l-'" of nc/:\!IOIOO _.. _­ ... u"' "'"'" ... _ -'-- Impacts of Technology on U.S. Cropland w, in'... ' .....7 and Rangeland Productivity August 1982 NTIS order #PB83-125013 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 82-600596 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 Foreword This Nation’s impressive agricultural success is the product of many factors: abundant resources of land and water, a favorable climate, and a history of resource- ful farmers and technological innovation, We meet not only our own needs but supply a substantial portion of the agricultural products used elsewhere in the world. As demand increases, so must agricultural productivity, Part of the necessary growth may come from farming additional acreage. But most of the increase will depend on intensifying production with improved agricultural technologies. The question is, however, whether farmland and rangeland resources can sustain such inten- sive use. Land is a renewable resource, though one that is highly susceptible to degrada- tion by erosion, salinization, compaction, ground water depletion, and other proc- esses. When such processes are not adequately managed, land productivity can be mined like a nonrenewable resource. But this need not occur. For most agricul- tural land, various conservation options are available, Traditionally, however, farm- ers and ranchers have viewed many of the conservation technologies as uneconom- ical. Must conservation and production always be opposed, or can technology be used to help meet both goals? This report describes the major processes degrading land productivity, assesses whether productivity is sustainable using current agricultural technologies, reviews a range of new technologies with potentials to maintain productivity and profitability simultaneously, and presents a series of options for congressional consideration. The study was requested by the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works and endorsed by the House Agriculture Committee, the Senate Appropria- tions Committee, and the Subcommittee on Parks, Recreation, and Natural Re- sources of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. The Office of Technology Assessment greatly appreciates the contributions of the advisory panel assembled for this study, the authors of the technical papers, and the many other advisors and reviewers who assisted us, including farmers, ranchers, agricultural scientists in industries and universities, and experts in other Government agencies. Their guidance and comments helped develop a compre- hensive report. As with all OTA studies, however, the content of the report is the sole responsibility of the Office. Director III Impacts of Technology on U.S. Cropland and Rangeland Productivity Advisory Panel David Pimentel, Chairman Department of Entomology, Cornell University Delmar Akerlund Garry D. McKenzie Akerlund Farm Biological Enterprises Division of Polar Programs Valley, Nebr. National Science Foundation Steve Brunson William R. Meiners National Association of Conservation Districts Resource Planning and Management Associates, Inc. William Dietrich Meridian, Idaho Green Giant Co. John Moland, Jr. James V. Drew Center for Social Research School of Agriculture and Land Resources Southern University Management and Agricultural Experiment Station Richard E. Rominger University of Alaska Department of Food and Agriculture State of California George R. Hawkes Product Environmental Affairs Edwin L. Schmidt Ortho-Chevron Chemical Co. Department of Soil Science University of Minnesota Earl O. Heady Department of Economics F. C. Stickler Iowa State University Product and Market Planning John H. Herman Deere & Co. Attorney at Law Glover B. Triplett, Jr. Dayton, Herman, Graham & Getts Department of Agronomy Maureen K. Hinkle Ohio Agricultural Research and National Audubon Society Development Center William H. Hinton Ralph Wong Farmer Rancher Fleetwood, Pa. Marana, Ariz. iv OTA Land Productivity Project Staff Joyce C. Lashof* and H. David Banta, ** Assistant Director, OTA Health and Life Sciences Division Walter E. Parham, Program Manager Food and Renewable Resources Program Bruce A. Ross-Sheriff, Project Director Chris Elfring, Analyst and Editor Barbara Lausche, Senior Analyst Jessica Marshall, Intern~ Monica Roll, Intern Elizabeth A, J. Williams, Senior Analyst Administrative Staff Phyllis Balan, Administrative Assistant Marilyn Cassady Constance Clem Elizabeth Galloway Nellie Hammond Aneke Raneyt Gillian Raneyt Yvonne Wellst OTA Publishing Staff John C, Holmes, Publishing Officer John Bergling Kathie S. Boss Debra M. Datcher Joe Henson Until December 1981 * * From December1981 Temporary assignment Contents Chapter Page I. Summary. ..., . , ., , , 3 11. Land Productivity Problems, . ..., . 23 111, Rangelands . 67 Iv. Croplands . 91 v. Technology Adoption . , . 137 VI. Role of Government . 151 VII. Issues and Options for Congress. 181 Appendixes A,The Innovators: The Stories of Five Agriculturalists and Their Commitments to Land Stewardship . 195 B, Virgin Lands . 220 C.Soil Productivity Variables . 225 D. Analytic Tools and Data Bases for Determining the Effects of National Policies on Land Productivity . 235 E.The Resources Conservation Act Preferred Program . 243 F. Commissioned Papers . 247 G. Glossary . 249 Index . 261 Chapter 1 Summary Contents Page Land Productivity . .“”~.. 3 Introduction: Technology and American Agriculture . 4 Conservation and production . ................””?.” 4 Land Productivity Problems . ...................!”. 7 Erosion . “O 7 Drainage . ....”...””*+*””00””””. ““”” 9 Soil Compaction . .. .. .. .. .. OO . ... ... .O+ .. ...OO .. 9 Salinization . ....0......0.0.00084+ .. .oo. $g. OOOort 10 Ground Water Depletion . 11 Land Subsidence . It Soil Organic Matter . 12 Soil Organisms .. .OO. .. .. .. O .. .O . .O .... .. .. o. .o. o. ... ... ..Q.o.o .. ..”..” 12 Soil Chemistry . 12 Benefits Other Than Crops and Forage . + . 13 Sustaining Rangeland Productivity . 13 Sustaining Cropland Productivity . 14 Technology Adoption . ..””... 15 Government’s Role . ........,..,~.,,.”””””” 16 Issues and Options . “...”” 18 Integrating Conservation Policy With Economic policy . 18 Improving the Effectiveness of Federal Conservation Programs . 18 Enhancing Federal Capabilities To Develop Innovative Technologies . 18 Reducing Pressure on Fragile Lands . .?....... 18 Encouraging State Initiatives c . 19 Chapter I Summary LAND PRODUCTivity Every year, the Nation’s cropland erodes at This study assesses how agricultural technol- an average rate of 7 tons per acre. Yet soil is ogies affect the inherent productivity of U.S. thought to form at a rate of only 0,5 ton per croplands and rangelands, It examines proc- acre a year or less, Thus, even though knowl- esses that affect the quality of croplands and edge of soil formation is grossly inadequate, it rangelands and addresses the question of appears that America’s agricultural soil is whether land productivity is sustainable under being eroded more than 10 times faster than various modern agricultural technologies, it is being formed, Erosion is not the only process that can dam- The report finds that certain productivity- age the productivity of the Nation’s croplands degrading processes, especially erosion, are and rangelands, though it is the most pervasive. widespread and serious. Yet for most agricul- Compaction and inadequate drainage can re- tural land, technologies exist that could achieve duce crop yields. Salinization (salt build-up in high production while maintaining land qual- soils) can force lands out of production. Mis- ity, There are, however, some particularly frag- management and overgrazing can degrade ile lands where no currently available ways rangeland productivity, Withdrawing too much exist to sustain high levels of production. These ground water can deplete underground sup- lands are used because it is profitable, under plies and limit future agriculture. Land sub- the present system of agricultural technologies, sidence, whether related to ground water with- markets, and policies, to “mine” the inherent drawal or other factors, can remove lands from productivity of the fragile cropland and range- production with little hope for restoration. land sites as if they were nonrenewable re- sources. In doing so, long-term productivity is Inherent land productivity, as used in this sacrificed for shorter term profits. report, means the ability of land resources to sustain long-term production of crops, forage, This assessment was requested by the Senate and a broad range of other benefits such as Committee on Environment and Public Works water quality, genetic resources, and wildlife and endorsed by the House Committee on Agri- habitat. Land is broadly defined to include not culture, the Senate Committee on Appropria- only soil but water and all the physical, chemi- tions, and the Subcommittee on Parks, Recrea- cal, and biological components of cropland and tion, and Renewable Resources of the Senate rangeland ecosystems. Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Land productivity varies from site to site and The assessment was designed to exclude de- changes over time. It interacts with the other tailed study of: 1) problems that tangentially af- components of agricultural productivity, which fect agricultural lands but are not caused by are the productivity of capital, the productiv- agricultural technologies (e. g., air pollution); ity of labor, and the state of the art of technol-
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