Richard Nixon Presidential Library Contested Materials Collection Folder List Box Number Folder Number Document Date No Date Subject Document Type Document Description 19 3 10/27/1970 Campaign Memo From: Larry Higby To: Mr. Gleason RE: Mixup regarding a Mr. Smith and November 1969 ads. 1 pg. 19 3 10/24/1970 Campaign Memo From: Charles Colson To: Larry Higby RE: Whether a Kent Smith was involved in the arrangment of 1969 ads. 1 pg. 19 3 10/19/1970 Campaign Memo From: Jack A. Gleason To: Lawrence Higby RE: November 1969 ads for our Vietnam Policy. There is a handwritten note stating that Kent Smith was never on the list of people coordinating ads and that a payment agreement was never discussed. 1 pg. 19 3 10/10/1970 Campaign Letter From: Kent Smith To: Jack Gleason RE: Ads on the administration's policy on Vietnam, who contributed to them, and at what personal costs. Attached is a copy of the ad and also a paid invoice from the agency running the ads. 3 pgs. Monday, March 21, 2011 Page 1 of 2 Box Number Folder Number Document Date No Date Subject Document Type Document Description 19 3 9/15/1970 Campaign Memo From: Harry S. Dent RE: Updated pages in the State candidate lists. Profiles of each state include candidates, political party, and background information. 21 pgs. Monday, March 21, 2011 Page 2 of 2 Q Octeb... 11. 19'0 ..... GLJ:AION J"IlOM. L. mOBT I c....ked badI. Cl.rack 001_. aa4 Al.. Battertteld. • two ,.epl. who ....r...char,. of the If.......... 1969 .... aad ultllea- _ of them had. ...r hear. of MI'. Smith. I ......r U til•• l. aot a m.., h..... MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON October 24, 1970 MEMORANDUM FOR LARRY HIGBY 11m returning the memo from Jack Gleason. lIve never heard of Kent Smith before, and knew nothing about the ads. The ads are great and the names are good, but I have no idea who arranged it- -if anyone. Charles W. Colson jack Leason ~ 1310 Nineteenth Street, N. W., 'Washington, D. C. 20036 • (202) 234-1552 October 19, 1970 MEMORANDUM FOR LAWRENCE M. HIGBY From: Jack A. Gleason Re: November 1969 ads for our Vietnam Policy Larry~ Not that it matters greatly at this late date, but I enclose herewith a note to me from Kent Smith regarding some ads placed last year. Smith's letter is self-explanatory except that he omits the fact that he was originally told the cost of the ads would be equally divided among all signers of the ad. Ironically, there appear to be no poor men on this ad; yet, of them, only Kent Smith has been a substantial contributor to us both in '68 and '70. Whoever coordinated this thing from the White House owes some explanation to Smith, for while he is 100% with us this is a pretty good way to turn him off. eM ~ Oior "1 ~:S0\A5 sqtM-..s(/\~ OY~ Coo~~~vvL)fAA J.,~ .. ~ ~~W J ~ L\I\O~ ~ ~ ~.~ UJ~ w~ ~~ ~~ CN\ ~ 9 ~J ~ aJ. <f 8lUo ~ t(/\L .'~<f"~:f (~C.~J~~f· , ~ Q.elfu ~ ~ «0 ! ~ +,~ ~J ttM It KENT H. SMITH 1 WOODSTOCK ROAD GATES MILLS, OHIO October 10, 1970 Mr. Jack Gleason 1310 19th St. N. W. Washington, D. C. Z0036 Dear Jack, Some time ago, when I mentioned that I had paid a substantial part of the costs of several half-page advertisements supporting the administration's policy on Vietnam, yen expressed an interest in having more information. Enclosed is a clipping of the advertisement which appeared in The Christian Science Monitor on Monday, November 17,1969. The same half page advertisement appeared in four other large city newspapers as indicated in the enclosed copy of the paid invoice of the agency running the advertisements. The total cost was $lZ, 790.39•. My con­ tribution was $11,569.39. If you are interested in knowing the names and amount s of the othe r parties contributing, I can list them for you. Very truly yenrs, I I KHS:t i Encl. Z cDllgatlonS IS requlrea, not only trom the l"resident, but trom each one ot us. Dean G. Acheson GordonGrav A. S. (Mike) Momoney Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C Washington, D. C. , Stephen Ailes Alfred M. Gruenther ' James F. Oates, Jr. " Washington; D. C. Washington, D. C. New York, New York David K. Andrews .Harold H. Helm Thomas F. Patton Elsah, lIlinois New York, New York Cleveland, Ohio Richard T. Baker D. Luke Hopkins L. Welch Pogue Cleveland, Ohio ·Baltimore, Maryland Washington, D. C. E. Colin Baldwin George M. Humphrey H. Chapman Rose Cleveland, Ohio Cleveland. Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Alfred A. Benesch. George F. Karch James H. Rowe, Jr. Cleveland, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Washington, D. C. Claude M. Blair W. John Kennev Fred C. Scribner, Jr. Cleveland, OhiQ Washington, D. C. Portland, Maine Charles E. Bohlen Jack W. Lampl, Jr. Kent H. Smith Washington, D. C. Cleveland, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Percival F. Brundage George H. Love Robert T. Stevens Washington, D. C. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania New York, New York Lucius D. Clay HughD. Luke Lew'is L. Strauss New York, New York Cleveland, Ohio, Brandy Station, Virginia Kenneth W. Clement Neil H. McElroy Wil(iam C. T reuhaft Cleveland, Ohio Cincinnati, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio James C. Davis George C. McGhee William R. Tyler Cleveland, Ohio Washington, D. C Washington, D. C. Arthur H. Dean Perkins McGuire Jerauld Wright New York, New York WashingtOn, D. C. Was.ingtOn, D. C. Raymond F. Evana Livingston T. Merchant Cleveland, Ohio . Washington, D. C. , '. r.:::1,.' " c:J r.::::1 E::::J r.::z:I ~,E7I,':, ~ r:::::l t::::3 r:::::I t:=:I c:::l c::::-1,' I~ UlJ . ,I :: If you agree with this Statement in support of • m: If y<?u agree, wit~ this, Stateme,nt in support. of Ll n President Nixon's Policy on Vietnam, we urge fl,'," President,NIxon s Polley on VIetn,am and wIsh U;,',l' U you to express your support to the President by U " t? a~thom~ the use of your na~e In ~ny repub,. ' , signing this coupon and sending it to him at n'". I'. ~d";:J'~ ~ w, U'll' you to """ th" coupon n, The White House,. Support Rresident Nixon's Vietnam Pollcy 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue ' Box 6998 U Washington, D. C. 2.0006 Main Post Office nI Cl..dand, Ohio 44101 Signature Signature i !\ ,'I l' Street e9 ~Street-­ l. j" City and State Cly and St." \ II r } j i l-------~ f Selvage, Lee and Howard. Inc. Public Relations Counsel One Erieview Plaza, Cleveland, Ohio 44114 216/861-4770 Cleveland. New York. Chicago· Norfolk· Richmond' Washingt:on Invoice 190827 December 10, 1969 Bi-Partisan Group for President Nixon l. Kent H. Smith SEP 29 '910 700 National City Bank ,·Building Cleveland, Ohio 44115 To staff services during November, 1969: $ 922.00 To design services during November, 1969: 193.50 To advertisi~ space as follows: "New York Times" 3,960.00 "Christian Science Monitor" 1,598.40 "Cleveland Plain Dealer" 1,203.60 "Cleveland Press" 1,231.65 ''Washington Post" 1,565.39 Agency commissions on above space: 1,672.83 To materials as follows: Typesetting 253.00 Plate production 103.08 . Agency service charge on above ~aterials: 53.42 To other expenses (long 'distance calls, delivery charges, etc.) 33.52 f 12 z790.39 PAID IN FULL bY~.A=::.:,)~:..;...'__ ~ ------- THE WHITE HOUSEn~./ W,,",""'O" jP" September 15, 1970 Attached are updated pages for insertion in the State candidate lists provided you at the August 19 Cabinet meeting. Harry S. Dent - , ALASKA Filing Date - June 1 Primary - August 25 Primary ResuIts ~-- ... NAME party anncd filed background GOVERNOR rS RACE Keith Miller INC R 4/22 appt to fill Hickel term William Egan D former: Governor I SENATE RACE Theodore Stevens INC R 3/21 appt to fill Bartlett term St. Rep. Wendell Kay D 2/13 Anchorage Atty. /cONGRESSIONAL (AL) (Pollack running for Governor) R 68 vote - 54.2% Frank Murkowski R x Nick Begich D x St. Sen. -. ,. " I. ARIZONA Filing Date - July 10 Primary - September 8 Primary Results NAME party anncd filed background GOVERNOR!S RACE Jack Williams INC R 5/1 re-elected 68 w/59. 20/0 D Raul Castro form. Ambassador; Tucson Atty. SENATE RACE Paul Fanin INC R elected 64 wi51. 4% Sam Grossman D businessman CONGRESSIONAL 1st - John J. Rhodes INC R x Gerald A. Pollack D x Phoenix atty. 2nd - Morris Udall INC D Morris Herring R x 3rd - Sam Steiger INC R Orren Beatty, Jr. D x form. exec. Asst. to Stewart Udall I.ARKANSAS ,. j. Filing Date - June 16 PriInary - August 25 Primary Results _~.c __ ._...... ________ NAME party anncd filed bac1<ground GOVERNOR I S RACE Winthrop Rockefeller INC R re-elected 68 w/52. 4% Dale Bumpers D A-tty. ; defeated Faubus in run-off NO SENATE RACE CONGRESSIONAL . 1st - Bill Alexander INC D 5/20 x James L. Dauer AlP x 2nd - Wilbu~ D. Mills INC D 5/20 x 3rd - John P. Hammerschmidt II' C R 5/20 x Donald Poe D x x 4th - David Pryor INC D 5/20 x ._­ COLORADO Filing Date - July 25 p,rimary Results Primary - September 8 NAME party anncd filed background -------------------------------------~----~------+-----+------------------------------------- GOVERNORr S RACE John A. Love INC R x re-elected 66 w/55. 5% Mark Hogan D x present Lt. Governor NO SENATE RACE CONGRESSIONAL 1st - Byron Rogers INC D x 68 vote - 45. 7% (GOP % - 41.
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