VoIeeforoYer'55 Years * 1932· * ..... 6t11de1ds'- . * 1919 * Vol. 52. No.9 Baruch College, CUNY October 17, 1989 • DSSG .Approves . Budget .g~ "Off-White" Paper Raises Questions Government Asks For -n ~ By EDWARD ASANTE $500 Increase .-e_. The black and Hispanic faculty has shows that "he is only forthe whites." o - filed a petition demanding theresigna- In a response to the demand for his MarilynMikuls~ The 1989-90 budget was approved director of Campus Planning tion of the Vice President of Develop- removal. Wertheimer. in a letter to all by council last week. according to Day ment Stephen Wertheimer. because' of the signatories ofthe petition. saidthat Session Student Government Trea- . the nature of his widely circulated the paper "was an exploration of pos­ surer, Apollo Matthew. The budget .Paint Peels'At memo that strongly opposed the estab- sible, even outlandish options and then went before the Board of Direc­ lishment of a black and Hispanic scenarios and, in point of fact. hardly tors on Thursday, Oct. 12 where it was alumni association in the school. anything was implemented or ulti­ approved without changes.' 24th Street Building The petition stated that "the memo mately discussed seriously. Its lan- The DSSa's total operating budget ... that bears the mocking title '00- guage was regrettably reugh and con­ this year comes to $84,225, roughly White Paper on the Black/Hispanic versational and blunt andcouldbe seen Mikulsky Cites "Hair Grease" Alumni' shows that the as insensitive.t''He went on to say that By RAFAEL'MARTlNEZMachiaveliian cynicism of this man is a lot of time has.beenspent on Iitiga- , .. -.. .. character revealing" and therefore"as tioa, that could havebeenput to better According to Manlyn .MlkulskY.~I- paint" ~as aPl?lied~foreregistmtion~ a result of the attitudes that he reveals' purpoSeS...-~~·~:~tendto~ rect~r of Campu~ Planmn~. the p~mt. Dun~g regl~trat](~n "'s~dents ~o~ld in ~is memo, we are ce~n that this ' ~~1-1>,(~:t~ ex~~ret- _ peeling at 155 E. ,24th ~t_ ts occurrmg ,~t thel,rfeet on: the watt ,and rum the ~ cannot serve the students or the . ~.: ' .." , " "',- t., ~. -•- " .~ of "dirt and hair gunk Oirtl1e warr'stared~;: .:» - -,' ~, ~ dIis'~...~~. -.-~. wall.:'. .. , ., Lefebvre saJd.~t the school~ insensitive and destrildiv.e,t(fdi¢J"~ '~ikuI.sky stated that t!te .,:,allwas an effort to maketheschoollook ntce~orisandstrUgIes.of~_·:...~ p~~,!~~~~ t~~."~o f~~ da~s by the for t~ students. .' PeoPles for-freedom '8pdrespect in •., 4_ "Barucn co1Tege m-:tiouse~~ilter\-and" --Mdotsky ,, '. ." '. ___, ... -'was' a "rush job":' . I -- foun.d peeling the spot is sheltacedand' wilt eriable'Us'c<{'sreep 1'I1Ore:-- She stated that the paint may be peel- repainted. - ter.:" ing because.ef "hair grease or hair Daniel Kaufmann. associate direc- Wertheimer's memo was a response. gunk" (gels or mousse) on the wall. tor. campus operations. buildings and to the attempted formation of the Mikulsky also stated that dirt orglue grounds. stated that Benjamin Moore Black and Hispanic 'Alumni Assecia-. on the watl from art displays may be latex paint is bought in bulk and used tion in Baruch which sought to pro- o causing the paint to-peel. to paint ·the walls. - panic majority ofthe school. The issue . Jim Lefebvre also of C~put Plan- (Continued 011 Page 6) ofthe formationofthe BHAAhas been . nmg stated that a "fast. nice coat of, a bitterly debated issue since 1984 dur- , ing which time the· case has been through the United States District COurt. the U.S. Court of Appeals and .College.Sustains is currently still if'l litigation at a deci­ sive level. Biack studies Professor Arthur .. Water Shutdown Lewin. a ten-year faculty veteran at By BARBARA A. EHRLICH Baruch and the author ofa recent opin- On Wednesday. Oct. 4. the En- ion article In the Oct. 3 issue ofThe vironmental Protection Agency -or- Ticker titled "Absence 'of Color." said Wertheime~ dered the temporary shut down of the that hE"' noted- a pattern of exclusions Stephen vice president .for Development' colTege~s-360-Park -iD-a-~.Jm-k-Jinzes_intervie.w...with-. _-.~-- -~. --- .. -- -- --- ---- - ----.- - ----. ---- Ave.--S:--46 E.--26-·- . -- - ----"- -----"- --_.. - - .- - - Sean Mason, presidentofthe DSSG St. b~ildings water systems in order President JOel Segall. the "inflarnatory ical ideas. "1 have made strenuous per- sonal effort to effect a reconciliation $500 more than last year's budget. to avert a break in the city's main line nature- of' Wertheimer's Off-White budget. under repair. Paper and, an article in The Ticker on among the Blackand Hispanic Alumni The budget is broken down into vari- According to Alphonse T. Zatorski, g' ..,..... the struggle for the formation of the Committee. the BCAA and the col­ lege" and that his life and career jus­ ous sections. among them advertise- associate director. rehabilitation and do . BHAA and "noticed that the students ment and promotion. office expenses construction. "Notification ofthe shut- ; of color were having problems with tifies his convictions. and special projects. "down from the water system from 'the :::". '- the administration and the.faculty, and In light of the demand of the Black and Hispanic Caucus for the resig­ Under the heading of office ex- EPA was necessary for the repairs of ~ • there was the need to get together on nation of Wertheimer andallegatiom pcnscs, is a line entitled "eating utcn-uhe water main ." The department. he ! the issue ofbias in the college." Lewin sits" for which the DSSG allocated said responded to the emergency ~ went on to say that WertheimeT "is in $250. Said Mathew. "I'd say we usc within halfan hourofnotification. "In- a high level position and his anitude- -- (C01l1illlled 011 Page 6) five dollars worth of eating utensils dividual trades people had to take care is one that does not foster the advance- . ~~~~~~' . "m.wJg~~titw.I/' posed budget include $2.000for public cations. but according to Danial Kauf-' director of· Buildings and Grounds Professor Robert Martinez, a strong ... :.. ,,-",?' y' > relations. ' which" covers the cost of mann. associate director ofoperations sources. were restored 24hoursSooPer advocate for the removal ,of Wert- ::: .; ·~'~;}M&t.WW#tA:~· ;~ DSSG newsletters arid tutorial' serv- for campus planning "it turned out that than had been anticipated. He went on heimer, ~id thatthemerno was wrine..: ~":,::;:i<:~;';Z~~;~t::;'" ,':: " ices, $8.640.for leadershipstipends. most people did, not heed the notice.- to say that noextraordinary costs wen: with the intention ofno one e~Seeirig ~./ which includes the maximum $t..IOO and some students-did use the toilet -i~urredby the college. -We antici- it and ~·idea that ahigh rankil1J: Jilr'- ", ,', per semestefgivcnas a stipend to the facilities- in -the bujldings'despite. the pated having to go back to the stwt official was comfortable enough:18 :<' four members of the executive board: Jack of water. He went onto say. how- down.to secure moreequiprneDt. :but make Jacial slurs is i~disturbing.... the president. vice president~ treaSurer· ever. that most"students cooPerated ~y we rrianaged to get. ~al to repace lie added. -any: man with those kinds and secretary, $1.000 for the confeF.-using toilet facilities in the other build- what W3S-, needed so we did not need ,. of JRjudices.. cannot ~an adminis- cncc, which inc4Jdcs the palticipation- mp. Deto daeeffoFts of the school. another ex~ daY~.. he said. trator,for a CQiIeF of ~s size ancl'this di~" (C?~tin~t'd~.P~g~~) plu~~~~ ci~.~ ~er;~ ~/COllliJuN4.' . racial .and edIDiC since it __ onP,.,.6J. __.__.._.. ,C --', ". _...... .'. --- --- - -----_. Page 2. t . The Ticker October!7, 1989 October 17 ·1989 · The TICker Pap 3 ........ ) 3 EDITOR'IALS OP-ED .» HIGHWAY ROBBERY CHRIS WARD The Day Session Student Government has submitted' and approved their budget for the ) 1989-90 Academic Year. On Thursday; October 12, the college's Board of Directors gave the Founded in 1932 It is too easy, arid misguided, to lay DSSG a "green light" to spend. Those in the Baruch community who have been around the responsibility for this stateof siege -Reverse Racism aWhil~ know t~at the Board of Directors continued in their tradition of asking, few, ifany, upon the students. I feel that climate Caitlin Mollison Dispelling W~RD and attitudes of a given institution are By CHRISTOPHER District court of New York they the true racist context it repre­ questions, editor-in-chief the responsibility of its leadership. A few weeks ago Atlantic City state, "Thefacts suggest thatthe sents. The Ku Klux KJan is "dedi­ President Joel Segall's new commis- crowned the 1989 MissAmerica. black and Hispanic character of cated to the particular concerns Diane Leppek sion to evaluate the state of intergroup She happened to be black. Also Unfortunately, a brief glance at the DSSG budget shows one that approximately 50 Myths. plaintiffs' group (BHAA) played of white Anglo-Saxon students managing editor . relations at Baruch is a first step, but it . this year, a woman was crowned a critical role in the college's de­ percent of their total funds are going to pay for "perks" for government members. This . ~ and alumni." The Nazi Party is . is a reaction, not leadership. Docs it the 1989 Miss Black America. cision to deny recognition." But includes $8,~Ofor executive member stipends, $1,400for "fringebenefits," which is actually Toni Colavito represent a genuine concern, or the She HAD to be black. Consider dedicated to the particular con­ . To The Editor: while they cry discrimination cerns of Aryan students and news editor easiest way to bandage a: situation? th tth t fth I tf M· the tax o,n these stipends, $2,250 for office refreshments (lunches for weekly meetings), .A reporter from The Ticker was at And what about the gay student? .
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