Admin: DONCASTER PHARMACEUTICAL COMMITTEE Alison Ellis Chief Officer Nick Hunter [email protected] ℡ 07882289083 [email protected] Fax: 0115 8379854 ℡ 07595 069178 Fax: 01455 634800 http://psnc.org.uk/doncaster-lpc/ http://psnc.org.uk/doncaster-lpc/ Doncaster Local Pharmaceutical Committee Meeting LPC MEETING 1 Training Room, Weldricks Pharmcy, Ten Pound Walk, Doncaster On Wednesday 14 th January 2015 at 1pm Present: In the Chair Dave Sharp (DS) Secretary: Nick Hunter (NH) Members: Mohammed Ahmed (MA) (arrived late), Chris Bland (CB), Paul Chatterton (PC), Emily Bellwood (EB), Richard Harris (RH), Catherine Hudson (CH), Seonaidh Innes (SI), Lynn Murrie (LM), Darren Powell (DP), Claire Thomas (CT), Richard Wells (RW) (arrived late) Minutes: Alison Ellis (AE) Attending • Tony Jamieson, Clinical Lead for Medicines, Yorkshire & Humber Academic Health Science Network (TJ) • Emma Smith, Doncaster CCG (ES) Observer Dale McVeigh, Weldricks Pharmacy (DM) Apologies • Garry Myers, PSNC Regional Representative • Sheila Barnes, Healthwatch Doncaster • Ming Goh, LPC Member • Richard Wells, LPC Chair (attending late) • Mohammed Ahmed (attending late) Open meeting guest speakers NH welcomed guests to the meeting Tony Jamieson, Y&H Patient Safety Collaborative – Attachment 1, 2, 3, 4 (sent in separate email by NH) Yorkshire & Humber Academic Health Science Network – remit implement the government transformation – Patient safety collaborative for Yorkshire & Humber one of the main projects – increase skills in developing safety skills Human factors in healthcare and medicines optimisation Page 1 of 13 Doncaster LPC mins 14.01.15 - Past behaviours / experiences - Understanding human psychology and how affects thinking - teamwork - Engineer safe and efficient practice – redesign pharmacy, medicines packaging etc - Make clinical human factors of routine practice Pharmacy has 95% accuracy rate and still working to increase this. Other areas strive to get a 95% accuracy. Within the project Pharmacies will decide what they wish to measure and set a baseline – implement a change and then compare results. Safer dispensing – could be addressing human factors within dispensing. Wish to have 20 teams to look at and report any near misses etc Working with Asda, Morrisons, and Boots currently at a head office level. Feel need to have a different groups rather than just the same company throughout. Time commitment: - 2 hour introductory session (attended by lead pharmacist and 2 other staff) – continuity over the 24 weeks so 3 should cover this. - 1 full day where learn the theory - 2 x ½ day sessions - Visits to the pharmacy by the Y&H team - There is no backfill available - 20 weeks collecting data – send through once a day – tally charts 4 separate Sundays – flexible around dates and venue Benefit to the pharmacy – teamwork, safer patients, knowledge & expertise, exemplars of patient safety, Queries from LPC members - Not sure that 24 weeks would be long enough to see a difference - How will this help pharmacy gain more time to do other things – suggested that it would increase more teamwork, communication, accuracy - SOPS - First cohort – advised to contact head offices of multiples and independent chains Asked if LPC would forward onto contacts and independent contractors. – agreed that we could do this When: March, May, June, July Venue: Leeds (most central) but if in a certain area then will move (i.e. Doncaster) Action: Support and encourage participatio n - Informa ti on to be sent to AE / NH and then forward the information to independent pharmacies and head office contacts + members. Emma Smith, Doncaster CCG MAS – Sonar system being looked at by CSU. Re-commissioning hopefully using PharmOutcomes. Looked at the proposal LPC given. Notice has been given to Sonar to finish 01/04/15. Falls and Inhaler technique services – claims – only received from one pharmacy company. Members to look into this with their companies and check if claims should have been sent through and have not been received. Inhaler technique – children’s scheme similar to Adult scheme. Aiming to stop emergency admissions Invited LPC to the asthma task and finish group – 29/01/15 – RH attending. Use the MUR model – clinical recommendations – query if pharmacy to be able to provide a Volumatic / Page 2 of 13 Doncaster LPC mins 14.01.15 spacer without prescription If this Project in Doncaster goes ahead then the [SCHAR] research taking place will need to move to a different area. Falls Service Bid under Better Care fund – need to have a discussion around this – deadline is 2 nd February 2015. NH/CT Feedback from RDASH – referrals are very good and detailed – they have not had to send any back from pharmacy which is excellent. Quality is exceptional and all parties are very pleased with this service. Fee structure – willing to look at this – realise that this is not enough for the amount of work needed to complete. Doncaster CCG are helping with the business case to be put forward to Doncaster Council. Emma Smith has agreed to provide a statement about the quality of referrals and service that community pharmacy are providing. 2 2.1 Apologies for absence • Ming Goh • Richard Wells (attending late) • Mohammed Ahmed (attending late) 2.2 Acceptance of the minutes from 12 th November 2014 ( Attachment A ) The minutes for the meeting on 12 th November 2014 were accepted as a true and accurate record after the following amendments a) Page 3 - Low molecular weight heparin instead of low grade heparin b) Page 10 - Section 9.4 Harm minimisation / reduction group not Harmonisation group Proposed by RH and seconded by LM 2.3 Matters arising (not on the agenda) 1 MDS Issues regarding MDS changes and 7 day prescribing - waiting for information from Kath Lindley – been in email contact with CCG/Kath Lindley / LPC CCG are in favour of the prescription being rewritten rather than changes to the MDS tray and resealing. Need more information from Kath Lindley 2 Substance Misuse clients in Police Cells Primarily led by Rotherham commissioners. Sent through to Doncaster commissioners and still pending discussion re remuneration for the extra work 3 Low molecular weight heparin Palliative care service and whether can include low molecular weight heparin - RH has not heard anything from Steve Davies and Mark Randerson is currently off sick. Not been to the APC yet - RH to agenda this at the next APC meeting - ask the CCG to review the specification of the palliative care specification re including heparin and talk to the LPC. Palliative care service is running but only in East Laithgate. 4 Patients with learning disabilities Waiting on information from Jayne Thompson re dates of meetings for NH and RW to attend and give a pharmacy talk re services and also regarding training for pharmacies on learning disabilities. 5 Governance Page 3 of 13 Doncaster LPC mins 14.01.15 Review the members skills assessment and Strategy / Business plan at the March meeting – full day meeting Action: AE to add member s kills assessment and Strategy / Business plan review to the March 2015 LPC meeting agenda. 6 Minutes The minutes from the LPC meeting were sent out to members within 4 weeks of the meeting. Members reported that this was helpful as a reminder of action points. The full minutes were published on the website as agreed. 7 Expense Policy DP, RH and DS have arranged a meeting to discuss the changes to the expense policy and then to be added to the March LPC meeting agenda Action: RH to add in specific clause to the expense policy regarding splitting time and expenses between LPCs – DP, RH and DS to discuss and AE to add to the March LPC meeting agenda 8 Anticoagulants RH has spoken to Richard Daniszewski regarding running a training session on NOACs agreed to add this to the LPF training program. 9 LPC PR Stories on NH presenting at the Pharmacy Show and asked to do podcast and also C&D articles were included in the LPC bulletin. 10 PNA NH has sent through the LPC response to the Doncaster PNA. 11 Harm Reduction Group Not had a meeting yet – forward to next meeting Action: NH to pick up Hepatitis B vaccinations at the next Harm Reduction Group meeting 12 SWYFT training SWYFT have agreed to fund staff attending training but not pharmacists 3 NHS Contract Matters Control of Entry Spreadsheet – (nothing received) Regulations Table – http://psnc.org.uk/nottinghamshire-lpc/lpc-members-private-page/ Regulations guidance – https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/nhs-pharmaceutical- services-assessing-applications 3.1 New contracts-Routine None received 3.2 New contracts-Excepted 3.2.1 Contract applications received from other areas None received Page 4 of 13 Doncaster LPC mins 14.01.15 3.3 Litigation 3.3.1 SHA/17798 - Application for inclusion in the pharmaceutical list under Part 4, Regulation 24 of the National Health Service (Pharmaceutical and Local Pharmaceutical Services) Regulations 2013 - Relocation Resulting in No Significant Change, By: D&R Sharp (Chemists) Ltd From: 21 St David’s Drive, Doncaster, DN5 8NG To: Unit 4 Barnsley Road, Scawsby, Doncaster, DN5 8QE Representations by 10 th January 2015 - Attachment B 3.3.2 SHA / Application for inclusion in the pharmaceutical list under Part 4, Regulation 24 of the National Health Service (Pharmaceutical and Local Pharmaceutical Services) Regulations 2013 - Relocation Resulting in No Significant Change, By: H I Weldrick Ltd From: 81 Sandringham Road, Intake, Doncaster, DN2 5JA To: Pharmacy Unit, Sandringham Road Health Centre, Doncaster, DN2 5JE Deadline – 12 th February 2015 Declarations: PC, DP, CH, CT, RH (Weldricks), DS (D&R Sharp), Liaise with SI, LM, EB and CB, MA Averroes are trading at the moment but not been able to agree a legal agreement for the lease but Weldricks have now. Regulation 31 still applies as there is still a pharmacy trading at present.
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