December 8, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S11939 began work immediately on this crit- that hope. We will have kept our NER, 30 minutes; Senator LEVIN, 15 min- ical project, literally hours after the charge as Members to stand on behalf utes; Senator GRAHAM of Florida, 15 9/11 Commission issued its report. of America in her defense. And we will minutes; Senator COLEMAN, 10 minutes; From beginning to end she has brought have stood and made a lasting dif- Senator CARPER, 5 minutes; Senator her talents and skill to an extremely ference that is a fitting capstone to the SPECTER, 20 minutes, and his comments difficult issue. Chairman SUSAN COL- 108th Congress. will follow Senator LIEBERMAN’s com- LINS demonstrated tremendous leader- I thank all Members for their pa- ments this morning. ship. The Senate and the Nation are in tience. I appreciate them for their dili- I further ask that following the use her debt. gence and dedication since the end of or yielding back of the time, the Sen- This day cannot go by without also July, working nonstop to bring this ate proceed to a vote on the adoption thanking many other Members: Sen- bill to the floor and ultimately see it of the conference report, with no inter- ator LIEBERMAN, the ranking member; through to passage today and later sig- vening action or debate. members of the Governmental Affairs nature by the President of the United Mr. REID. Mr. President, reserving Committee, and the Senate conferees; States. the right to object, I will ask a couple of things: One, that the time for Senator WARNER, who stepped in to f lend an able hand in this last week; quorum calls run off of the time equal- INTELLIGENCE REFORM AND TER- Senator JON KYL, whose patience has ly against everybody. I suggest that RORISM PREVENTION ACT OF been remarkable; Senator TED STE- those people who have time come over 2004—CONFERENCE REPORT VENS, our very experienced hand who and use it. Senator BYRD will be here has dealt with all of the programs The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under at 12:30. That time is locked in for 2 under review in this bill for decades the previous order, the Senate will pro- hours. I think this is fair and reason- and whose continued interest and lead- ceed to consideration of the conference able. I will also ask the distinguished ership and focus on implementation of report to accompany S. 2845 which the majority leader if we will be able to— this bill will be absolutely critical; clerk will report. this vote is not close or controversial Senator TOM DASCHLE, who joined The legislative clerk read as follows: in any way, and nobody is trying to do hands with me and said right after the The committee of conference on the dis- anything untoward. People on both report was released that we would agreeing votes of the two Houses on the sides may not be here at whatever time work together in a bipartisan way to amendment of the House to the bill (S. 2845) the vote begins. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Is the generate a complex bill in a responsive, to reform the intelligence community and the intelligence and intelligence-related ac- Senator asking that the time be expeditious way that would respond to tivities of the United States Government, charged against all those who have the recommendations put forth by the and for other purposes, having met, have time, or just against— 9/11 Commission. agreed that the Senate recede from its dis- Mr. REID. I ask unanimous consent That product has been developed and agreement to the amendment of the House that the quorum calls—when they are will be delivered to this body shortly and agree to the same with an amendment, in effect—be charged against everyone and will be voted on this afternoon. and the House agree to the same, signed by except Senator BYRD at 12:30. After The legislation is not perfect. It does a majority of the conferees on the part of 12:30, it would be charged against him not solve every problem. But the legis- both Houses. also. So the time during quorum calls I (The conference report is printed in lation was not designed to solve every ask be charged against all speakers the House proceedings of the RECORD of problem. Specific problems were identi- equally. Otherwise, we are going to December 7, 2004.) fied by the work of the Commission wind up with more people—— and Congress in reviewing operations The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The in the intelligence community in the majority leader. Chair is constrained to ask the Senator years leading up to the 9/11 attacks. To Mr. FRIST. I suggest the absence of a to modify that. The occupant of the the best of our ability, we have pro- quorum. Chair has asked for 5 minutes. That duced legislation that, with the vision- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The could entirely wipe out the amount of ary leadership from the President and clerk will call the roll. time I have allocated to me. his Cabinet, will serve to make Amer- The legislative clerk proceeded to Mr. REID. It would not if it is done ica safer. call the roll. on a proportionate basis. Well, if the I can’t emphasize that last point Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I ask vote does not occur until 7 o’clock, I enough. Today we are safer than we unanimous consent that the order for don’t really care. I will withdraw that were before 9/11, but we are not yet the quorum call be rescinded. request and we will let things fall safe. Active and engaged Americans The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With- where they may. around the world and here at home are out objection, it is so ordered. Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, for clari- our first and our best line of defense Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, in a dis- fication, this is a plea to our colleagues against a philosophy that seeks and is cussion with the Democratic leader- to be here and be speaking on the floor committed to doing us harm. This leg- ship, we have come to an agreement of the Senate. We are trying to do an islation is an important tool in a war that gives us a pretty good template awful lot, so we can start the vote against terrorism, but it is not one- for the organization during the course around 3 o’clock. It will likely finish stop shopping for our country’s needs. of the day. This will be useful, and I around 5:15. In order to accomplish It should help in making sure that our will ask unanimous consent shortly to that, we cannot be sitting in quorum intelligence assets are deployed wisely, allocate time for the people who have calls. We need the people wishing to that information developed is shared come forward and said they would like speak to be here on time and to be broadly, that our strategy to fight this to speak prior to the vote. available. Check with the managers. war evolves effectively, and it will ac- As part of this, the managers will The PRESIDENT pro tempore. May complish those things. have time right before the vote—up to the Chair suggest that the time for The families who lost their parents, 30 minutes, but probably that much quorum calls be charged against the their children, their relatives, their time will not be used before the vote— next person in line to speak and put close friends on that tragic day in New to add closing statements. these speakers in order? York and Pennsylvania and Wash- I ask unanimous consent that debate Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, since we ington, all deserve our constant dedica- on the conference report be limited to have not talked to each individual, I tion in the Congress to buttress the the list below: don’t want them necessarily to have to war on terror. This conference report is Senator COLLINS will be controlling come in this order. I think we can our latest contribution, not our final 45 minutes; Senator LIEBERMAN, 45 leave it with the understanding that contribution, to that conflict. No one minutes; Senator BYRD, 120 minutes, to we need speakers here to work with the should have to suffer the horror and begin at 12:30 p.m.; Senator STEVENS, 5 floor managers and to have no down anguish of the 9/11 events again. minutes; Senator ROBERTS, 10 minutes; time over the course of the morning I will close by saying that when we Senator ROCKEFELLER, 10 minutes; Sen- and, if so, we are going to ask people to act later today, we will have acted on ator DURBIN, 15 minutes; Senator WAR- try to shorten their remarks. VerDate Mar 15 2010 21:47 Jan 29, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\2004SENATE\S08DE4.REC S08DE4 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S11940 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 8, 2004 Mr. REID. Parliamentary inquiry, leaders back in late July, we pledged to serves the support of the House and the Sen- Mr. President: If in fact we don’t lock work together and to recognize that ate. in a time for the vote, and Senators de- when it comes to matters of national But, Mr. President, perhaps the cide not to come and speak, we cannot security, there is no place for partisan- greatest debt of all is owed to the fami- have a vote until they finish their ship.
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