Some things we all have in common. There's nobody like State Farm® to protect the things we all value. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is therep CALL AN AGENT 08 VISIT uS ONLINE TODAY. SfateRarm statefarm.com. 1101024 Slate Farm . Home 0ifico . Bloomington, lL Special Deals IN you buy your ticket at our main gates? Hold on to it and take advantage Of the generous offer from HOURS: Get the VIP experience at PrideFe§t! Ppotawatomi Bingo Casino printed on the back Of the Friday, June loth,3PM . Mldnlght From -day to 3rday UItimate VIP, ticket. \fou can redeem your Gckct at any Frfekeep- Saturday, Juno llth,12PM . Midnigl.t PrideFest has a special experience for you: us Club Booth (FKC) at Potawatomi Bingo Casino Sunday, Juno 12th,12PM -10PM (grounds), and 1-Day VIP . $100 for $10 in FKC Reward Play (After 10 slot points earned in your same day visit) lt's valid June 10- 12Midnighl (PUMPI Dance Pav!llon) 3-Day VIP - $225 VIP Ultimate w/ Meat & Greet se50i500 Sseptember 30. to be eligible, you must be at least Ll years oid, and be a member Of the FKC. Mem- Purchasi ng Tickets depending on artist. t PndeFest patons have the opporfunftyto experience a bbeship is free! \falld only at Potawatomi Bingo (1-Day VIP also available at gate during weekend) number of benefits: lntemat]onal entertalnment, educa- Ccasino,1721 W. Canal Street, MihAraukee Wisoon- swh. View fuH details on the tieket stub. Good luck! tion and advocacy, music and dancing, fun family and These VI P tickets help support the festival's mis- ¢ ##,aA#ife#de:chca°Pnp;nagnafd|n#g#e¥#a# sion and operations while letting you experience PrideFest in style! 1-Day VIP includes admission for advantage of sons Of PndeFests special promotons: the day, and 3.Day gives you admission for the en- ae wwoavshoan tire weekend. The Meet & Greet package js also a 3- Pro-Festival Discou nt Tickets Free Entrance WRA Donation Of Four Day admission pass, and includes a special Non.Perisliablo Food Items to benefit the AIDS (Available at \^MMr.pridefest.com undl June 10th at 1 PM) backsfage meeting with your favorite artist. By pur- Single-Day Admlsslon - $16 Resouree Contor Of Wisconsln's Food Pantry chasing a VIP ticket, you will gain access to the (save $2 from gate price) Mller Lite VIP Oasis, an exclusive lounge area with Three-Day Weekend Pass - $40 great views of the Miller Life Main Stage, entianoed (save $14 from gate price) sound for headline entertainment shows, and these Block Of 25 tickctB . amenities: contact the PrideFest Ticket Hctline: 414-2414088 Complimentary Miller Brewing Products, soda & vater Reserved seating tickets for Headliner shows Complimentary hors d'oeuvTes available online until Friday, June 10,1PM. After- Private bathrooms wards, reserved seating t]ckets may be purchased at Refand table seatng the main gate (based on availability). Elevator Reserved seatng begins approx[mately 45 minutes Dedicated bar sems How would you like to obtain free admission into PrideFest AND help a great cause? Just bring four prior to the start Of the headline show each night. non-perishable food items to the AIDS Resource PrideFest Weekend -Ticket Prices at the Gate: Center Of Wisconsin (ARCW) Food Pantry for free One-Day General Admission -$18 admission. Available 12 p.in. -2 p.in. on Saturday, One-Day VIP -$100 June llth and Sunday, June 12th at the Main Gate. One-Day Reserved Seating - Additlonal promotions, including VIP R6served $75 -Mo'Nique, June 10 Scaling, are available at www.pridefesl.com. Con- Or9 - Salt-N-Pepa, June 11 tinue to check PrideFost's wch sire for updates. $75 - LeAnn Rimes w/special guest Chely Wright June 12 Paper or Plastic? Prid®Fest a¢¢epts both. 12 years and under -Free AIl food, beverage and PrideFest merchandise can be purchased directly wth cash oT by credit card. PrideFest is produced try PrideFest, Inc. The PrideFest Office is located in the + E`,- + + Milveukee LGBT Community Center UEST Suife 204M, 252 E. Ilighland Ave iiLtTJ+Ei= ` Milwaukee,W153202 414.272.3378 P , i d e F e s t® 2011 Official Prid®Fosl PTldo Culde ~ MILWAUKEE ~ Published by Quest Magazine wwwroridefest.com 414.272.3378 P.O. Box 1961 Green Bay, Wl 54305 June 10th,llth and 12th, 2011 800-578-3785 e- Malthgadd~ Mldwest Prlde Moots On NIlhMauloeo's Lakchont PrideFest, lnc. Henry W. Na[or Festhral Parit Mark Mariucci. Production and Design P.O. Box 511763 Mitwaukee, W 53203 (Summerfost Grounds) Kate Sheny, Editor PuENcation Of the name, photograph or other likeness Of any person or organfa8tion in the CMfictal 2011 PTide Gukle is rot to be consbued as any indication Of the sexual, roELgjousorpoREcalorfentchon,pradeeorbelidsOfsuchpersonsormeTnbersOfsuchorganizatons.PndeFestassumes")responsibqftyfuadvertsers'dains.PrideFes! isaregideTedtrademarkEndrecorferfeenllbyPTideFest,Ire.exoeplwherespedficallyndedotherwise.AIIrigltsreserved.Repredudion,etherinwholeorinpat,is prohibifed. Please condnue to chock ww`N.oTidelest.com for updates and now infomchon. L€Mfuwh The mission Of PndeFost is to celebrate the diversity of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Tfansgender (LGBl) cufture and oommunfty PrideFest Task Foree and Production Team Marketplace Director Derrick Soto PrideFest is produced through the dedicated efforts of a volunteer team. The Assistant Marketplace Director Sylvester Brown Board of Directors oversees the festival year-round and the Production Team Milwaukee Gay Art Center Stage Director Alan Pjofrowicz develops and carries out the day-torday planning of the festival. Miller Life Main Stage Manager Dave Glenn Operations Director George Schneider 2011 PrideFest Board Of Directors Assistant Operations Director Chaz Erdall Scott Gunkel - President Proud CrowdlvIP Director Mike Bellagio Gary Petersen - Secretary Assistant Proud CrowdlvIP Director Martmo Angeles Francisco Araiza Rainbow Stage Manager Colin Gavuenski Tim Kitzman - Treasurer ReligiousActivities Jeifey Montoya Paul Masterson Religious Activities Assistant: Samuel Christensen Peter Minns Security Director Temance Raifeet Kate Sheny SeourtyAssistant Glen Fallenbeck Gregg Hutterer Social Media Director Michail Takach 2011 PrideFest Production Team Sponsorship Director Scott Gunkel Fest]val Producer Peter Minns Stonewall Director Jacquie undo Arts Building Director Paul Masterson Stonewall Assistant Director Dawn Schmidt Children & Family Activities Director Brendan Barrett Volunteer Director Sean Duerr Assistant Children & Family Activit]es Eva Williams Assistant Volunteer Director Greg Bach Communications Director Kate Sheny Assistant Volunteer Director JR. VVItt Media Grounds Concierge Roeehelle Hermann Volunteercaptain Courtney Kopacz Entertainment Director David Charpentier Volunteer Captain Bob Geist Assistant Entertainment Director Jason Dombrowski Volunteer Captain Minh Nguyen EntertainmentAssistant Julie Thorsen Youth Actlvities Director Miranda Larocque EntertainmentAssistant Drew Magathan Assistant Youth Activities Directors Jay Botsford Dance Pavilion Stage Manager Tony Bilct Dance Pavilion Assistant Stage Manager Jason Whitley Organhational Vo[untcers PUMP! Manager Gregg Hutterer Several organizations provide volunteer support for the beer pods, front gates PUMP! Manager John Murge§ and ticket booths. Be sure to tip them well, because these groups will keep their Entertainment Hospitality Manager Annette Holvey tips to support their programming. Organizations providing volunteer support Entertainment Merchandise Manager Chris Segedy this year include: Entertainment Seourity Manager Maribel Santiago Milwaukee LGBT Community Center Entertainment Seourty Manager Alan Grabouski Castaways MC Entertainment Security Manager Sue Jarvela Washington Heights Rainbow Association Entertainment Photographer Daniel Bisslng 16th Street Communfty Healtti Clinic Entertainment Photographer Sarah Paske Milwaukee Gay Arts Center Entertainmentvldeographer Abeni Garrett Galano Club Food and Beverage Director Tlm Talsky Lesbian AIIiance Assistant Food and Beverage Director Eloisa Balderas WISCRAD - Wisconsin Rainbow AIliance for the Deaf Communfty Services Director RItchie Marrin Women's Voices Milwaukee Hospitality Coordinator Marie Schneider •.Flonwe::Spabpeet]€tefre:E'®T€¥®Cfrg... i:u::u:peno::a:fi Tiger Lily Garden Market 414-254-5925 1645 N. Water Street (Corner of Water and Pleasant) Volunteercorpe ,r=,`-i -i ACCESsiBiLrTv Food and Bar Assistance lTre Volunteer Corps PndeFesl is dedicated to supperdng and assisting our rf you need any assistance canyng food and bever- is made up Of hun- pafrons who have disabllifes. In complfaroe with the agesonthefeshalgrounds,pleaseaskthefoodven- dreds of individuels ' ~ 1990 Americans wth Disabilifes Act, PrideFest is dors' employees and they will be happy to assist you. who volunteer dur- proudtostatethatweaeconthuoudys8ivingtomake Or, please contact a PrideFest .Courtesy Slif' mem- ing feREl weekend ourfestivalaccessibletoeveiyone.Wewelcomeyour berforassistance. to help ensure that comments!Youcanreachusbycallng(414)272i}378 everyone has a (voice) or emal[ing acoessfoilfty@pridefestcom. Telephones a TTY good time. Thank Accessible public telephones are located outside of StageArcaScating you to every mem- cachrestoomarea.ManyOfourphoneshavevolume- During PndeFest, the major stage area, the Miller life ber of the Volunteer confrolled handsets. A text telephone (TTY) is avail- Main Stage, will offer raised plafoms and aooessible Corps for their able bchind the Haley-DavTdson Roadhouse assisfance! picnic tables (where marked) for patons who use southwestOftheMarfedyace. wheelcha]rs. Acesible
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