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Whether you're renting for business. leisure o r vacation, our rates translate to excellent savings and value. An other case in point : ForRenting From our service. Ar Avis, the ·we try harder" commitment of ou r employee-owners means youll receive the quality service and attention Avis: 1ha1 has made Avis the choice of travelers worldwid e. Plus, the co nvenience or our 1imesaving services - the Avis Preferred GreatMember Rent er program. Avis Express" and Avis Roving Rapid Return - that can make renting and returning you r car fast and easy. Plus. we've expanded our Frequent Flyer Benefits. partnerships. So, in addition to ou r existing partnerships with American Airlines, America West. Delta Air Lines. Midwest Express. and lWA. you can now receive airline mi les from Contin ental Airlines, Northwes t Airlin es, United Airlines, and AVIS. USAir, with every qualifying Avis rental. Call Avis now al 1-800.33 1-1212 to compa re ou r savings and value. And learn why so many bar members across the country swear by Avis. Don't forget to - mention you r Avis Worldwide Discount (AWD) number when you ca ll: A5 3010 0 0 10'>1Wll.ll.r'( I Co. Inc IN BRIEF Janu:lry 1995 Volume56, Number I PvbkthoOwven umasa ye3J'(the June 11,u• It I bat d.lOCIO,Yedit.on) by lhe Alabamll SIDIt 8o•, ON THE COVER: P.O. 8o114156. Montgomery, Alabama36101-41SG The newSupreme Court or Alabamacontains manyinteresting feature.,. Among lhcm are: """"" (334) 269-1515. • The marblesupporting the btncli and columns is from Carrara.Ital y, wher• Michelangelo Robtn A Hurtabr . ···········-·······--·Ctla!, a E0.1or S....oSNnxl<O.Pool• ......- - ...... Va-Chai• & acquiredmarble for someof h,i famouss.:ulptures. --1:Aior • The domewas built from India~ limestone.from the samequarry usf'.dfor the Empl~ -FAlloft ---- ~ .- Stal< Building.P,ni:agon and NationalCathedral. ~ Muqit,y ~ eo... • The sul on tht mahoganybmch washand c:al\'td by a formerVietn.m War POW. ....,....,L ~Jt.,.8o,••,11www•9*1trO HOnll . • A lawyerspeaking to the court is standingin the wry centtr or the Judicialbuilding. both ....... , •Jfl KGIM, MCtac,cwser •Fol'" ..... "°'*" ---Hin ttwQtt~ ~ MOillgOl16J • J..W Goodloe Jt. Moblt • ""rtic:allynod horizontally. C: MICL.NOl"ull•. Colllfflbus. BA. Grtgo!y e lklflti0'/11', ~ • ewi..m1n B Sprl11lng.m . Blttnmghlffl • W..m J Photoby Paul Crawford,Montgomery , a memberof theAlabama Stat a Bar and DistricJof ~ . T4IICIUll'IIM • Nldtew P Cl,nptllll. Blrmif'Ol\lm• ColumbiaBar Altt L HolWord,Jr .. Mon1gom11ry• Alfin T Aooeft,, Bwmlno flam • JaNt G, Slow"', Momoomwv• Robtfl W Brtofotd, JI , Mon«lomtWY• Oooorlh Au.y SmlCft.Blnnlngllam • N,l'lt')' INSIDE Tms ISSUE: L ,,.,...n. I.HCIIJ• JotlnQ , Som.,....., Bltminah•m• ~ -"'-·°"""'c.a....e-·uuONIW\ Moair. • Rot.t s.t.r:1- Smid\. Hun11.... • en-,. Pllfalla In Estate PlanninC wllh IRAs - - • Oot,o H o.,o,,..,_ ... ...,. ..... ' Bull'< •ntMI Coulegand Pamela l. Mabl6---·--··-- ···-·- -----·------2 0 P--.. L 1iWN. MiP4FWf • ~ T f,......,.._ llnw9- ,-, • ~ G 0... 8r,tw.,;lw, Openlng of Court IMrd., Coeu t et non ....... s.n....-A..~Jr ~9a• .;,r.. BvRl!tired JUSlice Oscur IV.Adams. Jr . ---· 32 Llablllcy of a Munlcipalil,)' Under Alabama Law John.\. 0.... TlnCllioou --- -()--Rlcnltd a.~. DM1opo111- 811Alex l. Ho//sford.Jr. and Stel!ffl AnlhOfl!IHiggins-- ...- •.-, .........,_ .........................35 - Ktlfl 8 NotmM.MOtllQOffllll'Y --· l o. rd OI Comml111onert P1ycbotherapy and the Law 111Clld, ECIW.l'IP Ti.no,, J, ,, Cha&or!\• 1A1 ClfQ.lil.JoM U11Shirlov Darby Howell................ ......................................................................................................44 A Nlthola, l.Uvttnt • 3rd Circuit. Lynn ~ObtrllO" Jtcklon, Cfa)'10n• •mCircuh. RAiph N Hobbl, s.n. · ,111c1 ,,un .kM ~ o~. I, ~ • ""CJrQ,lt.Pioot Ho t WII Cumu lat.ive Index, January 1994 - December 1994 ..- ..............- ........ - ..............50 Wt P C,OW'*'llf • T~ • 61h Qttu.1,. P\tell NO 2. J Oo1,,Q1e1Mc&,f TiJIC9ioou• M QQiit. M1v F ,.. Ill. AlnlliOl't •"' CrWI. Jom S Ke,. O.C:.., • • ~ W H Pruidc.nt's Page·- ·····-··· ...........................4 Lawyer.;m the F•mlly...... ....................- .....27 W..ot1. ,.,,_ Papit • 1CllhCi,QA. P*1e Ho 1 . ...... H ftMM't , ., ..... '°"0.0..... ,_. Ho 1...,.._ w ExecutlwD1rttto(s Rtport....... - ..............6 CLEOpportunities ......................... ---30 ~ ~ • ICNhc.CUII.~ Ko ) . ..... $ l..t:gislath'tWrap-UP-----····-··· - ....,-.9 Disciplinary Report_ ..........,- ..- .........52 lJcrrd..........,_. ' 1(1a) ~ PWJf fflt 4 ,._.. A AboutM,mbers , AmongFirrris .................. 1 0 RecentDeci5ions ............ _ ....,- ..................53 ~ JI ....... 4'1Mi• IO..Cffl4"*-No l.~ 1 ......- ... -· 10,,C,-.-Ho l,MIC BuildingAlabama's Courlho=s ................12 YounglaW)'t-ts ' Sectlon................... ...........59 8 CIIW\l'N, ISifflltnQNffl• ltllt'I C:iroJII.Pl-. No ,. J MNol\ ~ ~ • 10ln Cll'Qllt. Plac. No I, ._.., C Poot Bar Briel,................ ....................................17 M,morials.................................................... 60 Jr Bil'mlflQNIII• 1°"1Clfall, P1'¢I Mo t, Cl1i"ftlI Wf'IOl'II BwmlnQI\I"'• IOlnClrcul, Bessemtf Cut-On Cktoro,H9Cl'r, Opinionsor 1he General Counsel... ............. 18 ClassifiedNolioes .................... .....................63 bolf!IITI, a, •••,,,., • 11th Clrcull, Aob•II M ~Ill. J, NewAdmi llccs......... ....................................24 Rottnct • 12'thCitcull, M. Daill MIIISI\ En1•rpr111• 1,1r,Cl, cult. Pl•c• Mo I , Vlo1orH , l.ott. Jr , Mobi&il• Hltn OlrWit ALABAMA STATE BAJ!HEADQ UARTERS STAFF PlflCIHo 2. DIiiyC Bed$0lt, Motillt • 1» Clrc...c,PIKe ffD l. C-N Of\w, tll, MCl:ll14t• 131.11 Clro.ilt. PIMlt No • , ~ •IIS O..ter Awnut.Moo1gom<ry , AL36104(33<1) 26~ 1515• PA.X(334) 261 -6310 "*"T Aowt, Mobil• UO, ClrCl.lit.A. Jell'~ Jlllplf tuci;,ow Olrcclor ,th B Sorm,n Mcmbcnl,q,S<m«t llm<to, ChriRk T•<Wlno . ,a..ClraA. l'liCI No. ,. Ricnltd H. Oil.~ • '"' -ni,,.___ IWlyCWcn Cmlil.,-.Ho2. W...,,.o ~ ...o ... ,•1591 ea.a,,.... ""'""" M.lrpnt 8oonc Qa,,I,,.... hO 3. ..t.w e..~ ........ ·- Dindorel,,..,_ E1'wvdll.""'"°" Do-of.Id.._ DonMhyD.- Otouc. ,- No. ,4 fkNl'd a. GM-. 11.0:llgCllli.. , • 1~ -AoyC).McConl.- · 170>C.-.-• - ....-·"'""""'°'..._ __ ...,..., -- - ..EliDl<rlhSIMuu MatWt'DMopoh, " ltdt C1rc:uit.eon,-, M Fo-1'1', Jt ..._Stffltuy JloclOAlws Ab!>lnuliwfou- Inc. °'""°'-T'ICJD;mld COlw:I..... '"' QiQil.. JIIM ..... ~.. a..,,. • D:lttnorM C«nmun~iOftS & W'S.......,.- - 5'wrul<Sarbraogl, __ V._H_Oolw,·V•C:.C....-1 ~he lnlomuuon S,.tNrnH Mdm &okkttpc, _ c.i. Sldnnrr ,.,_ , 1rtw10tt• 22ndCwc:u1i. Abtl9f f\. Powel. Ill McMliwil4 r.1ubllCMloNDuutof 1$~1 L..Mufllftr CrAPtucsAruOnrrto, ---··· ~ Stu1Jt1 • 13,t CiM. Pllcli No. 1. OaMa S Pllt, f4llnlMll • 2)rG \'olunt" r l,,i,.,,.,. Prot;mn Dirr:ctot ..McUnd.aM \\1Atrrs ~')'tr Rtlt:ml Stcttllll)' ............ Kalhtrhw. C.Crtamtr O,CUII, ~ No 2, Pillrick K. Ora."'"- ,11 , Huntlvlllt • i.1t1 CltclHI,Jotin A- Ri.lJMII, m, as1t1 N..on 11ubllcat10,11& Stcrd.:iuy_ .___ _ lJruQ , . Smilh RttcpUontsl.., •. - ......- ........,__ ,.,....... -Je.Mie: l..o:ltln .uomn.• c.cwa, vu• Vlntof\, Hlt'IIIIIOII • 26111Clrcull, Bowtn H n,,..... Plwll, Ory • t7th OlfWII, John C. Gubliorn. A1blr!Wllt• 281hCitcull, AIA OMIA STATE BAR CENTt:R FOR PR0Pt,SS10NAL R£SPO.~S1BILITY STM'F .JOhl\E1t1it CNIOI\ e,y Mlntt!t • 29th Clt<:llil.T otn A Oglt­ nt, ~• • ~ Cln::UI.A.~ Ellltlr, PtMCity• 3111 415 ll<xtcrA,..,nu, , Montgomery.AL 36104 133-41269-1515• FAX (3341 261,6311 Clrcuil,W..,., k ~ TUIQlfflbia • 32'lclCWO,,lr. $lfCIIWI ~....... tc.unsct Rob<nII' i.omo l!NLllhori,cdl'r><tk<oll>w,Cl1<ntS<rurit,fund. I(. O,l.... ewm,,,• - Cloa,t. _, K - · °"""• "'""""'c-,,1 c:...n.«I • ~lcl,..,o CSP6< CU: Coooi;...., Boml< M3Jnot """'°"' __o ...,._ ,.,.,,....,,__,c."""' • *1 -·--Orcut. T '"'-11Moatoceu - •, C. ..... K«od,',di ~- --V rlica.s-b .....,., • 37'l Qpc,j&, J. Tc.a Elltffl:,.Clpelka • 3lllrl c.a,e, ._.,. ____ .....,I( __ --c.,,...i-Ccncnl c.,m,.t ,llon L Mou I- PrQrf wmtt ~ M- ~ -Scccmolo • :lilllt c.cu&. W....W,, V W.0 0.,,,- Coardmu,r ,,,_ ,rtemlll Clla)i - ~... -li-....,c-......... l(lfflllll, Tht AIIMlw a...,..• put.shed te¥M ..... ,.. • S20 Pl'" ,..., .... ~ $Wes atlC5 )a -.cWt N: nw~ ~. (l$$H CIXll-Qlln.,,. ono.i,.,...... et .. ~ $alt a.,. •,..........,....,,... • ,,_ ..... IIIOl"IN oi '* ,.., __., Maldl,M.et',~•dil9dar)'......, ,-Mt/ ........ ~ v..._.~ •...-. .............. ....,.. 1Jr1111C1...... W 11'11~ SI.it S., •1>Otxtlf 4W"II.II Ill*""°"- Ml......,,-. ol it. bo,MS oftd .... Clffit»rlOI tre..sol ~ Citl!lf MMlilrtllll'llle 8llf g. -4Jlkiia.AWlama IIIQi;lgOffllrw. A&,oama3$10,. Slnglt it$.IN ftt 1,$00, IOIN 51,1• BltiMfl'IOltl•;~ Jlli,~t...,...• _.. O!M t11tW1Mt°''°"*"' 1150! n.,....... alt • t I ip111Netor-~ JOJf1\lf#Id ffll1.4f) tor &htdirector)' s.cono-ci ... OOlllQt t.,w,y,,f C:,.,,., ~IS do not,~ flt clrllcllofJtldttiOI\ el IN t.ny., U pot1 ot hil ~ . ~l.f'IO !ales .,;ti tie '-'mis1*I l)lld a1 ~. A.llbamil upot1,-...,. ~ cc,,' ltCllrelllOrmilwtd al!d 1111.111~ IPOfO\'llll'Om NOffiot ot Otl'*.tCNIMI , ~ pibc&i,on btlwi 00ft 1101.,.,., .. 11,,.tl'Wllr .~ 01 lt'tf ~ or Mtvlol~ rt.
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