St.St. RaymondRaymond CatholicCatholic ChurchChurch 12348 Paramount Blvd., Downey, CA 90242 Phone: 562-923-4509 Fax: 562-869-3359 Website: www.SaintRaymond.org Email: [email protected] MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:00 pm Sunday: 7:00 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am (English) 1:00 pm (Spanish), 5:30 pm (Life Teen) Weekdays: Monday-Friday 6:30 & 9:00 am Saturdays: 8:00 am Holy Days of Obligation: As Announced CONFESSIONS Saturdays: 3:45 - 4:45 pm Tuesdays, Thursdays: 8:30-9:00 am or call the Parish Office for an appointment with the priest on duty Please see page 2 for details for: ANOINTING OF THE SICK BAPTISM CONFIRMATION & EUCHARIST MARRIAGE HOLY ORDERS & RELIGIOUS LIFE ST. RAYMOND PARISH Please call 213-637-7248 A joyous place filled with warmth and good friends, PARISH OFFICE HOURS A peaceful place filled with trust and love, Monday-Friday: 10 am to 6 pm A place where everyone feels welcome, Saturday: 10 am to 3 pm A safe place to grow and learn, Sunday: 9 am to 12:30 pm A community that has been blessed. Our Parish Priests Fr. John Higgins, Pastor Fr. Paul Thomas, Associate Pastor Fr. Ambrose, In Residence TWENTY-SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 4, 2015 Page Two St. Raymond Catholic Church October 4, 2015 PARISH STAFF CONTACT INFORMATION Parish Office 562-923-4509 PASTORAL TEAM Parish School 562-862-3210 Religious Education Office 562-862-6959 Rev. John W. Higgins, Pastor Parish Web Site: www.SaintRaymond.org Rev. Paul Thomas, Associate Pastor Parish Email Address: [email protected] Marc Nuno, School Principal Sr. Paula Strohfus, C.H.F., Director of Religious Ed. School Web Site: www.straymondschool-downey.org School Email Address: [email protected] Sandy Gallegos, Director of R.C.I.A. Danette Buckley, Director of Liturgy Youth Ministry: [email protected] Lupe Salgado, High School Confirmation/Youth Ministry BAPTISM: One Sunday a month. Call Parish Office to make ADMINISTRATIVE TEAM arrangements for class and Baptism.. Erik Landesfeind, Parish Administrator FIRST COMMUNION & CONFIRMATION: Please call our Parish, School, or Religious Education offices to learn Laura Larios-Varela, Secretary about education opportunities for the reception of these sacra- Elaine Kunkel, Bulletin Editor ments. We also have an initiation process for adults seeking Baptism in our Church! Joan Lueke, Parish Records MARRIAGE: Arrangements should be made at least six months prior to anticipated wedding date. PRIEST IN RESIDENCE SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: In the event of serious illness or medical emergency, anointing of the sick may be arranged Fr. Ambrose Kadambukatt, OCD by contacting the Parish Office. Make an appointment to come Chaplain, St. Francis Hospital by before a surgery. PARISH ORGANIZATIONS ALTAR SERVERS…………………………………..……………………………..Kathi Bode 923-3142 MARRIAGE NULLITY……………………..………….. .…Fr. John W. Higgins 923-4509 ALTAR SOCIETY…………………………………………..…………….Danette Buckley 923-4509 MEN’S PRAYER GROUP …………………………….…Fr. John W. Higgins 923-4509 ANGEL TREE……………………………………………………………………Lupe Salgado 923-4509 MUSIC DIRECTOR (ENGLISH)……….……………………..….……Jose Soto 923-4509 BAPTISM ……………………………………………...………….…Laura Larios-Varela 923-4509 MUSIC DIRECTOR (SPANISH)…………………....…….Uri Ceballos (818) 429-1583 CANCER SUPPORT GROUP.……….….. Jill Lavey 923-5819/Elaine Kunkel 531-9620 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION/CATECISMO..……………..Sr. Paula Strohfus 862-6959 CONFIRMATION (High School).…...……………...……................Lupe Salgado 923-4509 RELIGIOUS RECOGNITION FOR YOUTH………………..…..Diane Garcia 862-8309 DETENTION MINISTRY………………..…………….……Sr. Teresa-Los Padrinos 940-8711 RCIA – ADULTS & TEENS……………………………………..Sandy Gallegos 923-4509 DIVINE MERCY MINISTRY………………………………………………Larry Wysocki 927-1482 SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN/Families First…………..…Elaine Kunkel 531-9620 FINANCE COUNCIL…………………………………………………………. ….Ray Lavey 923-4509 SANDWICH PROGRAM……………………………………………..Silvia Larson 818-9445 GUADALUPANOS…………………………………………………….....Laura Larios Sr. 862-9878 SCHOOL & SCRIP-GIFT CERTIFICATES.…………………….School Office 862-3210 HALL & ROOM RENTALS.…………………………..…………Park Place Catering 866-5464 SENIOR CITIZENS……………………………………………Sr. Paula Strohfus 862-6959 HAND MAID MINISTRY………………………………………………………....Kathi Bode 923-3142 SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL……………………..………John Quirk 923-4509 HEALTH MINISTRY………………………….Jill Lavey 923-5819/Elaine Kunkel 531-9620 SPANISH BIBLE STUDY……………………………………………Connie Ochoa 928-7291 ITALIAN CATHOLIC FEDERATION…………………………..………..Perry Shurko 804-0230 SPANISH PRAYER GROUP…………………………….………Ezequiel Ponce 500-6002 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS……………………………………………... Mario Mendoza 622-1803 TIJUANA ORPHANAGE………………………………………Irma Landesfeind 862-8837 LEGION OF MARY.………………………………………………….…...Olivia Hernandez 884-9513 WEDDING COORDINATOR (English)….….………...……… Tami Shilling 869-3260 LITURGY COMMITTEE/LITURGICAL MINISTRIES……...….Danette Buckley 923-4509 WEDDING COORDINATOR (Spanish)……………...……………………………. 923-4509 LITURGICAL MINISTRIES/SPANISH………....…,Marcial & Blanca Espinoza 869-3661 YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY.…………………..…………… Francisco Sandoval 291-6111 MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER……………………...……………..Jacob & Sarah Flores 923-7335 YOUTH MINISTRY…………………………….….…………………..Lupe Salgado 923-4509 Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Raymond Catholic Church Page Three Desde el escritorio del Padre From our Pastor Nuestro caminar de fe a través de estos domingos del Fr. John Higgins Tiempo Ordinario se ha distinguido por los llamados que se nos han hecho para reexaminar las actitudes y Our journey of faith through these comportamientos que le dan forma a nuestras Sundays of Ordinary Time has been relaciones. Hoy se nos llama a considerar seriamente marked by calls to re-examine the cómo entendemos el Sacramento del Matrimonio. El attitudes and behaviors that shape our relationships. divorcio se nos presenta hoy en los programas de la Today we are called to take a keen look at our under- tele o en las películas como el primer recurso cuando standing of the sacrament of marriage. Divorce, as una relación empieza a tener problemas. Este punto presented in today’s television shows and movies, is de vista representa al matrimonio como algo que se often seen as the first resort when a relationship is in puede tirar tan fácilmente como se tira un vaso de trouble. In this view, marriage is depicted as some- papel. Si creemos que Jesucristo es el fundamento de thing that is as easily thrown away as a paper cup. If todo matrimonio sacramental, debemos admitir we believe that Jesus Christ is at the foundation of entonces que la cosmovisión actual está every sacramental marriage, then today’s worldview sencillamente de cabeza. Al escuchar las Escrituras is simply turned on its head. As we listen to today’s de hoy tengamos presente a familiares, amigos y scriptures, let us be mindful of family, friends, and miembros de nuestras comunidades que han luchado members of our communities who have struggled con las cuestiones difíciles de matrimonios with the difficult issues of irreconcilable marriages. irreconciliables. Oremos también para que Dios Let us also pray that God will strengthen every cou- fortalezca a todas las parejas que se han ple who has committed themselves to love, honor, comprometido a amarse y respetarse mutuamente. and cherish one another. Traducido de Saint Margaret Sunday Missal derechos de autor © J. S. Paluch Company From Saint Margaret Sunday Missal, copyright © J. S. Paluch Company CAMINO A RELACIONES SALUDABLES TOWARD HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS Desde comienzos de la creación, Dios tenía From the beginning of creation, God intended for planeado que los seres humanos vivieran unidos people to live together in relationship with one an- llevándose bien unos con otros. Gran parte de la other. Much of scripture shows us how to do this as Sagrada Escritura nos muestra cómo hacerlo, a la vez it illustrates and clarifies God’s plans. The readings que explica y clarifica el plan de Dios. Las lecturas this weekend guide us in the value and care of our este fin de semana ofrecen una guía para valorar y relationships. Specifically, the Gospel focuses on the cuidar de nuestras relaciones humanas. circumstances of failed relationships. Unlike the Específicamente, el Evangelio se enfoca en las Pharisees, we would do well not to focus on the laws circunstancias de una relación que ha fallado. A that pertain to failed relationships, but concentrate diferencia de los fariseos, nos conviene no tanto instead on what God really intended for us. Healthy enfatizar las leyes que se aplican a relaciones que bonds require a lot of our time and energy. They cer- fallan, sino más bien, dar prioridad a lo que en tainly require trust and honesty. Jesus demonstrated a realidad Dios deseaba para nosotros. Los vínculos deep commitment to his friends and to us. As our saludables requieren de nosotros mucho tiempo y brother, he gave his very life for us. Children work dedicación. Ciertamente exigen confianza y hard at friendships. They honestidad. Jesús demostró un profundo trust, forgive, and love with- compromiso con sus amigos y para con nosotros. out conditions. The final Como un hermano, entregó hasta su vida por words of today’s Gospel nosotros. Los niños se ocupan mucho de sus invite us to welcome Jesus amistades. Ellos confían, perdonan, aman sin and the people of our rela- condiciones. Las palabras finales del Evangelio tionships with the fresh en- de hoy nos invitan a recibir a Jesús y a aquellos thusiasm of a child. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. con quienes nos relacionamos, con el entusiasmo Page Four St. Raymond Catholic Church October 4, 2015 LIFE IN OUR
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