SUMMIT, N.J.r Cwntj Offices Chatham Man Commuters Map Shapiro Grants Two Local toys Potts Engaged as Uiy Chart* Aides To Direct Ciba Fight to Check Soil Today for Program QventoFWe Seout Jamboree Consultant in To Keep imHt flw appointment of Paul W Rail Fare Boost Summit Students Robert Young, son of Mr. and Boder of QiaUum as advertising Mw. Edgar B. Young of 60 Oak ' At » coof trtae* told •* Lackawanna Commuters Asso- Five Summit students have been Ridge avenue, and Jack Hughiett, naaafcr ©f Oba Pharmaceutical Water Rate Case tfternaoa, J«Jy 14 te lie ciation, of which L. H Dos Pas- awarded scholarships by the Sha- ton of Mr. and Mr«. Jckhri M, Prodacu, Inc., replacing A. D. Eight municipalities affected by of Ju4*» Biw** KM of Summit is the president, piro Foundation, according to an Hughlett of 124 Prospect street, Brewer of New York, who recent I'iualxtK QMMMR ftaas' will appeal directly to the Inter- announcement released from the ane sailing today aboard a United the propemi Of the Comraoru ly resigned, wag announced yes- is a fekgafe to lie Dwrtis*. state Commerce Commission, if a office of the Foundation, 1441 8taU» transport with 1.000 other wealth Water Co. of Summit to tional Co>a*t«ti«i maid Vu. Gcac terday by L J. Sichel, secretary, study of commuter fare boosts Broadway, New York City as of Boy Scouts from all ove* the na- Increase its rates 20 p«r cent have L Miller of 9tmmHt. als» & ***** Mr. Roder wag asMatant adver- recommended by an ICC examiner last Saturday, Max J. Shapiro, tion to attend the International for the jno»t part agreed to hir- jate. they w«f« aiani Is/ aMnty' tiiing manager of the Ciba firm shows them to be "discrimina- one of the founders, was a for* Boy Scout Jamboree to be held officials to s*t tlsat "w fwrns- since 3912. and acted as advertis- tory." mer resident of Summit. Those at Moissomn, France, in August, Ing Clyde R, Potts, Mayor of nient <( county> dMst sxat fjct ten ing manager during Mr. Brewer's This was stated Satyday night receiving awards here are:, They will return to the United Morrlstown and sanitary en-' far rentfwtd frona tfe* ptogfe.'" tour of service with the Navy. He by Leo Kirtier of Chatham, at- William Moor* Bustln, < so'n of States In six week*. Bob is -a ginoer, ai a consultant In the fau keen active in the pharmaceu .. talk* kf Mfc. Ptow .; torney for the commuters' group. Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Burtin of. member of Troop. 62, sponsored by case. Summit's city engineer, "I wa.nt to study the recommend- >fX Morris avenue, who will be a the Central Presbyterian Church v ! Kriink A. Murray, u on* of' a request of Metbait J. for more than nine years. ia tatl"~tHgr1ttCiJSil"«*f • tt&m -<»--*#; freshman at Reruselaer Poly tech- and Jack Is a member of Troop 60, committee of engineers, who re- .former AaseaibtymiMi and teer Itr- Brewer, who was well 25 per cent to 11 major railroads," Institute. He graduated from sporuored by Calvary'^'Kplsropal .Senator Iron* lAtha' Cteswtjr.. »*w. known for many years in he said, "before t state definitely Summit'lfftgfil cently conferred with Potts. The Registrar of eked* aad s«we%*gf*, pharmaceutical' advertulng circles, what we will do about them." Margaret Kversfield Dampnmn, primarily, to. ' aeqtaaiJBt Use two daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry returned to the company late In The latest action. Is a recom- behalf of 10 Union, Ess**' and 1 delegates who an naeo»fe«is «t. lit* mendation only and must be act* H Dampman of Lav In a ' court. 1M5 *f!*r serving as a commander H. S. Football Star I'assaic municipalities "opposing judiciary coaatiaitEte trtfca -Use pe- ia naval' aviation. He i» one of ed upon by the commission. Mr. New Providence Borough, who will be a frt'shman at Radcllffe Col- CommonwtiUth's lt*42 15 per cent culiar probleas ftf list coasTy the founders and a pa«t president Kirner said the commuters have lege. Mias Damiimah graduated rate boast prgposat The hiring of courts. The dfclcgsrtcs *i£t haw to «rf tb« Pharmaceutical Advertising been assured they can file excep- Stricken Fatally from Summit High School this Potts in the prt-sent instance vi>te on the qaeatiea «C C3ub of New York., tions to the report of the JCC ex- ing. the New. Jeraey .cmsit aminer for consideration* °y *ne' year; await* formal approval at leest which Includes Federal body. Nwurtfcmore Graduate in Chatham Pond by five of the major municipal!- «ue which they may &»*e to.wa- President Dos Passos agreed James Allen Gross, son of Mr. Funeral services were held Fri- tie.1 affcctfit, Including Summit. slder, whether or an* the Tiwt" Capital with the Chatham man that the and Mrs. James H. Gross, of High day afternoon for Leon Cross, Jr., It Is believed that Common Coun- diction of the codstjr e*»it* rates would have to be studied be- street, senior «t New York Uni- High School football star, who cil will tnli« Sf»nw> kind of formal remain with local s£ttboeiiisit&. fore future action by the group versity College of Medicine. He died early Wednesday night, July action, probably by resolution, at Ooe of the fear* -©f Ute cewsty Of Nation, Firm's could be announced. graduated from Swarthmore Col- 16, while, swlmniing In Kuzii/kn's its August 5 meeting to nwik« officials U that a W^oe*. u^iin-d The ICC examiner's recommen- lege In 1945 and from Summit Pond, Chatham] Burial wag in known its official stnnd on the court system migfctt eeoapel «J dation would permit the railroads High School In 1942; Fairvlew Cemetery, Westfleld. ratfi increase porpo.sal, LoLs Elaine Hawley, daughter Acting Counry-PHy^iclan Bertha fees tc* be ttiwted mres* to TWsateB to make Increases on commutation OFF FOR FKANCE-Robert Young, left, and Jack Hughlett. whc» leave i'otts will investigate the basis Aim for Surnmit of Mr. and Mrs. James B, Haw- of Morris County said death was and then pass*«f otti-4.lt'' tiie and other multiple tickets effective today for France with l,00(| other Scouts for the jamboree to be held for Commonwealth's request for, To make Summit, the "pivot" ley of Tulip street, sophomore at due to "heart exhaustion." highway tax lneona«—<m a pro- on five days' notice. •t Molssons, France, next montb. * the rate rise, report on its reason- Ohio Wesleyan University. She portionate basis to Us* . *csai* rapltal of the nation Is the aim Typical New Rates The stricken lad was swimming ableness and recommend grounds graduated from Summit High State. , ©f the Welton Johnson Engineer- A spokesman for the Lackawan- with two High School chums, for fighting the application if it School in 1946; Louis and Morris Andrews of William I. MCMAB*. wttmiMT «f mg Co. of 95 Summit avenue. That na Railroad said his company, swnis unjust. pending final determination by Library Bursting at Seams, Ann Kimball,. daughter of Mr. Summit and Oscar Williams' of the Board of F*«*£wJdke» tmm Seven Other Towns Uie firm w well on the way to the IOC, will not make known and Mrs. Thomas G. Kimball or Mftdison. They saw him sink Summit, and its director said tint Besides Summit, communities ttain thk aim was asserted Tues- actual fare increases. Locust drive, who will be a fresh- about 4ff ' tee\ from a float and the board felt that th* «oqit ff*«s interested-in the water oempany's should remain in tfe* e»m»ty day by Wclton V.John«on of this "But the best way to figure out Urgently Needs More Space man at Colby College. Miss Klni- called for help. proposal are Irvington, Maple- •where they wtrc reechttd. He said paniz^ition as he addressed his what they may approximately be," ball graduated from Summit High Misj Mildred Hoogstrnat, life- (Editor's Motet Tile foOowins; climb and poorly arranged. wood, Writ Orange, Millbtim, that It Is estimated it cns&s afewat f*Uow members of Summit Ki- he said, "Is to take the existing this year. guard, was coming on duty nt the article, which will be nw In in- Every available foot of floor Springfield, Chatham Township $200,000 to run the* ewart. bane vasis at the club's luncheon at fares and add an average of 15 Summit Y Ilenellt* time and plupgcd into the pond stallments, is • condensation of •pace has been used for book and New Providence Borough. every year mad the nvtstats fraoa tip Hotel Beechwood. per cent." In addition $200 was placed at In her street clothra, swimming, 75 a survey made of the facilities .storage. Consequently the attrac- With the exception of Wfst Or- the courts provide On that basis, typical new rates the disposal of the Young Wo- feet to the spot where Cross went The Johnson firm moved to of the Summit Free Public li- tiveness of the original arrange- ange, whose commission voted part of tills. between Summit and New York men's Christian Association of down, She dived four times be- Summit a year and a halt ago. brary. The report discloses nuuiy ment of reading and reference July 1 to fight the water rate In- (Hoboken Station) would be: interesting facts and shortcom- Summit for scholarship purposes. fore bringing him to tho surface. N» Atteaspt to Dirt.tr The speaker stated that his firm rooms has almost completely dis- crease, the others have expressed Lackawanna patrons would pay ings of the Library, caused The announcement also states Miss Hoogstraat was adminls- Mr.
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