September 3, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S8743 we trying to put the American stand- ican dollars along with our European that she did. I think she really did ard of multiethnic, peaceful democracy allies, all of whom are also stretched in show many of us that if we will just into a place that is not ready? I think their budgets, all of whom care about reach out a helping hand to those less we are. And I think we are risking a lot their soldiers and their troops just as fortunate, it will make a difference. doing it. So I am asking the President we do, all of whom, I believe, would The Senate stands today in unani- and his Cabinet members to come to- like to see a policy that has a chance mous agreement that we grieve with gether and say, let’s look again at Day- for success. They are there on the the people of Great Britain and we will ton. Let’s look at whether the time is ground because they, too, are generous set aside a day of recognition and one now for resettling refugees, for forcing people. in which all of us will be thinking people to live in this Federation with a So I ask the President of the United about her accomplishments, the tragic, joint Government of Croats and Mus- States, I ask Madeleine Albright, I ask senseless death that she suffered, and lims and Serbs, all of whom have com- Bill Cohen, go back to the drawing hope that through her children and the mitted, or had committed on them, ter- board. Look at something that might Royal Family and all of the British rible atrocities. And we are now saying have a chance to work. Do not be in a Government and the people of Great come together, form a government, rut trying to put a round peg in a Britain good things will come from the have a joint presidency, have a joint square hole. It is time to look for a leadership she showed and the compas- government, create a school system round hole. What we are doing now is sion she showed for others and that be- that will accommodate a Muslim reli- not working. Maybe a division will not cause she lived we will all be better gion and a Catholic religion and come work either, but let us try something people. together and bring all of this in in the that has a better chance. Let us learn Mr. DASCHLE. Mr. President, I join next 9 months. from the experience and let us go for- my colleagues in support of the resolu- Let us step back. Let us revisit Day- ward. tion expressing the Senate’s condo- ton. Let us see if we can make a Day- Mr. President, we are going to hear a lences upon the death of Diana, Prin- ton that has a chance to succeed. I will lot more about this. I hope we will not cess of Wales. I can think of no event support leaving our troops on the wait 9 months to determine that this is in recent times that has moved so ground beyond June 1998; I will support not going to work. Let us start now. many people from different parts of the the money it takes if we have a policy Let us give our troops a chance now. world and different walks of life as the that has a reasonable chance to suc- Let us give our taxpayers a chance untimely and tragic death of this re- ceed, that will bring a peaceful coexist- now. Let us give the people of Bosnia markable woman. Diana was loved and ence. And I think the time has come to more hope than they are seeing now. respected worldwide. She meant dif- look at a division where people can Senator ROBERTS talked about the ex- ferent things to different people, but come together of like mind and form a perience of these poor Muslim people the essence of her universal appeal government that will serve their pur- trying to move back into their old seems to derive from the fact that, at poses where they can invest in infra- homes and the Serb factions kept them the height of fame and privilege, Diana structure, where we can help them in- out, beat them up, finally burned their never lost the simple, human touch. vest in infrastructure, and they can homes up. Mr. President, that is not a To many people, the greatest tragedy build their factories and they can have recipe for success. of Diana’s death is the loss to her two jobs and begin to live in peace with Let us step back. Let us give peace a young sons, William and Harry. Diana their neighbors who are different from chance by looking at something new. was a committed and caring mother them. And let us do something now rather who did a remarkable job rearing her That happens all over Europe. In than frittering away 9 months and not children under great pressure and in- fact, the lesson of history is that many having any better chance than we have tense public scrutiny. Many of us have times people who cannot live together today. seen the moving footage of Diana hug- split apart. You can name example Thank you, Mr. President. ging her sons unabashedly, or beaming after example. And it can be done On behalf of the leader, I would like at the end of an amusement park ad- peacefully. Why not let them come to- to close the Senate. venture the three of them had shared. gether in their own groups, form their f These things may seem simple to peo- governments, create their livelihoods. ple outside the spotlight, but they were In the former Bosnia, there were taxes NATIONAL DAY OF RECOGNITION quite daring for someone charged with on the minority ethnic groups. There FOR THE HUMANITARIAN EF- molding the character of the future were restraints on what certain minor- FORTS OF DIANA, PRINCESS OF King of England. ity ethnics could do. They could not be WALES Diana’s human touch was daring in doctors. They could not be small busi- Mrs. HUTCHISON. I ask unanimous other ways, too. She may have single- ness people around the corner selling consent that the Senate proceed to the handedly changed the way people hardware. They could not be lawyers. immediate consideration of S. Res. 118, around the world view their fellow They could only have certain farming- submitted earlier today by Senators human beings suffering from AIDS and type jobs. HATCH and LEAHY. leprosy when she simply touched their That is not a recipe for success. Why The PRESIDING OFFICER. The hands. With a simple, compassionate not look at a division that might work. clerk will report. gesture, the princess showed that we Let them have their government. Let The legislative clerk read as follows: can afford to reach out to the sick. them have an economy. Let us help A resolution (S. Res. 118) expressing condo- Despite many bouts with personal ad- them build the sewer lines and the lences on the death of Diana, Princess of versity, Diana never withdrew into the roads and the streets and the airports Wales, and designating September 6, 1997 as comforts of her privileged background. and the factories so they can pull a ‘‘National Day of Recognition for the Hu- Instead, she seemed to relish tackling themselves up. Let them trade with manitarian Efforts of Diana, Princess of new challenges, becoming a passionate their neighbors. Let that be the begin- Wales.’’ humanitarian who spent countless ning of getting along together, whether The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there hours ministering to the sick, the poor, they are Catholic or whether they are objection to the immediate consider- and the forgotten. Many Americans, in- Muslim or whether they are orthodox, ation of the resolution? cluding a number of my colleagues, and then perhaps eventually, after they There being no objection, the Senate knew her from her charitable work have had good relationships for years, proceeded to consider the resolution. with the homeless and with victims of they will be able to mix and move in to Mrs. HUTCHISON. Mr. President, all AIDS, breast cancer, leprosy, and other the other country. of us have heartfelt grief for the people human afflictions. I hope that the President of the of Great Britain. That is why the Sen- Most recently, Princess Diana helped United States will not continue to say, ate is acting in this resolution, saying to shed light on the horrors of indis- well, if we just keep trying, we just this is a woman and a leader who cared criminate injury and death caused by stay at it, we will have an infinite com- so much about AIDS victims, people the worldwide proliferation of anti- mitment of American troops and Amer- who did not have the chance in life personnel landmines. I have joined my VerDate Mar 15 2010 21:55 Oct 24, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00067 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\1997SENATE\S03SE7.REC S03SE7 mmaher on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with SOCIALSECURITY S8744 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 3, 1997 colleague from Vermont, Senator to be part of that effort. We have consent that the Injunction of Secrecy LEAHY, in his effort to enact a ban on stopped exporting mines, and are now be removed from the following treaties the use of landmines, and this cam- trying to stop their use.
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