camping sites. camping no responsibility for any injury or damage arising from using the the using from arising damage or injury any for responsibility no Valley Council and the Department of Industry - Lands accepts accepts Lands - Industry of Department the and Council Valley carry appropriate camping equipment with you at all times. Clarence Clarence times. all at you with equipment camping appropriate carry It is strongly recommended that when accessing camping sites, you you sites, camping accessing when that recommended strongly is It Jackadgery 1:25000 1:25000 Jackadgery • Members of the public using camping sites do so at their own risk. risk. own their at so do sites camping using public the of Members Gundahl 1:25000 Gundahl • Access to camping sites is provided for your use and enjoyment. enjoyment. and use your for provided is sites camping to Access Spatial Services Spatial Topographic Maps Topographic prior to any trip undertaken. trip any to prior weather, river heights and changes to river features and hazards hazards and features river to changes and heights river weather, Mann River Caravan Park, Jackadgery Park, Caravan River Mann • without notice. Paddlers are advised to seek current information on on information current seek to advised are Paddlers notice. without Accommodation and meals: meals: and Accommodation Information is correct at the time of printing and is subject to change change to subject is and printing of time the at correct is Information purposes and may not correspond to the feature referenced. referenced. feature the to correspond not may and purposes including a general store and petrol. and store general a including of the corresponding features, some images are used for artistic artistic for used are images some features, corresponding the of Finish - Finish facilities all has Jackadgery, Park, Caravan River Mann Although most images in this Map Kit and are generally indicative indicative generally are and Kit Map this in images most Although Start - Start Nymboida River Camping Area, Nymboida National Park. Park. National Nymboida Area, Camping River Nymboida and is designed as a reference guide for planning and navigation. navigation. and planning for guide reference a as designed is and with the Mann. the with This Map Kit has been produced primarily for promotional purposes purposes promotional for primarily produced been has Kit Map This Camping Note: Note: The Nymboida River becomes the Mann River at the junction junction the at River Mann the becomes River Nymboida The other hazards at all times. all at hazards other Ramornie Forest Rd and Gwydir Hwy. 4WD recommended. 4WD Hwy. Gwydir and Rd Forest Ramornie Mann River Caravan Park is situated on river left. river on situated is Park Caravan River Mann for submerged and protruding objects, overhanging branches, and and branches, overhanging objects, protruding and submerged for Car Shuttle: Car 53km (1 hour and 20 minutes) one way via T-Ridge Rd, Rd, T-Ridge via way one minutes) 20 and hour (1 53km through pools and races ends at the towering Mann River Bridge. The The Bridge. River Mann towering the at ends races and pools through equipment for the section(s) that they are paddling and remain alert alert remain and paddling are they that section(s) the for equipment a left bank portage is the easier. Another 5km, 1¼ hours, of paddling paddling of hours, 1¼ 5km, Another easier. the is portage bank left a change continually. Paddlers must have the appropriate skills and and skills appropriate the have must Paddlers continually. change (no camping) on river right. right. river on camping) (no in higher water, and can be portaged on river right. In lowish water, water, lowish In right. river on portaged be can and water, higher in Kayak Trail requires attention and care. River features and conditions conditions and features River care. and attention requires Trail Kayak access 4WD unformed 152°33’15.46”) (-29°34’51.25”, Navigating the rapids and fast flowing sections of this Canoe & & Canoe this of sections flowing fast and rapids the Navigating upstream and should be approached with extreme caution, especially especially caution, extreme with approached be should and upstream Reserve Hall Jackadgery use Alternatively left. river on 5 km downstream (around 1½ hours). These falls are not obvious from from obvious not are falls These hours). 1½ (around downstream km 5 any information, warnings or advice provided in relation to their use. their to relation in provided advice or warnings information, any suitable 2WD obtained) be must (permission Park Caravan River min. “New Zealand Falls” (marked on Gundahl map) is reached a further further a reached is map) Gundahl on (marked Falls” Zealand “New min. when these facilities are used including if used in contravention to to contravention in used if including used are facilities these when Jackadgery (-29 Jackadgery 33’ 14.19”). Adjacent to Mann Mann to Adjacent 14.19”). 33’ 152 44.46”S, 34’ 0 0 0 left by wading/sliding/dragging boats over the rocks - this may take 30 30 take may this - rocks the over boats wading/sliding/dragging by left Lands accepts no responsibility for any injury incurred by any person person any by incurred injury any for responsibility no accepts Lands Finish - Finish Highway, Gwydir the on Bridge), River (Mann Jackadgery own risk. Clarence Valley Council and the Department of Industry - - Industry of Department the and Council Valley Clarence risk. own end of the pool with the junction of the Mann is best portaged on the the on portaged best is Mann the of junction the with pool the of end (-29 33’ 28.17”). 4WD recommended. 4WD 28.17”). 33’ 152 37.42”, 42’ enjoyment. Members of the public using these facilities do so at their their at so do facilities these using public the of Members enjoyment. portaged by canoeists. The long boulder strewn “Bridal Veil” rapid at the the at rapid Veil” “Bridal strewn boulder long The canoeists. by portaged 0 0 0 Start - Start Park National Nymboida Campground, River Nymboida Access to the Trail and related facilities is provided for your use and and use your for provided is facilities related and Trail the to Access kms (3-4 hours) and contains two grade 4 rapids which should be be should which rapids 4 grade two contains and hours) (3-4 kms CAUTION The section from the Mann River Junction to Jackadgery is about 11 11 about is Jackadgery to Junction River Mann the from section The Paddle is reasonably straight forward if care is taken to avoid these rocks! rocks! these avoid to taken is care if forward straight reasonably is Max - Max 2.0 m 2.0 two large tombstone shaped rocks midstream near the end of the rapid, rapid, the of end the near midstream rocks shaped tombstone large two Good Level - Level Good m 1.4 channel to the left of the rapid. “Tombstone”, so named because of the the of because named so “Tombstone”, rapid. the of left the to channel gauge) Jackadgery at River (Mann If necessary, it can be safely by-passed by following a high water (flood) (flood) water high a following by by-passed safely be can it necessary, If - Min m 0.80 pour overs requiring considerable manoeuvring to get through safely. safely. through get to manoeuvring considerable requiring overs pour “Demolition Derby” is a technical Grade 3 with numerous boulders and and boulders numerous with 3 Grade technical a is Derby” “Demolition River levels River Portage on river right river on Portage (-29°41’13.38”, 152°31’32.02”) containing the largest pressure waves. waves. pressure largest the containing 152°31’32.02”) (-29°41’13.38”, 4 Grade – 152°32’44.06”) (-29°37’34.55”, Falls Zealand New • Paddling time: Paddling 6-8 hours 6-8 scenic. It contains three grade 3 rapids, with the best “Exhibition Falls” Falls” “Exhibition best the with rapids, 3 grade three contains It scenic. Portage on river left by wading/sliding/dragging boats over rocks over boats wading/sliding/dragging by left river on Portage The next 6½ km (1½ - 2 hours) to the Mann River Junction is particularly particularly is Junction River Mann the to hours) 2 - (1½ km 6½ next The River Distance: River 23km 4 Grade – 152°30’44.03”) (-29°39’5.21”, Falls Veil Bridal • Creek. Creek. recommended). at -29°40’41.68”, 152°31’31.70” -29°40’41.68”, at the river until Cunglebung Creek is met. Portage down Cunglebung Cunglebung down Portage met. is Creek Cunglebung until river the River Grade: River 3 (with several grade 4 rapids - Portages Portages - rapids 4 grade several (with 3 Follow river left bank and portage down high water (flood) channel channel (flood) water high down portage and bank left river Follow aerated chute. It can be by-passed by following the left hand bank of of bank hand left the following by by-passed be can It chute. aerated 3+ Grade – 29.51”) 31’ 152° (-29°40’40.85”, Derby Demolition • Experience Level: Experience Experienced. river narrowing across a 2m drop into a very turbulent rocky and and rocky turbulent very a into drop 2m a across narrowing river -29°41’59.82”, 152°31’48.96” -29°41’59.82”, entire the with 4 grade stage two a is Creek Cunglebung at rapid The recommended. recommended. Follow river left bank and portage down Cunglebung Creek at at Creek Cunglebung down portage and bank left river Follow channel provides the quickest passage through ‘the Maze’! ‘the through passage quickest the provides channel in higher water and several grade 4 rapids where portages are are portages where rapids 4 grade several and water higher in 4 Grade - 152°31’51.93”) (-29°41’59.89”, Falls Creek Cunglebung • outcrops in the river blocking the view downstream.
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