E86 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 20, 2011 On behalf of the people of South Alabama, Headquartered in Boyertown, Pennsylvania, Chief of Police Wagner was born in Lake- I wish to extend condolences to his wife of 57 National Penn operates 124 community bank- wood, Ohio on May 13, 1942. He graduated years, Doris; their daughter, Kimberly; their ing offices in Pennsylvania and is an exem- from Rocky River High School in 1960 and son, Philip; as well as their grandchildren, plary employer to its thousands of employees. earned a bachelor’s degree from Ohio Univer- Ann-Brooks and Sidney, and their entire fam- Mr. Speaker, I ask that my colleagues join sity in 1964. ily. You are all in our thoughts and prayers. me today in recognizing National Penn Bank’s Chief of Police Wagner began his career f Royersford branch for its valuable contribu- with the Rocky River Police Department on tions to enhancing its community’s quality of April 1, 1965. He was promoted to Sergeant in COMMEMORATING THE OPENING life in its quarter century of service. 1974, Lieutenant in 1980, Executive Staff As- OF THE PROPELLANTS NORTH f sistant to the Chief of Police in 1985 and fi- ADMINISTRATIVE AND MAINTE- nally to Chief of Police in 1995. He is a mem- NANCE FACILITY RECOGNIZING THE 400TH ANNIVER- ber of the International Association of Chiefs SARY OF HENRICO COUNTY, VIR- of Police, the Ohio Association of Chiefs of HON. SANDY ADAMS GINIA Police, the Cuyahoga County Police Chiefs OF FLORIDA Association and the Metropolitan Crime Clinic IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. ERIC CANTOR Association. The life of a police officer is one of true self- Thursday, January 20, 2011 OF VIRGINIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lessness and service, and Police Chief Wag- Mrs. ADAMS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ner is no exception. Each day the brave men commemorate the opening of the Propellants Thursday, January 20, 2011 and women of law enforcement put their lives North Administrative and Maintenance Facility Mr. CANTOR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to on the line for the good of their communities. which is one of NASA’s most environmentally recognize the 400th anniversary of Henrico Mr. Speaker and colleagues, please join me friendly structures. At a ceremony today, County, Virginia. The Citie of Henricus was in honor of Chief of Police Donald L. Wagner attendees will celebrate the opening of this established by Sir Thomas Dale in September for his exemplary service on behalf of his new facility to help NASA achieve its mission. 1611 and was named in honor of Henry Fred- community. Chief of Police Wagner’s dedica- The Propellants North Administrative and erick, Prince of Wales. Later in 1634, Henrico tion to making Rocky River a safer place to Maintenance Facility is located near launch was designated as one of Virginia’s first eight live and work is honorable and inspiring. I complex 39 at the Kennedy Space Center in counties and at the time it included the coun- wish Chief of Police Wagner peace, health Florida. The facility will be used for spacecraft ties of Albemarle, Amherst, Appomattox, Buck- and happiness in all his future endeavors. fueling support and to store cryogenic fuel ingham, Chesterfield, Cumberland, Fluvanna, f transfer equipment. It will be NASA’s first car- Goochland, Nelson and Powhatan and the cit- bon-neutral facility producing enough energy ies of Charlottesville, Colonial Heights and REPEALING THE JOB-KILLING onsite from renewable sources to offset what Richmond. HEALTH CARE LAW ACT it requires to operate. This construction style Henrico County was home to pioneer Afri- SPEECH OF will bring a cost savings to NASA, saving tax- can-American educator and humanitarian Vir- payers money. ginia Randolph, who founded the first public HON. YVETTE D. CLARKE The facility was built using recycled con- school vocational education program in the OF NEW YORK crete, bottles, aluminum cans, cardboard, nation. She was born to former slaves and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES white paper, wood, and steel. NASA’s goal for opened the Old Mountain Road School in Wednesday, January 19, 2011 the design and the construction of Propellant 1892. The Virginia E. Randolph Community Ms. CLARKE of New York. Mr. Speaker, North Administrative and Maintenance Facility High School and the Virginia Randolph Spe- today, I rise in opposition to H.R. 2, a bill that was to reach for the United States Green cial Education Center School, named in honor would repeal the Healthcare Law. Building Council’s Leadership in Environ- of Virginia Randolph, are located in Henrico In the United States, one of the richest mental and Energy Design Platinum status, County. countries in the world, nearly 50 million Ameri- which is the highest rating a green building Today Henrico County is situated in Central cans lack health insurance, 13.5 percent of can achieve. Virginia and includes a third of the Richmond which are New Yorkers. Last year alone, New Mr. Speaker, please join me in congratu- metropolitan area. Business in Henrico con- York City’s hospitals spent 1.2 billion dollars in lating NASA for building an environmentally tinues to thrive while local attractions and his- charity costs. Tragically, people who are either friendly, economical, and efficient facility. The torical sites attract residents and visitors to the uninsured or underinsured often have to go Propellant North Administrative and Mainte- county. In 1927, Henrico County was honored without vital healthcare simply because they nance Facility is a positive step for providing when Charles A. Lindbergh landed the Spirit cannot afford it. a cleaner environment for future generations of St. Louis at the grand opening of Byrd Every American has a human right to ade- and will bring cost savings to Florida tax- Field. This airport, now known as the Rich- quate physical and mental healthcare, and I payers. mond International Airport, serves more than believe that government has a responsibility to f 3.5 million travelers annually. The Richmond assist its citizens in securing quality International Raceway, RIR, America’s Pre- IN HONOR OF NATIONAL PENN healthcare. mier Short Track, is also located in Henrico. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care BANK’S ROYERSFORD BRANCH’S Each year RIR hosts both the NASCAR Sprint Act, which passed in the 111th Congress, 25TH ANNIVERSARY Cup Series and NASCAR Nationwide Series. does just that. It insures that Americans have Mr. Speaker, please join me in congratu- access to quality healthcare. Repealing it HON. JIM GERLACH lating the citizens of Henrico as they celebrate would mean: OF PENNSYLVANIA the county’s anniversary and wishing them the Insurance companies will once again be IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES best for their continued growth and success. able to drop coverage for people when they Thursday, January 20, 2011 f get sick—exactly when coverage is needed most; Mr. GERLACH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to IN HONOR OF CHIEF OF POLICE Children with pre-existing conditions will be congratulate National Penn Bank’s Royersford DONALD L. WAGNER denied coverage; branch on its 25th anniversary and to honor Insurance companies would again be able this financial institution for its commitment to HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH to impose devastating annual and lifetime serving the community. OF OHIO caps; Since opening its doors in 1986, National IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Young people will no longer be able to stay Penn Bank’s Royersford branch has provided on their parents’ plans until age 26; Thursday, January 20, 2011 outstanding financial services to the commu- Pregnant women would be denied coverage nity through a tremendously dedicated group Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in simply because they are pregnant since preg- of banking professionals. The Royersford honor and recognition of Chief of Police Don- nancy is considered a ‘‘pre-existing condition’’ branch is a place where citizens have their fi- ald L. Wagner upon his retirement from the and therefore a basis for denial of coverage; nancial goals and dreams realized and their Rocky River Police Department after 45 years And finally, seniors will face an increase in hard-earned dollars protected. of dedicated service. their prescription drug costs because they VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:34 Jan 21, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K20JA8.007 E20JAPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS January 20, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E87 would be thrown back into the Medicare Part Pedro Pierluisi, Puerto Rico resume proceedings on a postponed request D Donut Hole, which the healthcare reform Mike Quigley, Illinois at any time. law would have closed by 2020. Judy Chu, California (2) In exercising postponement authority Ted Deutch, Florida under subparagraph (1), the Chairman shall Let me share with you a letter that I re- Linda T. Sa´ nchez, California take all reasonable steps necessary to notify ceived from one of my constituents in the 11th Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Florida Members on the resumption of proceedings Congressional District of New York. Jonathan on any postponed record vote. RULES OF PROCEDURE writes: (3) When proceedings resume on a post- RULE I. ‘‘I am a two-time cancer survivor, constantly poned question, notwithstanding any inter- worrying about being denied coverage be- The Rules of the House of Representatives vening order for the previous question, an are the rules of the Committee on the Judici- underlying proposition shall remain subject cause of my pre-existing condition. I’m not ary and its Subcommittees with the fol- to further debate or amendment to the same comfortable that corporations under the old lowing specific additions thereto.
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