38 (1961) Nr. 4 TRACTATENBLAD VAN HET KONINKRIJK DER NEDERLANDEN JAARGANG 1977 Nr. 100 A. TITEL Internationaal Verdrag tot bescherming van kweekprodukten, met bijlage en verklaring; Parijs, 2 december 1961 B. TEKST De tekst van het Verdrag is geplaatst in Trb. 1962, 21 en is gewijzigd bij de in rubriek J hieronder genoemde Aanvullende Akte van 10 novem- ber 1972. C. VERTALING Zie Trb. 1962, 117. De vijfde regel van artikel 6 dient als volgt te luiden: „het zijn aanzijn heeft gegeven, op kunstmatige of natuurlijke". De eerste twee regels van artikel 13, achtste lid, dienen als volgt te luiden: „Met ingang van de dag waarop een kweker of zijn rechtver- krijgende in een Unie-Staat een titel van bescherming is verleend:". Nr. 8 van de Bijlage dient te luiden: „Luzerne - Medicago sativa L. Medicago varia MARTYN." Nr. 10 van de Bijlage dient te luiden: „Raaigras - Lolium sp." D. PARLEMENT Zie Trb. 1968, 122. E. BEKRACHTIGING Zie Trb. 1968, 122 *). Behalve de aldaar genoemde Staten hebben nog de volgende Staten overeenkomstig artikel 31, tweede lid, van het Verdrag een akte van bekrachtiging nedergelegd bij de Regering van de Franse Republiek: Frankrijk2) . 3 september 1971 België3) 5 november 1976 Italië4) 1 juni 1977 Zwitserland5) 10 juni 1977 x) Het Verenigd Koninkrijk van Groot-Brittannië en Noord-Ierland heeft op 28 september 1971 medegedeeld, dat de bepalingen van het Verdrag mede worden toegepast op de volgende geslachten en soorten: „(1) Genera or species included in the annex to the Convention. Genera or species Date on which the provisions of the Conven- tion were applied Apples (all varieties of apples which 3 October 1966 conform with the characteristics of cultivated varieties of the species Malus domestica BORKH) French beans (all varieties of French beans 11 October 1967 which conform with the characteristics of cultivated varieties of the species Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Peas (all varieties of peas which conform 11 October 1967 with the characteristics of cultivated plant varieties of the species Pisum sativum L. sens, lat.) Rye grass (all varieties of ryegrass which conform 6 March 1968 with the characteristics of cultivated plant varieties of the species Lolium perenne L. of the species Lolium multiflorum Lam) Lucerne (all varieties of lucerne which conform 6 March 1968 with the characteristics of cultivated plant varieties of the species Medicago sativa L. or of the species Medicago x varia Martyn) Lettuce (all varieties of lettuce which 15 July 1971 conform with the characteristics of cultivated plant varieties of the species Lactuca Sativa L.) The United Kingdom having previously applied the provisions of the convention to the genus Rosa, has applied them also with effect from 26 April 1968 to Carnations (all varieties of carnations and pinks which conform with the characteristics of cultivated plant varieties of the genus Dianthus excluding the species Dianthus bar bat us). (2) Genera or species not included in the Annex to the Convention Dahlias (all varieties of dahlias 15 June 1966 which conform with the characteristics of cultivated varieties of the genus Dahlia). Pears (all varieties of pears which 3 October 1966 conform with the characteristics of cultivated varieties of the species Pyrus communis). Rhubarb (all varieties of rhubarb conforming 15 June 1966 with the characteristics of cultivated varieties of the genus Rheum.) Strawberries (all varieties of strawberries 3 October 1966 which conform with the characteristics of cultivated varieties of the genus Fragaria.) Perennial (all varieties of perennial 15 June 1966 Delphiniums delphiniums which conform with the characteristics of cultivated varieties of the genus Delphinium.) Apple (all apple rootstocks of Malus spp.) 3 October 1966 Rootstocks Pear (all pear rootstocks of Pyrus spp.) 3 October 1966 Rootstocks Black (all plant varieties of black 26 April 1968 Currants currants which conform with the characteristics of cultivated plant varieties of the species Ribes nigrum, Ribes ussuriense, and Ribes dikuscha.) Plums (all plant varieties of plums which 26 April 1968 conform with the characteristics of cultivated plant varieties of the species Prunus domestica or Prunus cerasifera). Damsons, (all plant varieties of damsons, 26 April 1968 bullaces and bullaces and mirabelles which conform mirabelles with the characteristics of cultivated plant varieties of the species Prunus insititia.) Plum and (all plant varieties of plum and 26 April 1968 damson damson rootstocks of the species Prunus rootstocks domestica, Prunus cerasifera or Prunus insititia including hybrids derived from any two or all of these species.) Raspberries (all plant varieties of raspberries which 26 April 1968 conform with the characteristics of cultivated plant varieties of the species Rubus idaeus, Rubus strigosus and Rubus occidentalism Perennial chry- (all plant varieties of perennial 26 April 1968 santhemums chrysanthemums which conform with the characteristics of the cultivated plant varieties of the genus Chrysanthe- mum of the following species or groups: Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramatuelle; C. indicum Auct. non L.; C. sinense Sabine; C. chinense Hort.; C. hortorum W. Miller; C. japonense (Makino) Nakai; C. vestitum (Hemsley) Stapf; C. makinoi Matsumura and Nakai; C. sibiricum (DC.) Fischer ex Turcz.; C. zawadskii Herbich and varieties; C. rubellum Sealy (C. erubescens Hort. non Stapf); C. cuneifolium Kitamura; C. okiense Kitamura; C. boreale (Makino) Makino; C. aphrodite Kitamura; C. articum Auct. non L.; C. ornatum Hemsley; C. koreanum (coreanum) Hort.; C. yezoense Maekawa; Korean chrysanthemums; Konji chrysanthe- mums and Cascade chrysanthemums. Rhododendrons (all plant varieties of rhododendrons, 26 April 1968 azaleas and azaleodendrons which conform with the characteristics of cultivated plant varieties of the genus Rhododendron.) Conifers and (all cultivated plant varieties of conifers 7 August 1969 Taxads of the Orders Coniferales or Coniferae and of taxads of the Order Taxales.) Narcissi, (all plant varieties of narcissi, daffodils 7 August 1969 daffodils and and jonquils which conform with the jonquils characteristics of cultivated plant varieties of the genus Narcissus L.) Freesias (all plant varieties of freesias which 7 August 1969 conform with the characteristics of cultivated plant varieties of the genus Freesia Klatt) Gladioli (all plant varieties of gladioli which 7 August 1969 conform with the characteristics of cultivated plant varieties of the genus Gladiolus L.) Herbaceous (all plant varieties of herbaceous 7 August 1969 perennials perennials which conform with the characteristics of cultivated plant varieties of any of the genera or species listed in Appendix A.) Trees, shrubs (all plant varieties of trees, shrubs 7 August 1969 and woody and woody climbers which conform climbers with the characteristics of cultivated plant varieties of any of the genera or species listed in Appendix B.) Runner beans (all plant varieties of runner beans 15 July 1971 which conform with the characteristics of cultivated plant varieties of the species Phaseolus coccineus L.) Cymbidiums (all plant varieties of cymbidiums 15 July 1971 which conform with the characteristics of cultivated plant varieties of the genus Cymbidium Sw.) APPEN HERBACEOUS [DIXA Achillea L. PERENNIALChrysanthemumS coccineum Willd. Aconitum L. (Pyrethrum) Alstroemeria L. Chrysanthemum maximum Anchusa italica Retz. Ramond Anchusa angustissima K. Koch Cimicifuga Wernischek Anemone hupehensis Lemoine Clematis heracleifolia DC Anthemis L. Convallaria L. Armeria (DC.) Willd. Coreopsis L. Artemisia L. Cortaderia Stapf Aster L. Dicentra Borckh. corr. Bernh. Astilbe Buch.-Ham. Doronicum L. Bergenia Moench. Echinops L. Caltha L. Erigeron L. Campanula L. Eryngium L. Catananche L. Euphorbia L. Centaurea L. Gaillardia Fougeroux Ceratostigma plumbaginoides Galega L. Bunge Geranium L. Geum L. Physostegia Benth. Gypsophila L. Polemonium L. Helenium L. Polygonatum Mill. Helianthus L. Polygonum L. He Hop sis pers. Potentilla L. Helleborus L. Primula L. Hemerocallis L. Pulmonaria L. Heuchera L. Pulsatilla Mill. (Anemone pulsa- Holcus L. tilla L. and allies) iTosta Tratt. Rudbeckia L. Jm L. (excluding bulbous Salvia L. varieties) Saponaria L. Kniphofia Moench. Scabiosa L. Liatris Gaertn. ex Schreb. Schizostylis Backh. en Harv. Ligularia Cass. Sedum L. Limonium Mill. (Statice) Sidalcea A. Gray Lobelia L. Sz7e«£ L. Lupinus L. Sisyrinchium L. Lychnis L. Solidago L. Lythrum L. Stachys L. Malva L. Stokesia L'Herit. Monarda L. Teucrium chamaedrys L. Nepeta L. Thalictrum L. Oenothera L. Tiarella L. Origanum L. Tradescantia L. Paeonia L. 7W/to L. Papaver L. Veratrum L. Penstemon Schmid. Verbascum L. P/j/ox L. Veronica L. Phygelius E. Mey Ffo/a L. APPENDIX B ,46e/fa R. Br. Aronia Medik. Abutilon megapotamicum St. Hil. Aucuba Thunb. & Naud. Berberis L. Abutilon x milleri Hort. £eta/tf L. Abutilon ochsenii (Phil.) Philippi Buddleia L. excluding i?. asiatica Abutilon vitifolium Presl. Lour. i?. auriculata Benth. y4cer L. #. madagascariensis Lam. and Actinidia Lindl. 5. officinalis Maxim. Aesculus L. excluding Aesculus Buxus L. parviflora Walt. Callicarpa L. excluding C. pwr- Aesculus parviflora Walt. purea Juss. & C. rubella Lindl. ,4/^ Mill. Calluna Salisb. Amelanchier Medik. Camellia japonica L. Ampelopsis Hort. Camellia reticulata Lindl. Andromeda L. Camellia saluenensis Stapf ex Aralia chinensis L. Bean Aralia elata (Miq.) Seem. Camellia saluenensis Stapf ex Aralia spinosa L. Bean x C. reticulata Lindl. Arbutus L. Camellia sasanqua
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