VOL. n. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, MAY 11,1872. NO. 21 onions flfty-sovon pounds, of dried poaches thirty SAMSON MINING Co, LAWS OF NEW JERSEY- littlo boain of syrup in tho lionso which The Iron Era, C. II. DALUYlIFIiE. Allen Palmer & Bon, 'ireo nonnda, of driudapplm twoiiiy-Uyo pouuds, hoa boon made from the sup ot trees that OBEailiE, MotrU Co.. N. 1, ttod by tlio •tnnUnrd pound aTolrdupois ir^igbt. Biirroiind the old homestead, aud they PUBLISHED ETKBY BITURBAI BT By Autbority. Carpenters effect immediately, (iicopt w> far au seclioi, nine have boiled it down into a cake of eiupr. BENJ. H. VOGT. Miners and Shippers on TTCX-GH m re, AND CHAPTBH CCCXX2I1L id BIlvco Aud Biitooi), line iu rufijioct to tlium, am, Jlonry must tako homo with him; _jall tako effcu, at suon as tho county or city in- what a treut I Ho aUrta away fuot-soro EDITOB AKB rnoniETon. of Iroa Ore. SIORUISTOWN, X. J. Builders. a act to ciiabllth a uniform lUndtvrd of wolgbta spector of woiglitd and meMnrog ahull liaio Locn aud lame and stiff from tho preceding Addreaa and meaioroi in UIIR Btato, and to proTido for fiirnlBhnd with ntandard wd^litg and Diiiuurcs, Offloa Cor. llorrl) Kbd DU«)tW«U IUMII. fioalor In thu appolntnicat of a State auperLnUuileot and md qualilled mid iuy true tod aa provldud iu this night's journey. But well ho knows ho O. W. MIIiETl.Uo.., .p, Jobbing promptly attended to. and q •TSUUIS OP KUDSCBJPTIOIV i Inapocwr of tbe uuno. int.fit'go. With tWa littlo cake of sugar UiHtNY Chain, Until. Ool, 10. And bo it on tic ted, Tint tho act a d pro vi- S, J. PALMER, Architect. 1 B it h St d Ol his band, ho trudges manfully on, K.J. Drugs, lla nB of tho samo in ragard to weights nil tnua ,. • lisvutiuihx us ASTAKOC 16 indard of wuigbts and meosures in this atato urea approvod April suvuntconlh oue smothering tho feelings of hoine-aicki.esfl, Medicines, .mil »groo ciaotTy nitb tbe atandtrd aa rocofj- oigbt buntlrcd and forty-nlx, toguthur vltb oU nnd brunhnig awtiy tlio tears, lint it 19 OnoYoor, ------- 02.08 nuuidBudrumialiod by tbo United BUtee, «id aubauqnunt acts or Buppk-iuuntn rulatiug tliero to, mrd work going back—he BQOUU) t-> get Bix Moutlw, - - 1.00 SO HORSES for SALE •hall for the purposes of soouritf *nd vorlnca,tton shftll ba, a^il the mono aro huruby repuaiuil. .long so ulow.y. It ia nix o'clock, nnd ho A. TAYLOR, Chemicals, w kopt at Trenton, Iu tbo custody of the tflcro- I'aBaod Man-b 25,1873, H not half wuy on liis journey. Ho is BO •,liroo mouths, ------- 60 At tin Ury of atato. < •2. Andbii it OQMtod, Tbtt BTtryooontyln this tired. He isn't going home. No mother's an, Duunn Lion urn Dye Stuffs, •tato, not already profldod witb tlio aamo. shall heart heats tor him at ilia end uf thiM Business Cards. bo furnishud lofar ** needed for practical $va- A Taste for tho Fino Arls. twelve miles—no liopo, no s\vut>t ri>wardu, ETC., ETC. Livery & Exchange Stnbles, ti, with exact copfo* of itaDdard weights and us wliou ho caino. Hero IB a farm bouse ; .._iures of thb UaJted BUtei, duly rated and alight IB in the window :itloolttsocheer- GEO. RICHARDS tt Co., ENUINE PATENT MEDICINES. CUESTElt, S. J. compared with tho itendanl* of this state, such An artist, fond of nival scone, ThoSnbaeriLorla oou.lcinU; onj.goJ In county Blaudards to' bo taaAa In the most t\p- Of aky of bluo and field uf green, ful tliero; tlio yard nlopea down to tho BELL TICKETS FOB THE HUKOTM LIMS HARNESS, BIIiVEllAl, WATJIRS iroved manner, rogarding eisontlftlly aceuxMy. Wont rumbling forth ono summer's day, road sido fence. Ho stops a moment; thfl OF BTEAMEIM TO AND FBOH BUYING & SELLING HORSES. [uraliUity, and eaonomy, Had for the parpo§e ot "With pliant limb and npfr.U gay. hut tears roll down tlio littlo fellow's loco, toiticg and adjusting SCAIHI of largo capacity, and drop ou tho baro, dtifity feet; ho ul- SADDLES, &o. of all kinda, Draft und Baddlo Horwa coca shall consist of an arddltlon of UTO bunarod He planed bis essol in a nook. Qucoustowu and Liverpool, id ordure lakou for tbo pure hi pounds (ovnfnlupole) of east iron irolguta, or toil moat falls against tho fence—tired and And carefully Jib sucsbada took, hunp^y ond Borrowful. Whr;o wore tho MUCTBON TOILET ARTICLES, xiciflod animals. Aud fixed it properly aloft Fumuri, iporttmcn and Rontlomen of loin— angolu that guard and keep tho poor—hnve OrMt Britain, Iwland, Qoraan? and Franca vrill find It to tliclr iittcrc»t to p*Ul upon rnq oltlior S. And bo it enaotcd, thai nil contracts made To sbndo his work with, shadows soft. they foniakuu thlA foot-sore little-pilgrim? 86.15 per «1. m DOVBR, N. J Soaps, Brushes, Perfumery, n" tlio parchmto or »A!O ulHonot, s»l ffwrmiUi witb tbJj itate, or butween ottixoiu of this atate, Full many an hour ho tolled away, Just now Uio /(inner conies down towards Aimounc.. to tha pulillo thatla bu n«|.«4 Ua itt iUoy Bball bo utlsfactDrily doalt with. on tho basis ofivolght or measnro, to doflulng 07 Tlio oinvnsi glowed witji colors gaj ; tho gate : "Why, my boy, whnt uro you and eTorytnlng nsually found in e> Forties iriibing to ditpoto of thoir Horiei c» KBcertainlng qunntily, shall t» takon and con- WlnUr alook ofQooda. anduiTltea aa aiam* itrucd, according iu and in ounfunnlty with tbo Till Qhuclng round a nature briglit, doing here, and who aro you ?" " I am tlon of Ida aplendld eelMtlon of do BO through mo at a runeunaUe pnrcoiit«g9. PASSAGE TICKETS T. P. SKKLLKNOElt, Btandiirds hereby fljod and adopted by this utAln; New channs illntorlied hla eiigor bight— Mr. \V '» boy, nix ; my nnmc in Hen- First Class Drug Store. proTidod, that riothlDg borein contained shoil be Tho trillion or a utahrart maid, ry, and I have been home to ace my moth- TOAXDVBOX construed BO BB to conlllot with an act of tho con- Buffalo and 'Wolf Skin To tha very roiponnlble duty uf compounding grcBi of tho Un'tod States, entitled "An act to Iu ruitlo labor's garb arrayed ; er cud father. I um working in N , authoriiso tho uno of tbo metric system of wulnbli Her clieoin tho rasa ot beauty irore, Liverpool and Queenstown, HOBEIS, To Let, and measures," aiinrovod April twenty-eighth, Uor rounded nrms a milkpall bum I undam guing back." "But what is tlio Physicians' PreBoriptionB, rrHTB Hoonii formurly oceopleA by TITB IHOM uuo thousand olgblaundrod nod ilxty-mx. •'All nature thiruta," our artist thought, matter, my boy—wlint are you crying on the following BUamaulp llo.a: X £ni Offlco, cgroor of UUcknolI »nd Uorria 4. And be it enacted. That any porsoa who about?" "I nra ao tired nud hungry, Fancy Lap Robes, Btrccti. Enquire of ahall oouutorfeil, or without any authority alter, "Behold, tbo Doodad aucoor brought I" 1NMAJV, OUNAKD, H lie roso, by sudden Inatlnot led, air ;I couldn't help it." "Como in, and . M.&LHEA11ING. or with fraudulent or nifBohlnvoua intant cbaugo we'll give you tonic supper/1 said the Horse Blankets,' Tor, Mirch iW, *72. 16-tf or,d«facoany wdclt, icalo, m ' And naught tbo uiilkmnld's humble shed; NATIONAL, CUAKACTEK bafanco. the auaohsrlas been 1 Stio poured a drnuglit with witohitig suiilo, good man kindly. "I wontin," says tlio ard, uid to be used for testiug or verifjlng Iho man who now totla tho story. " Tlio far- J.lverpool and Great Weatern, Sleigh Bells, Whips, ALL MEDICINES USED IX OEOHOF. PIBRSOIV, weights or moagnrcs of this atato, or of anyxwrn- Untaught of tnon, uid free of wilo ; mer's -wife received me kindly, and talked Diana on England and Royal Hank of Ireland BISl'ESCIXa. Manufactnror of ty of thli sUta, any poisun BO oiTond.Qg shall bo Its virtuo ebalnod blm to tha spot-— to me till I felt hotter, when she cooked at tlio lowest raica. Brushes, Combs, dceiuou guilty of a high roisdoraoanor, and on For milk batli power WIIMI BULB Dro hoi— conviction uftbo Bamo,ahall bo luWoct to a flno mo a supper—such a sapper I ucver ntfl E.LlNDflLEY, C. H. DAlllYMPLE, And ho began to llirt amlthst before, nnd lmvo never enten nitico ! I OILS tor X^nbrlcatlof Jlajiieaa, Olioice Sweet OIDEB of not exceeding one thouaabd douarB, or im- ; Dmggiat AND prJ»r>nmf nt at linrd tabor not cieeeelotf two years On snhjoct this and topta that. have Hiit nt tnblea where everything that Ointment*, Llnlmenta, at tbe diBcretioQ of Uio court. Time fllon when art and beauty moot, money could purchase won provided—at 5. And bo it emtotod, That a superintendent The stitiny momonla grow more fltot; my own and elsewhere—but never before, SEG-TJR'B BANK, And In fact ill Ihou ertlelee nertadbya good WHITLOCK & IETH8, Pure Cider VINEGAR _nd Lnapootor of weights nod.measures for this state ehall bo appointed by the Governor, by and And aa It ehancod tliat while tho pair aud never since have I liad such a sup- boraemanla the proper care of that uefnt ani- MBtX DIIOOK, S. J. Wore gossiping and chatting there, HOVER, N. J., mal. UaTUicboaghtannnnaoaUy with tho consent of tbe Bonate. of thU stato, who per as that bam and those eggs and pota- Alao dealer in all kluda of sliall ba a man of tufllclont atfimtino knorrlcdijo A matronly old cow strolled by, toes made.
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