. I - ’ -' ■i- wm MANCHESTER STORES f / '. 1 t'. AVKRAG£ DAILY CBODlAItOM A' * ■ * * # !! tor the Heath of Novee*er, IMS 5,341 Mend>er of the Audit Biueau of ftmnlitlnni ISS-V? AdverllalBt ea^ Pace 10.) MA19CHEOTBR, CONN^ TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1933. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE TEOiBB i X k M PARAGUAY, BOUVIA The lindl^rgfhs’ Homing Bird TO HALT HOSTIUTIES UNDYS HOME AGAIN; To Qnit Figiidiig UntS Mid­ END 25,000 MILE TRIP HDNK MISSING night Dec. Sl^Leagu e of Fanois C ople Afi^ht Natkms BeGeves Peace b MAN SUFFERS Fards Loaned Millions m East Ri?er Near Colege N earatH an i FROIIAMNESIA To Banks in Detroit Poad— Corered Last la p Montevideo, Dec. 19.— (A P ) — AD Odier Theories As To WaahlBgtoB. Dee. 19.— (A P )—^amounting to 13496,000 in the of ffistoric Jomey m Paraousy and Bolivia tgreed today Defeodlag operatinna of the Guard­ Union Industrial Hawk o f FUnt, by to bait their bloody war in the ian D e i^ t Unka Gtooup, Inc., Rob­ C. S. Mott from bis own resources. Chaoo Boreal until at leaet the end Cause of Disappearance ert O. Lord, ftffmer president, t M A loan by Mqtt of Us credit to Less Tkas Six Hovs. of tbe aeaaon. ^•**•1^ tovestigaton today of loans back a $2400.000 loan. CbrigtsoBM to tbe group by Edsel Ford and tbe Both nationa told tbe Paa>Amer> of L V. Gilbert Discarded Loan of c r ^ t to tbe extent of Company aggregating $l,6OO,OC0 by <firect(ns of tbe New York, Dec. 49.—(AP)— Qfl. lean conference, in leaelon here, and $12,000,900. it# boat, tbe Urusruayan fovem - Guardiau Detroit group, of srhieb and Ifos. cauudes A. Undbeegh, B j I& Wife Today. ^k>rd read to tbe investigators a Lord sail $1400.(KX> was used. raent, that they were willing to preparod statement hiatwiTiy col- flPiwhtog a dramatic, 25400-mile atop tbeir boatllltiea until nddniilit, Purchase from the Guardian De- Dec. 31. topse of tbe huge bank boldi^ troit company by a emsH gnxq;> of r>oraey over much of the -globe, •ompany on tbe depreaston and out- stockholders of 18,800 group enme home today to kwng the baby's Preaident Gabriel Terra of U n i' Belief that her ndaelng btiabaad Uning efforts of tbe large stockhold­ at $180 a share or a total of $8484,- stocking up tor CJjristmas. They fuay, who alao ia bead of tbe Pan* fe alive, but euffering from a lapse tbat'baa carried them over Arctic ice fields and trooical iunriee * ers to save it. 000. •ilgbtod in tbo East River near Col­ American conference in aeaaion of memory, wae expressed today by L<in<*bergb. are here pictured directing the mooring of their gU m te«^)im iif ra He said late in 1980, Edsel Ford Subecription by certain stock­ here, announced laat nifbt B<divia arriving in Miami, Fla. loaned tbe Guardian Detroit Com­ lege Point, at 2:88 p. m., eastern bad accei>ted a Parafuayan propoaal tbe wife of Erwin V. Gilbert, of 6 holders to 93,000 shares of Group standard time. Avon street, wbo disappeared from pany, a subsidiary, $1400,000 in stock at a cost of more th^w $4 . for a temporary ceaaation of boatil' cash and $6,000400 in securities. The big red nxmoplane circled itlea. 000,000. low over tbe ~ bia borne laet Thursday bight e«d A year later, in December. 1981, Advance of $400,000 In cash by During tbe period of quiet in the baa not b e«i seen since. he said. Ford "loanpd bis credit to rtaln stockholders to p u rch ^ | J ? * terrific ^ trianfular wildemeaa in dlapute half Interviewed by aa Evening Herald CROSS TO CONFER the group company on a lo u of $2,- v*rtain of the inventory o< tbe Alrcraft°^ i ^ ramp of the a century, conference leadera hoped reporter at her borne today, Mrs. NATIONAL LABOR BOARD I 500400 with the Continental Bank Guardian Detroit Compair, to pro-1 . to aee a permanent peace effected. Gilbert discarded without lu^tatlon in Chlcago.r vide funds for reduction of that ^ ^ Preaident Terra baa propoaed every theory ae to tbe reaebn for her A year afterwards, in December. company's loans. Journey, tbs delMbtea from tbe two countriea buabaad’e strange disappearance ex­ WITH HOTR MEN 1932, tbe witness added, tbe Ford “Admittedly the institutions in 8. meet In Montevideo with membera cept that be n ^ l be a victim of GETS EXECUTIVE ORDERS Motor Company loaned tbe group the Guardian Detroit Union group I three minutes less than ^ of tbe Leafue of Nationa peace amnesia. company $3400,000 which was used made many mistakes," Lord said, commlaelon. Sure Be Uvee. to 'lift out of tbe'UBiqn Guardian "but to the best of my personal Lindbergh dreled the beach hsrk Pope Piua aucceeded in a r r a n f^ *T am sure be ia alive right now, PresidMit Aathorizes It to Reports Circulated in State Trust Company $3400,000 of criti­ knowledge they were nrfetAkea of •nd then beaded out over FlnsUnir a Cbrletmaa truce laet year,. Tbla, perhaps wandering arotmd unable to IMPURE WHISKEY cized assets." Judgment.'* In the directieo o f' tbe Curtis however, marked tbe only recof' rec^l bia idenUty, but alive just tbe Lord said large stockholders bad "Broadly speaking, the greatest ^Airport at North Beach. Evident- nixed break in boatilitiea of tbe laet same," Mrs, Gilbert said, Settle Conflicts "Threat­ That the Lkpior Control COTtributed nearly $27,000,00 "In mistake of the group was that it ^ *oring the large crowd gathering year and a half. Mrs. Gilbert said she learned that BEING SOLD NOW order to strengthen and stabilize waa organized at the peak of tbe be circled again over the bay her husband, on tbe night be tbe entire sitoation in the protec­ Nation’s prosperity—^that we a l o n g f i n a l l y brought.his jdane down UBAGUE RECEIVE NEW! dropped out of eight, visited Bur- ening the Indnstrial Peace tion of tbe depositors.” with othm were mmble to foresee I ^ Flushing Bay Oenova, Dec. 19.— (A P ) — Tbe sack Brothers' market at 470 Hart­ Aniong tbe actions be described the conditions w h i^ were to follow about half a mile from share. L o h v ^ Nationa waa informed o f' ford road and purchaeed two aauUl of the Conntry.’’ were: that long period of prosperity and He taxied the ship to a floevt fld a l^ today that Parafuay and boxes containing aspirin tablets. He New York Officials Seek Hartford, Dec. 19.— (A P )—Gov­ Making good of defalcations expansion of business." wtaMe its motor still was IdUng, BoHvia had acceptedd term for an asked for a larger box, but wben ernor CroM will give the Connectl- \ work of mooring tbe ainriaiM wae annietloe to besin at midnifbt XxAA only tbe sxnaU sixed boxes were cut Hotel Aasodaton a bearing next started. carried in stock, bought two of ttie Washington, Tec, 19.— (A P )— Federal Aid to P roeve TIm Leafue waa informed rapre- week on its petition for n q>eelal Tbe Lindberghs came just aantatlvea of the two countrfee to - lattor. O^amryed gMbig In tbe di- Preaident Roosevelt bai Issued an live months and ton days after Hap­ faded in tbe long Oran Chaco war* rectlon of Ua borne after leaving jiesslon of the General Assembly to INSULLTOUVE KILLS HIS F R e p , ping from N w York on a thiill- the store, Mr. Gilbert did not return executive order defining and eatab- Boaest Labels. change tbe liquor oontrol act so that fare would meet aoon at Montevideo liablng tbe authority of tbe Nation­ packad survey flight that took them to nefotiate condltiona of peace and borne and BO one kaowa whitber be hotels may sell strong Uquors. over sub-Arctic lands, Enitme, A fri­ went after that. al Labor Board to strengthen ita Meanwhile, reports were prevalent •ecurlty. hand in aeriling labor disputes. ca, Soutii and Central America. The Information wae contained In Bad Been m. New York, Dec. 19.—(AP)—Dr. •b w t tbe s t ^ tiMtt tawwn keepers DiENGIMNEXT THENIILLSSE Anxioiii to See San. e cablifaam from J«iao \rHonio , For three weeks Mr. GUbart hay .. PrmiejoetioDs were being made to­ *b*Hsy W. wynto, dty .bealCb*eeni- “ fjjo to l "e n w en noBSIdsttoff the day .for Its publication. .fWtotltutlofiallty of'tbs law Thev bad honied a bit Airing the Vuero, feneral aecretary of tbe Jeeiu* suffering from inteottaai trou­ miaeloner, sought Federal co-opera-, ble, but wae nble to continue bia Tbe presidential order auttioiinia taverns were sidd. to have turned In League of Nationa peace comnda' tion today in Ua effort to eecui^ Mim 'Iln rjA rf Woiiinto' lal during tbe hedfidngtotoith aion now at La Paz, Bolivia. wbrk a » metaBurgiat at tbe Colt's tbe boiffd "to compose aU^fonin^ their permits with the Intention of Utiltiet M spate Most Leaxe n i a o u u u cin - tolM ilflB Jon Morrow Lindbergh, IS. wvwieiiff Patent Firearms Company until a threatening the industrial peace of what be calla honest labels on whis­ selMng Uquor without a permit on Tbe Meaeaye the country." •P .n«n ‘ OMronofthe famous coiqile. Ba- Tbe neaeaye followa: week prior to the day of bia d ia ^ key bottles. the ground that prosecutions could not be sustained against non-per­ T a ? e n L Goes to t w n o flie fo«»,they aUghted they drded over 'The Preaident of Parayuay aent pearance.
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