Jefferson Stereoptics & SADDY STEREOVIEW CONSIGNMENT AUCTIONS ($5.00) John Saddy 787 Barclay Road London Ontario N6K 3H5 CANADA Tel: (519) 641-4431 Fax: (519) 641-0695 Website: https://www.saddyauctions.com E-mail: [email protected] AUCTION #16-2 Phone, mail, fax, and on-line auction with scanned images. CLOSING DATES: 9:00 p.m. Eastern Thursday, December 15, 2016 Lots 1 to 527 (Part 1) & Friday, December 16, 2016 Lots 528 to 1061 (Part 2) In the event of a computer crash or other calamity, this auction will close one week later. “BUYER’S PREMIUM CHARGES INCREASE TO 9%” TO ALL OUR STEREOVIEW BIDDERS: PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE’S AN INCREASE IN OUR “BUYER’S PREMIUM CHARGES; IT IS NOW 9%. (We will absorb Paypal charges.) The amount will be automatically added to the invoice. We thank you in advance for your understanding. Your business is very much appreciated. BIDDING RULES AND TERMS OF SALE TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. All lots sold to the highest bidder. This auction contains some lots which are less older formats such as View- 2. Minimum increments: Up to $100, $3., $101 or higher, $10. (Bids only Master, Tru-Vue and others. These lots are prefixed with “(VM)” so if they even dollars, no change.) come up in a list from the Search Engine, you’ll know by the prefix that they 3. Maximum Bids accepted, winning bidder pays no more than one are Not stereoview cards. There is a separate Table of Contents for them increment above 2nd highest bid. Ties go to earliest bidder. Bidding below this one. starts at the price listed. There are no hidden minimums or reserves.4. YOU WILL SEE TWO BOXES IN WHICH TO PLACE YOUR BID. IF YOU ADVERTISING 39, 375, 495, 503, 552, 685, 1025, 1033 WISH TO LEAVE A MAXIMUM BID, USE THE RIGHT BOX. IF YOU ARE AFRICA 73, 180, 777, 929 WILLING TO START AT AN AMOUNT MORE THAN THE MINIMUM AFRICAN - AMERICAN 127, 140, 164, 358, 410, 424, 499, 507, 516, 569, 588, NECESSARY, IN ORDER TO INTIMIDATE OTHER BIDDERS, USE THE 659, 669, 670, 672, 674, 677 - 679, 783, 921 - 923, 979, 1000, 1001, 1030, LEFT BOX. (95% OF BIDDERS, FROM MY EXPERIENCE, WOULD JUST 1033 - 1035, 1050 USE THE RIGHT BOX.) AFRICAN - ENGLISH 678 5. Buyer pays insurance, registration, and shipping. AIR RELATED, FLYING MACHINES 180, 276, 278, 318* (Mono*), 394, 771, 6. ALL BIDS ARE IN AMERICAN FUNDS. NOW 9% BUYER'S PREMIUM. 937, 1019, 1020 7. Bids welcome via phone, fax, postal mail, e-mail, or here on-line. Direct ALASKA & KLONDYKE MINING (inc CANADA) 56, 782, 784, 935 - 937, 994 on-line bidders must pre-register. Please do so as early as possible. AMBROTYPE 169, 547 (Now would be a good time.) You will be assigned a password and ANATOMY 847, 848 bidder's number. (I will be checking my E-mail hourly or less, if possible, ANIMALS, BIRDS, ETC. & ZOOS* 69*, 129*, 150*, 238, 397, 485*, 529*, 541*, so the wait for a password and bidder number shouldn't be too long.) 730*, 999*, 1047* You can then bid on-line in real-time, somewhat similar to ebay. Last AUSTRIA 433, 740, 746 day, late evening bidders via telephone or fax, earlier registration would AUTOS, OTHER VEHICLES, ETC. 90, 394, 405, 434, 840, 896, 1002 be appreciated, as I would otherwise have to register you during the heat BANKS & MONEY 787, 868, 979, 1033 of the bidding. BELGIUM & NETHERLANDS / HOLLAND 434, 743, 749, 752, 753, 975 8. Canadian residents must pay applicable taxes. BICYCLES, TRICYCLES, MOTOR CYCLES, ETC 145, 495, 529, 628, 684, 890, 9. Unlike ebay, sniping is not part of the equation in this auction. I will be 1059* (*mono) closing lots with a very liberal waiting period. Beginning at the closing BILLIARDS / POOL 789 time, after 6 minutes with no bids or enquiries, all lots are shut down together. BOATS & SHIPS & MARINE (use Search Engine, they are all over the auction) This can happen as early as 10:30 p.m. but sometimes much later. IF the BOOKS 78 - 85, 396, 707 - 713 auction is still alive at midnight, the 6-minute rule becomes a 3-minute rule. BOOKS RELATED TO BOXED SETS 78 - 84, 710, 711 10. PHOTOCOPIES:First dozen: $2, Two dozen: $4. Remember that BOXED & UNBOXED SETS & MINI-SETS (Empty Boxes, too) 18 - 77, 86 - 94, photocopies may imply stronger tones than those on the card, itself. 127, 128, 130, 137, 140, 143, 144, 154, 159, 182, 191, 390 - 402, 489, 494, 11. Please call if you have any questions about the above. 507, 620, 626, 634 - 637, 684, 728, 774 - 777, 846 - 848, 1000 12. Payment welcome via Personal Cheque drawn on an American-addressed BRIDGES (use Search feature) bank, Visa, Mastercard, International Money Orders and Paypal CALIFORNIA 61, 192 - 203, 276, 321 - 330, 404, 517 - 527, 598 - 607, 688, ([email protected]). Prompt payment is appreciated. 734, 779, 782, 816 - 835, 840, 841, 986 - 990, 1042, 1056 CAMERAS (ALL STEREO, MOSTLY ANTIQUE) 800 - 803 "s.c.mts." = square corner mounts (earlier) CANADA 64, 279 - 310, 312, 314, 316, 320* (*mono), 534, 797, 951 - 956, 1009, "r.c.mts." = rounded corner mounts (later) 1029, 1053 - 1055 CANALS 927, 930, 961, 975 CARIBBEAN & LATIN AMERICA 32, 40, 228, 268, 394, 453, 774, 846, 927 - I SPECIALIZE IN CONSIGNMENTS 934 CARNIVAL GAME 919 CAVES 90, 187, 355, 356, 358, 405, 425, 564, 669, 670, 676, 689, 842, 908, 912, 921, 924 - 926 1 CEYLON & INDIA 27, 71, 74, 88, 92, 732, 735, 948 - 950 LATIN AMERICA & CARIBBEAN 32, 40, 228, 268, 394, 453, 774, 846, 927 - 934 CHINA 59, 278, 572, 575 - 580, 732, 735, 766, 773, 861, 862, 983 MAINE 216, 388, 389, 779, 864, 870, 874, 875 CHINA - AMERICAN 523, 604 MARYLAND & WEST VIRGINIA 780, 902 - 906, 998 CHINA - CANADIAN FUNERAL 303 MASSACHUSETTS 89, 224, 373, 374, 37, 379, 381 - 383, 386 - 389, 775, 784, CHINA - PERU 928 864, 867 - 870, 876 - 880, 995, 996 CHRISTMAS & SANTA 489 MEDICAL 49, 847, 848 CIRCUS 672, 696 MICHIGAN, MINNESOTA, WISCONSIN 409, 426 - 432, 781, 907 - 914, 946, 960 CIVIL WAR (SEE MILITARY) - 963 COLISEUM BOSTON 877 MIDDLE EAST 20, 26, 31, 45, 53, 70, 93, 182 - 191, 228, 317, 390, 391, 551, CONNECTICUT 379, 388, 389, 864, 865, 869, 870, 996 714 - 724, 731 CONSTRUCTION 24, 203, 309, 310, 408, 418, 453, 529, 562, 778, 856, 927, 1045 MILITARY MISC 293, 296, 318* (*mono), 619, 629 CRYSTAL PALACE 214, 484, 548, 760, 970, 973 DAGUERREOTYPE 548 1861-65 US CIVIL WAR 651 - 668, 767, 883, 915 - 920, 991, 1008, 1040, 1050 - DANCE 771 1052 DAREDEVILS, WIRE-WALKERS 28, 784 1870-71 FRANCO-PRUSSIA WAR 1026 DEVIL TISSUES (DIABLERIES) 94 - 105, 112, 625, 628, 631, 632, 1018 1898 -99 SPANISH AMERICAN & PHILIPPINE WARS 170, 171, 174, 767 - 770, DISASTERS 192, 194, 195, 197, 200, 292, 321, 360, 374, 382, 386, 405, 516, 772, 938 - 940, 945, 946, 982, 1041 518, 695, 697, 782, 784, 790, 792 - 795, 820, 840, 841, 864, 868, 874, 875, 1899-1902 SOUTH AFRICAN ‘BOER’ WAR 43, 50, 58 878, 883, 884, 887, 927, 968, 996 1900 BOXER REBELLION, CHINA 575, 583, 861, 862, 1040 DOLLS & TOYS 130, 131, 134, 145, 684, 979 1904-05 RUSSIA - JAPAN WAR, MANCHURIA CHINA 48, 49, 177 - 179, 181, EDUCATION & SCHOOLS 140, 217, 295, 296, 389, 405, 495, 782, 869 766, 773, 983 END LOTS 94, 275, 279, 370, 460, 461, 533, 598, 698 - 706, 778, 822, 827 - 1914-18 WWI 88, 140, 172, 173, 175, 176, 180, 181, 393, 398 - 400, 584, 635, 829, 857, 878, 879, 881, 886, 887, 902, 903, 915, 921, 1010, 1021 768, 771, 813*, 814* (*smaller format glass), 941, 956 EUROPE, EASTERN 47, 258, 743, 750, 1022, 1023, 1040, 1050 1839-45 WWII 815, 942 EXPEDITIONS & SURVEYS 282, 363 -365, 554, 608 - 613, 1032 EXPOSITIONS, EXHIBITIONS & FAIRS MISC 268, 269, 271, 272, 275, 283, MINING 90, 329, 355, 367, 368, 411 (?), 553, 558, 560, 561, 564 - 566, 604, 284, 457, 505, 510 -516, 850 - 852 782, 885, 935 - 937, 962, 989, 994, 1015, 1038 1862 LONDON 510 MINNESOTA & WISCONSIN & MICHIGAN 409, 426 - 432, 781, 907 - 914 1865 DUBLIN IRELAND 482, 487 MISC, GENERAL, ALL TOPICS, WORLD & USA 438 - 457, 725 - 737, 1007 - 1867 PARIS 273, 274, 513 1029 1870s CHICAGO 516 MONITOR SHIP 652, 769, 939, 940 1876 PHILADELPHIA 85, 270, 411, 424, 849, 851 - 856, 1005, 1031, 1043 MONO FORMATS (Inc paper mounted on card, Tintypes, Ambrotypes, 1878 MECHANICS EXHIBITION 270, 271 Daguerreotypes) 318 - 320, 726, 1059 - 1061 1893 CHICAGO 267, 852, 857 MORMON & WIVES 563 1895 ATLANTA 516 MUSEUMS 302, 410, 488 1900 PARIS 849, 851 MUSIC 146, 174, 216, 582, 596, 789, 938, 982, 1025, 1027 1901 BUFFALO 455, 512 NETHERLANDS & BELGIUM 434, 743, 749, 752, 753, 975 1904 ST LOUIS 82, 267, 277, 278, 411, 455, 515, 812* (*smaller format glass), NEW HAMPSHIRE 89, 316, 371, 374, 377, 378, 386, 388, 389, 864, 866, 870 - 849, 851, 852 873, 997 1915 SAN DIEGO 35, 276, 850 NEW JERSEY 454, 781, 957 - 959 1915 SAN FRANCISCO 62, 268 NEW YORK CITY & STATE 28, 117 - 126, 314, 315, 408, 421, 454, 517, 528 - 1933 CHICAGO 19, 267, 510, 852 546, 550, 552, 686, 690 - 695, 697, 778, 779, 782, 787, 796, 797, 993, 999, 1045 - 1049 FAMOUS 43, 44, 50, 56, 58, 76, 191, 221, 222, 287, 288, 293, 455, 496, 539, NEW YORK, ROCHESTER 690 - 695 581 - 597, 668, 686, 728, 733, 817, 823, 896, 948, 951, 969, 1003, 1004, NORTH AMERICA 1859 SERIES 531, 675, 866, 959, 993, 1001 1015, 1020 NOTMAN, WM (by) 301, 304 - 310, 1029, 1048, 1053 - 1055 FARMING 412, 419, 499, 520, 965 OCCUPATIONAL 24, 154, 155, 355, 375, 379, 381, 405, 410, 412, 419, 420, FENTON, ROGER (by) 488 454, 468, 499, 507, 516, 520, 522, 670, 783, 842, 865, 866, 869, 910, 921 - FIRE DEPT 197, 860, 879 923, 984, 986, 994, 1000, 1009, 1030, 1033 FRANCE 23, 38, 67, 106 - 111, 114 - 116, 168, 229, 246 - 252, 311 - 313, 434, OHIO 417, 994, 1014 436, 459 - 468, 549, 633, 738, 748, 749, 799, 972, 1024, 1026 OREGON & WASHINGTON STATE 56, 404, 409, 783, 842 - 845 FRATERNAL (MASONIC)
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