Published for friends & supporters of the Libertarian Party Libertarian National Committee, Inc. ♦ 2600 Virginia Ave, NW, Suite 200 Washington, DC 20037 ♦ Phone: (202) 333-0008 ♦ Fax: (202) 333-0072 February 2008 Libertarian Leadership Conference a Success ver President's Day weekend, leaders of ence and ended with questions asked by the candi­ state parties from across the nation met in dates themselves to an opponent of their own choos­ Las Vegas for the annual Libertarian State ing. OLeadership Alliance Leadership Conference. The Many in attendance felt the presidential de­ conference hosted numerous speakers and workshops bate was a decisive debate for the future of the Liber­ aimed at improving state affiliates’ abilities to be an tarian presidential race, and felt the candidates had to effective political party and increase the Libertarian prove themselves at this widely attended debate if Party's influence at the state level. they had any hope for attaining the nomination in The speakers taught a variety of skills that May. There were many issues of contention among were meant for state affiliates to take back to their the presidential hopefuls, but most of the debate re­ respective states for implementation. Topics dis­ volved around the candidates trying to establish cussed at the conference included proper steps to fil­ themselves as the most qualified candidate rather than ing with the Federal Election Commission, how to debating direct policy questions. However, the audi­ improve media relations and direct marketing strate­ ence was able to effectively gauge the performance of gies. The convention also hosted forums that helped all the candidates. state affiliates and other activists brainstorm about Following the conclusion of the LSLA confer­ how to reach out to Republicans and Democrats now ence, the Libertarian National Committee met for that their numbers are at record lows. their quarterly board meeting. This was the first However, the LSLA conference wasn't just board meeting of the New Year, and the first time the about state affiliates. The annual conference is re­ board has met since the December 2007 meeting in garded as the second most important Libertarian Charleston, SC. During the LNC meeting, the board Party event of the year, with the biennial National passed a resolution calling for withdrawal from Iraq Convention being the first. As such, the conference without "undue delay." The resolution passed over­ is a meeting of Libertarian activists, organizers, can­ whelmingly with 12 votes in affirmation, two in op­ didates, and financial supporters alike. More than position and one abstaining vote. 100 people traveled to Las Vegas to attend the confer­ Also, a new committee was voted into exis­ ence and helped train to become more effective activ­ tence that will investigate how to better conduct out­ ists and leaders within the Libertarian movement. reach to women and minority groups. LNC members In addition to the guest speakers, the LSLA Angela Keaton and Stewart Flood will serve on the conference also hosted a presidential debate where committee. The committee will be financially self- seven Libertarian Party presidential candidates dis­ supporting in its trial phase, with an evaluation on its cussed important issues in both mainstream and Lib­ effectiveness after one year. ertarian politics. Participating in the debate were can­ This year's conference was organized by Ne­ didates Jim Burns, Daniel Imperato, Bob Jackson, vada State Chairman Jim Duensing. Next year's con­ Michael Jingozian, Steve Kubby, George Phillies and ference will be organized by Alabama State Chair Wayne Allyn Root. The debate was formatted in sev­ Stephen Gordon, who was elected Chairman of the eral rounds, with questions asked by the debate mod­ Fibertarian State Leadership Alliance during the 2008 erator, Duensing, then questions asked by the audi­ conference. “Firecracker” Brightens California Politics By Casey Lustberg and Sean Haugh orm “Firecracker” Westwell, named for his didate. Also important, “you have to dress like a adamancy in his attempts to legalize fire­ leader,” to gain the respect of those who are watching works, is the Libertarian incumbent up for you. Nreelection to the Ocean View School Board in Orange When he is not drafting policy, Westwell can County, California. After running for city council in be found anywhere a Libertarian can make a stand or 2000, school board in 2002 and state assembly in have a presence. He makes a point of going to as 2004, he was elected to the Ocean View School many school functions as possible, as well as being Board in 2006. At the time, the school district was on involved, in any capacity, in local politics. He has the verge of bankruptcy; it had had no CFO in a year even been working with local Democrats trying to and board meetings accomplished nearly nothing. align the policies of the Libertarians and the Democ­ However, in the past two years since Westwell has rats in order to defeat local ordinances. Westwell been on the board, drastic improvements have been knew he had to actively build bridges and let people made. According to Westwell. the school district has see the human face of Libertarianism. “You can’t go rid itself of its lackluster leadership, and now is on in and make big changes with a machete,” he reports. the right track with excellent teachers and high stu­ “I’m trying to set it up so that the next guy who fol­ dent test scores. lows me will have an easier time of it.” His colorful nickname came from his first ma­ Among his most recent achievements is the jor foray into local politics, when he advocated for a opposition to a local pet-neutering ordinance. The repeal of the restrictive local ordinance prohibiting ordinance is "liberty robbing,” according to The Cos­ fireworks. His children inspired him to start speaking tal News, which covered the story in their Feb. issue. out by asking him why they couldn’t have the same Westwell says he was originally terrified fireworks he got to use when he was a child. West- about public speaking, and that it took him about a well spoke out so much on this issue that people in year to get over that. When asked how he got over town started calling him “Firecracker.” The name his fear, he replies that he just kept on doing it until stuck to the point that it is now included in his listing he finally became at ease with it. Despite his humble on the ballot. start, Westwell is certainly active and successful in Westwell says the top priority right now is the political arena—always advancing the cause of finding a way to deal with the budgetary cuts man­ freedom and liberty. “If you go to city hall and ask dated by Republican governor Arnold Schwarzeneg­ the guys there if they know a Libertarian, they will ger. The governor recently demanded 10 percent cuts pull my name up first,” he says. from all California school districts. Westwell and his All of the public exposure has done well for fellow board members are currently working to make the 49 year-old incumbent. He has already raised the financial hit less jarring to the district. $1,700 and says he anticipates much more. Westwell In addition to running his campaign and dras­ rates his chances of reelection as excellent, noting tically trimming the budget, Westwell has recently that this time he may even receive support for the city been working to rewrite as much of the Board’s pol­ employee’s union. icy as he can in the interest of promoting Libertarian As with many Libertarian election winners, ideals. He has been working specifically on drawing those within the establishment were terrified of him at clear distinctions between “public” and “government” first, but once they had a chance to work with him, schools, and, keeping with the old Libertarian Party they learned that not only is he not all that scary, but slogan, “free” and “tax-payer funded” lunches. West- he can be a friend and ally. “They’ve been through well’s efforts to alter policy have met some signifi­ two labor negotiations since then with pay raises,” cant opposition, and as he puts it: “The wheels of says Westwell. “Maybe not the raises they wanted, government turn slowly." but they got them. Now they are open to hearing new Nevertheless, Westwell works tirelessly. “You ideas.” have to be active, you have to be involved, you have For more information, please check out West- to be seen,” is Westwell’s advice to any potential can­ well’s candidate tracker profile at www.lp.org. The Libertarian Party a Big Hit at CPAC ne of the biggest political events of the year tional Media Coordinator Andrew Davis. "I think the is the annual Conservative Political Action past two terms of the Bush Administration, aggra­ Conference hosted in Washington D.C. The vated by the impending nomination of John McCain, Oconference, put on by David Keene's American reallyCon­ made people begin to question their future with servative Union, attracts exhibitors and attendees the Republican Party. Because the Libertarian Party from across the nation. With usually more than 5,000 was there to play 'rebound,' we were able to help in attendance, CPAC offers exhibitors an amazing make the decision that much easier." opportunity to do outreach to a very energized crowd of mainly college and high school students. Welcome to the Liberty Pledge Club! It is said that misery loves company, and for many of those at this year's CPAC, there was plenty Don Adams of miserable company to go around. After former Sidney Atkinson presidential hopeful Mitt Romney announced to a Stephen Baker stunned CPAC audience that he was suspending his Chenelyn Barker campaign—essentially handing the nomination to Barry Bechard John McCain—glum faces could be seen on many Re­ Theodore Burleson publican faces after realizing the death of the GOP's Stephen Cantin limited-government principles were at hand.
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