Food Structure Volume 7 Number 1 Article 4 1988 Functional and Microstructural Effects of Fillers in Comminuted Meat Products Frederick W. Comer Paula Allan-Wojtas Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/foodmicrostructure Part of the Food Science Commons Recommended Citation Comer, Frederick W. and Allan-Wojtas, Paula (1988) "Functional and Microstructural Effects of Fillers in Comminuted Meat Products," Food Structure: Vol. 7 : No. 1 , Article 4. Available at: https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/foodmicrostructure/vol7/iss1/4 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Western Dairy Center at DigitalCommons@USU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Food Structure by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@USU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. FOOD MICROSTRUCTURE, Vol. 7 (1988), pp. 25-46 07 30- 5419/8 8$3. 00+. 00 Scanning Microscopy International, Chicago (AMF O'Hare ) , IL 60666 USA FUNCT IONAL AN D MICROST RUCTU RAL EFFECTS OF F I LLE RS I N COMM INUTED MEAT PRODUCTS Frederick w. Comer and Paula Allan-Wojtas"" The Griffith Laboratories, Ltd., 757 Pharmacy Ave., Scarborough, Ontar io Canada M1L JJ8 and *Food Research Centre, Research Branch, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, Ontari o, Canada K1A OC6. Introduction Fillers are used in comninuted meat products Fillers are used in a wide range of processed such as wieners to increase yiel d, improve stabil i­ meat products. Comminuted meat products such as ty, and mod i fy textura l prope r ties. Light mic r o­ wieners, bo l ogna, a nd luncheon me a ts are the scopy, scanning electron microscopy and transmis­ largest and most complex class of such products. sion electron microscopy show that conminuted meat These products are often referred to as "fine emul­ products are mechanical mixtures in which the sion products 11 to differentiate them from coarsely microstructural features of starch and insoluble chopped sausage and patty products. A food emulsion protein ing redients are l argely retained. The water 1s a two-phase system, e.g. oil in water, in which absorption and gelation properties of these ingre­ the dispersed droplets have diameters between 0.1 dients contribute to the stability and textural and 10 Jl111 (Powrie and Tung, 1976). When applied to firmness. Soluble proteins may improve stability comminuted meat products, therefore, the term through emulsion formation but the role of emulsion "emulsion" is a misnomer which unfortunately has fo rmation i s clearly secondary t o that of gelation. encouraged food scientists to perform seemingly The characteristic springy gel structure of wieners endless model system and functionality tests based is determined by the gelation of myofibrlllar meat on the ernul sian concept. One reason why the concept prote1ns. Provided the structure of the meat pro­ has endured, and to some extent continues to en­ tein gel i s not disrupted, fillers will generally dure, may be because the emulsifying capacity of a increase both textural firmness and stability. protei n can be quantified accurately (Carpenter and Starch and protein fillers have been shown to in­ Saffle, 1964). crease the stability of wiener homogenates prepared Saffle (1964, 1966) established a bind va lue at a higher (26' C) temperature than that which is scale for meat ingredients based on emulsifying normally used (16°C) . Light microscopy revealed capacity data which is widely used in least-cost that the "all-meat., wieners had a higher degree of computer programs for formulating corrminuted meat fat agglomeration than did the more stable wieners products. For undegraded skeletal muscle proteins, containing added starch fillers. Electron micro­ salt solubility and emulsifying capacity may corre­ scopy revealed that the starch granules participat­ late with textural and stability performance ed in the process of physically entrapping the fat (Saffle and Galbreath, 1964; Schut, 1978). However, globules. Fat globules varied in size and shape, for other meat proteins and for non-meat proteins, and were observed in environments ranging from low these correlations do not hold as shown by Comer to high protein densities. In surrmary, corrminuted (1979) and Comer and Dempster (1981). The effective meat produ cts are shown to have a complex hetero­ use of least-cost formulation programs involves geneous mi crostructure. refinement of ingredient bind values and the use of both analytical and ingredient constraints. Corrminuted meat products are complex food sys­ tems in which water absorption, gelation phenomena, and emu l sion formation influence the stability and texture of the cooked product. The function a 1 ef­ Initial paper received January 29, 1988 fects of fillers are best understood by taking each Manuscrip1 receive d May 11, 1988 of these mechanisms into consideration. Direct inquiries to P . Allan- Wojtas The microstructure of conminuted meat products Telephone number: 613 995 3722 x7506 and its relationship to stability and texture have previously been examined and reviewed (Lee, 1985). Most of the previous work has involved 11 all-meat 11 systems . The purpose of this review is to re­ examine the microstructural and functional data for 11 all-meat 11 systems, and to critically examine the KEY WORDS: Binder, Conm nuted meat, Emulsion, Fil­ role flllers play in corrrninuted meat product sta­ ler. Frankfurter, Funct anal effects, Microstruc­ bility, texture, and microstructure. Data from our ture, Protei n matrix, W ener. previous work are presented as well as new data 25 F. Comer and P. Allan-Wojtas which examine the effects which starch and that salt-soluble meat proteins can form emulsions, caseinate fillers have upon the stability, texture, (Hegarty et al., 1963; Sw1ft et a/., 1961; Swift and microstructure of wieners which have been homo­ and Sulzbacher, 1g63). genized at a normal temperature (16'C) and at a Stabi 1 i ty and microstructure higher temperature (26'C) . The emulsion theory focussed attention on the size of the fat globules and the protein-fat inter­ "A ll Meat" Systems face. Emulsion stability, in particular. the effect of chopping temperature on stability, has been in­ Function of ingredients vestigated by a number of workers (Ambrosiadis and To understand the effects of fillers, compari­ Wirth , 1984; Brown and Toledo, 1975; Carroll and sons must be made with "all meat" systems. In the Lee, 1981; Girard et al . , 1985; Hansen, 1960; preparation of corrminuted meat products, several Helmer and Saffle, 1963; Jones and Mandigo, 1982; non-meat ingredients are used which are not gene­ Lee eta/., 1981 ; Townsend et a/., 1968, 1971). rally considered as fillers (Paquette, 1986). Salt Chopping temperature s of 10° to 16°C produce the is added at a 2-3% level to improve the functional most stable products. Stability decreases rapidly performance of the meat ingredients and contribute in the temperature range of 18° to 30°C. Light to flavour . A curing system ( 11 cure") of sodium microscopy has been used to show that fat agglomer­ nitrite (120 ppm) and sodium erythorbate or ascor­ ation occurs at higher chopping temperatures bate (550 ppm) is used to produce the cured meat (Hansen, 1960; Helmer and Saffle, 1963). Using colour, contribute to flavour, prevent fat oxida­ d1fferential thermal analysis (OTA), Townsend et tion, and retard microbial growth. Spices, season­ al. (1g68) showed that fat melting in the range of ings, and smoke flavouring are added at levels of 1 18° to 30°C is the most likely cause of reduced to 3" to provide flavour and colour. Water is added cook stabi 1 ity at higher chopping temperatures . at levels of 20~ to 40 ~ to increase yield, improve Myosin protein transitions are revealed by DTA at the funct iona 1 performance of the meat 1ngredi ents, 42.0', 49.5' and 60.5'C (Siegel and Schmidt, 1979). and to modify the textural properties of the Carroll and Lee ( 1981), Lee et al. ( 1981), and finished product. Like fillers, all of these non­ Jones and Mandigo (1982) showed that losses in meat ingredients increase yield, and, in the use of stability at high chopping temperatures are accom­ some seasonings and added water , this is clearly panied by decreases in textural firmness. Both one of their designed functions. Mustard flour and light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron micro­ yeast products are two seasonings which are also scopy (SEM) were used to reveal a protein matrix functional fillers. The major components of these disrupted by fat channels. products are proteins and polysaccharides which A critical element of the emulsion theory is influence the stabi lity and textural propert1es of the presence of protein membranes around fat glob­ meat systems principally through water binding ules. In model systems, true emulsions of salt mechanisms. soluble meat proteins and oil are formed. Both In "all meat" systems, water and salt contri­ l ight microscopy (Carpenter and Saffle, 1964; bute to the stability and textural properties Hansen, 1960; Swift et al., 1961; Tsai et al., through interactions with the myofi brillar pro­ 1972) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) teins. In experiments which involved using both (Acton et al., 1982) have clearly shown complete sodium chloride and alkaline phosphates, Trout and membranes. Evidence presented in micrographs of Schmidt (1983) showed that low ionic strength and meat products is less convincing. TEM and SEM low pH resulted in large losses of fat and water evidence has been presented to show protein mem­ during cooking, and a soft product texture. Recent branes in comminuted meat products (Borchert et attempts to reduce the salt levels in conminuted a/., 1967; Jones and Mandigo, 1982; Theno and meat products have also resulted in reduced stabil­ Schmidt, 1978). However, Swasdee et a/. (1982) ity and textural firmness at salt levels below 2-:L using TEM showed that even after extended chopping (Sofos, 1983a, 1983b; Whiting, 1984a, 1984b).
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