CERNMay/June 2020 cerncourier.com COURIERReporting on international high-energy physics WLCOMEE CERN Courier – digital edition Welcome to the digital edition of the May/June 2020 issue of CERN Courier. This month’s issue looks at the latest progress in niobium-tin (Nb3Sn) accelerator SUPER magnets for high-energy exploration. Discovered to be a superconductor more than half a century ago, and already in widespread commercial use in MRI CONDUCTOR scanners and employed on a giant scale in the under-construction ITER fusion THE RISE OF experiment, it is only recently that high-performance accelerator magnets made NIOBIUM-TIN from Nb3Sn have been mastered. The first use of Nb3Sn conductor in accelerator magnets will be the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC), for which the first Nb3Sn dipole and quadrupole magnets have recently been tested successfully at CERN and in the US. As our cover feature describes, the demonstration of Nb3Sn in the HL-LHC also serves as a springboard to future hadron colliders, enabling physicists to reach significantly higher energies than are possible with present-generation niobium-titanium accelerator magnets. To this end, CERN and the US labs are achieving impressive results in driving up the performance of Nb3Sn conductor in various demonstrator magnets. Sticking with accelerators, this issue also lays out the possible paths towards a high-energy muon collider – long considered a dream machine for precision and discovery, but devilishly difficult in its details. We also describe the rapid progress being made at synchrotron X-ray sources, arguably the most significant application of accelerator science in recent decades, towards understanding the molecular structure of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The importance of accelerators for neutron science is a theme of the Viewpoint article, and, in addition to the Courier’s regular coverage of the news, conferences and reviews, this issue includes reports on how high-energy physicists are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. To sign up to the new-issue alert, please visit: http://comms.iop.org/k/iop/cerncourier To subscribe to the magazine, please visit: https://cerncourier.com/p/about-cern-courier EDITOR: MATTHEW CHALMERS, CERN DIGITAL EDITION CREATED BY IOP PUBLISHING The path to a muon collider Fine structure in antihydrogen Reacting to COVID-19 CCMayJun20_Cover_v7.indd 1 24/04/2020 10:25 CERNCOURIER WWW. V OLUME 6 0 N UMBER 3 M AY /J U N E 2 0 2 0 CAEN Electronic Instrumentation CERNCOURIER.COM IN THIS ISSUE V OLUME 60 N UMBER 3 M AY /J UNE 2 02 0 FERS-5200 Front-End Readout System A distributed and easy-scalable platform for the readout of large detector arrays X Wu/POLAR CERN-PHOTO-202004-054-3 Av VerdensAv Gang/NTB Scanpix High-energy ventilator The particle physicists bringing POL A R-2 What gamma-ray polarisation Rolf Widerøe Kurt Hübner reviews a new • Compact Front-End cards (FERS units) tailored for the readout of detector expertise to the fight against coronavirus.8 can tell us about astrophysics. 12 biography of a giant of accelerator physics. 53 different detectors (SiPM, MA-PMTs, Gas Tubes, Si detectors, …) • FERS Unit as a standalone readout system or the basic brick of your NEWS PEOPLE experiment ANALYSIS ENERGY FRONTIERS FIELD NOTES CAREERS OBITUARIES • One Concentrator Board to readout up to 8.192 channels HL-LHC quadrupoles Additional Higgs bosons Circular colliders eye Opening doors Alvin Tollestrup • Multiple , thru one or more Concentrators, are easily tested • Special report elude ATLAS • First Higgs self-coupling with a particle- 1924–2020 • Marcello FERS on COVID-19 Strategy sight of top-quark mass Quark Matter in Cresti 1928–2020 Synchronized by Optical Link • • physics PhD update postponed running • ALICE extends Wuhan • Cosmologists Transferable skills • Tatiana Fabergé • Spectroscopy, Counting and Timing acquisition modes • ALPHA on antihydrogen quenching studies meet quantum theorists make particle-physics 1930–2020 • Robert • Flavour anomalies • New SMOG on the • German–Armenian PhDs highly sought Klapisch 1932–2020. 63 • 64-channel FERS unit for the readout of SiPM AVAILABLE NOW persist • POLAR-2. 7 horizon. 17 internship. 23 after by industry. 55 From small Systems to Large experiments! FEATURES N V Mokhov BIOPHYSICS MAGNETS ACCELERATORS Synchrotrons on the Taming the Sketching out a coronavirus frontline superconductors muon collider The impressive progress of tomorrow Muon colliders are being made by Accelerator magnets receiving renewed D Owen/Diamond Light Source Light Owen/Diamond D synchrotron X-ray for the HL-LHC are attention as a means to facilities to solve also a springboard to precision at the energy the structure of future fundamental frontier. 41 www.caen.it SARS-CoV-2. 29 exploration. 34 Small details… Great differences OPINION DEPARTMENTS Scalable Concentrator with Multiple FERS System Synchronized by Optical Link VIEWPOINT REVIEWS FROM THE EDITOR 5 Bridging Europe’s A unique exercise in NEWS DIGEST 15 M Brice/CERN M neutron gap scientific diplomacy APPOINTMENTS 57 The recent closure of • ITER: The Giant Fusion & AWARDS reactors means making Reactor Obsessed by • RECRUITMENT 58 the most of existing a Dream: The Physicist On the cover: Composite facilities, says Helmut Rolf Widerøe. 51 Cu/Nb3Sn multi-filamentary BACKGROUND 66 Schober. 49 strands (1 mm diameter) for DT5202 DT5215 A5202 ASICs WEEROC new accelerator magnets. 34 Desktop 64 Channel CITIROC Concentrator Board for FERS-5200 64 Channel CITIROC unit programmable analog and unit for FERS-5200 for FERS-5200 mixed front-end CERN COURIER MAY/JUNE 2020 3 MAY 2020_DEF.indd 1 17/04/20 18:54 CCMayJun20_Contents_v4.indd 3 24/04/2020 16:54 CERNCOURIER WWW. V OLUME 6 0 N UMBER 3 M AY /J U N E 2 0 2 0 CERNCOURIER.COM FROM THE EDITOR Accelerating science – and medicine S Hertzog/CERNS wo dipole magnets, currently hooked up to test rigs in CERN’s SM18 facility, are soon to make history. Sched- T uled to be lowered into the LHC tunnel later this year as part of the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC), they will be the first operational accelerator magnets made from the super- conducting compound niobium-tin (Nb3Sn). The 5.5 m-long magnets will be positioned at Point 7, where they will make Matthew space to allow t he installat ion of a collimator to mop up off- Chalmers trajectory particles. Without this assembly, the higher beam Editor intensities at the HL-LHC potentially could cause quenches in the downstream dispersion-suppressor regions of the machine. Next in line for testing are the powerful Nb3Sn quadrupole Milestones Nb3Sn dipole magnets being tested at CERN. magnets that will sit on either side of CMS and ATLAS to reduce the proton beams to even smaller sizes than at present. The achieved 16.4 T in the centre of a short “enhanced racetrack task is split between CERN, which is building eight 7.2 m-long model coil”. In June 2019, a short “cos-theta” dipole magnet quadrupoles, and Fermilab, Brookhaven and Berkeley in the US, reached a bore field of 14.1 T a t 4.5 K at Fermilab. These and the which opted to build eight pairs of 4.2 m versions. Following recent HL-LHC milestones bode well for the future of the field. initial tests of the 11 T dipole magnets at CERN last year, the first HL-LHC quadrupole magnet has recently been tested suc- COVID-19 c e ss f u l ly at Bro ok h ave n, sust a i n i ng a fie ld g r ad ie nt of a rou nd In terms of scientific output, synchrotron X-ray sources are 130 T/m and reaching a peak-field of 11.4 T at the conductor (p7). arguably the most significant application of accelerator sci- As this month’s cover feature explains (p34), the demonstra- ence in recent decades, serving thousands of users across a tion of Nb3Sn magnet technology for the HL-LHC is also a step- v ast r a nge of topics – i n pa r t ic ula r molec ula r biolog y. In one ping stone to future hadron colliders. The LHC’s cutting-edge of several reports in this issue relating to COVID-19, a team niobium-titanium accelerator magnets enabled physicists to at the UK’s Diamond Light Source is rapidly uncovering the reach the collision energies needed to discover the Higgs boson, structure of the SARS-CoV-2 virus; studies that would have b ut t o e x pl or e n a t u r e a t s i g n i fic a nt l y h i g h e r e n e r g i e s a m a t e rial t a k e n s e v e r a l y e a r s w it h c o n v e nt io n a l l a b -b a s e d X-r a y s o u r c e s t h a t c a n pr o v i d e h i g h e r fie l d s i s r e q u i r e d. Nb 3Sn is so far the only can now be done in a matter of days (p29). Accelerators are also conductor that experts are confident is capable of sustaining v it a l for s u s t a i n i n g E u r o p e’s n e ut r o n-s c i e n c e pr o g r a m m e – a s The Nb3Sn such fields (up to 16 T) – the baseline field of the dipoles for the argued in this month’s Viewpoint (p49).
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