)LIWK6HULHV9RO;;;91R )ULGD\)HEUXDU\ 3KDOJXQD 6DND /2.6$%+$'(%$7(6 7HQWK6HVVLRQ )LIWK/RN6DEKD /2.6$%+$6(&5(7$5,$7 1(:'(/+, 3ULFH5V Contents No. 4 — Friday, February 22 , 1974 /Phalguna 3, 1895 {Saka) Ordl Answers to Questions: Columns ♦Starred Questions Nos. 41,42,44,47,48,51 and 54 . 1—27 Written Answers to Questions. 43, 45, 46, 49, 50, 52, 53 and 55 to 60 ................................................................................... 28—39 Unstarred Questions Nos. 401 to 420, 423 to 426,428 to 430. 39—194 432 to 491,493 to 556,571 to 590 and 59 2 to 600 . Papers Laid on the T a b l .............................................................. 195—199 Message from Rajya S a b h ...............................................................199—201 Untouchability (Offences) Amendment and Miscellaneous Pre­ vision Bill - - Report of the Joint Committee —presented .... 201 Business of the House 201—205 Shri K. Raghu R a m a ia h ............................................................... 201—204 Cinematograph (Second Amendment) Bill .... 206—56 Motion to c o n s i d e i .........................................................................206 S h ril.it. G u j r a l ......................................................................... 206—10 Shri N. Sreekantan N a i r ...............................................................210—211 ShriN.K.P. Salve *. 211—18 Shri Manoranjan H a z r a .............................................................. 218—20 Shri M.C. D a g a ......................................................................... 220—26 Shri H.N. M u k e r j e e .............................................................. 226-33 Shri R.S. P a n d e y ......................................................................... 233—37 *The signf marked above the name of a Member indicates that the ques­ tion was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member, 62 IJ5S/73—l (ii) Col umns Shr i Hukam Chand K a c h w a i .................................................... 237-41 Shri Amrit Nahata ..............................................................241 -4 5 Dr, Karni S i n g h ........................................................................ 245 —48 Shri Vasant S a th e ................................................... 248 -51 Prof. Madhu Dandavate ............................................................. 252—55 Shri N.K. S a n g h i ........................................................................ 25 5 -5 6 Bills Introduced — (i) Workmen’s Compensation (Amendment) Bill [Amend­ ment o f Sections 2,3, etc.] by Shri P.M. Mehta . 256- 57 (ii) Payment of Wages (Amendment) Bill [Amendment of Sections 1,2 etc*] by Shri P.M. Mehta .... 257 (iii) Factories (Amendment) Bill [Amendment o f section 8,9 etc.] by Shri P. M. Mehta 257-58 (iv) Payment of Bonus (Amendment) Bill (Amendment of Sec­ tions 1,2 e'/c.] by Shri P.M. Mehta .... 258 Removal of Disparities and Concentration of Wealth Bill— Withdr­ awn ................................................................................. 258-78 Motion to consider ........................................................................ 258 Shri M. Ram Gopal R e d d y ................................................... 259—61 Dr. Ranen S e n ......................................... .......... 261—64 Shri K.R. G a n e s h ........................................................................ 265—73 Shri K. Lakkappa 273 —78 Railways (Abolition of Casual Labour) Bill— Motion to consider 279—307 Shri Hukam Chand Kachwai ...... 279—83 Shri S.P. Bhattacharyya . ................................................... 283—84 (iii) Col umns Dr. Ranen S e n ........................................................................ 285—88 Shri P.G. M avalankar ............................................................. 288—95 Shri B.V. Naik . ................................................... 295—302 Shri Raghunandan Lai B h a u a ................................................... 302—304 Shri fnder J. M a l h o t r a ................................................... .......... 304—305 Shri K. L a k k a p p a ....................................................................... 306—307 Statement Re: Fourth Meeting of Tndo-Iran Joint Commission— Shri Swaran Singh ........ 308—10 Re: Recognition of Bangladesh by Pakistan..................................... 310 LOK SABHA DEBATES i 2 LOK SABHA to the many financial problems that have arisen in the wake of the oil crisis parti­ cularly in relation to the difficult prob­ Friday, February 22, 1974/P 3, lem facing non-oil producing developing 1895 {Suka) countries. However, as of now it is difficult to predict the practical outcome Thc Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock of studies that are under way in these two organisations on this matter. [Mr. Si’rvkru in the Chair] The Committee also discussed a pro­ ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS posal designed to impart a greater measure ot certainty and stability to the transac­ rfa qrt»r tion value of SDR. It was agreed that in the interim period, and without pre­ judice to the method of valuation of SDR * 41. vf^w ^ tm r : t o fcnsr to be adopted in the reformed monetary w srai# vft w h srW f, 1974 system, it would! be desirable to base the TflT ocklf^ a r J^T rfft # value of SDR on a basket of currencies. However, there are still many unsettled t o M W ^ ^ srfr Frnfcrt flFr issues such as those relating to the com­ *rmr ^ anfafo M fcr »r? to ironr to position of the basket and the effective in­ 3 ? w ? terest rate which will have to be resolved before the proposal can be voted upon by THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF FINANCE (SHRI K. R. members of the IMF. The Committee of 20 invited the Executive Board of the GANESH) : A statement is laid on the Table of the House. IMF to work urgently on all these out­ standing issues. India is in favour of <Statement fixing the value of SDR in terms of a basket of currencies provided the interest Hie decisions taken by the Committee of rate is kept low. 20 at its meeting in Rome on January 17*18, 1974 are reflected in the Press Communique The Committee also agreed that In issued at the end of the meeting. A copy the reformed system it would be desirable of this communique is laid on the Table to have a permanent council of 20 Go­ of the House, r Placed in Library. See No. vernors with decision-making powers to LT-8185/74] manage and adapt the monetary system, to oversee the continuing operation of The Committee has recognised that the the adjustment process and to deal with steep increase in oil prices has created se­ sudden disturbances which might threaten rious difficulties for many developing the world monetary system. It was also countries whose needs for financial re­ agreed that as an interim step, pending sources will be greatly increased. The the establishment of the Council, a Com* Committee has asked the IMP and IBRD mfttee of the Board of Governors should to cooperate in finding an early solution be created, with an advisory role in the 3 Oral Answers FEBRUARY 22, 1974 Oral A rum en 4 same areas as the Council and with the there. One suggestion which bad been same composition and procedures. This agreed to is that there is to tie an Inter- Committee will come into being when the mediate committee between the Board of present Committee of 20 has completed Governors and the Executive Directors. Its work. These decisions of the Com* This has been agreed to in principle; in mittee are in line with India's thinking the transitional period an advisory council about the further structure of the IMF. will be formed which will look into the ^ * m r : f a vft problems that would come up. q frraf # nrtf q g f w 4 t o j t SHRI RANABAHADUR SINGH : In the context of the agreement reached bet­ \ fr ^TW3rt m w & m ween the Shah of lr,m and thc Interna­ srfa s r t t o " ^ t o tional Monetary fund. I should like to know bow far our problem concerning the f f W n f 3fft v m m m oil crisis will be helped ? tth TO fam ^ $ih m ?ror¥ vt, fW ^ 3R?ft ^ f^rr *pit ? SHRI K. R. GANESH : The position that emerged after the discussions that SHRI K. R. GANHSH : In the recent took place at Rome is that as far as our meeting of the Committee of 20 which problems are concerned, we will have to was held in Rome, the oil crisis naturally enter into bilaterial discussions and bila­ dominated and took most of the time. teral ajgi cement ui'li the oil producing One of the suggestions made there was to have a new lending facility in the IMF to countries. help those countries which will facc a diffi­ SHRI B. V. NAIK : I hope that this cult balance of payment situation as a is also iclevant to thc Ministry oF Finance result of the hike in oil prices. It was also since we find in the course of our energy suggested that assistance from the facility crisis they are dubbing the problem of would be available at rates of interest on fuel with the problem of naptha whether commcrcial terms. No agreement could be with reference to SDR or any other mea­ reached On this, and it was decided to study sure. Would it not be possible to dis­ this Question more in depth. The position sociate these two problems and give fust of India has been that India welcomes priority for naptha because if suffer the proposal for a special lending facility we in fertilisers we will suffer in food produc­ but we arc opposed to the rates of interest tion v h rh will have a disastrous con* being on commercial terms, because it wfll involve various difficulties. Already sequcjce ? we arc facing debt Service difficulties, and MR. SPl’AKFR : Whcic have you gone therefore we wanted this on concessional from thc question ? terms. ^ sronr : t o arfzr$r afc s s r SHRI B. V. N UK : It is a question of Fiance and priority should be accorded <r? 2 0 *1^ 17? ^ to naptha and no other Ministry will ans­ <31%? w •rftwrf 93T fcnrfar j^au «rr an1? t o wer this question. annft H t m stht 4 M f a qgiftaftr w MR.
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