REC'O'J35 AUG % N o ç N1LE PUBLIC LiBRARY NILES 66O YARTON BILER IL 6Y714 Èditiofl ;_4_ (RJW9663900 VOL 39, NO.23 flIURSDYNOVEMBER301995 so CENTS PER COPY - Parkway Bank, Pontarelli --Car crashes,three police departm... ents usedto-apprehend thief - condos getgreen light byKathIeenQujrfrId Wild police chase endsin Voting unanimously, the would generate increased traffic Nues Village Board has finally congestion on their streets which laidtorestthecontroversy couldcreate unsafeconditions for -- - surrounding Parkway Bank and the areasmany children. - thief's arrest in Nues -ilssoon to be nwghhors, by Of particular concern to the By Rosemary Tirio approving the rezonrng petition residents was the exit peoposed to Niles andMorton Drove police About thetimeMulvaney to Greenwood and then proceed- permittingthe bank lo begin be developed by the hank onto joined Glenviewpolice in a highreached East Lake Avenue,aed soath ou Greenwood- to constrnction. Dobsen Street. - speed chase around 1 p.m. Nov.Glenview detective picked upon Shermer Road and Carol Avenue Parkway Blank hasbeen The Nibs Village Boaed heard 27 that endcd al Shermer Roadthe dispatch andjoined the chase. iuNites. attempl'mgto purchasethe- the mower atits -October 24 and Carol Avenue inNiles. Mulvaneycontinued-alhigh Around 1:30 p.m., the two of- property at 7601 N. Milwaukee meeting, bot tabled their vole The incident bogan in the park- speed fenders exited their moving veN- - Avenar(currently,the Nues until a Public Hearing could be leg lot of the Oleobrook Market Traveling at speeds betweencte al Shermer and Carol and a VillageHall) and establish a -conducted. Place shopping center at Willow65 mph and 70 mph, Mulvoneyfootchaseenssed. - bankingfacilitywithdrive- Such a meeting was held ex and Pfingsten Roads in DIets-took offdowu East Lake Avenue Continued on Page 43 through windows and ATM's October - 30. Surveys were view. A man identified by Gleu since early October when it first -presentedfromhomeowners view Police as Scott P. Malva- presented its plans to the Niles detailing the amountoftraffic the ney, 26, of Waukegan, opened Skokie man sentenced Building and Zoning property was likely to generate. the door of a car of a Olenview in absentia for sex assault Commission. After much discussion and womanandgrabbed herpurse. -- Residents of Jonquil Terrace dialogue with James Callero, The woman strugglrd with ths A Skokle man who lied the area several months before he aird 1Syeat- Dobson Street had Chairman - of the Plan offender. "She ended up with the was convicted In absentIa for sexually assaulting an complainedbitterly at - that Commission and Zoning Board, purse straps, hegot- the purse," oid woman was sentenced to 28 years in prIson Thursday by mtetitsg that such afactttty Continued on Page 43 said Deputy ChiefPalrick Carey Judga Maries Orr. said Cook County State's Attorney Jack. ofthe Oleuviewpolice. - OMailey. - Mulvaney, the paese in hand, MichaelSchiff,50, 4019 Emerson, . was - convicted 01 Ni1EitesI!fl&IFi1y RPAinlO pMercqry siatiop wagon, aggravated criminal semmi assaUit on.Octobor13 SE95attera where Robert S. CalcIta, 31, also Jurytrisi. Hefiedthesrea in Aprii 1505. - of Waukegae, was tittieg. Mut- of the Month - The familyof Walterafid intheNites aeea,plus a dedication vaney drove the rar out ef the Assistant State's Atiomeys Mery Morete and Ca!hyCsowlay -Adeline Blake has been named os lo traditional American Family parking lot south on Pfingsten said that on Jan. 17, 1595 the victIm went to Schiff'. house to Family ofthe Month by thcNorthValons. The Blake's have been Road with the victim in hot par- inierviewfora iiee.ln nanny position. Schlffmetthewoman ata AnterieanMartyrsCannctlofthemembers oftheKnights ofsuit. Keeping the offender in restaurant. teliing her he needed someone to take care of hte sight, the rictim notified Glen- Knightu of Columbus. Walt and - Columbus for almost 20 years - children. However. Schiff's chIldren did not ive with him, butin view police on heraarphone. Po- Adrline, who live in Riles, were andhaveworked on many, israel. When the victim arrived at Schiff's house, he began also selected by the Supreme activiliesovertheseyears tine immediatelybroadcasted a :taiking suggeattveiy and showing her iewd programs on his Knightsof withthe radia dispatch of the incident, Councilofthe includingactivities Careysaid. càmputer,betoreàecuatlyassauitlng her, - Columbus as oneofSøfumilies to MentallyHandicapped,-parish receive - this honor acrOss theorganizations, local committees - and othrrcivic activities. - coùntryeecently. Hero honored for meritórióus-effort - Some of the criteria for being The Knightsof Columbus emisedfamily ofthrmonth by theFamily of the Month program - Knights of Columbus includes Continued on Page 43 - being active in Church Acltvilies and Community Service.Nues Choir & Participation in local activities, a contribution to the quality of lifeSymphony Baker Frank Concert Somének buried The Nitos Concert Choir & Symphony will perform ils auna- Wednesday al Christmas concefl of carols. Prank Somenek, 59, owner of Also fealared on theprogram will the popular Scmenck Pastries ix be Dvorak's To Deom, Thc con- Riles, died Sunday of a reported cerI will be hold en Sundoy, Dec. bracI attack in his Norlhbrook 3, at Univorsity ofSl. Mary of the Lake Chaprl, Nt. 176 (jnsl east of homo. Somrnek Pastries opened in Rl. 45) inMandolniu. lIwill br re- Niles in 1973. A second location pealed twice the followtng Sun- was opened in BuffaloOrove In day, Dec. 10, 3 p.m. al Loyola Uriversity's Della Strada Chapel, 1985. Mr. Somenek moved to the 6525 N. Sheridan Rd., Chicago, and 7:30 p.m., at St. Teclas Far- Chicago-area from Hungaryin - 1956. Afterworkiog at Chicago's ish, 6725 W. Devon, Chicago. The 75-voice choras, Symphony - famous Lutz Continental PusSy orchestra, undsoloisl Sarah Beat- - Shopheuprnedbis own bakery. - ty will be conducted by Roy. Surviviorn include wife suns GaI), Deums, StanleyRudcki. Julivann; The concert is free to the pub- brother Peter Solomon (center) lushownabove with Mayor Nicholas 8. Blase (tufi) and FireChiotHarry Tommy and Edward; a lic. A free will donation is 50g- andflvegrandchildren. - Kinowski (right). Mayor Blase prusunted Solomon with a meritorious service award forhisheroic heldWed- gesled. Fur more information on -Serviceswere the perfuemances or future con- efforts on the morning ofAugust3l, when he suóoessMlyrescueda residentat The Breakers from a nesday at Our Lady of the Bruok - - : - -- cents, call (708) 392-4995. - fire-------- -Worship Centerin Northbroak. THE BUGLE,THURSDAY, NOVEMBER Sf1. 1995 PAGI3 PAGE 2 TflBuGLrHuMsDAy. NOVE BER 3O 1995 THE VV n. DOUBLE LARGEST MANUFACTURERS VARIETY OF COUPONS UF TO PET FOOD PPLI $1.00 TOTAL ¿-ívswILL AND SUPPLIES ..- REFUND MEETORBEAT "r te LOW \ ANY LOCAL - RETAILERS ADVERTISED PRICE Photo's 90f eli!CUIhINIlO With Santa /z___ Pet Life 4 This Weekend 7BULK PLAIN thru Dec.17th DOG BISCUITS \w1j 11 a.m.2 p.m II $5.00 Donation / Required, 2 LPSU 88 MASTER Est. 1904 VISA W SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE DISCOVER Inc. CARDS Heating & Air Conditioning, ACC RETE D Purinä SAVE 88 Frce Sfty (vkèS MOITON GROVE DOG CHOW .Northeast Corner of Harlem & Dempster . Multi Aproperly performed furnace inspection and adjustment can assure - (708)581-1144 safe, reliable operation, reduce your heating bills, and DES PLAINES - CAT UTTER reduce your chances of a major repair. .SAVING YOU MONEY! - .Lee Street. North of Aiqonquin (708) 298-4450 7B8 Inspect Heat Exchangers Check Limit Safety 20 LB. BAG Assures furnace shuts down in event of excessive HARLEM & HIGG!NS 25 LB. BAG I - 00 Detècts potential source of carbon monOxide leakage South of Hiqqins on Harlem temperatures uu SAVE1O D Adjust Burners (312) 594-1717 SAVE 88 Increases efficiency, lowers your heating bills n Check Motor Amperage Foresee potential motor failure due to high amperage STORE HOURS: Monday - Saturday: 9 - 9Sunday: 9 - 6 D Clean and Adjust Pilot Assembly Check Belts III : :Rèilác' &aiiléd bèltil táéIèntfàihirè añddòWntime D Vacuum and Çlean HeatEçchaiigers D Adjust Belt Tensioñ II . P- ..--- Clean surface allows efficient heat transfer Assùre proper air flow throughout the house - E Vacuum and Ciean Burners E Check Filters - Allows for complete, even burning across heat exchanger Clean filters reduce indoor pollution and increase PERFECTO- ; efficiency - NEW ITEM n Check Gas Valve Operation io GALLON I n Check Bearings and Lubricate Assures full valve closing during off cycle of the furnace VIVITAR THROW PURINA-- TANK with HOOD I Prevents costly breakdown ; $OFT SPOT . AWAY FLASH and PENN PLAX -' : 1 Check Pilot Safety E Additional Parta For Safe, Reliable and EconomicaL . CAT FOOD Verities that thegas valve will close in the event WINTER BED STARTER KIT -: Furnace Operation . CAMERA of a pilot outage. An extracharge is required for additional parts. i I A -with 27 EXP. E Check Fan Control Only upon your approval will we proceed. You are Assures proper length of the furnace running cycle not obilgated in any way to purchase parts. : - 1 "'i., . "! I r -v-T _u I The total cost for this thorough inspection is regularly $95.00. SAVE $8.00 Check Out Our Completei $23.00 12 -OZ.PKG. I Medium $15.00 - Aquarium Sets. 'I $6&95* Umit 2 SAVE lOil J I ThePrre=Seas*n Spcill rce s4 I Large$1&0O-$28.00 e I This price includes up to hour labor. I I I t 'e 21' Spot I This is a limited offer. Repairs additional if necessary. Offer good il am. to 5 p.m. Monday thruFriday. All service calls are COD. I Smoked or Natural' All Season L/M 3000 will be an additional charge for boilers, commercial applications and Saturday appointments. 1 RED DELUXE LThere cow WILD CAT ectro Ce.ire CEDAR- :- I :- Hot HeaterI HOOVES BIRD SEED STOCKING ICLEAI3a9 CttECt($20.00I I CLEAN & CICt($2l$l I I SAFETYChECK $19.ì I I When erdered end cerepieted with Ihn Fernnen I i When ordered endonrepieted w,th the F creeenI I When ordered end eenwleted with tho Fe,neoeI . 6 Count Cieen R Chnck. Fed edditleoni if n000000r y.
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