Accord EUR-OPA Risques Majeurs EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement AP/CAT (2003) 39 ETUDE COMPARATIVE DES LEGISLATIONS EN MATIERE DE GESTION DES RISQUES MAJEURS DANS LES 25 PAYS MEMBRES DE L ’A CCORD DU CONSEIL DE L ’E UROPE EUR-OPA RISQUES MAJEURS COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE REGULATIONS CONCERNING MAJOR RISK MANAGEMENT IN THE 25 MEMBER STATES OF THE COUNCIL OF EUROPE ’S EUR-OPA MAJOR HAZARDS AGREEMENT Rapport final / Final report Institut Supérieur de Planification d’urgence Coordination : Kathleen Van Heuverswyn, expert juriste Higher Institute for Emergency planning Co-ordination : Kathleen Van Heuverswyn, legal expert Strasbourg, 20 novembre 2003 1/394 2/394 Accord EUR-OPA Risques Majeurs EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement AP/CAT (2003) 39 ACCORD PARTIEL OUVERT EN MATIÈRE DE PRÉVENTION, DE PROTECTION ET D’ORGANISATION DES SECOURS CONTRE LES RISQUES NATURELS ET TECHNOLOGIQUES MAJEURS / OPEN PARTIAL AGREEMENT ON THE PREVENTION OF, PROTECTION AGAINST AND ORGANISATION OF RELIEF IN MAJOR NATURAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL DISASTERS ETUDE COMPARATIVE DES LEGISLATIONS EN MATIERE DE GESTION DES RISQUES MAJEURS DANS LES 25 PAYS MEMBRES DE L ’A CCORD DU CONSEIL DE L ’E UROPE EUR-OPA RISQUES MAJEURS COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE REGULATIONS CONCERNING MAJOR RISK MANAGEMENT 1 IN THE 25 MEMBER STATES OF THE COUNCIL OF EUROPE ’S EUR-OPA MAJOR HAZARDS AGREEMENT Rapport final / Final report 1 Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, France, Georgia, Greece, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Malta, Republic of Moldova, Monaco, Morocco,” The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine . 3/394 4/394 5/394 II... IInntttrroodduucctttiiioonn II. Description du cadre légal national – Description of the national legal framework 1. Albania (EN) : Major risks , Risk Prevention , Crisis Management , Rehabilitation , Sanction and Control , Regulations 2. Algérie (FR) : Risques Majeurs , Prévention des risques , Gestion de crises , Réhabilitation , Sanction et Contrôle , Réglementation . 3. Armenia (EN) : Major Risks , Risk Prevention , Crisis Management , Rehabilitation , Sanction and Control , 4. Azerbaijan (EN) : Major Risks , Risk Prevention , Crisis Management , Rehabilitation , Sanction and Control , Regulations 5. Belgique (FR) : Risques majeurs , Prévention des risques , Gestion des crises , Réhabilitation , Sanction et Contrôle , Réglementation 6. Bulgaria (EN): Major risks , Risk Prevention , Crisis Management , Rehabilitation , Sanction and Control , Regulations 7. Croatia : Major risks , Risk Prevention , Crisis Management , Rehabilitation , Sanction and Control , Regulations 8. Cyprus (EN) : Major Risks , Risk Prevention , Crisis Management , Rehabilitation , Sanction and Control , Regulations 9. F.Y.R.O.Macedonia (EN) : Major Risks , Risk Prevention , Crisis Management , Rehabilitation , Sanction and Control , Regulations 10. France (FR): Risques majeurs , Les structures de prévention , Gestion des crises , Réhabilitation , Sanction et Contrôle , Réglementation 11. Georgia (EN) : Major Risks , Risk Prevention , Crisis Management , Rehabilitation , Sanction and Control , Regulations 12. Greece (EN) : Major Risks , Risk Prevention , Crisis Management , Rehabilitation , Sanction and Control , Regulations 13. Italy (Observer State) (EN) : Major Risks , Risk Prevention , Crisis Management , Rehabilitation , Sanction and Control , Regulations 14. Liban (FR) Risques majeurs , Prévention des Risques , Gestion des Risques , Réhabilitation , Sanction et contrôle , Réglementation 15. Luxemburg (FR) Risques majeurs , Prévention des Risques , Gestion des Risques , Réhabilitation , Sanction et contrôle , Réglementation 6/394 16. Malta (EN) : Major Risks , Risk Prevention , Crisis Management , Rehabilitation , Sanction and Control , Regulations 17. Maroc (FR) : Risques majeurs , Prévention des Risques , Gestion des Crises , Réhabilitation , Contrôle et Sanction , Réglementation 18. Moldova (EN) : Major Risks , Risk Prevention , Crisis Management , Rehabilitation , Sanction and Control , Regulations 19. Monaco (FR) : Risques majeurs , Prévention des Risques , Gestion des Crises , Réhabilitation , Contrôle et Sanction , Réglementation 20. Portugal (EN) : Major risks , Risk Prevention , Crisis Management , Rehabilitation , Sanction and Control , Regulations 21. Romania (EN) : Major risks , Risk Prevention , Crisis Management , Rehabilitation , Sanction and Control , Regulations 22. Rusland (EN) Major risks , Risk Prevention , Crisis Management , Rehabilitation , Sanction and Control , Regulations 23. San Marino (FR) Risques Majeurs , Prévention des Risques , Gestion des Crises , Réhabilitation , Contrôle et Sanction , Réglementation 24. Spain (EN): Major Risks , Risk Prevention , Crisis Management , Rehabilitation , Sanction and Control , Regulations 25. Turkey (EN) : Major Risks , Risk Prevention , Crisis management , Rehabiliation , Sanction and Control , Regulations 26. Ukraïne (EN) : Major risks , Risk Prevention , Crisis management , Rehabilitation , Sanction and Control , Regulations 7/394 MAJOR RISK MANAGEMENT IN ALBANIA 2 2 Source : Common Country Assessment Albania, prepared for the UN System in Albania by the Albanian Center for Economic Research (ACER), Tirana, June 2002 National Environmental Agency website http://www.nea.gov.al/ The Handbook on Civil Emergency Planning at www.ocb.se National Structures of Civil Protection in the member states of the EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement, Florival, 1998 update 8/394 SHEET I: MAJOR RISKS IN ALBANIA Natural Avalanch Storms Drought Earthqua Floods Forest Landslid Volcanic hazards es kes fires es eruptions ? Yes Yes ? Yes Yes Yes ? Yes/no Technological Chemical and Transportation Traffic Marine Nuclear risks industrial and storage of accidents pollution dangerous substances Yes Yes Yes Yes ? Yes/no 1 SHEET II : RISK PREVENTION IN ALBANIA – competencies Natural Avalan- Storms Drought Earth- Floods Forest fires Landslides risks ches quakes Level Local Councils of Communes, Municipalities, Districts 1 Regional Regional Environmental Agencies in the 12 regions National Ministry of Environmental protection (former NEA), Ministry of Agriculture and Food Interminist. Transbound. Technological Chemical and Transportation and storage of risk industrial Traffic accidents Marine pollution Nuclear dangerous Level substances Local – Munic. Councils of Communes, Municipalities, Districts 1 Regional Regional Environmental Agencies in the 12 regions Ministry of Environmental protection, Ministry of Public Works (waste), Ministry of National Construction Interministerial Transboundary 9/394 Precisions: Until 1998 the main competent authority was the Ministry of Health and Environment. In 1998, the National Environment Agency –NEA- was created by the amendment of the 1993 Law on Environmental Protection. In 2001 the NEA was converted into the Ministry of Environmental Protection. The 12 Regional Environmental Agencies are in each of their regions responsible for environmental impact assessment. Reports are published regularly on the State of the Environment (SoE : in 1995, 1999 and 2001). In 1994 a National Environmental Action Plan was adopted and updated in 2001. This plan includes short, medium and long term actions, as well as a series of priority projects. In 1999 a National Environmental Health Action Plan was adopted. 1 According to the Law on Environmental Protection SHEET III : RISK PREVENTION IN ALBANIA – consultation/deliberation structures Natural Avalan- Storms Drought Earth- Floods Forest fires Landslides risks ches quakes Level Local Regional National Interminist. Civil emergency Commission at the Ministry of Local Government Transbound. Technological Chemical and Transportation Traffic accidents Marine pollution Nuclear risks industrial and storage of dangerous Level substances Local Regional National Interministerial Civil emergency Commission at the Ministry of Local Government Transboundary Precisions : Attached to the Ministry of Local Government operates a Commission consisting of the key appropriate bodies, i.e. representatives from relevant ministries, various state institutions and representatives from civil societies. This Commission meets on a regular basis for conferring on Civil Emergency Planning issues. In case of an emergency, the Civil Emergency Planning Directorate can call upon a special Committee of technical experts for their advice. 10/394 SHEET IV : RISK PREVENTION IN ALBANIA – emergency planning Natural Avalan- Storms Drought Earth- Floods Forest fires Land-slides risks ches quakes Level Local Regional National Ministry of Local Government and Decentralization (collaboration of the Albanian Red Cross) Interminist. Transbound. Technological Chemical and Transportation Traffic accidents Marine pollution Nuclear risks industrial and storage of dangerous Level substances Local Regional National Ministry of Local Government and Decentralization (collaboration of the Albanian Red Cross) Interministerial Transboundary Precisions : The Ministry of Local Government and Decentralization, through its Civil Emergency Planning Directorate, is the competent authority for Civil Emergency Planning. This Directorate has 2 sections : one for policy and planning and an operational section. Currently a new civil emergency planning policy is elaborated. This should be based on civil control, with responsibilities in planning and preparing emergency response at all levels of government. Various civic organisations, NGO’s and the private
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