PSI Energ y Oil & Gas Reference List Control and Energy Management Systems PSIE n e r g y O i l & G a s R e f e r e n c e L i s t Control and Energy Management Systems Page 2 of 46 © PSI AG; 09.2014 - GO Oil Gas References EN 05 2014 PSIE n e r g y O i l & G a s R e f e r e n c e L i s t Control and Energy Management Systems Reference List DONG Energy A/S Hörsholm, Denmark 2013-2014 The DONG gas dispatching solution system which handles the business processes for short-tern trading was realised by implementing the standard applications PSItransact, PSIcomcentre and PSIgasaf. DONG will manage its operational activities using the PSI AG Gas Dispatching Solution and it will be seamlessly integrated into the existing environment. GASCADE Gastransport GmbH Kassel 2012-2014 Migration of the existing control system PSIgamos to PSIcontrol. The GASCADE trans- mission system was realised by implementing a Gas Management System consisting of the control system PSIcontrol, online simulation PSIganesi, model based calorific value calculation PSIreko and transport planning with PSItransport. Société du Pipeline Sud-Européen (SPSE) Paris 2012-2013 Leak detection and location system (LDS) for monitoring the German section of the SPSE oil pipeline from Oberhoffen to Karlsruhe . Coupled to the existing 3rd party SCADA system via OPC and IEC. Austrian Gas Grid Management AG (AGGM) Vienna 2012 The existing Gas Grid Managagement System, based on the PSI solution PSItransport, was expanded to meet the requirements of gas regulation 4 of the Austrian market.. © PSI AG; 09.2014 - GO Oil Gas References EN 05 2014 Page 3 of 46 PSIE n e r g y O i l & G a s R e f e r e n c e L i s t Control and Energy Management Systems OAO Gazprom Moscow 2012 Technological dispatching system for Gazprom’s 19 underground gas storage (UGS) facil- ities throughout Russia. Two-level system with functionality for decision-making, storages supervising, balancing and reporting. Deutsche Transalpine Oelleitung GmbH (TAL) München 2011-2013 Upgrade to new process control system PSIcontrol. The system includes integrated higher operating and security functions in PSIpipelines such as online simulation, batch tracking, leak detection and load change collectivisation. Kuwait Oil Company Burgan, Kuwait 2011-2013 Extension of the existing Pipeline Leak Detection and Location System (PSIpipelines) for the countrywide gas and condensate pipelines of KOC with the new booster station BS171. Saudi Aramco Khursaniyah, Saudi Arabia 2011-2012 Delivery of a Pipeline Leak Detection and Location System (PSIpipelines) for the Saudi Aramco Karan Gas Field Project with 4 offshore flow lines and a 38” offshore trunk line 85 km in length from the gas field to the onshore gas plant. E.ON IT GmbH Essen 2011-2012 The implemented storage management system (SMS) for E.ON Gas Storage (EGS) is responsible for operative contract handling and monitoring of storage operations using PSItransstore. Page 4 of 46 © PSI AG; 09.2014 - GO Oil Gas References EN 05 2014 PSIE n e r g y O i l & G a s R e f e r e n c e L i s t Control and Energy Management Systems Mineralölverbundleitung GmbH (MVL) Schwedt 2011-2012 Migration to new process control system PSIcontrol. The system includes integrated higher operating functions such as leak detection and location, tank farm management and load change collectivisation. Netzgesellschaft Berlin Brandenburg mbH & Co. KG (NBB) Berlin 2011-2012 Upgrade to new control system PSIcontrol. The system includes an integrated topo- logical data model for gas network simulation. Open Grid Europe GmbH Essen 2011-2012 Implementation of the transport management system PSItransport for a fully automat- ic system for nomination management. The solution is comprised of PSI components as well as portal solutions for internal and external user interfaces and message pro- cessing. Coordination is carried out using a workflow management tool. Dow/BSL Böhlen Honeywell AG, Offenbach 2011-2012 Migration of the leak detection and location system to PSIpipelines for the product and gas pipeline system of DOW Central Germany in Böhlen. The implemented soft- ware was certified according to SIL 1 by TÜV. KGE Kommunale Gasspeichergesellschaft Gronau 2011-2012 The implemented storage management system (SMS) for Kommunale Gasspeicherge- sellschaft (KGE) is responsible for operative contract handling and monitoring of stor- age operations using PSItransstore. © PSI AG; 09.2014 - GO Oil Gas References EN 05 2014 Page 5 of 46 PSIE n e r g y O i l & G a s R e f e r e n c e L i s t Control and Energy Management Systems OAO Gazprom Sakhalin 2011 Delivery of 5 hierarchically integrated control systems based on PSIcontrol for the oper- ational dispatching of the gas pipeline „Sahalin-Vladivostok-Khabarovsk“ and for all compressor station levels, overall dispatching center and regional dispatching center. Total Infrastructures Gaz France (TIGF) Pau Cedex 2010-2013 Migration from PSIgamos to new process control system PSIcontrol. The TIGF transmission system was realised by implementing a Gas Management System con- sisting of PSIcontrol. OMV Schwechat, Austria 2010-2012 New leak detection and location system PSIpipelines for OMV’s Product Pipeline West from the Schwechat refinery to the St. Valentin tank farm. Kuwait Oil Company Burgan, Kuwait 2010-2012 Extension of the existing Pipeline Leak Detection and Location System (PSIpipelines) for the countrywide gas and condensate pipelines of KOC with the new booster station BS160. Thyssengas GmbH Dortmund 2010-2012 Delivery of an online simulation system PSIganesi for an integrated solution with PSIcontrol.. Page 6 of 46 © PSI AG; 09.2014 - GO Oil Gas References EN 05 2014 PSIE n e r g y O i l & G a s R e f e r e n c e L i s t Control and Energy Management Systems Bayer Material Science Co., Ltd. Shanghai (China) 2010-2012 Load Management System: Cost optimisation of raw material flows for the production plant using PSIcontrol. RWE Service GmbH Dortmund 2010-2012 Implementation of an emergency control system (GAS) in Arnsberg based on PSIcon- trol, PSItransport and PSIcomcentre. Transneft Ltd. Samara 2010-2012 Dynamic online and offline simulation system for the 3900 km Drushba crude oil pipeline. E.ON Hanse AG Hamburg 2010-2011 Migration to new control system PSIcontrol. System includes integrated gas transport management system PSItransport and gas business communication system PSIcomcentre. VNG AG Leipzig 2010-2011 Delivery and commissioning of a storage monitoring system using PSIcontrol. Coupling to 3rd party system carried out via TASE.2, XML and OPC. Kuwait Oil Company Burgan, Kuwait 2010-2011 Extension of the existing Pipeline Leak Detection and Location System (PSIpipelines) for the countrywide gas and condensate pipelines of KOC with a new 40” gas pipeline more than 100 km in length. © PSI AG; 09.2014 - GO Oil Gas References EN 05 2014 Page 7 of 46 PSIE n e r g y O i l & G a s R e f e r e n c e L i s t Control and Energy Management Systems OAO Gazprom Bovanenkovo 2010 Delivery of all hierarchically integrated control systems based on PSIcontrol for the op- erational dispatching of the gas pipeline „Bovanenkovo-Uchta-Torshok“ and for all compressor station levels, overall dispatching center and regional dispatching center. terranets bw GmbH Stuttgart 2009-2012 Migration of the existing control system PSIgamos to PSIcontrol. The terranets trans- mission system was realised by implementing a Gas Management System comprising of PSIcontrol as well as components for online simulation PSIganesi, forecasting PSI- forecast and dispatching.. Gasunie Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG Hannover 2009-2012 New network control system PSIcontrol for optimising and monitoring the network. System includes integrated gas transport management system PSItransport and gas network simulation system PSIganesi. Erdgas Münster GmbH Münster 2009-2011 Migration to new control system PSIcontrol. The system includes integrated applica- tions PSIforecast, gas grid simulation PSIganesi as well programming interface PSIapi for reading basic data and for reading and modifying historical data. RWE Service GmbH Dortmund 2009-2010 Delivery of network control system PSIcontrol for the “Central control system Gas” Page 8 of 46 © PSI AG; 09.2014 - GO Oil Gas References EN 05 2014 PSIE n e r g y O i l & G a s R e f e r e n c e L i s t Control and Energy Management Systems Adria-Wien Pipeline GmbH Wien 2009-2010 New control system for AWP’s crude oil pipeline with higher functionalities tankfarm management, online simulation, batch and pig tracking and training. Transneft Ltd Kalinovy Kljutsch 2008-2009 Leak detection and location system for a crude oil pipeline. RWE Westfahlen Weser Ems Netzservice GmbH Dortmund 2008-2009 Turnkey delivery of gas tracking system PSIganproda with type approval by German certification authority and operational support. N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie Amsterdam 2008-2009 PSI, in close cooperation with Gasunie, analysed the old IT environment used for rep- resenting “Meter-to-Bill business processes and created a detailed specification based on a modern and flexible solution concept using PSI standard products. E.ON Ruhrgas Essen 2008 The project included the integration of E.ON D-Gas, where the business processes are based in The Haag, in the DAISY trading system. The technical focus of the integra- tion project was the appropriate differentiation of the various user groups in regards to their external business communication. © PSI AG; 09.2014 - GO Oil Gas References EN 05 2014 Page 9 of 46 PSIE n e r g y O i l & G a s R e f e r e n c e L i s t Control and Energy Management Systems E.ON RuhrgasG Essen 2008 PSI customised the components PSItransport, PSIcomcentre and PSItransact for E.ON Gastransport to meet the new requirements of the Energy Industry Act.
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