THE MICHIGAN REVIEW THE JOURNAL OF CAMPUS AF FAIRS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 03.08.07 VOLUME XXV, ISSUE 8 Features INSIDE THE Professor and former Provost Paul Courant “SECRET SOCIETY” discusses economics A look inside Michigamua, the Order of Angell - and the progressive opposition of the University BY NICK CHEOLAS, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF But the society lives on, despite lawsuits, tion of the Michigan Union, Michigamua was documentaries, break-ins, expulsions, criticism granted a permanent lease in the Union tower P. 12 O SERVE MICHIGAN. and protests. And just as the society continues, in 1932. The organization remained in the tow- TThe aim of the senior society is simple. For so does the controversy. er until 2000. 105 years, the organization formerly known as All this in an organization that has, its Among its membership – which includes A look at the much- Michigamua – and now known as the Order of members contend, but one goal: to serve former President Gerald Ford and former maligned senior Angell – has fought to serve the University of Michigan. )RRWEDOO&RDFKDQG$WKOHWLF'LUHFWRUÀHOGLQJ society, the Order of Michigan above all else. Yost – the group also lists civil rights leader But the simplicity of their mission stands HISTORY and former Assistant Attorney General Roger Angell in sharp contrast to the controversy sparked by Founded in 1902 by a group of University Wilkins, a member of the Pride of 1953. the senior society. seniors in conjunction with University Presi- “Michigamua was integrated in the 1940s, P. 3 The group exists, its members say, to serve dent James Angell, early members adopted the up to two decades before many parts of cam- Michigan above all else. But critics contend Native American-sounding name and symbol- pus,” said Yahkind. that the society’s racially insensitive past and ism with the intent to honor Native culture, Controversy began in the 1970s, as the Na- News secretive nature make the group unacceptable said Andrew Yahkind, Spokesman for the Or- tive American community objected to Mich- RQFDPSXV(YHQDVWKH2UGHURI $QJHOOÀOOHG der of Angell. igamua’s performance of Native American Economists down- its ranks with progressive student leaders, pro- But the decision to adopt such symbolism rituals and ceremonies in public. As a result, gressive student groups have been hesitant to has made the group a target for progressive Michigamua agreed to conduct all ceremonies play the impact of embrace the organization. student groups. in private. 3À]HU·VGHSDUWXUH The result, played out so often in the pages “Obviously, today, we see [the use of Na- As the controversy grew, the group be- of the local media, has been progressive orga- tive symbolism] in a different context,” Yah- came more secretive, and in 1989, Michigamua nizations turning on Michigamua, other cam- kind said. members signed an agreement with the Native P. 6 pus groups, and even on themselves. After playing a major role in the construc- American Student Association. That agreement took note of “Michigamua’s long standing in- $UL]RQD6WDWH tention of honoring Native American culture Resident Advisor Months after Prop 2, Race through ceremonies, references and represen- tations,” and declared that such intentions were suspended after “offensive to Native Americans.” FULWLFL]LQJGLYHUVLW\ Remains on Applications The agreement also stated that Mich- training programs igamua would eliminate “all references to Na- BY ADAM PASCARELLA, ‘10 formation provided to them, Cunningham re- tive American culture and pseudo-culture and SOLHG´2XUDGPLVVLRQVRIÀFHUVDUHSURIHVVLRQ- extension and parodies thereof, with the one P. 8 ATHER THAN REMOVE race and gen- als who are trained in the law. They are ethical exception being the name, Michigamua.” Rder information from the application for people who don’t go around breaking the law. Following the agreement, Yahkind said it admission, the University has chosen to pro- It’s their job to follow the rules.” was his understanding representatives of the YLGHDGPLVVLRQVRIÀFHUVZLWKPRGLÀHGLQVWUXF- She also indicated that the public should Native American community were given tours Opinion tions to ignore this information. examine the U-M admissions website if they RI WKH0LFKLJDPXDRIÀFHLQDQGWR :KLOH 8QLYHUVLW\ RIÀFLDOV VRXJKW ZD\V would like more information on the admis- ensure that the group was in compliance with “Unity” overrated to keep the public informed about how they sions process. the 1989 agreement. and V-Day would sustain diversity on campus, there was Roger Clegg, the President and General The relative calm lasted until 2000, when a delay in mentioning that race and gender Counsel for the Center for Equal Opportu- members of the Students of Color Coalition misguided would remain on the 2007 application. Unlike nity, presented a less optimistic view. “Frankly, WRRN RYHU 0LFKLJDPXD·V RIÀFH LQ WKH 8QLRQ the University of California system, which re- I’m more concerned that U-M will continue Tower. The occupation lasted 37 days. Editorials, P. 4 moved the racial question from the application to discriminate in favor of under-represented “It was a break in,” said Yahkind, “and it IRUPVUHYLHZHGE\DGPLVVLRQVRIÀFHUVDIWHUWKH minorities.” wasn’t treated like a break in. [Then Univer- passage of Proposition 209 in 1996, U-M has The training provided to admissions of- sity President] Lee Bollinger refused to send decided to keep race and gender on the appli- ÀFHU KDV FKDQJHG LQ RUGHU WR FRSH ZLWK WKH DPS.” The spectacle of FDWLRQVWKDWDUHVHHQE\DGPLVVLRQVRIÀFH7KH stated measures in Proposal 2. During the occupation, SCC members DGPLVVLRQVRIÀFHKDVLQVWUXFWHGWKHLUFRXQVHO- ´$OO RI WKH DGPLVVLRQV RIÀFHUV UHFHLYHG claimed to have found items indicating that death and the return ors to simply dismiss this information. two hours of training on the new guidelines, Michigamua had violated the 1989 agreement. of SDS The Review contacted the admissions of- going over all the areas and emphasizing that Following the break in, Michigamua de- ÀFHDQGZDVGLUHFWHGE\WKHLURIÀFHWR0HGLD race and gender can not be used in admission cided to leave the Union tower. The group has Columns P. 5 5HODWLRQVDQGVSRNHZLWKWKHRIÀFHRI 0HGLD decisions,” Cunningham said. faced a barrage of criticism ever since. 5HODWLRQVRQVHYHUDORFFDVLRQV,QWKHÀUVWLQ- When asked if written guidelines for ad- The saga continued up through last month, terview, with University spokeswoman Kelly missions existed, the Review was referred to ZKHQ WKH VHQLRU VRFLHW\ RIÀFLDOO\ FKDQJHG LWV &XQQLQJKDPD8QLYHUVLW\RIÀFLDOZKRFRXOG the U-M admissions website. While the admis- name to the Order of Angell, in honor of Arts & not be quoted, monitored the conversation. sions applications ratings do not include race Michigamua founder and University President 7KHRIÀFLDOLQWHUMHFWHGLQWR&XQQLQJKDP·VDQ- or gender, there was no instruction of how to James Angell. But the criticism didn’t die with Culture swers and took notes on the conversation. The treat data on race or gender. the old name. RIÀFLDOVWDWHGWKDWWKH5HYLHZ·VLQTXLU\ZDVLQ Cunningham didn’t know why the Uni- Recently, allegations have surfaced that the Website challenges poor faith, and inquired as to why our publica- versity did not adopt a system similar to UC organization used the name without the con- youths to lose their tion chose to examine the issue so closely. This Berkeley. Under the Berkeley system, an inde- sent of James Angell’s family. Others allege RIÀFLDOWKHQLQIRUPHGWKH5HYLHZWKDWLWZRXOG SHQGHQWJURXSÀUVWWDNHVUDFHLQWRDFFRXQWIRU that while the group has disposed of a name religion be “impossible to speak directly to the admis- statistical purposes and then blacks out race offensive to Native Americans, they have ad- VLRQVRIÀFHµ DQGJHQGHUIRUWKHLUDGPLVVLRQVRIÀFHUV opted a name that is offensive to Asian Ameri- P. 10 The University has defended that it can When asked about the newly released ad- cans. The issue stems from James Angell’s role continue to both keep race on the application missions numbers, Clegg expressed caution. as minister to China and subsequent immigra- and follow the law. “It certainly makes sense for the people of tion agreements with that nation. A closer look at “There’s nothing in Proposal 2 that says Michigan to keep a close eye on U-M which suicide on college we have to take race or gender off of our ap- has made no secret of its opposition to MCRI NATIVE OPPOSITION plication. The law states that the University and its proclivity for racial discrimination. We Despite the at times campus-wide contro- campuses cannot use race or gender in admissions deci- need to ensure that it is admitting the best sions,” explained Cunningham. TXDOLÀHGVWXGHQWVUHJDUGOHVVRI VNLQFRORU RU See “Order of Angell” P. 11 :KHQDVNHGKRZDGPLVVLRQVRIÀFHUVZLOO national origin,” Clegg said. MR Page avoid accounting for the race and gender in- MR WWW.MICHIGANREVIEW.COM First two copies free, additional copies $3 each. Stealing is illegal and a sin. (Exodus 20:15) P. 2 Page Two 01.24.07 THE MICHIGAN REVIEW www.michiganreview.com page two. Editorial Board: the michigan review Nick Cheolas Editor-in-Chief ʄ7KH2EDPD)DPLO\4XRWHVRIWKH0RQWK Michael O’Brien Executive Editor “The reality is that as a black man, Barack could be shot just going to the gas station...” Adam Paul Managing Editor -Michelle Obama Amanda Nichols Content Editor (Really, Mrs. Obama? Does Barack go to gas stations in Chicago? Is he driving himself around the city at 3 a.m.?) Brian Biglin Assistant Managing Editor Business Staff: “If I’m outside your building trying to catch a cab, they’re Karen Boore Publisher not saying, ‘Oh, there’s a mixed race guy.” Danny Harris -Barack Obama Jonny Slemrod Associate Publishers (Of course they’re not. They’re saying “Why the hell is a presidential candidate trying to to catch a cab?” Staff Writers: Hopefully the Obamas can get their stories straight by Election Day: Does Barack risk getting shot going to gas stations, or does he takes cabs? Either way – in case you didn’t know – Barack Obama is black.) Michael Balkin, Steven Bengal, David Brait, Erin Buchko, Kelly Cavanaugh, Jenni Chelenyak, Rebecca Christy, Tom ʄ/HWWHUVWRWKH(GLWRU Church, Jane Coaston, Marie Cour, To the Editor: To the Editor: else made.
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