Marshall University Marshall Digital Scholar The Parthenon University Archives Spring 2-27-1984 The Parthenon, February 27, 1984 Marshall University Follow this and additional works at: https://mds.marshall.edu/parthenon Recommended Citation Marshall University, "The Parthenon, February 27, 1984" (1984). The Parthenon. 2102. https://mds.marshall.edu/parthenon/2102 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at Marshall Digital Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Parthenon by an authorized administrator of Marshall Digital Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. -- - -- - _...,_ - MARSHALL UNIVERSITY MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1984 . '9 ... 1· r ' I ! ..~-·. Shaking Spring Fever Travel Places to go Trip tips Getting Outdoors Hiking The sun's rays Toning up .... 22 Monday, Feb. 27' 1984 break away 84 _\0 '(OU, ALL 5pR\NG BREA~ ,-Hp.ouGH' --n1£ 8£51 Of ti-I£ ROCK\£$ I yoUR~ - Proudly di Sullivan D~t;'~uted by 807 Twen 18 ributing Co. Huntl ty-Thlrd St ngton · 522-1368. , - -,------------------------ -=-:::::,,,---=--=,,.--.,.=--------- - ------- break away 84 Monday, Feb. 27, 1984 3 .... What's inside Spring Break II; Not a moment too soon Spring fever cures . • • • • • • • • .5 By Kevin Gergely Tri-State vacation mecca. • • • . 6 . pring break is peculiar to college life; business­ Smen don't usually travel to Florida in the mid­ Backpacking. ... • • • • • • • • • • .8 dle of March, nor do clerks, nurses or waitresses. It makes sense. Students are aware of their psy­ chological, emotional and physical need for the Sun hazards. • • • • • • • • • • • • . .12 break. Full-time college students put in an average of 16 grueling hours a week under exhaustive class­ room conditions. Outside of class, they deal with Travel tips . .... • • • • • • • • • .14 insurmountable homework as well as a constant barrage of social obligations. In the real world -- which is the way non-college Job hunt. ..... • • • • • • • • • .16 people so smugly refer to themselves -- there is no need for anything so trivial as recreation in the wintertime. Vacation is something one does in the summer. That's enough fun for anyone, unless that person is in college. Marshall students, of course, take spring break for granted. By March 1, students haven't had a prolonged break since Christmas or a dark tan since August. The university owes them time off; it's a basic civil liberty. But students didn't always get a spring break at Marshall. And even though the students' tenuous sa nity necessi­ break away 84 is a special magazine of The Parthenon, the Marshall tates a break, it was put into the schedule for rea­ University student newspaper. sons entirely unrelated to health or travel. Spring vacation began only 12 years ago -- not a moment too soon. break away 84 staff members were Nancy Adams, Kelly Bragg, Kevin Through the 1970-71 year, the fall term con­ Gergely, Kathy Grobe and Kelly Messinger. tinued after Christmas to mid-January. Spring semester didn't begin until the end of that month and it dragged on until nearly June. Photographers for break away 84 were Kelly Bragg, Tim Grobe and See Bre~k Page 4 Kelly Messinger. The cover design was done by Scott Bookman, Marshall graduate Spring break schedule for student from Williamstown. other West Virginia schools: The magazine staff is comprised of students in the Magazine Editing and Feb. 22- March 1 Alderson Broaddus College Practicum course in the W. Page Pitt School of Journalism at Marshall. The School of Journalism is located on the third floor of Stewart Harold March 3-11 Smith Hall. Marshall University, Huntington, W.Va., 25701. WV University WV Institute of Technology The University of Charleston March 10-18 Marshall University Fairmont State College Glenville State College Shepherd College Bethany College West Liberty State College March 18-25 WV School of Osteopathic Medicine WV State College WV Wesleyan College March 21- Aprtl 1 Bluefield State College March 24- Aprtl 1 Parkersburg Community College Davis and Elkins College March 31- Aprtl 8 Concord College 4 Monday, Feb. 27, 1914 break away 84 BREAK Marshall's calendar further trus­ From Page 3 trates students by not coordinating Marshall's break with West Virginia University's. This blatant absurdity was not cor­ Many students say they would like rected until the 1971 fall semester to have spring vacation at the same when Marshall implemented the time as their friends at WVU, Eddins "quick calendar." Faculty members said. voted to alter the schedule because "I can't call WVU and say, 'Well few liked having to finish the semes­ boys, when are ya gonna have spring ter after Christmas vacation. break?' " The new calendar, which is still used, permitted the completion of the fall semester before Christmas, allowing students to relax and not worry about academic tomfoolery. Spring semester began earlier in Jan­ uary and was done with by early May. A small problem occurred with the new schedule. There were no holi­ days until Easter, which now fell just Thank You! before finals.- Students were appalled. It was unreasonable to even suggest going two months without any days off, other than weekends, of course. It was obvious something had to be done. The answer was spring break -- a vacation to combat the monotony We at . JCPenney would like between Christmas and summer vacations. to offer our sincerest thanks The arduous task of preparing the calendar and deciding when Sp[ing to Coach Rick Huckabay and break should be belongs to Registrar Robert Eddins. Because the sole logic For some reason, students aren't behind spring vacation is to provide a satisfied. Perhaps the break should be Huck's Herd for their recent break within the term, he has, over longer. Maybe students aren't get­ the years, efficiently scheduled it for ting excited about vacation in the visit to our Sp9rting Goods the middle of the semester. wintertime. But spring break actually occurs in For example, when Harrisville Department. winter. This is a dilemma for those senior Steve Stanley was asked what who want, and righteously deserve, a he was going to do over the break, he traditional spring break at the beach. replied, " Nothing." " Spring break," they proclaim, When Summersville junior Pamela "should be in spring." Eddins thinks McClung was asked where she was Congratulations on an out­ their reasoning is unsound. going during spring vacation, she "We don't pay any attention to said, " Nowhere." standing season and our best weather," he said. " Weather is not But Mcclung seems to have our concern," he said. adapted nicely. She said she doesn't wishes for success at the " Spring break, as far as the admin­ care that spring break is in the winter. istration is concerned, is to provide a " Everyone wants to get a break Southern Conference break.. what people do with that from the winter; that's what it's all break is their business," he said. about." Tournament! . The Ohio Historical JCPenney Society Huntington Mal I Your Marshall University apparel headquarters. The Tri-State offers many places of interest for vacationers. • break away 84 Monday, Feb. 27, 1984 5 .. ' Spring fever got you down? By Kelly Bragg ou've survived winter -- icy roads, " Sometimes it's simply a reaction Y10-degree-below-zero weather, to being deprived of doing all the several nasty colds and mom's reme­ activities we usually do in the spring. dies sent to you through the mail. Other times spring fever can refer to Now, when you think you've been the feeling we get from being through it all you get hit by a gigantic deprived of our favorite activities," case of cabin fever. Wyatt explains. People everywhere look fervently " Spring fever can be both a cause for ways of escaping winter. Some of and a result of winter inactivity. them even leave the discovery of " It might have something to do spring up to a furry rodent in Punxsat­ with being indoors -- cabin fever awney, Pennsylvania. This year the lit­ might explain it better. Spring brings I fltloto by Kelly 11,agg tle guy said to expect six more weeks an increase in mood, new situations exam week, are not necessarily bad always say, " I'll get to that during of the grisly season. Of course, and the chance to do things you can't for others," she said. spring break." groundhogs have the option of hib­ do indoors during the winter like play Wyatt refers to spring fever as "a The only trouble is, it's very diffi­ ernating for the six weeks they so gli­ frisbee or baseball." kind of vague, general term used to cult to cram an entire semester into bly predict for beings human. Dr. Elaine Baker, associate profes­ explain why people do what they do. one short week. However, students However, humans can fight batk. sor of psychology, defines spring People feel more comfortable when will try. Mother Nature has provided her fever as a release from unpleasant they have some sort of label to attach Dr. Wyatt suggests organizing your favorite creatures with the wonder­ feelings which are associated with to those who act strangely." time during spring break and doing ful, terrible effects of spring fever. cold weather, lack of sunshine and So that's how adults who frolic like something worthwhile. Mama goofed, unfortunately. prolonged work. children, fly kites in the park and " Spring break is five days long. If a Spring fever can refer to the exhil­ "School is stressful; the longer you growl at puppies on their hands and person got up every morning and erating feelings people get when the stay in school, the more stress accum­ knees are let off with the flimsy worked for two hours -- say from 10 thermomete r finally rises above 32 ulates.
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