S6440 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 26, 1997 Act system. That is what we are pro- now proceed to the consideration of H. Mr. DOMENICI. The Senator has posing in the amendment before us. It Con. Res. 108, the adjournment resolu- time on his amendment. is a fairly simple proposition. tion, which was received from the Mr. BIDEN. Parliamentary inquiry. In addition, this amendment includes House. I further ask unanimous con- Can I get time in my own right? separate spending limits for defense sent that the resolution be agreed to Mr. DOMENICI. I yield back my discretionary programs and nondefense and the motion to reconsider be laid time. discretionary programs in the next 2 upon the table. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The time fiscal years. This also reflects the bi- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without is controlled by Senator DOMENICI and partisan budget agreement. objection, it is so ordered. Senator ROTH. Along with many other Democrats, I The concurrent resolution (H. Con. Mr. LAUTENBERG. I yield back my have long been skeptical of firewalls, Res. 108) was agreed to, as follows: time. but I remind my colleagues that these H. CON. RES. 108 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is all firewalls apply equally to both sides of Resolved by the House of Representatives (the time yielded back? the discretionary budget and could pro- Senate concurring), That when the House ad- Mr. DOMENICI. We yielded back our tect domestic initiatives from those journs on the legislative day of Thursday, time. who would shift funding from domestic June 26, 1997, it stand adjourned until 12:30 Mr. BIDEN addressed the Chair. discretionary to the military. I will p.m. on Tuesday, July 8, 1997, or until noon The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- also note that the separate defense and on the second day after Members are notified to reassemble pursuant to section 2 of this ator from Delaware. nondefense caps expire after 2 years. AMENDMENT NO. 539 TO AMENDMENT NO. 537 Another provision in this amend- concurrent resolution, whichever occurs first; and that when the Senate recesses or Mr. BIDEN. Madam President, I send ment, which also implements the bi- adjourns at the close of business on Thurs- an amendment to the desk. partisan budget agreement, would re- day, June 26, 1997, Friday, June 27, 1997, Sat- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The vise the rule governing scoring of asset urday, June 28, 1997, or Sunday, June 29, 1997, clerk will report. sales. Under the proposal, asset sales pursuant to a motion made by the Majority The assistant legislative clerk read could be counted in budget calcula- Leader, or his designee, in accordance with as follows: tions only if they do not increase the this concurrent resolution, it stand recessed deficit. This should help ensure we or adjourned until noon on Monday, July 7, The Senator from Delaware [Mr. BIDEN], 1997, or such time on that day as may be for himself and Mr. GRAMM, proposes an don’t sell assets only for short-term in- amendment numbered 539 to amendment No. come if those assets would generate specified by the Majority Leader or his des- ignee in the motion to recess or adjourn, or 537. significant revenues in the future. An until noon on the second day after Members Mr. BIDEN. Madam President, I ask example might be a Government-owned are notified to reassemble pursuant to sec- that further reading of the amendment recreational facility that generates tion 2 of this concurrent resolution, which- be dispensed with. significant user fees. ever occurs first. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Madam President, this amendment SEC. 2. The Speaker of the House and the also includes provisions that establish Majority Leader of the Senate, acting jointly objection, it is so ordered. reserve funds for Amtrak, highways after consultation with the Minority Leader The amendment is as follows: and transits. These provisions will of the House and the Minority Leader of the On page 43 of the amendment, strike lines Senate, shall notify the Members of the allow us to implement the comparable 14 through 21 and insert the following: House and the Senate, respectively, to reas- ‘‘(5) with respect to fiscal year 2001— reserve funds that were included in the semble whenever, in their opinion, the public ‘‘(A) for the discretionary category: budget resolution, and they have been interest shall warrant it. $537,677,000,000 in new budget authority and top priorities for me and, given my Mr. LOTT. I yield the floor. $558,460,000,000 in outlays; and longstanding commitment to transpor- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Who ‘‘(B) for the violent crime reduction cat- tation investment, I worked very hard yields time? egory: $4,355,000,000 in new budget authority to make sure that we were going to Mr. DOMENICI addressed the Chair. and $5,936,000,000 in outlays; provide the funds necessary to provide The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ‘‘(6) with respect to fiscal year 2002— the investment in infrastructure so ‘‘(A) for the discretionary category: ator from New Mexico. $546,619,000,000 in new budget authority and critically needed in our country. f $556,314,000,000 in outlays; and Finally, Madam President, this REVENUE RECONCILIATION ACT ‘‘(B) for the violent crime reduction cat- amendment includes a variety of tech- egory: $4,455,000,000 in new budget authority nical changes that are designed to cor- OF 1997 and $4,485,000,000 in outlays; rect errors and eliminate unnecessary The Senate continued with the con- as adjusted in strict conformance with sub- reporting requirements and to revise sideration of the bill. section (b).’’. the outdated provisions. So, I hope my AMENDMENT NO. 537 (2) TRANSFERS INTO THE FUND.—On the first colleagues will support us in this Mr. DOMENICI. How much time do I day of the following fiscal years, the fol- amendment. I express my appreciation, have on the amendment? lowing amounts shall be transferred from the once again, to Senator DOMENICI and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Forty- general fund to the Violent Crime Reduction the staff, especially Sue Nelson, my four minutes. Trust Fund— (A) for fiscal year 2001, $4,355,000,000; and Budget Committee staff, for their hard Mr. DOMENICI. And the opposition (B) for fiscal year 2002, $4,455,000,000. work and cooperation in the develop- has 44 minutes? Mr. BUMPERS. Will the Senator ment of this legislation. I yield the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Sixty from Delaware yield for an inquiry for floor. minutes. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Who Mr. DOMENICI. So we have used 16. a moment? yields time? Actually, unless Senator LAUTENBERG Mr. BIDEN. I would be happy to. Several Senators addressed the has anything further to say, I believe I Mr. BUMPERS. Could the managers Chair. have stated the case for the DOMENICI- of this bill tell us how many second-de- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The dis- LAUTENBERG amendment No. 537. Does gree amendments there are to this tinguished majority leader is recog- Senator GRAMM want to offer an process? nized. amendment to the amendment? I assume we are on the second-degree Mr. LOTT. Madam President, I have Mr. GRAMM. I think Senator BIDEN amendment process; is that correct? a unanimous consent request that I is going to offer an amendment first, The PRESIDING OFFICER. That is have cleared with the Democratic lead- and after his amendment is disposed of, correct. er. then I will have an amendment, as will Mr. BUMPERS. Could the managers f several other people. tell us how many second-degree amend- Mr. BIDEN addressed the Chair. ments they anticipate on this? PROVIDING FOR ADJOURNMENT The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Mr. DOMENICI. I do not know. OR RECESS OF BOTH HOUSES OF ator from Delaware. Mr. GRAMM. I believe there will be CONGRESS Mr. BIDEN. Madam President, I won- four. Senator BIDEN will offer one for Mr. LOTT. Madam President, I ask der if the Democratic manager would himself. Once that is adopted, I will unanimous consent that the Senate yield me time off the bill. offer a second-degree amendment. And VerDate Mar 15 2010 22:48 Oct 24, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\1997SENATE\S26JN7.REC S26JN7 mmaher on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with SOCIALSECURITY June 26, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6441 then we have two other Senators who ment. That is by extending the violent Federal assistance without adding 1 want to offer second-degree amend- crime control trust fund will continue cent to the deficit—through 2002. ments, so they will be seriatim. through the end of this budget resolu- The Biden-Gramm amendment offers Mr. BUMPERS. Then there are five, tion, fiscal year 2002. a few very simple choices: Stand up for because I have one also. I am just won- Senator BYRD, more than anyone, de- cops—or don’t; stand up for the fight dering if we could get some kind of se- serves credit for the crime law trust against violence against women—or quence so we know how they are going fund. Senator BYRD worked to develop don’t; and stand up for increased bor- to be offered so we do not spend the an idea that was simple as it was pro- der enforcement—or don’t. rest of our lives waiting. found—as he called on us to use the Mr. DOMENICI. I say to the Senator, savings from the reductions in the Fed- Every Member of this Senate is you can be assured there will be four eral work force of 272,000 employees to against violence crime—we way that in ahead of you, if you would like to be fund one of the Nation’s most urgent speech after speech.
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