No. 57 1225 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE Published by Authority WELLINGTON: THURSDAY, 18 SEPTEMBER 1958 Declaring Land to be Crown Land by Pr~clamation, declare that any school site or part of a school site which in his opinion is no longer required for that purpose shall be vested in Her Majesty, and thereupon COBHAM, Governor-General the school site, or part thereof, as the case may be, shall vest A PROCLAMATION in Her Majesty, freed and discharged from every educational trust affecting the same, but subject to all leases, encum­ PURSUANT to section 209 of the Maori Affairs Act 1953, I, brances, liens, or easements affecting the same at the date of Charles John, Viscount Cobham, the Governor-General of the Proclamation: · New Zealand, hereby declare the land described . in the Now, therefore, pursuant to subsection (6) of section 5 of Schedule hereto to be Crown land and to be subject to the the said Act, I, Charles John, Viscount Cobham, the Land Act 1948. Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the First Schedule hereto, being an area vested in the Auckland Education Board, and SCHEDULE the land described in the Second Schedule hereto, being an SOUTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT area vested in the South Auckland Education Board as sites ALL those pieces of land containing 5,552 acres 3 roods 1 · 9 for public schools shall be vested in Her Majesty the Queen, perches, more or less, being the land known as Rotomahana freed and discharged from every education trust affecting Parekarangi 6A 2, Sections 2B 2A, 2B 2c, 2B 2D, 3B lA 2, part the same, but subject to all leases, encumbrances, liens, or 3B (road line), 3B 2, 3B 3A, 3B 3B, and 3B 5B Blocks, situated easements affecting the same at the date hereof. in Blocks I, II, V, and VI, Paeroa Survey District, Block II, Ngongotaha Survey District, and Block XIV, Tarawera Survey FIRST SCHEDULE District. NORTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ PORTION of Clendon's Grant, Parish of Papakura, situated in General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, Block XI, Otahuhu Survey District: Area, 2 acres 2 roods, this 12th day of September 1958. more or less. All certificate of title, Volume 517, folio 219. [L.S.] W. NASH, Minister of Maori Affairs. Limited as to parcels and· title. Goo SAVE THE QUEEN! (L. and S. H.O. 6/6/1242; D.O. M. 2583) (M.A. 29/4/1/5) SECOND SCHEDULE SOUTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT Declaring Lands in North Auckland and South Auckland LOTS 1 and 2, D.P. S. 5033, being part New Zealand Loan· Land Districts Vested in the Auckland and South Auckland and Mercantile Grant, situated in Block VI, Komakorau Education Boards as Sites for Public Schools to be Vested Survey District: Total area, 3 roods 31 · 9 perches, more or in Her Majesty the Queen less. Part certificate of title, Volume 417, folio 277. (L. and S. H.0. 6/6/1236; D.O. G.P. 67) COBHAM, Governor-General Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ A PROCLAMATION General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, WHEREAS by subsection ( 6) of 1'ection 5 of the Education this 12th day of September 1958. Lands Act 1949 (hereinafter referred to as the said Act) it is [L.s.] C. F. SKINNER, Minister of Lands. provided that, notwithstanding anything contained in any other Act, the Governor-General may from time to time, Goo SAVE THE QUEEN! . 1226 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 57 Crown Land Set Apart for Road in Block XVI, Kawakawa . Land' Held for State Housing Purposes Set Apart for Teachers' Survey District Residences in •Block XIII, Galatea Survey District COBHAM, Governor-General COBHAM, Governor-General A PROCLAMATION A PROCLAMATION PURSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Charles John, Viscount Cobham, the Governor-General of New Zealand, PURSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Charles John, hereby proclaim and declare. that the Crown land. described Viscount Cobham, the. Governor-General of New Zealand, in the Schedule hereto is hereby set apart for road; and I also hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on and after Schedule hereto, now held for State housing purposes, is the 22nd day of September 1958. hereby set apart for teachers' residences; and I also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on and after the· SCHEDULE 22nd day of September 1958. ALL those pieces of Crown land in the North Auckland Land . District, . situated in Block XVI, Kawakawa Survey District, SCHEDULE Auckland R.D., described as follows: ALL those pieces of land in the South Auckland Land District, A. R. P. Being · situated in the Town District of Murupara, described as fol­ 0 0 2·5 Part Te Wharau Block; coloured sepia on plan. lows: 0 0 38·2 Part Te Wharau Block; coloured yellow on plan. A. R. P. Being 0 0 5·6 Part Te Wharau Block; coloured blue on plan. 0 O 29·5 Lot 3, D.P. S. 4888, being part Section 16, Block 0 0 24· l Part Te Wharau Block; coloured yellow on plan. XIII, Galatea Survey District. Part certificate 0 0 3·5 Part Te Wharau Block; coloured blue on plan. of title, Volume 1211, folio 256, Auckland 0 0 5·3 Part Te Wharau Block; coloured yellow on plan. Land Registry. 0 0 7·7 Part Te Wharau Block; coloured yellow on plan. 0 1 13·1 Lots 38 and 137, D.P. S. 4889, being part Section 0 0 2·3 Part Te Wharau Block; coloured blue on plan. 16, Block XIII, Galatea Survey District. Part 0 0 0·6 Part Te Wharau Block; coloured yellow on plan. certificate of title, Volume 1211, folio 256, 0 0 4·9 Part Te Wharau Block; coloured sepia, edged Auckland Land Registry. sepia, on plan. 0 0 0·4 Part Te Wharau Block; coloured yellow, edged Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ yellow, on plan. General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan this 12th day of September 1958. marked P.W.D. 157043 (S.O. 38867) deposited in the office of [Ls.] H. WATT, Minister of Works. the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured as above mentioned. Goo SAVE THE QUEEN! Given .. under the hand of His Excellency the GovernQr­ (P.W. 31/1266; D.O. 39/188/1/0) -- · 'General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 12th day of September 1958. [L_.S.] _. H. WATT, Minister of Works. Land Held for State Housing Purposes Set Apart for Buildings of the General Government in Block XIII, Galatea Survey Goo SAVE 1HE QUEEN! District · · (P.W. 70/1/1/0; D.0. 1/1/0) COBHAM, Governor-General Crown Land Set Apart for State Housing Purposes in A PROCLAMATION Block IV, Koitiata Survey District PURSUANT. to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Charles John, Viscount Cobham, the Governor-General •Of New Zealand, COBHAM, Governor-General hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the A PROCLAMATION Schedule hereto, now held for State housing purposes, is PURSUANT to the Public Works' Act 1928, I, Charles John, hereby set apart for buildings of . the General Government; Viscount Cobham, the· Governor~General of New Zealand, and I also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on hereby proclaim and declare· that the Crown land described · and after the 22nd day of September 1958. in the Schedule hereto is hereby set apart for State housing purposes; and I also declare that this Proclamation. shall take · SCHEDULE effect on and. after the 22nd day of September 1958. ALL that piece of land in the South Auckland Land District SCHEDULE containing 26 · 3 perches, situated in· the Town District of Murupara, being Lot 37, D.P. S. 4889, being part Section 16, ALL that piece of Crown land in the Wellington Land Dis­ Block XIII, Galatea Survey District. Part certificate of title, trict containing 1 rood 13 · 85 perches, situated in Block IV, Volume 1211, folio 256, Auckland Land Registry. Koitiata Survey District, Wellington R.D., being part Sections CLXVI and CLXVIII, Rangitikei District; as the same is Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ more particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, 157119 (S.O. 24129) deposited in the office of the Minister this 12th day of September 1958. of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured blue. [LS.] H. WATT, Minister of Works. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, Goo SAVE 1HE QUEEN! this 16th day of September 1958. (P.W. 24/3772; D.O. 36/9/3/5/0) [Ls.] H. WATT, Minister of Works. Goo SA VE 1HE QUEEN! (H.C. 4/400/37/15/2; D.0. 52/21/7) Land Held for State Housing Purposes Set Apart for Police Purposes (Residence) in Block XIII, Galatea Survey District Crown Land Set Apart for State Housing Purposes in the Borough of Mt. Eden COBHAM, Governor-General A PROCLAMATION COBHAM, Governor-General PURSUANT to the Public. Works Act 1928, I, Charles John, A PROCLAMATION Viscount Cobham, the Governor-General of New Zealand, PURSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Charles John, hereby proclaim and declare that the land. described in the Viscount Cobham, the Governor-General of New Zealand Schedule hereto, now held for State, housing purposes, is hereby hereby proclaim and declare that the Crown land described set apart for police purposes (residence); and I aJso declare in the Schedule hereto is hereby set apart for State housing that this Proclamation shall take effect on and after the purposes; and I also declare.
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