine- Available only to PMA M embers! You'll receive the only magazine written by police officers and be communicating, exchanging ideas , and learning from top training experts for police shoo ters. Every issue of POLICE shooters and training officers across the country in_every page of MARKSMAN is filled with info-about combat shoo ting, bull's-eye POLICE MARKSMAN. 'h~g'P()Ltt:ttmhRSX\A~toA\~g~zine :A~ailabie ro~iy't~npMA M;~~~~l You'll receive the only magazin e written by police officers and be communicating, exchanging idea s, and learning from top training experts for police shoo ters. Every issue of POLICE shooters and training officers across the country in_every page of MARKSMAN is fill ed with info-about combat shooting, bull 's-eye POLICE MARKSMAN. shooting, and training techniques you can put into action im­ Try shooting after reading just one issue of POLICE MARKS­ mediately. MAN . This exciting, fact-filled magazine will give you all the ex­ The champion s and the training experts combine their tra-edge you need for job security and tra ining . And for competitive talents . .. give away their "secrets" in professional " how-to" ar ­ shooting, it will become as vital to reac hing a 1400 score as ticles that guar antee to improve your shoo ting skills. You 'll learn speed loaders are! Complete your application card today and mail it " How to Care for Equipment" ... " Ho w to Perfect Your along with your dues so you can start enjoying all PMA ben efits . Stance" . .. " T he Effects of L ight o n Sight Align­ Your cost to join is only about the cost of three boxes of target ment" .. ." Ways to Improve Your Aim and Your Draw". You'll amm o! There's even more . .I -----------------------------------------, Plus Get These Full-Fledged Member Benefits! POLICE MARKSMAN ASSOCIATION -_____________________ 217 South Court Street ~: Montgomery, Alabama 36104 You can Join PMA either as a Full-Fledged Member or an Associate Member. In add ition to getting Police Marksman Magazine, as a Full­ o Yes! Enroll me as a member of PMA as indicated below. If I am not Fledged Member you enjoy these extra benefits: completely satisfied. I will notify you and you will refund my dues. NOTE : Full-F ledged PMA membership available only to recognized o Full-Fledged Member: I yr.-$15-Eligible for all PMA Benefits Law Enforcement Personne l and Officers. (open only for recognized law enforcement personncl.) ~~ Associate Member: I yr.-510 (THE POLICE MARKSMAN • PMA QUARTERLYNEWSLETTER Magazine only) Open to interested shooters. • PMA MEMBERSHIP CARD- You will receive an official personal Check one r . Dues enclosed: . Bill me membership card identifying you as a Full-Fledged Member. Charge my: MC# Exp. date ------ • SPECIAL MEMBER BUYING SERVICE- To assist you in finding difficult to locate equipment and to provide you with discount member BAC# Exp. date _ buying privileges. Bank on which account is drawn • ELIGIBLE FOR PMAAWARDS- You become eligible for PMA'na­ tional recognition awards: The joerg-Sloan Trophy. The Police Marks­ NAME _ man Awards and Postal Matches. • PMA DECAL- You will be sent a handsome designed Police Marks­ Title/Positioll man Association Decal for your car or shooting box. Street Associate members receive POLICE MARK SMAN Magazine and City _ __ _ -'- State Zip _ Newsletters only. AH-I January/February, 1979 Vol. 4 No. 1-14 GEORGE E. VON ROSEN Publisher FEATURES NEW MONGOGRIPS BY HOGUE, James D. Mason . 16 " K" SIGHTING THE WORKHORSE COLT, Joseph H. Gerard 20 " EL PRESIDEN TE,"Jeff Cooper . 22 THE ASTRA CONSTABLE ... THE PPK LOOK-ALIKE, Clair Rees 26 THE .256 COMES BAC K IN A REVOLVER, Fred Massey . 28 DENVER ASSAULT COURSE , Ray Ordorica . 32 THE XP-100 IN THE BEGINNING, Mike Thill , , ,. 34 This month 's cover shot is A SELECTION OF CUSTOM PISTOLS, Staff . , ., .. 36 gunsm ith Ron Power 's beau ­ RON POWER : PUSH , PULL, BLAM!, Mason Willimans " ... .. 38 tiful convers ion of the XP-100, A GALLERY OF XP-100 CUSTOMS, Staff . 42 Photo by Dave Friend. JO HN TOW LE'S T-N-T, Massad Ayoob . 44 CUSTOM XP-100 STOCKMAKERS, Staff , . 48 SThFF DEPARTMENTS JEROME RAKU SAN Editorial Director INDUSTRY INSIDER, Massad Ayoob . 6 TROUBLESHOOTING YOUR HANDGUN , J. B. Wood 7 MIKE THILL SILUETAS, Phillip C Brigg s . 10 Managing Editor 13 £11-SClMili~1-Jl~i ~ ~~~ 1 0 ' J t::H U IVtt:: H I-II'U " f -\l\j Editorial Director INDUSTRY INSIDER , Massad Ayoob . 6 TROUBLESHOOTING YOUR HANDGUN , J. B. Wood . 7 MIKE THILL SILUETAS, Phillip C Briggs . 10 Managing Editor CUSTOM SHOP, J K. Osgood . 13 AMMO SCENE, Evan P Marshal l 14 KEVIN E STEELE WHAT'S NEW 31 Associate Editor HANDGUN HUNTING , Geo rge Bred sten 52 COMBAT CO URSE, Evan PMarshall , . 54 SYDNEY BARKER PISTOL SMITHING,J B. Wood . 56 Art Director HANDGUN LEATHER, JD Jones 58 HAND LOADI NG, Dan Cotterm an . 62 FERNAND O M. MARTINEZ SIGHT SETTING S, Lucy Cham bl iss 66 Graph ic Design NICK POLCINO Adv ertising Director SUBSCRIPTION OFFICE; Marilyn Bramson. 591 Camino de la Reina, Suite 200. San Diego, CA 92108 (714) 297-8523 T A. VON ROSEN EDITORIAL OFFICE: J. Rakusan, 59 1 Camino de la Reina, Suite 200 , San Diego, CA 92108 (714) 297-5352 Production Directo r NATIONAL ADV. OFFICES: 591 Camino de la Reina, Suite 200, San Diego , CA 92108 (714) 297-8520 WEST COAST ADV. REPS.: Media Sales Assoc iates, P.O. Box 66906 , Los Angeles , CA 90066 (213) 822-5566 GLENNA EIDENMILLER EAST COAST ADV. REPS.: Buchmayr Associa tes, 19 Birch Rd., Darien , Conn ., 06820 (203) 655- 1639 Advertising Production THE AMERICAN HANDGUNNER is published bi-monthly by Publishers' Develo pment Corp., 591 Camino de la Reina, San Diego , CA 92108 . Second class postage paid at San Diego, CA 92108 and at add itional mailing offices . SUBSCRIPTIONS: One year (6 issues) $9.95. Single monthly co pies $2.00. CHANGE OF ADDRESSES: Four weeks RICHARD AYER notice requ ired on all changes . Send Old add ress as well as new. CONTRIBUTORS submitting manusc ripts, Advert ising Representative photographs or drawings do so at their own risk. Material canno t be returned unless accom panied by sufficient postage. PAYMENT will be made at rates current at time of publ ication and will cove r reproduction in any or all AMERICAN HANDGUNNER Magazine edition s. ADVERTISING RATES furnished on request. Reproduction or use ot TERRY WILLIAMS any portion of this magazine in any manner, without written permission, is prohibited . All rights reserved.Tille to this publication passes to subscriber only on delivery to his address. Circu lation Director LIGHT LOADTM Most Effective Handgun Shooting Aid Ever Designed! There are doze ns of thoughts and theories on how to improve one 's accuracy, but the common denominator among them all is - practice. To become a better shooter yo u must shoot ... it's that simpl e, or rath er, that expensive. Why, with the high cost of ammunition, a few hours on the range can set a man back $100 or more and becoming a top notch marksman means a substantial investment - or did , that is, unti l now.
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