g,L AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE ★ * JOURNAL * * VOL. XIII MARCH, 1936 No. 3 IT S NO PLACE LIKE HOME /tru' While we’ve never seen the statistics, we’ll wager fast in your room, it quietly appears (with a flower and there’s no home in the country staffed with such reti¬ the morning paper on the tray). If you crave in-season nues of valets and butlers, chefs and secretaries, maids or out-of-season delicacies, you'll find them in any of and men servants, as our hotel. That’s why we say the our restaurants. Prepared with finesse and served with New Yorker is "no place like home" — purposely. We finesse. You may have your railroad or air-line or theatre know that everyone secretly longs for and enjoys the tickets ordered for you and brought to you. You may luxury of perfect hotel service. And you have your shirts and suits speeded back know it is yours at the New Yorker, with¬ from laundry or valet, with buttons sewed out luxurious cost. • It is unobtrusive ser¬ 25% reduction on and rips miraculously mended.You may vice, too, that never gets on your nerves. to diplomatic and have all this service by scarcely lifting a fin¬ Everyone—from the doorman to the man¬ consular service ger. • You will find the Hotel New Yorker NOTE: the special rate ager— is always friendly, always helpful — reduction applies only conveniently located, its staff pleasantly at¬ to rooms on which the but never effusive. If you want a lazy break¬ rate is $4 a day or more. tentive, and your bill surprisingly modest. HOTEL NEW YORKER 34TH STREET AT EIGHTH AVENUE • NEW YORK CITY Directed by National Hotel Management Company, Inc. • Ralph Hitz, President Other Hotels Under Same Direction: HOTEL LEXINGTON, NEW YORK . NETHERLAND PLAZA, CINCINNATI . BOOK-CADILLAC, DETROIT THE ADOLPHUS, DALLAS . NICOLLET HOTEL, MINNEAPOLIS • HOTEL VAN CLEVE, DAYTON CONTENTS (MARCH. 1936) COVER PICTURE WOODWARD & LOTHROP Dove Orchid 10th, 11th, F and G Streets (See also page 160) WASHINGTON, D. C., U. S. A. "A Store Worthy of The Nation’s Capital” AN ALPINE ARCADIA By G. Bie Ravndal 125 TROY. EPHESUS, PERGAMUM By the Honorable Robert P. Skinner 128 Would You Like SCHOLARSHIPS 130 SAILS OVER THE MEDITERRANEAN to Have Choice Sketches by Coert du Bois 131 EXOTIC ENVOYS American Foods By Florence Nightingale Moore 132 The Food Shop Offers a Most Complete ORCHID HUNTERS By John Ferguson, 111 135 Stock—and Our Personal Shopping Service W/ill Choose for You How IT’S DONE IN MEXICO 137 THE GREYHOUND OF DON QUIXOTE Having good American foods in foreign lands is By Augustin W. Ferrin 138 indeed a palatable pleasure. The Woodward & EARLY CONSULAR DAYS IN THE AZORES Lothrop Food Shop is most exacting, both as to By Augustus E. Ingram 140 quality and variety, in the delicacies it offers. Hun¬ NEWS FROM THE DEPARTMENT 143 dreds of different vegetables, fruits, preserves, NEWS FROM THE FIELD _ 146 cheese spreads, fish, and hors d’oeuvres are here. Space permits us to mention but a few of our A POLITICAL BOOKSHELF canned foods—however, we will do our best to fill Cyril Wynne, Review Editor any order you care to place. Can We Be Neutral? Reviewed by Joseph E. Green 148 Premier Apricots, No. 2.Vi tin . 30c Policy of the United States Toward Mari¬ Premier Bartlett Pears, 1-pound tin 19c time Commerce in War 149 Kings Fancy Peaches, No. 21/2 tin 25c Bv Pacific Means Golden Tap Orange Juice, No. 2 tin 15c Reviewed by C. W 149 Premier Fancy Tomatoes, No. 2 V2 tin 20c Lily-of-the-Valley Tiny Refugee Beans— FOREIGN SERVICE CHANGES 150 No. 2 tin 25c MARRIAGES, BIRTHS 152 Premier All-Green Asparagus, No. 2 tin ... 30c Patriot Fancy Maine Corn, No. 2 tin 15c IN MEMORIAM 153 Patriot Coffee, vacuum packed, 1-lb. can .. 35c AMBASSADOR SKINNER RETIRES 163 Prices Subject to Change Without Notice LETTERS ..... 164 TEN YEARS AGO IN THE JOURNAL 164 Address your order or communication to Mrs. Marian Tolson. Woodward & Lothrop, Washington, FOREIGN SERVICE FAMILIES, PHOTOGRAPHS 170 D. C., United States of America. She will person¬ SERVICE VISITORS . 180 ally shop for you, and send your order according to Issued monthly by American Foreign Service Associa¬ your instructions. tion, Department of State, Washington, D. C. Entered as second-class matter August 20, 1934, at the Post Office, in Washington, D. C., under the Act of March 3, 1879. 121 THERE IS NO PLACE THAT CANNOT BE REACHED BY THE of all telegraph traffic of the country is between INTERNATIONAL 95% cities in which Postal Telegraph maintains its SYSTEM own telegraph offices for the sole purpose of receiving, trans¬ mitting and delivering telegrams.There is no point forwhich Tostal Telegraph Postal Telegraph will not accept and transmit your telegrams with promptness ... with dependability ... with accuracy. Postal Telegraph is the only American telegraph company that offers a world-wide service of coordinated telegraph, cable and radio communications under a single management. To Patronize Our cA dvertisers Is to Insure a ‘Bigger and ‘Better Journal for Our Service. INDEX OF ADVERTISERS American Security and Trust Company 151 Bacardi, Santiago de Cuba 179 Cathay Hotel—Shanghai 179 Chase National Bank 169 Cognac—Jas. Ilennessy & Co 179 Crillon, Hotel—Paris 179 Underwood Special Type¬ Dunapalota Hotel—Budapest 179 writer with 1-Key Federal Storage Company 157 Key-Set Tabulator. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. 124 France et Choiseul Hotel—Paris 179 General Motors Export Co - 173 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Export Company ,, 155 Grace, W. R.. and Company 156 Cushioned Typing Gude Bros. Co. * 168 Harris and Ewing 168 Hungaria Hotel—Budapest 179 makes it Quieter! International Telephone & Telegraph Co 122 'THE Underwood Special Typewriter repre- Rressmann & Co., Ed.—Bordeaux 179 L sents the outstanding achievement of the Le Boissy D’Anglas Restaurant—Paris 179 typewriter engineer. It is the only standard Manhattan Storage and Warehouse Co 152 typewriter made that is equipped with the fa¬ Martinique Hotel 166 mous Champion Keyboard developed by world- Mayflower Hotel 161 renowned speed typists in the interest of greater Merchants Transfer and Storage Company 167 typing speed and comfort. See the Underwood Metropole Hotel—Shanghai 179 Montgomery Ward and Co 175 Special at the nearest Underwood Elliott Fisher Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America, Branch or telephone or write for a demonstra¬ Inc. 171 tion on your own work and in your own office. Munson S.S. Lines 160 Every Underwood Typewriter is backed by National Geographic Magazine 159 nation-wide, company-owned service facilities New England Mutual Life Insurance Co 168 New Yorker Hotel II Cover Typewriter Division Pagani’s Restaurant—London 179 Palace-Ambassadeurs Hotel—Rome 179 UNDERWOOD Pan-American Airways, Inc . 166 Park Hotel—Shanghai 179 ELLIOTT FISHER COMPANY Plaza Hotel 153 Typewriters . Accounting Machines . Adding Ma¬ Powhatan Hotel 174 chines ... Carbon Paper, Ribbons and other Supplies Rockefeller Center. III Cover Homer Bldg., 13th & F Streets, N. W. Sapp, Earle W„ C.L.U 168 Washington, D. C. Savoy-Plaza Hotel 153 Sea Captains’ Shop, The—Shanghai 179 Sales and Service Everywhere Security Storage Company of Washington 151 Smith’s Transfer and Storage Co 177 Socony-Vacuum Oil Co., Inc 165 UNDERWOOD Tyner, Miss E. J 168 Underwood Elliott Fisher Company 123 Special United Fruit Company 152 United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company 169 United States Lines 160 TYPEWRITER United States Steel Products Co 171 Waldorf-Astoria Hotel IV Cover Woodward and Lothrop 121 123 JHE AMERICAN pOREIGN gERVICE JOURNAL cm m 15% TO 25% QUICKER! If* W- LAST year thousands of accidents ■ ] were caused by skidding, blowouts and punctures — tragedies that could largely have been prevented by safe tires. As cars I KM] I Hill • 1 * if! | *' ?§ have been made faster, Firestone Tires Hill in ""if have been made safer. Firestone Fligh it • • ■ II ,.. 1 Si ~T •'•"I - - Speed Tires will stop a car 15% to 25% 1 ^ j ^ If 4 quicker, as proved in recent tests by a leading university — and they will give you more than 50% longer non-skid I o r ei g h ^Cy'.e U r s, Hrestane Gtait*uipped -—*' mileage. rT'ires have been on the Over the rough bricks of the race track Tvinning car in the Pike’s Peak Climb at Indianapolis and across the hot salt beds it here a skid means of Utah, Firestone Tires have proved to death. give you greatest blowout protection.^, " < r Why risk an accident when it y*' costs so little to protect lives worth | so much! Equip your car today with Firestone High Speed Tires — known the world over as the Masterpiece of Tire Construction. r Listen to the Voice of Firestone Monday evening, over short Wave W2XAF — 9350 he. Immin rmKi — ihc roull of 2,3 SO separ ate tests m ade 'firestone by a leading university. MASTERPIECE OF TIRE CONSTRUCTION 124 THE FOREIGN S JOURNAL PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE ASSOCIATION VOL. XIII, No. 3 WASHINGTON, D. C. MARCH. 1936 Ail Alpine Arcadia By G. BIE RAVNDAL, Consul General, Retired EMPERORS, kings and princes fared badly af- trict of Columbia, but it enjoys a variety of singu- ter the late unpleasantness. Throughout the lar distinctions. It is today the only monarchy German-speaking dominions these potentates were within the entire German-speaking world. But it more or less gently forced off is also the only former mem¬ their thrones, one after the ber of the German Confedera¬ other, until only one crowned tion (which latter alliance held head remained, a striking sym¬ the stage from 1815 to 1866), bol of stability in a world of remaining intact, a poignant tumultuous and disturbing and piquant historic relic.
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