I 4 e THE WASHINGTON EEEALD SUNDAY JANUARY 3 190 I These and TTATTS HIS FRIEND OPEN LETTER TO CHRISTIAN words as good and bad POT kindred terms are merely comparative OUT CHOLERAR- SCIENTISTS- and have been lavontcd by man to meet GROWTH OF UNIVERSITIESEnr- STAMPING Stranger In Strange Land Knows the a necessity arising in bis dealings with Proper Greetings This communication is suggested not finite tnlngs We cannot conceive of a intelligence without desire and New York Jan 2Wlerd sounds came only by ¬ human I in Manila Proves Great Hardship- the recent contribution of Al purpose Nor given desire and purpose Statistics of Twentyfive Institutions Show ecent Outbreak a from pile the ollment a of traveling bags at fred Fariow to The Washington Herald would be Tbirtyfeorth street of the Wal can we imagine that all means to Americans in the Philippines entrance entitled Emmanuel Movement and equally adapted to the satisfaction of the Few Cases of Decreased Attendance dorfAstoria The door guard turned sev- ¬ Christian Science bet by the interest one or the furtherance of the other A eral times thinking some one Registration in-¬ 35S largest Special 0 Ths WL liesIL oath stamped out and the Met is at be beard Christian Science has held for me for a condition of life wherein no choice would at most ot the higher of students has the graduate Manila P L Nov sk The recent present at Otoagnpe Sub eighty miles whistling but failed to see anything un-¬ number of years I know comparatively be necessary if possible is inconceivable stitutions of learning has reached the school being followed by Harvard Chi¬ can readily be seen that I outbreak fat Manila While Il1t tI- from Mantle it Is thought that the men usual There was no one standing in the little of the Emmanuel movement and It therefore point where accurate attendance statistics cage Yale Pennsylvania California and will stilt have aa opportunity tIC coming hallway and employes behind the open with the development of language words may be complied where Is pes New University agricultural n compertee with the terrible Blague of therefore what I have to say here in so employed to express and it York The ashore must have been highly encouraging in- ¬ 1902 was particularly noticeable tn view windows were bent over their books far as relates to a particular creed or meeting sfMe te make comparisons with last years schools show a it the difference between things the crease Minnesota year having more Aattrfeaas con- Early October party of us Hello cane a voice wafted in doctrine things not meet enrollment this an of the fact that ia a of six will make principal reference to needs of mankind and enrollment of more than MMi Tbe through toe window The bookkeepers words be- ¬ Such comparisons between different In-¬ tracted the tteas than ever before took a ftCteea days trip around the Christian Science S such needs or In other schools of architecture have likewise The reason assumed for this fRt were Southern teteitds on the U S A Trans jumped looked chest and then went I certainly must believe in the goodness tween things to be chosen and things to stitutions especially between universities grown being those we If simply the largest connected medico datmiag that those pert Ltscum H We been ex- back to work Gad be let atone Thus have with a considerable smoker of faculties with Columbia variedone had all of I understand Httla or nothing of par- ¬ Ilinofe Pennsylvania and num- ¬ Woohoo eame from the bags that a thing Is good or bad for a are from the very nature ease apt commerce who bad been in the tropics lor a posed and not one of us but what needed the wonderful energy that manipulates- requirement accordingly as It ef the Cornell The largest schools dt This time the guard looked cleeer and ticular to be misleading inasmuch as there is s- are New York University and Penn- ¬ ber of years bad less vitality to resist rest from the excitement incidental to the the spheres yet numbers the hairs of my answers or does not answer that re- ¬ at keenly peep- ¬ sylvania also having toe the ravages oC the disease ad conse- cases at 31 Calie Nneva We were three there eyeing bbs through a head I know not what He is like or quirement and that a thing Is good or wfce discrepancy between standards of the latter when hole ia the cage was a admIssion and character of largest number of students of dentistry quently suffered more wkfle another days out at Boroasan Samar a detheovered what His thoughts are But if I think bad in general accordingly as it har- advancement Syracuse prove of cholera developed on board W hugs green yeNew parrot general work on equipment c which is leads In music Columbia In would bring forth st t1rlr ts that cast and about Him at all I must think of Him as monizes with our alms in New carried veterinary medi-¬ were Immediately ordered to the quaran- ¬ I my pharmacy and Ohio ia a European who had not resided in the HeMe said the bird good must a sen of general a world without any bed it U not considered in figures of attendance- cine to tine station at Cube and isolated there I have the mind implies world need Columbia continues hoed the list islands it auAeient length of time t Begorry answered Pat wiping his aHright a without the It may be of interest nevertheless to of schools of education College for W had twentyfour passen-¬ es8 of the universe if I think intelligent which te unthink- ¬ Teachers more susceptible firstdaee of choice observe not only changes in enroll having an tills year bG become acclimated was gers and about M enlisted men m addi ¬ browHe about k at all If things are against me able the enrollment of germ belongs to Gilbert meat have place students to the ravages of the cholera tion to the ships crew on board Every T Bafferty instead of for me It the great Plan in- ¬ Christian Science I respectfully sub- ¬ that taken since last Both of these theories were substan- ¬ man woman and child was takes commodore of the Thousand Island Yacht cluding plans te mit presents only one side of the truth of year at different mstitutioas hut also Ute Few Show a Loss I all destined to fall at tiated and refuted by numerous cases ashore sad we were stewed broiled and Club a neighbor of mine up there said last then all hope and effort are useless today the religious side It may find a fluctuations in attendance OB different Northwestern Stanford sad Syracuse ¬ and it Is JtOW a yeogbed filet that eII baked and our clothes shrunk until the George a Bolt who happened to walk and vain And though we cannot see the proper fluid in the erArgement of hu- faculties says Rudolph Terabo in the are the only institutions that experienced germs led M terror to a more congenial manitys Idea God may well mate or of tropk nee hell by The parrot peaked out and said fa end and prove that the right will of sal it New York Post a loss of students te tile summer session Ietb dime As the case was sot fatal we teach that the Imperfections of mortal 1SB recovery front mitciy HeMo ¬ Taking first twentyfive represent- of the Yale summer courses having little to do vtth the casea made rather a lark of tt The women JIM triumph faith must step m as the evi- existence should sot dim our vision of the aeceeearily been withdrawn 19 some In¬ cholera ieeuirmg a strong constitution one side of long building with shower dence of things not seen or else an perfect goodness love But com-¬ ative universities net the in In a FEUD FOLDING BED went His and growth and indomiUHe wilt power Frequently baths and the men the other while w WITH eternity of death better than a mo- ing down from the abstract to the con ¬ twentyfive largest nor the twentyfive stances the ia summer attendance up hope during tile 1tnIt JaM our they ment of life par- leading universities we they has been noteworthy for example at a victim win give to hand out clothes sad Vengeance crete from the universal to the find that stages of the dIeoue aad Ia JJQda cues were put through steam heat for two Vowed on Furniture that But does the belle that God is good ticular we cannot ignore the fact that rank this year as follows the summer- Wisconsin where no less than MS stu- ¬ women were gives klinunaa imply the belief that there is no wrong nine out of ten are fatal hours The Works on Hair Trigger there are conditions about us which need s s6foB of 1SOC being included in each In¬ dents were enrolled ss against R in men pajamas suffering or death in the world Chris changing surely mist be some- ¬ 1917 The intimation of the outbreak was and the New York Jan Philip Davison and there stance and due attewaaee being made at Columbia where there less been lint We were then taken about half a mile i daa Scientists seem to teach Just that thing for us to do in the process other an Increase train UM to m two case Jones of the J 1rst thirtysix of 87 East One Hundred and conceding for summer stadeats who for ue the of Lfettt up the woods to the isolated build however that sock evils exist tUB merely to persuade ourselves and returned years a- company tate Twentyseventh street von and at Indiana which reports Cavalry who m with Lieut tag while the natives we met lied before has vowed hi mortal thought If they did not other people that things are already aH work tills tall gain from 721 to 16K in a single year William G MuMoon a cout emcer was our approach The pajamas were of all genoe on alt folding beds that work on yield this much there would be no field right because they ought to be so an The Columbia figures I L are exclusive of s- work ta and tints of the rainbow
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