LaRouche Democrats win Illinois primaries KGB killed Palme. attempts cover-up The !bero-American Common Market-Part I How the space shuttle program was sabotaged State Department coup in the· Philippines Who Said it First? EIR Did! How did the U.S. State Department destroy Ferdi­ nand Marcos, America's long-term ally in the Pa­ cific? EIR on-the-scene reporters had the story. seven months before the Philippine tragedy unfolded. and President Reagan succumbed to the State Department conspiracy: they documented how traitors in the U.S. State Department and Senate had a/read\' plotted a coup against Marcos. By August 1985. Philippine traitors Lt.-Gen. Fidel Ramos and Defense Minister Juan Ponce Enrile had been tapped to lead the coup. Subscribe to Executive Intelligence Review. the most comprehensive. and accurate political intelligence service in the world. 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All other countries: 1 yr. $490, 6 mo. 1 $265, 3 mo. $145 1______ -------------- Founder and Contributing Editor: LvnJon H. LtiRouche. Jr. Editor-in-chief: Criton Zoakos Editor: Nora Hamerman Managing Editors: Vin Berg and Susan Welsh Coritribliting Editors: Uwe Parpan-Henke. Nancy Spannaus, Webster Tarpley, Christopher White, Warren·Hamerman, From the Editor William Wenz, Gerald Rese, Mel Klenetsky, Antony Papert, Allen Salisbury Science and Technology: Carol. White Special Services: Richard Freeman Advertising Director: Joseph Cohen Director of Pres Services: Christina Huth � INTELLIGENCE DIRECTORS: Africa: Douglas DeGroot Agriculture: Marcia Merry � Asia: Linda de 'Hovos B y now you have all read about the "upset of the century," the Counterintelligence: Jeffrey Steinberg, Illinois primary election of March iIi which two "LaRouche Paul Goldstein . 18, Economics: Dal'id Goldman Democrats" won the Democratic nominations for lieutenant gover­ EUropean Economics: William Engdahl, Laurent Murawiec nor and secretary of state, and the LaRouche-backed slate garnered Europe: Vivian Freyre Zoakos 1,167,000 votes in the state. The international media barrage did lbero-America: Robyn Quijano, Dennis Small Law: Edward Spannaus manage to leak some reality about Lyndon LaRouche's policies into Medicine: John Grauerhol:, M.D. the public domain, but it is, as usual, EIR's responsibility to provide Middle East: Thierry Lalel'ee Soviet Union and Eastern Europe: the full picture: Rache} Douglas, Konstantin George • Th e battle for Europe. Shultz's State Department is still intent United States: Kathleen Klenetsky, Stephen Pepper on handing Western Europe over to the Soviets, while the Gramm­ INTERNATIONAL BUREAUS: Bangkok: Pakdt't' and Sophie Tanapllra Rudman "balanced budget" legislation mandates massive cuts in the Bogota: Jal'ier Almario U.S. military commitment. The March French election, which Bonn: George Grt'gory, Rainer Apel 16 Chicago: Paul Grunberg brought Jacques Chirac in as premier (page 26), is an important Copenhagen: Poul Rasmussen opening to a shift by the French government, both toward support Houston: Harley Schlanger of Lima: Sara Madllerio the U.S. Strategic Defense Initiative, and toward a long-overdue Los Angeles: Theodore Andromidas crackdown on the terrorist networks Mexico City: Joufina Menende: that have enjoyed the Socialist Milan: Marco Fanini government's hospitality. But the Trilateral Commission, set back New Delhi: Susan Maitra Paris: Christine Bierre in France, is moving to topple the government of West Gennany Rio de Janeiro: Sill'ia Palacios (page 25). Rome: Leonardo Sen'adia. Stefllllia San'hi Stockholm: Cl(ffard Gaddy . • The battle for [bero-America. This week's Feature (page 16) United Nations: Douglas DeGroot is Part I of a report on the centerpiece of Lyndon LaRouche's "Op­ Washington. D.C.: Nicholas F. BenlOn, Susan Kokinda, Stanle\' E:rol eration Juarez" proposal for a new, more just world economic order, Wiesbaden: Philip Gollib. Man- Lalel'ee an Ibero-American Common Market. A summary briefing on the , . " status of the fight in March-April is on pages 36-37. t.1RtExe('//lil·e Imellil/ell('" Rl'I'iell' (ISSN 1f!73�31-1' i.1 • The battle for the space program. The greatest hope for hu­ pllbli.. hetl lI'eekly (50 inlle .. ) ex('<'I"}'" II,,· ."·('IlIId 1I .... ·k of JlliI' alld.fir,,' lI'eek (If Jw"",ry by N"II' SolidarilY manity to leap over the barriers of so-called fixed resources, lies in IlIIerll(l/iOl,al Pre.'" Seni.',· 1M2 K 51 . .\'.W. SlIil.· .11K). Wa.• hilll/"JII. D.C. :!()(){)f> I:!O:!) 955-5930 taking the U.S. Apollo program far beyond the goal of a manned Disrriblllt-t/ by IJi.\'IrihulOn. CUIU'Wi /11('. landing on the moon, and into a conquest Europeall HetUlquarten: Excl.:utive Inlelligence Review of sp�e. The cover story Nachrichlenagenlur GmbH. Poslfach 230M, DOllbeime"lra"e 166. D-6200 Wiesbaden. !'ederal Republic (page 48) tells how forces hostile to technological progress have of Germany Tel: 106121') aborted that process, and now threaten to shut down NASA 8840. ExecUlive Direclors: Anno Ilellenbroi,·h. entirely. Michael Liebig The rapid pace of world events toward a war which can still be /11 Denmll"': EIR. Haderslevgade 26.1671 Copenhagen ((II) 31-09-08 stopped, if LaRouche's policies are adopted, explains why the So­ 54 A-3 /11 M",ieD: EIR. Francisco Dias Covarrubias 705-1295. viets unleashed a massive hoax attempting to linlcLaRouche's Eu­ Colonia San Rafael. Mexico OF. Tel: IDfIIlII .ub.eriptiDn .111,,: Research Corporalion. O.T.O. ropean associates to the Palme killing (page 22). They had hoped to Takeuchi Bldg .. 1-34-12 Takalanobaba. Shinjuku-Ku. Tokyo 160. Tel: (031208-7821. buy even a few weeks of time to consolidate their power, before the Copyrighl <C 1986 New SolidarilY Inlemalional Press Service. All righls reserved. Reproduclion in whole or in pan wilhoul slanders were discredited. An EIR Dossier will soon be released, permission slriclly prohibiled. Second-class poslage paid al Washinglon D.C.. and al an addilional mailing oflices. 3 documenting the full, incredible story. 22 months-SI25. 6 monlhs-S 5 .. I year-S396. Single issue-$ 10 Academic libr.ry rale: S245 per year 1612 Postmaster: Send all address changes to I:.1R. K SI. N.W .. Suite 100.Washington; D.C. 21XK16 (202)955-5930. " TIillContents Interviews Economics 11 Jorge Carrino Rojas 4 Will BIS 'kill the goose Colombia's labor minister that laid the golden egg'? describes.his fight for a labor­ The central banks face a dilemma: industry alliance, against Controlling "off-balance-sheet international usury. banking" is necessary to save the dollar� but such control will bring the dollar down. Book Reviews 6 Merrill Lynch, Credit Suisse, and the dollar 10 Moscow's agents in British collapse I trade unions Scargil( the Stalinist? by Nicholas 7 Curl"ency Rates Hagger, reviewed by Laurent Murawiec. 8 Swedish stock market scandal implicates Soviet­ 39 In search of a decent and linked giants true biography of Juan Peron 13 Labor in Focus A review by Stephen Pepper of Finally, a union that's for labor. Joseph Page's Peron, a Biography. 14 .Business Briefs ,/ Departments Feature 12 Andean Report 16 The peed for an Ibero­ The fight against usury. American Common Market Strategic Map 36 There is no nation of the continent Thero-America: the fight for which could 10l)g resist embargo integration, against the IMF. and strangulation by the international banks. But a unified 45 �eport from Rio contillf:nt-that is a different Popeconfronts liberationist story. ,Part I of a speech by Dennis bishops. Small to the International Conference of Food Producers in 72 Editorial Sonora, Mexico. The real NASA scandal. March 28, 1986 • Vol. 13 No. 13 . n International Science & Thchnology National 22 KGB killed Palme, 64 'The day Jhe sky actually attempts cover-up fell': LaRbuclle victories in Documentation: The spread of the: minois: Soviet disinformation line, that the Documentatlon: The composition European Labor Party was of the vote: re-emergence of the implicated in the assassination. old FDR coalition of blue collar workers, blaCks, and .fanners. 2S Profile: Kurt Biedenkopf The Trilateral's candidate for the 67 Will PANIC stop AIDS in . German chancellorship. California? 26 Chirac named premier The Space Shuttle Columbia climbs toward space 68 Congressional Closeup on its second voyage. Nov 12. 1981. following crushing defeat of French Trilaterals 70 National News 27 European Labor Party 48 How the space shuttle exposed the Trilaterals program was sabotaged Marsha Freeman presents the 28 For the'Triiaterals, it's on devastating story of how the to Moscow budget-cutters have tried to finish off the U.S. space program since 29 French Socialist network its inception. in plot against Tunisian government 31 Contadora, not Contras,. Investigation for Central America S8 Satanism and witchcraft: a concern for the Vatican 32 Garcia call to unity in Argentina rattles bankers An inquiry by Sandro Mitromaco and Ira Liebowitz. 34 Garcia urges Ibero- . Americans to unite on debt, sovereignty The speech of Peruvian President Alan Garcia before Argentina's National Congress.
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