Supplément Bo. 2. to CÇe Palestine d5a?ette Bo. 637 of 8t!) October, 1936. GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS ORDINANCE, 1936. BY-LAWS MADE BY THE GENERAL MANAGER UNDER SECTION 42(B). TARIFF FOR THE TRANSPORT OF GOODS. The special tariff: for the transport of stone from the Quarry Siding at Km. 4J on the Haifa-Samakh line to the Palestine Electric Corporation's Siding, published in Supplement No. 2 to the Palestine Gazette No. 619 of the 6th August, 1936, is hereby revoked. G. M. CAMPIGLI 25th September, 1936. Acting General Manager. Approved. A. G. WAUCHOPE 30th September, 1836. High Commissioner. (R/80/36) — 1172 — GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS ORDINANCE, 1936. BY-LAWS MADE BY THE GENERAL MANAGER UNDER SECTION 42(B). TARIFF FOR THE TRANSPORT OF GOODS. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in the General Manager by section 42(b^ of the Government Railways Ordinance, 1936, I hereby issue the following tariff to be in force from the dates indicated : Commodity From To Rate per Minimum load In force ton per wagon as from and to Mils Tons All classes Haifa Ras El Ain 300 15th to of traffic Quay (for traffic 30th September, with the booked to 1936 exception Petah of cement Tiqva ) 250 1st October, 1936, and until further notice The following will be added to the above rates :— (a) 75 mils per ton for conveyance over the section between Ras El Ein and Petah Tiqva. (b) 25 mils per consignment for registration. The above rates exclude loading and unloading fees which will be charged ad• ditionally when these services are performed by the Railway. G. M. CAMPIGLI 30th September, 1936. Acting General Manager. Approved. ARTHUR WAUCHOPE 4th October, 1936. High Commissioner. (C/303/86) — 1173 — PALESTINIAN CITIZENSHIP ORDER. 1925. NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Mahiuud Ibshir, alias Manuel Ibshir Jadich, having, when in a foreign state and not under disability, by a voluntary and formal act be• come naturalized therein, ceased as from the date of such naturalization to be a Pal• estinian citizen in accordance with the provisions of Article 15 of the Palestinian Citizenship Order, 1925. S. MOODY 28th September, 1936. Acting Chief Secretary. (1/706/36) FORESTS ORDINANCE, 1926. NOTICE OF DECLARATION OF A CLOSED FOREST AREA UNDER SECTION 13. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 13 of the Forests Ordinance, 1926, the High Commissioner hereby declares that the forest reserve described in the schedule to this notice shall be a closed forest area. SCHEDULE. Serial No. : 235; Name of Reserve Meirun; Position : Safad sub-district within the boundaries of Meirun village; Boundaries : As defined in the schedule to the proclamation under the Ordinance published in Supplement No. 2 to the P'iles- tine Gazette No. 495 of the 21st February. 1935. By His Excellency's Command, S.MOODY 28th September, 1936. Acting Chief Secretary (A/253/31) 1174 — CURFEW ORDER. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in me by regulation 10 of the Emergency ,Council, 1931־Regulations, 1936, made under the Palestine (Defence) Order-in I EDWARD KEITH-ROACH, District Commissioner, Northern District, hereby order that as from and including the evening of Tuesday, the 22nd September, 1936, the hours of curfew within the Tulkarm municipal area shall be changed and shall be from 6 p.m. to 5.30 a.m. instead of from 7 p.m. to 5 a.m. as given in my order of the 20th August, 1936. EDWARD KEITH-ROA.CH 21st September, 1936 District Commissioner, Northern District. (0/224/36) CURFEW ORDER. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in me by regulation 10 of the Emergency Regulations, 1936, I, R. E. H. CROSBIE, District Commissioner, Southern District, hereby order that every person, save persons duly authorised in writing by the Police Officer in charge of the said camp, within an area of 300 metres from the perimeter of the detention camp at Sarafand, shall remain within doors between the hours of 12 noon and 12 noon daily until further notice. This order shall not apply to members of His Majesty's Naval, Military or Air Forces or to Police Officers. R. E. H. CROSBIE 26th June, 1936. District Commissioner. Southern District. (0/2-24/36) CURFEW ORDER. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in me by regulation 10 of the Emergency Regulations, 1936, I, R. E. H. CROSBIE, District Commissioner, Southern District, hereby order that from tonight and until further notice, no person shall approach or remain within a distance of five hundred metres on either side of the permanent way, sidings or buildings of the Palestine Railways within the Southern District, exclusive of municipal areas, other than those in which a particular curfew order is or may become in force, and exclusive of the perimeter of a group of houses or — 1175 — a village, between the hours of 7 p.m. and 2.30 p.m. except for the purpose of crossing the railway with all possible despatch at level crossings of first class roads or at road bridges. R. E. H. CROSBIE 28th June, 1936. District Commissioner, Southern District. (0/224/36) CURFEW ORDER. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in me by regulation 10 of the Emergency Regulations, 1936, made under the Palestine (Defence) Order-in-Council, 1931, I, R. E. H. CROSBIE, District Commissioner, Southern District, hereby order that from this evening and until further notice, all persons in the municipal area of Jaffa together with an area extended to include the quadrilateral bounded on the east by the road from Salame level crossing running southwards to the Jerusalem road and continuing in a straight line to the Agrobank settlement, on the south westward by the edge of the orange grove to the junction of the Bayit Vegan road with the muni• cipal boundary, on the west and the north by the municipal boundary running north• wards and then eastwards to Sheikh Murad, and thence by the road from Sheikh Murad to the Salame level crossing, shall remain within their houses from 6.30 p.m. to 5 a.m. R. E. H. CROSBIE 18th September, 1936. District Commissioner, Southern District. (0/224/36) CURFEW ORDER. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in me by regulation 10 of the Emergency Regulations, 1936, I hereby order that the following amendments be made to the Curfew Order issued on the 17th day of July, 1936. As from this evening and until further notice, all persons within the area of the Municipal Corporation of Lydda, together with an area extending to one kilometre outside the municipal area shall be within their houses between the hours of 6 p.m. and 4 a.m. unless in possession of a special curfew permit granted by the Assistant Superintendent of Police, Ramie. R. E. H. CROSBIE 27th September, 1936. Distrcit Commissioner, Southern District. (0/224/86) — 1176 — CUSTOMS DUTIES EXEMPTION ORDINANCE, 1924. ORDER NO. 61 OF 1936, BY THE HIGH COMMISSIONER UNDER SECTION 2. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 2 of the Customs Duties Exemption Ordinance, 1924, the High Commissioner-in-Council has made the fol• lowing addition to the first schedule to that Ordinance as enacted in the notice by the Officer Administering the Government-in-Council dated the 27th July, 1929, and published in the Gazette of the 1st September, 3929. Item 8 shall be amended by the addition of the following paragraph thereto :— "Equipment, furniture and foodstuffs for any Young Men's Christian Associa• tion hut or centre, established solely for the benefit of His Majesty's Forces, if consigned to and imported by the Young Men's Christian Association". MAX NUROCK 6th October, 1936. Clerk to the Executive Council. (C/380/36) MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS ORDINANCE, 1934. NOMINATION OF A COMMISSION BY THE HIGH COMMISSIONER UNDER SECTION 61 (1) (hi). WHEREAS the Council of the Municipal Corporation of Hebron, is, after having been duly warned by the High Commissioner, acting in such a manner as will in the opinion of the High Commissioner render it unable to discharge the functions imposed upon it by the Municipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934. Now, THEREFORE, the High Commissioner in exercise of the powers vested in him by section 61 (1) (iii) of the said Ordinance is pleased to nominate and the under• mentioned officers are hereby nominated as a commission to perform the duties of the Council of the Municipal Corporation of Hebron until further order : Mr. A. Kardus, M.B.E., Chairman. Dr. A. Abdul-Al, O.B.E., Member. By His Excellency's Command, S. MOODY 29th September, 1936. Acting Chief Sécrétai y. (G/14/34). — 1177 — MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS ORDINANCE, 1934. MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF SAFAD. NOTICE. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by sub-section (1) of section 51 of the Municipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934, as enacted in section 3 of the Municipal Corporations (Amendment) Ordinance, 1935, the High Commissioner is pleased to appoint and the undermentioned councillor is hereby appointed to be Deputy Mayor of the Municipal Council of Safad :— MR. DAVID BAHR. By His Excellency's Commands S. MOODY 28th September, 1936. Acting Chief Secretary. (G/17/31) WIDTH AND ALIGNMENT OF ROADS ORDINANCE, 1926. ORDER, NO. 62 OF 1936, BY THE HIGH COMMISSIONER UNDER SECTIONS 3, 4 AND 5. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 3 of the Width and Alignment of Roads Ordinance, 1926, the High Commissioner-in-Council has ordered that the said Ordinance shall be applied to the road described below, and the High Commis• sioner has further ordered, in exercise of the powers vested in him by section 4 of the said Ordinance, that no permanent work of improvement shall be carried out within a distance of fifteen metres measured from the centre of the said road :— From junction of AfTula-Nazareth Road via Ginegar, Sarid, Givat and Nahalal to junction of Nazareth-Haifa Road.
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