JUH Á SZ- O RMSBY & EARLE THE FINEST ROOM IN THE COLONY THE FINEST THE FINEST ROOM IN THE COLONY The Library of John Thomas Mullock a ISBN 9780889014695 EDITED BY ÁGNES JUHÁSZ-ORMSBY AND NANCY EARLE 7808899 014695 THE FINEST ROOM IN THE COLONY The Library of John Thomas Mullock a Photography: Chris Hammond Design: Graham Blair Copy editor: Iona Bulgin . Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication “!e "nest room in the colony” : the library of John !omas Mullock / editors: Ágnes Juhász-Ormsby, Nancy Earle. ISBN 978-0-88901-469-5 (paperback) 1. Mullock, John !omas, 1807-1869--Books and reading--Catalogs. 2. Basilica-Cathedral of St. John the Baptist (St. John’s, N.L.)--Library-- Catalogs. I. Juhász-Ormsby, Ágnes, editor II. Earle, Nancy, editor III. Memorial University of Newfoundland. Libraries, issuing body BX4705.M84F55 2016 270.092 C2016-901087-2 THE FINEST ROOM IN THE COLONY The Library of John Thomas Mullock a EDITED BY ÁGNES JUHÁSZ-ORMSBY AND NANCY EARLE MEMORIAL UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES Contents Preface vii Contributors ix PART I: INTRODUCTION !e Life of John T. Mullock (Nancy Earle) 1 Mullock as Author and Translator (Nancy Earle and Anne Walsh) 15 Mullock and the Episcopal Library (Larry Dohey) 21 !e Mullock Collection (Ágnes Juhász-Ormsby) 27 PART II: ENTRIES #$%&'('#$) *+, -.&*/., ,%(0%#&%+.( 1. Pascal and Port-Royal (Joël Madore) 40 2. Writers of the Enlightenment (Joël Madore) 42 3. !e French Revolution (Joël Madore) 46 4. Reaction to the French Revolution (Joël Madore) 48 5. Niccolò Machiavelli and His Critics (Dimitrios Panagos) 50 6. Hugo Grotius and the Beginning of International Law (Lucian M. Ashworth) 52 7. Alexander von Humboldt’s Cosmos and Natural Philosophy (Jay Foster) 54 -.&%1%'+ 8. Bernard Picart and the Religions of the World (Andrea Procter) 56 9. Johannes Buxtorf and Christian Hebraism (Kim Ian Parker) 58 2%2&. 10. Mullock’s Bibles (Kim Ian Parker) 60 11. Desiderius Erasmus’s Biblical Commentaries (Ágnes Juhász-Ormsby) 62 /$.'&'1) 12. !e Church Fathers: Augustine (Seamus O’Neill) 66 13. !e Bollandist Enterprise (William Schipper) 68 14. A Complete Course in !eology: Jacques-Paul Migne (William Schipper) 70 15. Mullock and Alphonsus de Ligouri (Anne Walsh) 72 16. Mullock and Protestantism (Anne Walsh) 74 0$3-0$ $%(/'-) 17. James Ware and the History of the Church in Ireland (J. B. Darcy) 76 18. John England and the Irish American Church (J. B. Darcy) 78 19. Nicholas Wiseman and the English Catholic Church (J. B. Darcy) 80 20. Mullock and John Henry Newman (Hans J. Rollmann) 82 &*+13*1. 21. Greek-Latin Dictionaries (Luke Roman) 86 22. Hebrew Research Tools (Kim Ian Parker) 88 &%/.-*/3-. 23. Greek Classics: Homer’s Works (Luke Roman) 90 24. Latin Classics: Horace and Persius (Donald W. Nichol) 92 25. Erasmus and Classical Studies (Ágnes Juhász-Ormsby) 96 26. !e Spanish Golden Age: Cervantes and 4uevedo (Messod Salama) 98 27. Spanish and Italian Drama (Anne G. Graham) 100 28. !e Plays of William Shakespeare (Donald W. Nichol) 102 29. French Neo-classical Drama (Anne G. Graham) 104 30. Eighteenth-Century English Poetry (Donald W. Nichol) 106 31. Eighteenth-Century French Literary Criticism (Magessa O’Reilly) 108 $%(/'-) *+, 1.'1-*#$) 32. Pierre Bayle’s Dictionaire historique et critique (Magessa O’Reilly) 110 33. Eighteenth-Century British Historians (Donald W. Nichol) 112 34. George Bancro5 and the Rise of American Historiography (Je6 A. Webb) 116 35. Mullock and Irish Politics: William Smith O’Brien (John E. FitzGerald) 118 36. Nicolle de La Croix’s Géographie moderne (Magessa O’Reilly) 120 +.78'3+,&*+, 37. !e Fleming-Mullock Breviary (Anne Walsh) 122 38. !e 1861 Political Unrest (Je6 A. Webb) 126 39. Mullock and Alexander Bannerman (Je6 A. Webb) 128 40. Mullock and Confederation (Je6 A. Webb) 130 41. Mullock and the Transatlantic Cable (Je6 A. Webb) 132 Index 134 Preface he title of this catalogue comes from the After decades of disuse, the library was enlivened travel memoir Lost amid the Fogs: Sketches by a group of students at Memorial University who of Life in Newfoundland, England’s Ancient started to leaf through the books once again. Under Colony, written by Lieutenant Colonel R. B. William Barker’s direction, John Gushue produced TMcCrea of the Royal Artillery and published in London a short-title list of the Mullock collection in 1988. in 1869. In the concluding chapter of this book, McCrea Two decades later, Gushue’s work was revived and records meeting the Roman Catholic bishop of St. John’s, continued by another group of students from the John !omas Mullock, and visiting “his noble library, Department of English with the help of Memorial the "nest room in the colony.” As Mullock died the same University’s MUCEP and SWASP funding programs. year as McCrea’s book appeared, this brief mention helps Over the years they compiled a complete list of the us to imagine the Episcopal Library, and the precious Mullock and the Episcopal Library collections. We book collection it contained, at the height of what its would like to thank Nicole Boggan, Seamus Dwyer, founder imagined it to be. Today the site of the Basilica Melanie Hurley, Sarah Milmine, Matthew Pike, and Museum, the library still possesses most of Mullock’s Amy-Ann Smith for their dedicated work which made original collection, along with the more recent additions this catalogue possible in the first place. We are also that together make up the Episcopal Library collection. indebted to Hélène Cazes, Carrie Dyck, Linda Quirk, Visitors can view these books as well as other artefacts and Patrick Warner, for their initial encouragement, from the Episcopal collections displayed in a program of and for providing models for our project, as well as permanent and temporary exhibitions. to Paul Whittle, Robert Ormsby, and Elizabeth Few personal or public libraries from the mid- Ormsby, for their patient and continual support as we nineteenth century are known to survive in Canada in completed the catalogue. We are extremely grateful their original settings today; only a small percentage to the contributors of this volume, who enthusiastic- of these libraries are in the Atlantic region; and none ally responded to our invitation and most generously but the Mullock collection exists in Newfoundland offered their expert knowledge across the variety and Labrador. We hope that this book, which explores of fields covered by Mullock’s diverse books. They the history and some of the highlights of the Mullock formed an inspiring community of scholars who filled collection, will inspire others to take an interest in this the Episcopal Library with new life. fascinating resource. An invaluable part of our heritage, !is catalogue is the result of the collaboration of a this previously dormant collection deserves again to hold number of partners. We are grateful to the Department a place in our common culture. of English, particularly Jennifer Lokash, Lisa Dawe, | vii and Tina Power, for providing much-needed adminis- Our catalogue would not have happened without trative support, and to Memorial University Libraries the generous "nancial support of Memorial University’s for taking on the task of publishing the catalogue. Public Engagement Accelerator Fund and the Vice !e idea was "rst embraced by Lorraine Busby and President Academic’s Fund for the Scholarship in the was later carried on by Louise White, both of whose Arts. For the latter, we owe special thanks to Kim Ian assistance we greatly appreciate. A number of people Parker, the Department of Religious Studies, and the o6ered their expertise to facilitate the publishing O9ce of the Dean of Arts. process: Graham Blair, Chris Hammond, Kristine Finally, we would like to thank the Most Reverend Power, and Joan Ritcey. We were especially fortunate Martin W. Currie, D.D., archbishop of St. John’s, to have Iona Bulgin as part of our editorial team; she who not only granted permission to reproduce images went far beyond what a copy editor’s duties entail. At from the collection but, following his predecessor the Basilica Museum we were aided by Anne Walsh Bishop Mullock’s vision, also graciously opened up the and Rene Estrada, who were always ready and eager to Episcopal Library to us and to future generations of help. We bene"tted immensely from the help of Larry readers. Dohey and J. B. Darcy, CFC, two committed uno9cial guardians of the Mullock collection and the Episcopal Library. !ey liberally shared with us their knowledge Ágnes Juhász-Ormsby and Nancy Earle of the collection and the history of the library. St. John’s, March 2016 viii | Contributors Lucian M. Ashworth Magessa O!Reilly Department of Political Science, Memorial University Department of French and Spanish, Memorial University J. B. Darcy, CFC Independent Scholar Dimitrios Panagos Department of Political Science, Memorial University Larry Dohey Provincial Archives, !e Rooms, St. John:s, Kim Ian Parker Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Religious Studies, Memorial University Nancy Earle Andrea Procter Department of English, Memorial University O9ce of Public Engagement, Memorial University John E. FitzGerald Hans J. Rollmann Basilica Museum and Independent Scholar Department of Religious Studies, Memorial University Jay Foster Luke Roman Department of Philosophy, Memorial University Department of Classics, Memorial University Anne G. Graham Messod Salama Department of French and Spanish, Memorial Department of French and Spanish, Memorial University University Ágnes Juhász-Ormsby William Schipper Department of English, Memorial University Department of English, Memorial University Joël Madore Anne Walsh Department of Philosophy, Memorial University !e Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. John:s and Basilica Museum Donald W. Nichol Department of English, Memorial University Je" A. Webb Department of History, Memorial University Seamus O!Neill Department of Philosophy, Memorial University | ix PART I a Introduction xii | The Life of John T.
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