Exhibit 2 @_briannadejesus Instagram Post June 8, 2021 8/6/2021 Annotate Image _brian~~je-sus lH,e tM-othM women o-nthe sh-ow~l had ab$&ut.ety no kiM that so~one WilS9(1"if!:g to be c-.uttnnn teenmom.tea Uw show tonight- Howevef', as a cast rt~mber who takes prkte in being my authtmbc s~f and: te-mngmy tuH, tn.i~ story .. thie-good, the bad 1 tht ugly, and everything in betw-e-en~l wo~ld b~ «Hnfa.-sto not addrn.s:s:the- situatiort_ teenmom.taa Brianash.ams. her side Since jcicing Teen Mom 2 (wtik:h, as we-alt knw;,. is .somettnn-9 Som-eoo-ewasn't-ll!).fictly thrilled with from th~ of e-v•rythln9and !'€'$ponds to Ashley beqitmihg} t hav.!l work:~d hard to show my tru~ authentic and:K&H • • XTee:nMom2 sett whih:1 tihn1i19-Perstma.ilv.J feel u~~ ff yov are too g-oodt,o. fThl~l•Mornfnren&inln9Tf,anTh&Se.a film yi:,-1,.n-reai Ntethan why wovld you b~ on (}s-tu.>w that Is son ftSwlp~ {View pravlom, pons} suppoz:ed to he iWut your re~iMe'? Uk~ $-OOl~ .Is sittinu Oftth~ 1hw.t1tegi-tirnate-ty titming aOOut~ wattpape-r color choioo wh~n she, took! bf! !Hming-a:b-out a d)JJ'!Wstk:abv'ie sit{J.atJonwith- Her b~by Gaddy th.at I was. told ~hecwa:5- tryf-119 to-N-ct.e,Thi$. WllS t:Hid whe-o A ehHd'shair was c-vt and $he oxoxre-Bri fs so obsessedv1~th wa$ atlegedty arr~st-e-.daft~r aih:~dly g~Wng ff1.to.a ph-y$}Caf Kaits baby daddy's att~rc;:1tioo with Her baby 400dy, White t vridet-st$n-d att of ui w.ent to® tho-wo overeomh19 our strnggteS<and that we Mt take pride in ,o-urnau·ne$ (an-d som:ootW takes prkitt f.nher bf and -andh~r podcast.s} at the· ~nd Of the day she $.hOtddn't try i❖ -c.ov-e-rup the te'Jlt he( or th-ings that Me going on In her feat Ute, tt comes oft as e~c-tp-Uooanyinau-thentit and an mwh: to her ottHtr taS<tmtmbern., Think about rt~ i-ft'm bl;!tng fove........ warnmie s11ejust sa1dshe v-pfro-ntabout sometMng :&$ personal {and htHnHfating) as an "cut: Kailout" but now iaylng .she sru tro-mat'\ ex, why shout¢ sh~ 9:et 'oWayw-l1:h Ju-st talking didr\'t know someone worn-db• about buying a ct-reamhOU$~ and l!!Wng Mt son dl;'!"sl-gna bath-momwhen reat life problems actua#y ,am occurrfng:in CUL, kw home? tt )VM doe-srn make any se:ns~ and t reaUy woufd like to see her showing her fuJl, tn.m, authgntk litieas t'm sur~ would the viewers, rm ~fao sum th$ ratings 1,vuu~ mHett it. RttJ$td{ets, she-'s m~-de her choice to snow what QQV stw·s st.ow~ mrtt ju:$-iW$nte-d to ~p-1.n~kup to mak~ my p,t)}ut 2,859 lik•s -krv.:w·m,Whether s-00-Hkes it or not, \'1.-'ear~ c;;:st m~mb:-arnat th~ entl of the da>tan<l t-hit h• howl trufy feet Make -svre y'aU tun~ it'!; tonight an.cly~s stett~s for:~ is my ectu-'lftmood rig.ht: ttow :·..,;:.:'t;,;t~ Q I am no1perfect and yes my Hieis filled with issues bu! !hey ere so mlrn:;,r.1have a paid olt home,a mother and sister who LOVEME AND MY KIDS.Beautiful, healthy k.lds'Food in my fridge, savings account two JobslI am stable in al! aspects and that is so rewarding\ liitlffi:-iy N!Wt ~~ t.,lttJ!.tl.. !O ·,_,.:-.1,·,..,..-,-',''.<,(, a....._!lofll'l"W!lf',,:~,t.tw..- ..~--~! _.1,• .,.:,- chrome-extension://nlipoenfbbikpbjkfpfillcgkoblgpmj/edit-react.html 1/1 Exhibit 3 'Teen Mom 2's I<ailyn Lowry Arrested For Allegedly Punching Ex Chris Lopez Over Son Lux's Haircut Hol!JwoodLife October 29, 2020 8/6/2021 Annotate Image ·1~y Vos To ThQ Dress' 'SNl' Crfl-Otor lome­ it '/oi;'rn Si1fffiting from f>rnvi~w: Chet Hodo Ctif:1$ Mlcho~li Wont'> !-"-.l?IHi\ VnOOt(yQ Sogs.. Thi!. iry'ing On Het first C~cif~, & tntlm Cu.st 'fo Vibrating facio! Ro-He< WtN:fd!t19 nu~-~1> il-&.tumror $1;)0:ton47 R.educ~t. t=-uttin~s.1> HOME I NEWS I ENTERTAINMENTI C£Wi1R!TYIJlOS I IIEA\JTYI FASHION I SHO!'!'!NG ::\loslRead CameronDiaz, 48, Takes DcughterRaddix,t, To swimC!a,o In Beverly 'Teen Mom 2's Kailyn Lowry Arrested For HUI• In Rare New Photo Allegedly Punching Ex Chris Lopez Over Son Lux's Haircut BillieEilish Takes A Diptn SlackBathing Suit While onSwanky Vaeotlon In The Mountains:see P<>ols!d<>Photo• Lourdes l.eon, 24, Stuns ln A Silver Sequlood Mini Dre•• on The cover Of 'Vogue· - Photo KourtneyKordo•hion CoversHerCheot With OnlyHerHair A• Travis Barl<orSnap• A flirty Photo NickiMlnaj Seemingly Shades JessieJ After Singersays Rapper 'Asked'ToJoin'Bong Bang• 0 •• Chris Lopez has accused Kailyn Lowry of 'attacking' and 'punching' him during an alleged dispute in Sept. 2020, according to court documents that Hol!ywoodlife has obtained. UPHATE (10/29/20, 7:54 PM ET): After Kailyn Lowry's arrest report surfaced, her rep pro,ided the followingstatement to HollywoodLife: "Ms. Lowry has filed a petition for custody in the matter involving her children Lux nm! Creed. 'I1w judge in the Ddaw,m, Family Comi has ordered the parties to refrain from disrnssing at! domestic matters until after the hearing nc).i:year. Currently, Ms. Lowry has been awarded sole custody of the children despite the allegations pending in Family Court 1\fa.Lowry does deny all of the allegations hut rnnnot respond specificallyat this time due to the orders of the judg,,:· ORIGINAL: 28, was arrested after she allegedlygot physical with her ex-boyfriend, Chris Lopez, during a dispute about their three-year--old son Lux's haircut. The Teen T\fom 2 star was taken into police custody for ''offonsivetouching" in Delaware on Sept. 26, according to rnmt docmrn:nts that HollywoodLife reviewed on Oct 29. However, the disputl• li'tlli·i-l'i+ii414■ actually took place as the exes were exchanging custody of Lux at Chris's chrome-extension://nlipoenfbbikpbjkfpfillcgkoblgpmj/edit-react.html 1/4 Exhibit 4 Partially Redacted Police Report of September 4, 2020 Incident Exhibit 5 NO JAIL FOR I<AIL Teen Mom I<ailyn Lawry's charges dropped after she was arrested for 'punching' ex Chris Lopez in nasty brawl The U.S. Sun February 10, 2021 IN THE COURT OF THE OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR OSCEOLA COUNTY, FLORIDA KAILYN LOWRY, Case No. 2021-CA-001817 OC Plaintiff, v. BRIANA SOTO p/k/a BRIANA DE JESUS, Defendant. CL ___________ / DECLARATION OF CASSIDY S. CURRAN I, CASSIDY S. CURRAN, declare: 1. I am over 18 years of age and have never been convicted of a crime involving fraud or W dishonesty. I am employed as a Paralegal for Randazza Legal Group, PLLC. I have first-hand .......J knowledge of the facts set forth herein, and if called as a witness, could and would testify completely <.:( thereto. N N 2. On August 9, 2021, I accessed, viewed, and printed to PDF format a news article entitled "NO <.:( JAIL FOR I<AIL Teen Mom Kailyn Lowry's charges dropped after she was arrested for 'punching' 0 z ex Chris Lopez in nasty brawl" located at <https:/ /www.the-sun.com/ entertainment/2306012/ teen- <.( mom-kailyn-lowry-charges-dismissed-punching-chris-lopez/ >. ~ 3. A true and correct copy of the article is attached hereto as Exhibit A. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated this 9th day of August, 2021 Cas.si4JCurraa Cassidy S. Curran - 1 - Declaration of Cassidy S. Curran Case No. 2021-CA-001817 OC Exhibit A CL u w __J - 2 - Declaration of Cassidy S. Curran Case No. 2021-CA-001817 OC US Edition .. Search Q. AffordableGrad ProgramsAt Portland'sRoux Institute careei· w1tt1 ti1ch~forwatd mastt:r's deqree or certihcate, no rna.Her your mn:,,,s,:innai banKgrGunJ. Contact to,Jay to !0dJD rnore about scholarships., Support From EHR Experts ~Aedicai Ad\ianiBOf\S /fEhP Consunii19 access m ll10ustry·-, Entertainment > TV TeenMom Kailyn Lowry's chargesdropped after shewas arrested for 'punching'ex ChrisLopez in nastybrawl Teresa Roc;1l Ekin Karasin 1131ET, Feb 10 2021 : Updated: 17:21ET, Feb 10 2021 TEENMom 2 star KaiiynLowry's charges have been dropped after she was arrestedfor "punching"her baby daddy ChrisLopez "several times with a closedfist" over their son'shaircut. The Sun can exclusively reveal the Department of Justice tiled a Notice of Nol!e Prosequi on January 25, meaningKaiJyn, 28, will not be prosecuted for the "offensive touching" charge. Exhibit 6 Declaration of Briana Soto DocuSign Envelope ID: 6360B354-B83B-42DA-B760-ADB764687C29 IN THE COURT OF THE OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR OSCEOLA COUNTY, FLORIDA !<AILYN LOWRY, Case No. 2021-CA-001817 OC Plaintiff, v. BRIANA SOTO p /k/ a BRIANA DE JESUS, Defendant. ___________ / at:: () DECLARATION OF BRIANA SOTO p/k/a BRIANA DE JESUS __J I, Briana Soto p /k/ a Briana De Jesus, declare: () 1. I am over the age of 18 years and have never been convicted of a crime involving fraud LU __ j or dishonesty.
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