WINTER 2016–2017 his book titles. The oldest GSG trib- ute bench dates back to 1995. The dedications at GSG are sweet, charming, and loving. The children of Robert E. Lee (Bob) Adamson dedicated his memorial bench to “Mr. Wonderful, Journalist LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT and World Traveler”. I bet Mr. Won- Photo by Kathy Trichel; all rights reserved Photo by Kathy Trichel; derful had many a story to tell. On HERE IS A PSYCHOLOGICAL condi- GSG. I thought it was a place devel- their wedding anniversary the chil- T tion called “Fall Hard, Fall Fast: oped just to make me happy. Num- dren and grandchildren of Betty and Love-At-First-Sight Syndrome.” It ber seven of “love-at-first sight syn- Edde Greenstein presented them has eleven signs. Usually it has drome” is “you tend to obsess over with a tribute bench to celebrate to do with meeting someone who things.” It fit me perfectly. “62 years of love.” The inscription piques your interest. I believe it also My dear administrative assistants invites you “to sit here with Mama applies to places or things, perhaps had taken over a bench near the ga- and Papa.” They married on May even ice cream flavors. I experi- zebo. They papered it with a sign 30, l946. Mary shared that Mr. and enced love-at-first sight the first declaring the bench “dedicated to Mrs. Greenstein used to walk the time I visited Green Spring Gardens the best boss”. They didn’t write my paths of GSG almost daily. Mr. (GSG). It was a beautiful June day, name…hmm! While cleaning up I Greenstein became frail and could and I arrived with the sun shining, noticed the “real” name and dedica- no longer walk but he would sit on birds singing and dogs and their tion on the bench and wondered who their bench, under the big bicolor families strolling the grounds. it might have been. The following oak tree, as Mrs. Greenstein walked. I have lived and worked in Fair- Saturday I visited GSG on my own. I A memorial bench is dedicated fax County for over thirty years. I spent time walking around and read- to master gardener Karin Green- had driven by GSG many times but ing bench signs. I added bench-read- wald from her “Adoring Family.” had never stopped. Shortly before ing to my new GSG obsession. A very special brother, Staff SGT my retirement my administrative GSG has 48 dedicated memo- W.C.“Holly”Adams has one. His assistants invited me to a picnic rial and recognition benches. Park bench happens to be my favorite lunch at GSG. I was told to wear a manager Mary Olien says it’s called reading spot. Some special animals hat and meet at the gazebo. I was “The Tribute Program.” Today me- have a bench. One reads “In loving given the address and directions and morial and recognition benches are memory of wonderful cats, Bum- cautioned not to be early or late but popular at many places. At Cape mer and Sunshine.” GSG is a spe- to arrive at the scheduled time. Canaveral in Florida, Apollo 1 has cial place with wonderful things to In those days you came in through a granite memorial bench on the learn and discover. It’s easy to fall the Green Spring Road entrance. I southern edge of the launch pad. The hard and fast in love while discover- parked and walked to find the gazebo. 1980 West Point Class has a bench ing all GSG has to offer. { I was fascinated with the grounds. I near the north trailhead of Flirtation Gioia Caiola Forman, was smitten. The lunch was a great Walk. Walter Lord has a bench in FROGS member, success, and I became obsessed with Baltimore, Maryland engraved with Green Spring Master Gardener plan to host almost 200 volunteers, even though we did not have a space large enough to hold everyone for a keynote session. Our plan — host MANAGER: three concurrent sessions, rotated Mary Olien three times. Although we missed EDITORS: Manager’s not having the one unifying lecture Sunny Greene, Susan Voss, Message for all of us to be together at once, Debbie Waugh we were pleased to be able to invite DESIGN AND LAYOUT: Don Christian Partnerships so many. For the ‘Flavors of Fall’ themed As a member of FROGS, you sup- event, the attendees rotated through Contributions? Comments? port one of the strongest partner- The editorial staff would like to a lecture given by either Paul hear from you. ships in the Fairfax County Park Westervelt, Perennials Manager at Authority: Green Spring Gardens Saunders Brothers in Charlottes- Please contact us through and the Friends of Green Spring. ville or by Debbie Waugh, Historic Gardenline For more than 20 years, you and House Coordinator at Green Spring Green Spring Gardens your fellow members have raised Gardens; a selection of offerings 4603 Green Spring Rd. funds and donated your time, all to in the tasting tent; and a guided Alexandria, VA 22312 help Green Spring Gardens grow. tour presented by the Green Spring 703-642-5173 If you volunteer at Green Spring Master Gardeners. The weather TTY: 703-803-3351 Gardens, you may have benefitted was damp, but that didn’t seem to from another very strong partner- dampen anyone’s spirits for the af- Gardenline is a newsletter pub- ship, the Horticulture Consortium lished jointly by Green Spring Gar- ternoon. dens and Friends of Green Spring of the Greater Washington Area or Throughout the afternoon, we (FROGS). Green Spring Gardens is HCGWA. The HCGWA has been heard words of praise for the beauty administered by the Fairfax Coun- around for 23 years. It is a loose as- of the gardens from many of our vol- ty Park Authority’s Resource Man- sociation of the public gardens in the unteer guests. While there are many agement Division. For more infor- mation, call the park at Washington area, and its main func- talented staff and volunteers whose 703-642-5173 tion during all that time has been to contributions and talents earned that or write: host a volunteer appreciation event. praise, we are grateful for the part- Green Spring Gardens Members of the HCGWA include nership with FROGS that makes it 4603 Green Spring Road American University, Brookside possible to have these gorgeous gar- Alexandria, VA 22312 Gardens, Hillwood Museum and dens to share. { TTY: 703-803-3351 Gardens, Mount Vernon, Smithso- Mary Olien nian Gardens, National Gallery of Park Manager Art, United States Botanical Gar- den, United States National Arbo- A publication of retum, and of course, Green Spring Fairfax County, VA Gardens. Between us all, we are generously served by about 1,000 volunteers. This year, the HCGWA volunteer recognition event was held at Green Spring Gardens on Saturday, Oc- tober 1. In the past, it was thought If accommodations or alternative that the event could only be held formats are needed, please call where there was a space big enough 703-324-8563 at least 10 working days before the event. to hold 200-250 people. With some creative thinking, we developed a 2 GARDENLINE Winter Art Shows at Green Spring FROGS Talk The art you enjoy at the Mary Jane Medeiros, FROGS President Green Spring Art Shows is Tatiana Lisle, FROGS Vice President for sale! DECEMBER 20, 2016 THROUGH The lazy days of summer turned sanctuaries and some of the inter- FEBRUARY 19, 2017: into an eventful fall for FROGS. esting folks behind their popularity. Thanks to everyone who helped The complete lecture series Throughout the Horticulture make Fall Garden Day another suc- schedule and how to register for Center and Historic House: cess. It was the “hottest day ever” these presentations can be found in Vienna Arts Society “The and FROGS profit reached $12,800! the enclosed insert. Beauty of Flora and Fauna”- With temperatures soaring, over Gardeners Holiday Open House mixed media 900 visitors enjoyed the plant and is coming up on Sunday, Decem- Reception: January 8, 2017, craft vendors, tastings at the His- ber 4th. This event is FROGS Board 1pm to 3pm toric House, “must have plants” of Directors way to celebrate the from the Garden Gate Plant Shop, holiday season with our members FEBRUARY 21 THROUGH APRIL 16: bake sale goodies, Silent Auction and neighbors. Festivities begin Throughout the Horticulture treasures and so much more. The at 12 noon, featuring handmade Center and Historic House: Andrew Acosta and Friends Band ornaments, greens and homemade National Capital Area kept things swinging as activities breads for sale. Complimentary Chapter of the Sumi-e continued until mid-afternoon. cookies and lemonade will also be Society Asian Brush Painting/ Our 2016 Annual Appeal ben- served. Make sure to purchase your Ink and Watercolor efiting the Historic House and its tickets through Parktakes or the Reception: March 26, 1pm to History through Hospitality is un- Horticulture Center and bring the 3pm derway. We hope our members will kids to enjoy the Bob Brown Pup- support this important project and pet show. The gingerbread house Remember: all this wonderful continue to contribute to FROGS contest entries will all be on dis- art is for sale! annual appeal as generously as they play, including the contest winners. have in the past. There will also be a delightful col- The Glasshouse Renovation is lection of miniatures in the library A Gift that Keeps On Giving taking place! Thanks to the 2015 An- for everyone to enjoy. Decora- nual Appeal and the matching Mas- tions and appetizers in the Historic Having trouble finding a gift? Check tenbrook grant funds which FROGS House will once again awe adults out the Green Spring Horticulture received from Fairfax County Park and children.
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