ChurchChurch HistoryHistory ChurchChurch HistoryHistory IntroductionIntroduction toto ChurchChurch HistoryHistory st rd TheThe AncientAncient ChurchChurch AD 11st-3-3rd centuriescenturies th th TheThe RiseRise ofof ChristendomChristendom AD 44th-5-5th centuriescenturies th th TheThe EarlyEarly MiddleMiddle AgesAges AD 66th-10-10th centuriescenturies th th TheThe AgeAge ofof CrusadesCrusades AD 1111th-13-13th centuriescenturies th th TheThe RenaissanceRenaissance AD 1414th-15-15th centuriescenturies Welcome to the Renaissance Turnovers... TheThe RenaissanceRenaissance TheThe earlyearly 1414th centurycentury waswas aa timetime ofof changechange 12951295 GhazanGhazan IlkhanIlkhan convertedconverted TheThe RenaissanceRenaissance FunkyFunky littlelittle teachingteaching moment—moment— Okay,Okay, II havehave toto backback upup YouYou rememberremember Temüjin'sTemüjin's otherother,, moremore famousfamous name,name, right?right? ““GenghisGenghis Khan...”Khan...” BackBack inin 1256,1256, GenghisGenghis Khan'sKhan's grandson,grandson, Hülegü,Hülegü, setset himselfhimself upup asas thethe khankhan ofof aa smaller,smaller, satellitesatellite khanatekhanate inin Persia,Persia, calledcalled thethe IlkhanateIlkhanate (or(or “subordinate“subordinate khanate”)khanate”) Interestingly,Interestingly, HülegüHülegü waswas raisedraised asas aa NestorianNestorian ChristianChristian (followers(followers ofof thethe teachingsteachings ofof BishopBishop Nestorius,Nestorius, whowho hadhad taughttaught thatthat JesusJesus hadhad twotwo completelycompletely separateseparate natures)natures) NestorianismNestorianism TheThe RenaissanceRenaissance FunkyFunky littlelittle teachingteaching moment—moment— Okay,Okay, II havehave toto backback upup YouYou rememberremember Temüjin'sTemüjin's otherother,, moremore famousfamous name,name, right?right? “Genghis“Genghis Khan...”Khan...” BackBack inin 1256,1256, GenghisGenghis Khan'sKhan's grandson,grandson, Hülegü,Hülegü, setset himselfhimself upup asas thethe khankhan ofof aa smaller,smaller, satellitesatellite khanatekhanate inin Persia,Persia, calledcalled thethe IlkhanateIlkhanate (or(or “subordinate“subordinate khanate”)khanate”) Interestingly,Interestingly, HülegüHülegü waswas raisedraised asas aa NestorianNestorian ChristianChristian SoSo yes,yes, therethere waswas aa time,time, 700700 yearsyears ago,ago, whenwhen IranIran waswas ruledruled byby aa ChristianChristian dynastydynasty ofof MongolianMongolian KhansKhans TheThe RenaissanceRenaissance FunkyFunky littlelittle teachingteaching moment—moment— Okay,Okay, II havehave toto backback upup YouYou rememberremember Temüjin'sTemüjin's otherother,, moremore famousfamous name,name, right?right? BackBack inin 1256,1256, GenghisGenghis Khan'sKhan's grandson,grandson, Hülegü,Hülegü, setset himselfhimself upup asas thethe khankhan ofof aa smaller,smaller, satellitesatellite khanatekhanate inin Persia,Persia, calledcalled thethe IlkhanateIlkhanate (or(or “subordinate“subordinate khanate”)khanate”) ByBy thethe endend ofof thethe 1313th century,century, thethe IlkhanateIlkhanate hadhad growngrown toto becomebecome richrich andand powerfulpowerful AndAnd thatthat meantmeant thatthat therethere waswas goinggoing toto bebe aa strugglestruggle aboutabout whowho shouldshould getget toto leadlead themthem AfterAfter hishis fatherfather waswas murdered,murdered, youngyoung Ghazan'sGhazan's uncle,uncle, Gaykhatu,Gaykhatu, reignedreigned forfor fourfour years,years, thanksthanks toto thethe helphelp ofof hishis BhuddistBhuddist supporterssupporters NOTE: During Gaykhatu's reign, Ghazan grew old enough to wed Kököchin—a gift from the powerful Kublai Khan, originally brought to Persia to marry Ghazan's father by Marco Polo (helping cement Ghazan's succession— since he was now married to the woman whom Kublai had intended to be the queen of the Ilkhanate) TheThe RenaissanceRenaissance FunkyFunky littlelittle teachingteaching moment—moment— Okay,Okay, II havehave toto backback upup YouYou rememberremember Temüjin'sTemüjin's otherother,, moremore famousfamous name,name, right?right? BackBack inin 1256,1256, GenghisGenghis Khan'sKhan's grandson,grandson, Hülegü,Hülegü, setset himselfhimself upup asas thethe khankhan ofof aa smaller,smaller, satellitesatellite khanatekhanate inin Persia,Persia, calledcalled thethe IlkhanateIlkhanate (or(or “subordinate“subordinate khanate”)khanate”) ByBy thethe endend ofof thethe 1313th century,century, thethe IlkhanateIlkhanate hadhad growngrown toto becomebecome richrich andand powerfulpowerful AndAnd thatthat meantmeant thatthat therethere waswas goinggoing toto bebe aa strugglestruggle aboutabout whowho shouldshould getget toto leadlead themthem AfterAfter hishis fatherfather waswas murdered,murdered, youngyoung Ghazan'sGhazan's uncle,uncle, Gaykhatu,Gaykhatu, reignedreigned forfor fourfour years,years, thanksthanks toto thethe helphelp ofof hishis BhuddistBhuddist supporterssupporters Ghazan'sGhazan's cousin,cousin, Baydu,Baydu, murderedmurdered Gaykhatu,Gaykhatu, withwith thethe supportsupport ofof hishis own,own, ChristianChristian allies,allies, effectivelyeffectively stealingstealing Ghazan'sGhazan's thronethrone To regain it, Ghazan would have to look elsewhere for his own political conspirators... ...which brought him to the Muslim leader, Emir Nawrūz of the Golden Horde (the Northern Mongols) TheThe RenaissanceRenaissance TheThe earlyearly 1414th centurycentury waswas aa timetime ofof changechange 12951295 GhazanGhazan IlkhanIlkhan convertedconverted toto IslamIslam AsAs partpart ofof hishis agreementagreement toto supportsupport GhazanGhazan intointo thethe Ilkhanate,Ilkhanate, NawrūzNawrūz demandeddemanded thatthat hehe convertconvert fromfrom ChristianityChristianity toto Islam...Islam... whichwhich hehe did...did... InIn fact,fact, thoughthough thethe officialofficial MongolMongol stancestance hadhad alwaysalways beenbeen religiousreligious tolerance,tolerance, GhazanGhazan mademade IslamIslam thethe statestate religion,religion, andand requiredrequired allall MongolsMongols underunder himhim toto convertconvert asas wellwell ThereThere werewere nownow twotwo majormajor IslamicIslamic powerspowers inin thethe world—theworld—the sultanssultans andand emirsemirs ofof thethe IslamicIslamic kingdomskingdoms ofof NorthNorth Africa,Africa, andand thethe khanskhans ofof thethe MongolsMongols ofof AsiaAsia TheThe RenaissanceRenaissance TheThe earlyearly 1414th centurycentury waswas aa timetime ofof changechange 12951295 GhazanGhazan IlkhanIlkhan convertedconverted toto IslamIslam AsAs partpart ofof hishis agreementagreement toto supportsupport GhazanGhazan intointo thethe Ilkhanate,Ilkhanate, NawrūzNawrūz demandeddemanded thatthat hehe convertconvert fromfrom ChristianityChristianity toto Islam...Islam... whichwhich hehe did...did... Ironically,Ironically, thisthis wasn'twasn't asas scaryscary aa timetime forfor EuropeEurope asas itit mightmight looklook toto ourour modernmodern eyeseyes TheThe variousvarious MuslimMuslim powerspowers werewere onlyonly uneasyuneasy allies,allies, atat best—notbest—not aa coalitioncoalition AndAnd thethe ChristianChristian statesstates ofof EuropeEurope andand RussiaRussia werewere strongstrong enoughenough toto repelrepel anyany incursionsincursions fromfrom thethe EastEast byby thisthis timetime SoSo thethe worldworld waswas heldheld inin aa sortsort ofof détentedétente,, withwith aa relativerelative easingeasing backback fromfrom overtovert empire-buildingempire-building Instead of fighting, various kings and khans tended to focus on competing with one another... TheThe RenaissanceRenaissance TheThe earlyearly 1414th centurycentury waswas aa timetime ofof changechange 12951295 GhazanGhazan IlkhanIlkhan convertedconverted toto IslamIslam 13031303 BenedictBenedict XIXI becamebecame thethe newnew PopePope TryingTrying desperatelydesperately toto undoundo thethe damagesdamages toto thethe papacypapacy byby hishis predecessor,predecessor, PopePope BonifaceBoniface VIII,VIII, BenedictBenedict mademade itit illegalillegal toto speakspeak illill ofof BonifaceBoniface inin public,public, oror toto questionquestion hishis validityvalidity ofof hishis officeoffice HeHe alsoalso liftedlifted thethe excommunicationexcommunication ofof FrenchFrench KingKing PhilipPhilip IVIV toto makemake friendsfriends withwith FranceFrance Though,Though, toto savesave faceface forfor Rome,Rome, hehe stillstill excommunicatedexcommunicated Philip'sPhilip's chiefchief minister,minister, GuillaumeGuillaume dede Nogaret...Nogaret... ...who...who thenthen hadhad PopePope BenedictBenedict assassinated,assassinated, eighteight monthsmonths afterafter takingtaking office...office... TheThe RenaissanceRenaissance TheThe earlyearly 1414th centurycentury waswas aa timetime ofof changechange 12951295 GhazanGhazan IlkhanIlkhan convertedconverted toto IslamIslam 13031303 BenedictBenedict XIXI becamebecame thethe newnew PopePope 13051305 ClementClement VV becamebecame thethe newnew PopePope BornBorn RaymondRaymond BertrandBertrand dede Goth,Goth, ClementClement VV waswas decidedlydecidedly pro-Francepro-France HeHe waswas coronatedcoronated inin Lyon,Lyon, andand movedmoved thethe papalpapal thronethrone toto Avignon—whereAvignon—where itit stayedstayed forfor thethe nextnext 6767 yearsyears (NOTE: This Avignon Papacy has become known as the “Captive Papacy” or even the “Babylonian Captivity” in Catholic history) TheThe RenaissanceRenaissance TheThe earlyearly 1414th centurycentury waswas aa timetime ofof changechange 12951295 GhazanGhazan IlkhanIlkhan
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