Index Current boundary lines have been observed in locating towns, villages, forts, etc., within states. Abercromby, James, 56 Bledsoe's Lick (Tenn.), 69 Adair, John, 242 Bloody Fellow, 344!, 350, 352-356 Adams, John, 16S Blount, William, 290, 340-371 Adams, Samuel, 16S Blue Licks (Ky.), SI, 156, ISS, 194, Adventure, 25 5ff 196, 205f Alabama River, 45 Blue Ridge Mountains, 13-21 pas­ Alamance, battle of, 99-100, 101, 107 sim, 30, 35, 24 1. Alamance River, 99 Boiling Springs (Ky.), 158, 166, 170 Allegheny Mountains, 13,20,23,43, Boone, Daniel, 67, 7°-82, 120, 122f, 51, 63 f, 67, 12S, 132f, 13Sf, 150, ISO 139, 150-153, 154ff, 157, 163, 165f, American Revolution, 101, III, 113, lSI-200, 204-206, 252 235, 243, 25 1 Boone, Israel, 7I Amherst, Jeffrey, 56, 59, 61 Boone, Jemima, ISI-IS5, 193f, 204 Appomattox Indians, 14 Boone, Rebecca Bryan, 7Iff, 76, 181, Armstrong, James, 345 193f, 206 Arthur, Gabriel, Isf Boone, Sarah, 7I Asbury, Francis, 227, 231 Boone, Sarah Morgan, 70 Augusta County Regiment, 13 If Boone, Squire (the father), 7of Avery, Waighstill, I IS Boone, Squire (the son), Soff, 150, Bainford, Epaphronditis, 73 152, lSI Baker, Joshua, 126 Boonesboro (Ky.), 153, 156, 15Sff, Baldwin, Isaac, 250 163f, 169, 171, 175f, ISI-206 pas­ Batts, Thomas, 17,43,46 sim, 21S, 25 2, 254 Bean, William, 105, III Botetourt County Regiment, I pf Beard, Hugh, 361ff Bowles, William August, 350 Beaubean, Charles, IS9 Bowman, John, 186 Beaver Creek, 46, 12S Boyd's Creek, 2SI, 294 Been, John, lOS Braam, Jacob van, 51£ Benton, Jesse, 113 Braddock, Edward, 53 Bethabara (N.C.), 36, 250 Bradstreet, John, 61 Bethlehem (Pa.), 31f, 35 Brown, Jacob, III Benton, Samuel, S6 Brown, John, 319-3 22, 329,333 Berkeley, William, 15, 17 Bryan, Samuel, 205 Big Bone Lick (Ky.), 65, SI Bryan, William, 206 Big Warrior, 371 Buchanan's Station, 356, 360 Blackbird, 197 Buford, Abraham, 236 Blackfish, IS6-201, 203ff Buffalo (N.C.), 2S2 Black Hoof, 197 Bullitt, Alexander Scott, 334t 336£ Blainville, Pierre J. Celoron de, 47 Bullitt, Thomas, 121 Bland, Edward, 14! Bullock, Leonard Henry, I4)f Bledsoe, Anthony, 113,26S,274£ Butler, William, 89f, 93 Bledsoe, Isaac, 6S£ Burnett, William, 29 4°1 4°2 The Appalachian Frontier Byrd, William, I, 20, 214, 217f Chota (N.C.), 54f, 61, II7ff, 282 Byrd, William, III, 53, 73, 164 Christanna (Va.), 20 Cabin Creek, 230 Christian, William, II3f, II6-1I9, Cahokia (111.), 45 IF, 135ff, 140 Caldwell, David, 99 Clark, Daniel, 328 Caldwell, Robert, 334 Clark, George Rogers, 120, 124, Caldwell, William, 247 I38ff, 172f, 175, 1771f, 186, 252£, Calk, William, IBff, 157, 164 323 Callaway, Elizabeth, 182-185, 218 Clarke, Elijah, 239, 243 Callaway, Flanders, 193, 204 Clay, Green, 334 Callaway, Frances, 182-185 Clear Creek, 65 Callaway, Richard, 150, 166, 181, Cleveland, Benj., 68, 241, 244, 246 I83ff~ 198, 200, 204ff Clinch River, ISO, 240, 345 Cameron, Alexander, 108, 111-114 Clinch Mountain, 271 Campaign Creek, 134 Cloud's Creek, 256 Campbell, Arthur (Long Jaw), I78f, Clover Bottom (Tenn.), 261 181, 282f, 287, 298 Cobb, William, 340-343 Campbell, David, 302, 307, 341 Cocke, William, IB, ISSf, 299£, 349, Campbell, William, 140, 240, 243, 37 2 245- 249, 251 Colbert, Billy, 368, 371 Camp Charlotte (0.), 137, I39f Colbert's Ferry, 273 Camp Union (W. Va.), 13of, 133, Coldwater Creek, 272 136 Collins, William, 202 Canajoharie (N.Y.), 29 Committee of Twenty-One, 174 Captain Will, 79, 120, 12 3, 189 Company of the Indies, 45 Carter, John, 107, IlOf, 119 Connolly, John, 125, 128, 130 Cartwright, Peter, 22 3 Coody, Archie, 257f Caswell, Richard, 292f, 295f, 298, Cooley, William, 78, 80 299, 34 1 Cooper, James, I 15 Catawba Indians, 2I, 52, 53, 64 Cornstalk, 121, 127f, 133-137, 189 Catawba River, 39, 54, 57,66,83,250 Cornwallis, Charles, Lord, 235f, 2. 38, Cavet, Alexander, 363 24of, 243, 245, 25 1, 284 Chene, Isadore, 197 Cotton, John, 258£ Cherokee Indians, 18f, 52-61, 64, 68, Coyatee (Tenn.), 35 1, 353 73, 107f, III-lI8, 13 1, 140, 145, Cozby, James, 309 147ff, 152, 164, 169, 173, 176, I82ff, Craig, Lewis, 224 199, 212, 236, 252, 269, 271f, 278, Craighead, Thomas B., 2. 70 280-283, 297f, 304ff, 313, 343-372 Crampton's Gap, 2.9 Chickamauga Indians, 118, 241, 283, Crawford, Hugh, 6; 3°6, 344-367 Crawford, Valentine, 128 Chickasaw Indians, 20, 265, 272f, Crawford, Willi~, I2Stf 355, 367f, 370 £ Creek Indians, 20, 236, 2. 72ff, 2761f, Chief Logan, 126ff, 14If 301f, 350, 354, 357ff, 362 -371 Chief Old Tassel, 344 Cresap, Michael, 124f, 142 Chief Raven, II7f, 147 Crockett, Robert, 68 Chief Red Bird, 348 Croghan, George, 46, 52 Chief White-Man Killer, 355£ Crooked Creek, 135 Chilhowee (Tenn.), 282 Cross Creek, 145 Chisholm, John, 371 Crozat, Antoine de, 45 Choctaw Indians, 354£, 368 CUlpeper Minute Men, 132 Index Cumberland Compact, 262ff Fanning, Edmund, 9°-96 passim, 101 Cumberland Gap, 64£, 67, 78, 82, Farrar, John, 149, 163 15 1, 154, 255 Ferguson, Patrick, 140, 236-249 Cumberland Mountains, 150£ Few, James, 100 Cumberland River, 64!, 67, 69, 81, Field, John, 13 If, 135 148£, 155, 173, 252-279 passim Fields, Jeremiah, 95 Cumberland Valley, 39, 71, 261 Fincastle County Battalion, 13 If Cummings, Charles, 222 Findlay, John, 66£, 71, 76ff, 80£ Danville (Ky.), 313, 318, 320, 322, Findleston, Richard, 355f 32 8, 335, 338 Finley, John. See Findlay, John Davidson Academy, 270 Fish Creek, 120, 129 Deep River, 83 Fleming, William, 131-135, 137 Delaware Indians, 31,46, 174 Floyd, John, 12 I, 124, I58f, 161, 163, Demere, Paul, 55-61 passim 170, 183, 185 Demere, Robert, 55 Forbes, John, 57, 61 Denton, Thomas, 215 Forts: Cumberland (Md.), 130; De Peyster, Abraham, 246ff Dunmore (Pa.), 125; Duquesne Deroque, Joseph, 355£ (Pa. ), 48-61 passim; Fincastle (W. Dick's River, 81, 181 Va.), 129; Gower (0.), 130, 140; Dinwiddie, Robert, 47£, 52-55 Henry (Va.), 14£, 18f; Loudoun Doak, Samuel, 222, 241 (Tenn.), 55, 57-61; Necessity Dobbs, William, 5zff (Pa.), 49; Patrick Henry (Tenn.), Doddridge, Joseph, 219f JI8, 255; Pitt (Pa.), 120, I25; Donelson, John, 108, 232, 252£, 255ff, Prince George (S.C.), S8ff 259-262, 290 Fowler, John, 333 Doublehead, 361 Fox Indians, 46 Dragging Canoe, III-1I5! It7f, 147f, Frankland, 294f. See also Franklin, 24 1 State of Drake, Joseph, 68£ Franklin, Benjamin, 64, 301 Drake, Philip, 153 Franklin, State of, IS9-3 IO passim Drake, William, 155 French Broad River, IS£, JI6f, 256, Drouillard, Peter, 197 28d, 346 Dunmore, Lord John Murray, 109, French Creek, 47£ 120£, 123f, I 29f, 133£, 136, 138, French Lick (Tenn.), 2SZ-255 140ff, 149, 152, 164, 181 Frohock, John, 90£,94 Dunn, Isaac B., 32S, 33 1 Fry, Joshua, 49 Eaton's Station (Tenn.), 114, 261, Garard, James, 333 273 Gardoqui, Diego de, 275, 305ff, 319, Economy (Pa.), 46 321,329, n d Edenton (N.C.), 32 Gates, Horatio, 239, 242£, 251, 315 East Camp (N.Y.), 17 Genet, Edmond Charles, 362 Edwards, Morgan, 101 Gerlach, John Christopher, 29 Eliott, Matthew, 136f German Flats (N.Y.), 29 Elkhorn Valley, 78 Germanna (Va.), 20 Elk River, 13If, 136 Gibson, John, 127, 137, 141f, 309 Emery, Will, 69 Gilbert Town (N.C.), 239, 242ff Evans, Nathaniel, 309 Gillespie's Gap (N.C.), 241 Fagot, Andre, 176ff Girty, George, 189 Fallam, Robert, 17, 43, 46 Girty, James, 189 Falls of the Ohio, 65, 66, 12I, 170 Girty, Simon, 133, 142 The Appalachian Frontier Gist, Christopher, 47-50, 65£ Henderson, Samuel, 153, 183, 218f, Gist, Nathaniel, 75£ 254, 29 1 Graham, William, 295 Henry, Patrick, lI8, 172, 177, 224, Grandfather Mountain, 75 318 Grand Ohio Company, 3II Henry, Robert, 247 Grant, James, 6I Herkimer (N.Y.), 29 Grave Creek, 125 Hillsboro (N.C.), 90, 92-95 passim, Greathouse, Daniel, 126, 142 98:ff, 144, 146, 242, 250, 288 Great Island Town (Tenn.), 117 Hite, Abraham, 170, 180 Great Kanawha River, 19, 30, 108, Hite, Justus, 30 121, 114, 130-135 passim Hiwassee (Tenn.), 282 Great Meadows (Pa.), 48-51 Hiwassee River, 282, 298, 305 Great Trading Path, 18 Hocking River, 130 Greenbrier River, 30, 130 Hogg, James, 146,168£ Green River, 78, 81 Hogg, Peter, 170 Greene, Jesse, 309 Holden, Joseph, 78, 80 Greene, Nathanael, 251, 284 Holder, John, 201£ Greeneville (Tenn.), 293, 297£ Holston River, 61, IOSff, 239f, 255, Greenway Court (Va.), 130 298.-345, 35 1 Guess, John, 183 Holston Valley, 75, 107 Guilford Court House (N.C.), lSI Honeycu~ John, 103 Half King, 49£ Hopewell (S.c.), 297, 341 Hall, William, 69 Houston, Samuel, 294 Hamilton, Alexander, 315 Howe, William, 56 Hamilton, Henry, 190, 192, 197f, Howell, Rednap, 90£ 204£ Hunter, James, 96 Hampden-Sidney College, 227 Hunter, Robert, 27£ Hanbury,John,46 Husband, Hermon, 87-90,92,96-100 Hancock, Stephen, 195f, 204 Hutton, James, 33 Hanging Maw, 182, 184, 36of, 363 Illinois Indians, 46 Hanks, Abraham, IS3ff Illinois River, 45£ Harmon Creek, 8I Indian John, 18f Harris' Ferry (Pa.), 130 Innes,Harry,316,3I9,329,333,336f Harrison, Reuben, 257 Iroquois Indians, 21,64. 148 Harrod, James, 158f, 161, 170, 174, Isbell, Zachariah, no 180, 186 Jack, Samuel, I 16 Harrodsburg (Ky.), 158-176 pas- Jackson, Andrew, 171, 276ff sim, 181, 185f, 195, 215 Jacob's Creek, 118 Harrod's Town (Ky.), 158 James River, 16, 34 Hart, David, 145 Jay, John, 313, 319 Hart, Nathaniel, 144, 147, 153f, 157, Jefferson, Thomas, I41f, 168f, 172, 165, 170, 172, 154, 161 178f, 224, 25 1 Hart, Thomas, 144, 147 Jennings, Edmund, 232, 259, 272 Haw River, 83, 98£ Jennings, Jonathan, 232, 259, 265 Hay, David, z71 Johnson, William, 12If Henderson, Nathaniel, 254 Johnston, Samuel, 274f, 279, 3°5, Henderson, Pleasant, 254 3°7 Henderson, Richard, 70, 77f, 80, 81, Johnston, William, 143, 145 95£, 143-147, I 49f, 152-157, 158­ Jolie~
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