Weekend Puts 'WSU into Orbit' VOLUME LXVI Pullman, Washington, Friday, November 13, 1959 NUMBER 32 --------- 8rr! Excitement Fills Air Mercury to Drop Cougars Pin Hopes Associated press reports the As Zero Hour Nears following weather predictions for Webfoot Conlest eastern Wash. and northern Ida- On By Marcia Cass ho: Clearing conditions and a few By Dick Telford Hours turn to minutes-to seconds, and zero hour falls upon the snow flurries before the week- Washington State will carryall Rose Bowl hopes in a basket this \\'SC campus. "Blast off I "-WSU's first homecoming is underway. end. Generally fair today and to- Saturday as they meet the Oregon Ducks in the Homecoming clash Within a span of a few short hours WSU students will be "Swingin' night. at 1:30 p.m. Saturday in Pullman. on a Star" to refrains of Homecoming music. Then the dust of Cape . Low expected from 0 to 10 de- A win for the Cougars would Canaveral \\'SU will settle once again for another year. But during grees in north portions, 10 to 20 found the Cougars on the short drop Oregon from the race, and these thirty-one hours more excitement will prevail than during the in south portions.' Tonight's gen- end of a close 14-6 verdict. A lit- another WSU victory over Wash- final countdown before Russia's Sputnik spiraled out of the earth's eral reading is predicted to be tle mental replay of that game ington the following week could atmos phere. 15 degrees. High temperatures will show you how even it was. mean the Rose Bowl. Playing will range from 15 to 30 degrees. Three times the fighting Cougar The cry "Blast Off" will send them one at a time, let us look at exhausted, but relieved students Local, strong, gusty winds are offense drove within yards of a \YSL' into orbit for Homecoming will follow their creations through what is in store for football fans days at Friday night's rally. Un- expected. tying touchdown. The first Cougar the streets of Pullman d uri n g this Saturday: scoring scare came during the like other rallies "Blast Off" will "Jet Stream," the Saturday morn- As you know, this is the second first half when WSU "hail the ball dovetail into two different pat- Mums Go On Sale -Today ing parade. meeting of the two teams, the on the Duck seven, with fourth terns. One will begin at Regents At 1:30 p.m. - ninteen hours earlier contest, played in Eugene, down and four to go. Oregon de- hill. the other at Kruegel hall, and To Finance IK's Projects after WSU has gone into orbit - I',,-:rrv . fenses held fast and stopped a the two will unite at Roger's field White Homecoming "m u TI1 s" ~YJT'J'VVTYY""""'''''''' (Continued on page two) quarterback sneak by Mike Agee, to witness the announcement of will go on sale today from 8 a.m. On the Inside ... tho 1958 Homecoming queen, the v"~TVVYVT"'YV'V"'VV-{'fVV"'V 't'V" to 5 p.m. and Saturday from 8 for no gain. Again, just as the third quarter introduction of coaches, and songs Gov. Albert Rosellini wilInot a.rn, ·to noon in the CUB accord- \Veekend schedule :1 ended, the Cougars were knock- and cheers. attend Homecoming activities 011 ing to IK representatives. 'Jet Stream' route 4 Women's news 5 ing on the door but unable to Following rally activities, foot- the WSU campus this weekend. The mum sale began one week Jim Gies, Homecoming chair- ago when 1K's offered them to Picture pages 6 score. Finally, during the fourth worn students will return to float- period the Crimson and Gray building in the field house. Be- man, was notified Thursday that members of campus I i v i n g News from 1934 7 Honors program plans 10 pushed the ball to the "half foot" tween this time and parade dead- the governor has cancelled all groups. "The flowers, with a red Campus briefs . 10 marker. You can bel the Cougars line, paper mache, crepe paper, appointments and engagements W in the center, are traditional untilnext Tuesday because of the for retuuning grads. students' 'Blast Off' route ._ 11 will be out to turn those close chicken wire, boards. nails, and ones into touchdowns tomorrow. students will fly in the last minute death of his father, John Rosel- mothers and girl friends," said Sports news 12, 13, 14, 15 lini, in Seattle yesterday. Orvis Owens, one of the chair- Editorial page __ _ 16 Since that game on October 3. preparation. (continued on page two) Saturday morning baggy-eyed, AAAAAAA~~A •••44."" men of the event. .A..AA.Lt. 4•• een Finalist.s Await Announc:em nt • 11 HOMECOMING QUEEN candidates are from left: Gail Heriza, Delta Gamma; Davis hall; and Marjorie Ingmire, Regents Hill. The Queen will be annsanced at Barbara Henry, Kappa Alpha Theta; Bonnie Hubbard, Pi Beta Phi; Nancy Cotton, the rally tonight. (by WSU Photo) Game, Dance Major Features WSU Zero Hour Arrives· • (Continued from Page one) a reunion coffee hour sponsored plays will be in the Orton room an explosion will shock the Pa- by Theta Sigma Phi for all re- of Holland library and in the CUB turning alumni. For' Homecoming Weekend louse hills as "The U's Collide" information area. for the Homecoming game. The Shadows fall and stars appear There are two major events slated in every homecom- Cougars, after a two week's rest, to find WSUites "Swingin' on a ing-the traditional football game and the homecoming are predicted to clip the wings of Star" at the Homecoming dance. dance. Following the theme "WSU into Orbit" the title Oregon's Ducks. Following the rocket theme the of this year's homecoming dance Float winners will be announced dance will be held in three stages, test; "The Delich Twins", a bon- during pre-game activities, along ~~ is "Swingin' On A Star." CUB 200 series, Activities center, go dums duet; and Sam Reed, a with a performance of the Cougar and the main ballroom. Music in § ~~ After the Rogers' field clash piano novelty entertainer will per- Boosters drill team. During half- a variety of "Swingin'" moo d s campus coeds will scurry home, form. time the 1959 Homecoming queen will be provided by the Campus ~ SALES & ~ change from college rooting ap- Master of ceremonies for the will be crowned, the WSU march All-Stars, Bob Franklin's Trio and ing band will perform, and the SERVICE parel into dancing frocks. Soon evening will be Hugh Tinling. the Esquire combo. the bewitching hour rolls around Crimson block will present car d Spatial-type atmosphere will pre- stunts. • and from 9 to 12 midnight the WSU DAILY EVERGREEN vail in weekend displays as well Neely and Son Page 2 Friday, Nov. 13, 1959 Coffee hours in living groups campus will be "Swingin' on a will follow the game along with as activities. NIKE missiles will 123 W. 4th St.-MOSCOW Star." be sent up on the practice field Phone TU 2-1237 Some two-thousand dance tick- and library lawn, and other dis- ets have been sold. To accommo- date the heavy influx, three bands Cougars Pin Hopes will play through the entire eve- (continued from page one) land Jones to beat California in " ning. l1The Golden Arm Oregon's last outing. Grosz is "College All-Stars", a fifteen Oregon has lost one game, 13-12 leading the Ducks in passing ESPRESSO COFFEE HOUSE piece band will pJay in the main against Washington, while the yardage with a total of 757 yards ballroom of the CUB. This gel)up,. Cougars have won four straight. and a .533 average. 1420 MAIDEN LANE comprised on the top campus Common opponents include Stan- musicians, will play at only one ford, California, San Jose and Ida- Besides Grosz, the Webfeet have dance this year and this is it. ho. A little record comparison a power-packed, speedy backfield with halfbacks Willie West and * They play arrangements from shows that Oregon squeaked by SPECIAL HOURS THIS SATURDAY ONLY Glenn Miller, Les Brown, Frank Stanford in their season opener Dave Grayson, and fullback Dave FROM 9:00 A.M. TO 1:00 P.M. Powell. Right half C I eve Iand Comstock, Woody Herman, Har- 28-27, while WSU was dropping AND 4:00 P.M. TO 1 :00 A.M. ry James and Benny Goodman. one to the California Bears 20-6. Jones has also been a standout for the Ducks. Although he isn't Aside from featuring a band Washington State trounced S t a n- ford later in the season 36-19 and very tall, he has snagged two vocalist the groups will present Oregon played another squeaker touchdown passes and has gained the "Smart Set" a singing group with California last Saturday, altogether 192 y a r d s on pass comprised of band members. winning 20-18. plays. These four resemble a break be- Doth schools h o l d impressive Looking over the Cougar squad for tomorrows tilt, we expect to Welcome Home Cougars! tween the Hi-Los and Four Fresh- wins over San Jose and Idaho. see action [rom left half Keith The Cougars trounced San Jose man. Lincoln. Lincoln's back injuries AFTER THE GAME AND DANCE 30-6 and Idaho 27-5. Oregon beat suffered in the OSC game have The second band group is the San Jose 35-12 and smothered Ida- COME OUT TO healed and he will probably play "Esquire Combe" made up of a ho 45-7.
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