of r. LIBRARY ,Rd rvilgs Thanksgiving Day bse r - ..Cgtli$ESLr_ eduled Here Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 28 offers For the avid sports fan a footoall a.m. in Trinity Chapel has been THANKSGIVING MENU hot rolls with butter, bread, cold leagus leading scheduled. Soup and croutons, fresh shrimp drinks, coffee or milk. A full agenda at K-Bay. Plenty of game between the Serv. Bn., 1st Marine Brigade, and For planning purposes, it is re- cocktail, roast turkey, cranberry Cost of the meal will be $1.20 for food, a football game and special 1st Bn., 4th Marines will be played quested that all personnel desiring sauce, cornbread dressing, baked officers and civilians, $1.00 for en- church services are on tap. Roast starting at 2 p.m. on Field No. 1. to attend Thanksgiving dinners ham, mashed potatoes, sweet po- listed personnel drawing commuted turkey with all the trimmings will Two special church services, one with dependents or guests no- tatoes with meringue, buttered rations and 60 cents for children be served at Mess Hall 1 and 2 from at 7 and another at 9 am., will be tify the Station Food Service In- peas, salad bar, pumpkin pie with under 12 years of age. 2 to 5 p.m. for military personnel, held for Catholics at St. Michael's spector by calling 72517 at least 48 whipped cream, fruit cahe, assort- Uniform is the uniform of the day their dependents and guests. Chapel. A Protestant service at 10:30 hours prior to Nov, 28. ed fresh fruit, mixed nuts, candy, or appropriate civilian attire. VOL. VI, No. 47 U. S. MARINE CORPS AIR STATION, KANEOHE BAY, T. H. Friday, November 22, 1957 `Toys for Tots' Campaign Begins TM STAFF NCO CATEGORY At K-Bay; Mokapu School Sets Day The "Toys for Tote. campaign got underway this week aboard WON BY BOOTH AT EL TORO of containers at ihe Marine Corps Air Station with the locating 1st Marine Brigade commanding the Main Marine Fire Station MSgt. Paul J. Booth, 1st Ma- Corps Exchange, Commissary, schools NCOIC, general, sent his congratulations to and Mokapu School. "Toys for Tots" enters its tenth year of rine Brigade won first place in the staff NCO MSgt. Booth and Cpl. Weber in a operation this year as Organized Marine Corps Reserve units gen- category in the Technique of dispatch to AirEMIPPac. The throughout the country muster for eral said "Congratulations on your competition h e 1 d the purpose of collecting Christmas which they have been collected. Instruction fine performance and best wishes playthings for underprivileged chil- Si. the Marine Corps Air Station, continued success as rep- Mokapu Elementary School will El Toro. Calif. for Fleet Marine for your d_en. resentatives of the 1st Marine Bri- have a "Toys for Tots" day Thurs- Force, Pacific, units (less Divisions gade, FMF." The campaign on Oahu, which and Wings). day, Dec. 5, Additional containers Weber won started early in October, is being Cpl. Wam L. Weber, also of MSgt. Booth and Cpl. inducteducted by the 15th Infanrey gnat will be placed at Mokapu School to Brigade the right to represent the 1st Ma- schools, won second place Coast Marine Corps Reserve. All work handle the anticipated influx of in the sergeants and below cate- rine Brigade in the West done by members of the Reserve is toys. Parents are urged to assist gory competition by winniag Naw.aiian of the regional competition. stop volunteer activity and is in addi- their children in selecting toys to MSgt. Booth's winning topics were area FMF competition. Next is Marine Bar- Lion to their regular military train- bring to school that day. "Concept of Leadership" for the 20 for MSgt. Booth !me duties. minute presentation and "Marine racks, Washington D. C., for the Most of the toys collected in the finals scheduled to be held during Because of the time involved, campaign over for dis- Rifle Squad" for the five-niinute. ex-1 are turned period Dec. 9 through 12, 1967. only donations of new or fairly tribution to the Honolulu Council temporaneous presentation. the good toys are requested. The re- of Social Agencies. The Volunteer Cpl. Weber spoke on "How the Suitable awards this year, as in servists' job is to collect the toys, Service Bureau assists the Council Instructor Can Improve" and "ABC preceding years, will be provided by sort them, and funnel them into in the disaibution. Warfare" for his respective 20 and LEATHERNECK magazine. proper channel for repair or dis- five minute talks. The technique of instruction com- "The drive lasts until Dec. 15. tribution. The repair of toys is Second to MSgt. Booth was Teat- petition is held annually to gene- According to a spokesman for the Jack W. Jaunal. let AAA AWBn., rate interest in and to stress the being handled voluntarily by in- 15th Infantry Bn., the drive is pro- mates of Oahu prison. Force Troops. First place in ser- importance of improving the caliber gressing saftisfactorily. At press geants and below category was won spoke on "Leadership" and "Safety of military instruction throughout Each campaign is strictly local time Wednesday, in approximately by Sgt. R. L. Ryals, 1st Hvy. Art. Precautions of .45 cal. Pistol." the Marine Corps. The program was nature. The toys collected are dig- 30,000 toys had been collected " Rocket Btry., Force Troops, who Tuesday, Brig. Gem Avery R. Kier, started three years ago. tributed in the same locality in were being processed. MARINE CORPS TO RESTORE BRIGADE PARADE GROUND TO BE DEDICATED G UNNER Y cl;:r: PANT RANK IN CEREMONIES WED.; TO BE PL ATT FIELD "We pray thee. 0 God of fact in Sept., 1951 at the age of 37. giving the reasons for the parade WASHINGTON, D. C.-Marine Commandant, General Ran- mercy, grant us devotion to A native of South Carolina be and review and will read the biog- dolph McC. Pate, has ordered from retirement another color- duty similar to his in whose graduated with a Bachelor of raphy of Cel. Platt. ful and traditional Leatherneck enlisted rank, it was announced name we dedicate this field." Science degree in chemistry from Brig. Gen. Avery R. Kier, com- last week. In a continuing effort to strengthen the command These words will be spoken Clemson S. C. Agricultural College manding general, let Marine Bri- structure of the Marine Corps. the Commandant has directed by Cdr. David A. Sharp, in 1935 and accepted a commis- gade, will be the reviewing officer that plans be made immediately regimental chaplain, during the sion as a second lieutenant in the and will also make the official dedi- to bring back the rank of Gunnery This rank was also abolished in dedication ceremonies at 3 p.m., Marine Corps shortly afterwards. cation of the field. Scl r'4,7,A re- of the en- Wednesday, Nov. 27, designating It was on Wake Island that the Lt.. Raymond E. Jackson, USN. activated the historic and honor- listed rank structure adopted by the 1st Marine Brigade paraae sotios hit fIMY tAseto Of regimental chaplain. will officiate ed ranks of Sergeant Major and the Corps in 1946. grounds as Platt Field. action against the Japanese and It at a benediction asking divine mess- First Sergeant. Additional plans for restoration The devotion to duty of Col. Wes- was also there that he won the ings upon the dedication. Reestablishment of the Gun- of the Gunnery Sergeant rank will ley McCoy Platt, winner of the Sil- Silver Star in 1941. Following the dedication cere- nery Sergeant rank was recom- be announced by Headquarters Ma- ver Star for gallantry in World War When one of his units was =- monies, there will be a "no host" mended by the 1957 Staff Non- rine Corps as they are approved II combat, led to his death from rounded at night while defending cocktail party at the Commissioned commissioned Officers Sympo- by the Commandant. wounds suffered in the Korean Con- an outpost in the Wilkes Island Officers Mess (Open). All Brigade sium, held at Quantico last July. Strong Point he personally led a and Station officers and their ladies The rank of Gunnery Sergeant section of machine guns through have been invited. The party will had a long and colorful career be- dense underbrush against several last from 4 to 6 p.m. fore it was retired in Dec. 1946. It strongly defended hostile positions was established by an act of Con- and reduced each of them. Joining Special Desk Sets gress on May 4, 1898 which read forces with the trapped unit he re- "the Secretary of the Navy is autho- organized his troops and led them May Be Purchased rized to enlist anytime after the in further attacks against the en- passage of this act the following emy who resisted fiercely but were Thru MarCor Assn. additional force for the Marne, overcome in hand to hand combat. Desk sets featuring the National Corps as a temporary force durinc He was later captured and in- Color and the Marine Corps Stand- the existing war. namely not more terned as a prisoner of war in Ja- ard are now available through the than 60 Gunnery Sergeants with pan. After the fall of Japan in Marine Corps Association. the rank of First Sergeant." 1945 he was repatriated and The sets are authentic, colorful By request of the Commandant awarded a Letter of Commenda- miniatures on an ebonized wood this law was amended by an act tion by the Commandant of the base. Ea c h flag is 4" x 6", gold of March 3, 1899 to read " .
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