THE LONDON GAZETTE, 12ra APRIL 1985 5187 SPINDLER, Richard John of 30 Kipling Close, Thatcham, km, John Ronald, P O Box 50, County Buildings, Land Newbury, Berkshire, lately residing at 5 Rochester Avenue, of Green! Ginger, Hull HU1 2EB, Certified Accountant Woodley, Reading, Berkshire, lately carrying on business Date of Release—28th March 1985 under the style of " Spindlers Bake Shop" as a BAKER and CONFECTIONER from 9 The Arcade, Gonng-on- Thames, Oxfordshire and from 15 Chatham Street, Read- ing, Berkshire, Bakery Manager Court—NEWBURY INTENDED DIVIDENDS (by transfer from High Court of Justice) No of Matter —2r of 1985 Trustee's Name, Address and Description LUCAS, Leonard Charles, of 104 Greenwood Avenue, —Hocking, Raymond, 8 Baker Street, London Wl, Cer- Enfield, Middlesex, Mini Cab Radio Controller lately tified Accountant Date of Certificate of Appointment— a COMPANY DIRECTOR, formerly of and carrying on 1st April 1985 business with another at 294 Hedge Lane, Palmers Green, London N13 as Lucas Bros Roofing, ROOF- RILEY, John, unemployed, residing at and formerly carry- ING CONTRACTTORS previously carrying on business nig on business as a BUILDER under the name of as a BUILDING CONTRACTOR Court—HIGH Transform Properties from 2-4 Arley Street, Chorley and COURT OF JUSTICE No of Matter—2074 of 1979 in partnership under the style of Blezard Building Con- Last Day for Receiving Proofs—30th April 1985 Name tractors of 78 Clifford Street, Chorley all in Lancashire of Trustee and! Address—Watson, Richard, 271 Preston Court—PRESTON No of Matter—1 of 1985 Trustee's Road, Harrow, Maddlesex Name, Address and Description—Harrison, John David, Howard House, Lloyd Street, Altnncham, Cheshire, BARNSLEY, Michael Thomas, of Bell View, Eastern Chartered Accountant Date of Certificate of Appoint- Lane, Chippenham in the county of Wiltsi (COMPANY ment—28th March 1985 DIRECTOR) Court—BATH No of Matter—30 of 1982 Last Day for Receiving Proofs—26th April COMPTON, Peter Michael of Dmgleberry, Cock Lane, 1985 Name of Trustee and Address—Halls, Nigel Southend, Bradfield, Reading, Berkshire, unemployed John, Lennox House, Spa Road, Gloucester lately a SALES MANAGER and COMPANY DIREC- TOR Court—READING No of Matter—90 of 1984 McKENNA, Frank (described in the Receiving Order as Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Hocking, F McKenna (male)), unemployed, of 2 Marlborougfi Raymond, 8 Baker Street, London W1, Certified Ac- Road, in the county borough of Bedford, lately a countant Date of Certificate of Appointment—1st DRIVER/LABOURER in the BUILDING INDUSTRY April 1985 Court—BEDFORD No of Matter—24 of 1982 Last Day for Receiving Proofs—29th Apnl 1985 Name of NEVES, Leonard Arthur of 62 Beecham Perry, Basmg- Trustee, and Address—Perkins, Michael, 69-71 Lincoln stoke, Hampshire formerly residing at Tower Hill House, Road, Peterborough PE1 2SQ Dummer, Basmgstoke, Hampshire and previously resid- ing at 67 Connaught Road, Brookwood, Wokmg, Surrey BADGER, Edward John, residing at 151 Coleshill Road, and 137 Hermitage Wood Crescent, Woking, Surrey, Water Orton, in the county of Warwick, previously formerly a COMPANY DIRECTOR Court—READ- residing at Pixie Dell, Dunton Bridge, Curdworth, near ING (by transfer from High Court of Justice) No of Sutton Coldfield, in the metropolitan county of West Matter—39r of 1984 Trustee's Name, Address and Midlands, carrying on business at rear of 70 Birming- Description—Porter, Phillip Geoffrey, of Venture House, ham Road, Water Orton, in the county of Warwick as 37-43 Blagrave Street, Reading, Chartered Accountant a METAL MERCHANT Court—BIRMINGHAM Date of Certificate of Appointment—29th March 1985 No of Matter—141 of 1975 Last Day for Receiving Proofs—26th Apnl 1985 Name of Trustee, and Ad- TROTT, Clifford John, of 20 Park Way, Edgcombe Park, dress—Roach, Harry, Commercial Union House, 22 Crawthorne, Berkshire CAR SALESMAN Court— Martmeau Square, Birmingham B2 4UP READING (by transfer from High Court of Justice). No of Matter—79r of 1984 Trustee's Name, Address CARTWRIGHT, Ronald Cynl, of 76 Kempton Park and Description—Highley, Ian Godfrey, 5 Sidmouth Road, Bromford Bndge Estate, Bromford Dnve, Erding- Street, Reading, Berkshire, Chartere dAccountant Date ton, Birmingham B36 8RE, in the metropolitan county of Certificate of Appointment—29th March 1985 of West Midlands, PAINTER and DECORATOR Court —BIRMINGHAM (by transfer from High Court of BARLEY, Harold, residing at 114 Warwick Road, Scun- Justice) No of Matter—57A of 1975 Last Day for thorpe in the county of Humberside and carrying on Receiving Proofs—26th Apnl 1985 Name of Trustee, business as a TAXI FIRM PROPRIETOR under the and Address—Roach, Harry, Commercial Union House, style of Newlands Taxis, and previously under the style 22 Martmeau Square, Birmingham B2 4UP of Ashby and' Newlands Taxis both from John Street, Scunthorpe, aforesaid Court—SCUNTHORPE (by COXHEAD, Harry Edwin, of 72 Walsmgham Road, Hove, transfer from High Court of Justice) No of Matter— Sussex, COMPANY DIRECTOR Court—BRIGHTON 4 of 1985 Trustee's Name, Address and Description— No of Matter—24 of 1978 Last Day for Receiving Claughton, Raymond Stuart, 36-40 North Parade, Brad- Proofs—1st May 1985 Name of Trustee, and Address— ford BD1 3JB, Accountant Date or Certificate of Ap- Yelland, Henry Russell, Windsor House, East Entrance, pointment—3rd April 1985 30-35 Edward Street, Brighton BN2 2JZ PURCHASE, Keith, of 8 Street Road, Compton Dundon, KREBBS, Frederick Otma, of Downe House, Vicarage near Somerton, in the county of Somerset, unemployed, Way, Gerrards Cross, m the county of Buckingham, formerly a COMPANY DIRECTOR and a COMMER- CATERING CONSULTANT, lately a COMPANY CIAL VEHICLE REPAIRER, trading under the style of DIRECTOR Court—SLOUGH No of Matter—2 of " Keith Purchase Commercials" at Axe Road, Colley 1985 Trustee's Name, Address and Description— Griffin, Lane Industrial Estate, Bndgwater, in the said county Timothy Arnold, 5 Hobart Place, London SW1, Char- Court—BRISTOL No of Matter—1 of 1981 Last tered Accountant Date of Certificate of Appointment— Day for Receiving Proofs—27th Apnl 1985 Name of 1st Apnl 1985 Trustee, and Address—Bird, Anthony Malcolm David, 43 Queen Square, Bristol BS1 4QR ASHWORTH, Bnan Horsfall, of Headland, Little Wal- RELEASE OF TRUSTEE tham, Chelmsford, Essex, COMPANY 'DIRECTOR Court—CHELMSFORD No of Matter—18 of 1980 McDONALD John Robert of 9 Chantry Drive, East Last Day for Receiving Proofs—26th Apnl 1985 Name Ayton, in the county of North Yorkshire, Deputy Shop of Trustee, and Address—Sellers, George Bnan, 3rd Manager, previously carrying on business with another Floor, Colman House, Victona Avenue, Southend-on- as North Eastern Electrical Contractors (Electrical Con- Sea, Essex SS2 6EF, Official Receiver tractors) at 1 Palsgrave Road, Scarboorugh in the county of North Yorkshire and formerly carrying on business HEARD, David Alan, of 36 Hunwicke Road, Colchester with another as Girl Fashion Boutique, CLOTHES in the county of Essex and carrying on business under RETAILERS' at 1 Palsgrave Road, Scarborough afore- the name or style of " Home and Domestic" at 18 Hun- said Court—SCARBOROUGH No of Matter—9 of wicke Road, Colchester, aforesaid, GENERAL HARD- 1974 Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Hod- WARE RETAILER Court—COLCHESTER AND E3.
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