Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Ser. A, 34(4), pp. 183–195, December 22, 2008 A New Species of the Crangonid Shrimp Genus Rhynocrangon (Crustacea, Decapoda, Caridea) from Northern Japan Tomoyuki Komai1 and Hironori Komatsu2 1 Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba, 955–2 Aoba-cho, Chuo-ku, Chiba, 260–8682 Japan E-mail: [email protected] 2 Department of Zoology, National Museum of Nature and Science, 3–23–1 Hyakunin-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 169–0073 Japan E-mail: [email protected] Abstract A new species of the rare crangonid genus Rhynocrangon, R. rugosa sp. nov., is de- scribed and illustrated on the basis of material from northern Japan. Morphologically, it appears close to R. alata, but can be easily distinguished from the latter in the shape of the rostrum, the lack of middorsal teeth on the carapace, and the vertically depressed branchiostegal tooth on the carapace. The phylogenetic position of Rhynocrangon is briefly discussed. An identification key to the species of the genus is also provided. Key words : Crustacea, Decapoda, Caridea, Crangonidae, Rhynocrangon, new species, Japan, taxonomy. The crangonid genus Rhynocrangon Zarenkov, Material and Methods 1965 was established for two rare species which The material examined in this study is deposit- had been previously assigned to Sclerocrangon ed in the Laboratory of Marine Zoology, Faculty G. O. Sars, 1883: R. sharpi (Ortmann, 1895) of Fisheries, Hokkaido University (HUMZ), the (type species) and R. alata (Rathbun, 1902) National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo (Zarenkov, 1965). Both species are distributed in (NSMT), the Natural History Museum and Insti- the northern North Pacific ranging from the Sea tute, Chiba (CBM), and the Natural History Mu- of Japan to the northwestern coast of North seum of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles America (Ortmann, 1895; Rathbun, 1902, 1904; (LACM). The abbreviation cl refers to postor- Kobjakova, 1937; Vinogradov, 1950; Butler, bital carapace length. For detailed observation of 1980; Wicksten, 1980; Kim and Natsukari, the surface structure on the integument, the spec- 2000). Until now, in Japanese waters, only R. imens (including dissected appendages) were sharpi has been recorded (Kim and Natsukari, stained with a methylene blue solution. 2000). For comparative purpose, the following speci- During a recent faunal survey off the north- mens were examined. eastern part of Japan, several specimens referable Rhynocrangon alata (Rathbun, 1902) (Fig. 6). to this rare genus were collected. Detailed exami- LACM-Cr 1949.002.1, 1 male (cl 3.6 mm), Fri- nation revealed that the specimens represent an day Harbor, Puget Sound, 27 August 1949, coll. undescribed species closely related to R. alata. J. L. Mohr. This new species, representing only the third in Rhynocrangon sharpi (Ortmann, 1895). the genus, is herein described and illustrated in HUMZ-C 11, 1 ovigerous female (cl 10.2 mm), detail. The phylogenetic position and the taxono- off Miyako, Iwate Prefecture, 150–200 m, March my of the genus are briefly discussed. 1984, commercial trawler, coll. T. Komai; HUMZ-C 1132, 1 male (cl 5.4 mm), off 184 Tomoyuki Komai and Hironori Komatsu Wakkanai, northern Hokkaido, depth not record- upturned or vertically erect terminal projection, ed, 23 March 1987, dredge, coll. Hokkaido with clearly delimited anterolateral angles; dorsal Wakkanai Fisheries Experimental Station; surface concave with strongly raised lateral mar- HUMZ-C 1547, 1 female (cl 8.9 mm), off gins. Carapace wider than long postorbitally, Miyako, Iwate Prefecture, ca. 150 m, January with blunt, broad, roughly sculptured middorsal 1985, commercial trawler, coll. T. Komai; ridge; middorsal teeth absent or reduced to tiny HUMZ-C 1548, 1 female (cl 8.9 mm), similar lo- blunt tubercle; no teeth on branchial region pos- cality, 9 January 1986, commercial trawler, coll. terior to hepatic tooth; branchiostegal tooth later- T. Komai. ally depressed. Pleon rather abruptly tapering Rhynocrangon sp. LACM Cr 1934.001.1, 1 fe- posteriorly at fourth and fifth somites, second male (cl 4.3 mm), Pacific Grove, Monterey Dis- and third somites strongly inflated in ovigerous trict, California, depth not recorded, Burch sta- females; middorsal carina distinct but blunt, on tion 3710, 20 August 1937, det. M. Wicksten first somite knob-like, on third somite markedly (1980) as Sclerocrangon alata. elevated posteriorly in males; terga of first and second somites devoid of sharp transverse ridges Taxonomy posteriorly. Telson only with 1 pair of dorsolater- al spines, no posterolateral spines; posterior mar- gin rounded. First pereopod unarmed on ven- Genus Rhynocrangon Zarenkov, 1965 tromesial margin. Rhynocrangon rugosa sp. nov. Description. Ovigerous females. Body (Fig. 1) very stout. Integument well calcified, firm; sur- (Figs. 1–5) face fairly sculptured. [New Japanese name: Karuishi-ebijyako] Rostrum (Fig. 2A–B) about 0.3 times as long as carapace including terminal projection, broad, Material examined. Holotype. NSMT-Cr in dorsal view generally subrectangular (some- 18232, ovigerous female (cl 7.6 mm), RV what narrowed anteriorly), strongly arched over Wakataka-maru, 2007 cruise, stn B150, off Kuji, eyes; distolateral angles well defined, rounded; Iwate Prefecture, northeastern Japan, dorsal surface concave with lateral sides strongly 40°14.98ЈN, 142°06.64ЈN to 40°13.31ЈN, elevated as blunt ridges; terminal projection 142°7.38ЈE, 156 m, 14 October 2007, otter trawl, short, acute, notably upturned; ventrolateral sur- coll. H. Komatsu and K. Hasegawa. face concave to accommodate eyes. Paratypes. NSMT-Cr 18233, 3 ovigerous fe- Carapace (Figs. 1, 2A–B) postorbitally wider males (cl 6.8–7.9 mm), same data as holotype; than long, surface with covering of short setae. CBM-ZC 9475, 1 female (cl 6.2 mm), 2 juveniles Middorsal ridge broad, roughly and irregularly (cl 2.3, 2.4 mm), off Usujiri, southern Hokkaido, sculptured; no clearly differentiated teeth on dor- 15–30 m, volcanic pebbles and coarse sand, 19 sal midline, but tiny tubercle(s) occasionally pre- August 1993, dredge, coll. F. Muto; HUMZ-C sent on epigastric position and/or at midlength of 1117, off Usujiri, 1 male (cl 3.0 mm), 4 females carapace. Shallow depression present on either (cl 3.0–3.6 mm), off Usujiri, 10–20 m, 15 No- side of middorsal ridge. Hepatic ridge thick, vember 1989, dredge, coll. T. Komai; CBM-ZC strongly diverging against dorsal horizontal plane 3829, 2 females (cl 2.4, 2.7 mm), off Ohmu, of carapace, terminating in small acute or suba- Hokkaido, Sea of Okhotsk, 43°38.579ЈN, cute tooth (ϭhepatic tooth); surface roughly 143°14.268ЈE, 57 m, sand, 22 August 1996, eroded. Branchial ridge thick, its surface strongly sledge, coll. J. Sasaki. and roughly eroded with a reticulate pattern of Diagnosis. Rostrum depressed dorsoventrally, small depressions. Branchial region somewhat arched over eyes, abruptly narrowing distally to inflated, also with reticulate pattern of small de- A New Species of Rhynocrangon 185 Fig. 1. Rhynocrangon rugosa sp. nov., holotype, ovigerous female (NSMT-Cr 18232, cl 7.6mm), habitus, lateral and dorsal views (antennal flagellum partially omitted). Scale bar: 5 mm. pressions. Orbital margin generally concave, with slightly sculptured, margin rounded. Second small cleft. Postorbital suture present. Antennal somite extremely wide, with low, wide, rather ir- tooth small, subacute. Branchiostegal tooth regularly delineated middorsal ridge; tergite with strong, somewhat twisted, bearing blunt median prominent depression on either side of middorsal ridge on dorsal surface; distal part compressed ridge and with low lateral elevation, otherwise ir- vertically with shallow depression laterally, ta- regularly sculptured; pleuron slightly sculptured, pering in small acute point dorsodistally. Ptery- rounded marginally. Third somite with weakly to gostomial margin hidden by branchiostegal tooth, somewhat elevated, broad middorsal ridge; in lat- with tiny tooth. eral view, dorsal profile of somite abruptly slop- Thoracic sternum posteriorly widening; ven- ing in posterior 0.25; tergite with shallow, broad tral surface concave, median teeth on sixth to transverse sulcus on either side of middorsal eighth somites completely reduced; third sternite ridge and eroded with scattered small depres- with 2 lobes divided by deep median notch; sions; posterodorsal margin somewhat produced fourth sternite with sharp median keel. posteriorly; low, rounded elevations present on Pleon (Fig. 1) wider than carapace at second tergite laterally; pleuron rounded marginally. somite, abruptly narrowed posteriorly at fourth to Fourth somite short, much decreasing in height fifth somites, second and third somites strongly toward posterior, with low, blunt middorsal ridge; inflated. First somite with roughly eroded tergite; tergite with low, rounded lateral elevation; pos- middorsal ridge rounded, knob-like; prominent, terodorsal margin smooth; pleuron with rounded rounded elevation laterally on tergite; pleuron posteroventral margin. Fifth somite with low, 186 Tomoyuki Komai and Hironori Komatsu Fig. 2. Rhynocrangon rugosa sp. nov., holotype, ovigerous female (NSMT-Cr 18232, cl 7.6mm). A, anterior part of carapace and cephalic appendages, lateral view (short setae on surface of carapace omitted); B, anteri- or part of carapace (left), left cephalic appendages, dorsal view (setae partially omitted); C, telson, dorsal view; D, posterior part of telson, dorsal view; E, left mandible, outer view; F, G, distal part of left mandible, outer and inner views,
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