The Garden 2015 Index

The Garden 2015 Index

GardenThe INDEX 2015 Volume 140, Parts 1–12 Index 2015 1 January 2015 2 February 2015 3 March 2015 4 April 2015 5 May 2015 6 June 2015 Coloured numbers in 12: 38 George VI Memorial bold before the page Dissectum Group Park, Ramsgate AWARD OF GARDEN MERIT (AGM) number(s) denote the 11: 58 (letter) 8: 19, 19 part number (month). ‘Garnet’ 11: 59 ‘Mediopicta Alba’ PLANT PROFILES Each part is paginated var. heptalobum 6: 49 Acer griseum 12: 25, 25 Dactylorhiza elata 5: 28– Prunus mume ‘Beni- separately. 11: 59 celsii 6: 49 Anemone hupehensis 29, 28–29 chidori’ 2: 20, 20 ‘Sango-kaku’ 11: 24, lophantha 6: 49 var. japonica ‘Pamina’ Escallonia bifida 9: 22, 22 radishes 3: 26–27 Numbers in italics 58 mitis 6: 49 9: 22, 22 Eschscholzia californica redcurrant ‘Red Lake’ denote an image. ‘Red Flamingo’ 11: 24 montana 6: 47, 49, 49 Bergenia ‘Eric Smith’ ‘Dali’ 7: 23, 23 7: 23, 23 Acer Corner: Eli Kling ovatifolia 3: 12, 12; 6: 49 1: 22, 22–23 Hyacinthus 4: 26–27 Rhodohypoxis baurii Where a plant has a and Jo Naiman’s foliage parryi 6: 49, 49 Camellia ‘Cornish Snow’ Iris Median Bearded 7: 22–23, 22–23 Trade Designation (also garden in Wendover, univittata 6: 49 2: 20–21, 21 6: 24–25 Salix alba var. vitellina known as a selling Bucks, by Nicola victoriae-reginae 6: 49 Chrysanthemum hardy, Lathyrus grandiflorus ‘Yelverton’ 1: 23, 23 name) it is typeset in a Stocken 11: 46–47 Ageratina altissima RHS Plant Trial of 5: 29, 29 Skimmia x confusa ‘Kew different font to Aceriphyllum rossii 5: 61 ‘Chocolate’ 12: 37 10: 20–21 Laurus nobilis ‘Aurea’ Green’ 2: 20, 20 distinguish it from the acidity 3: 65 AGM (see Award of Clematis cirrhosa 5: 29, 29 Streptocarpus RHS Plant cultivar name (shown Aciphylla aurea 5: 82 Garden Merit; Award var. purpurascens Magnolia wilsonii Trial 11: 22–23 in ‘Single Quotes’). Aconitum: of Garden Merit plant ‘Freckles’ 1: 23, 23 5: 29, 29 sweet corn ‘Prelude’ episcopale 9: 83 profiles panel; Clematis Viticella Group Mahonia x media ‘Lionel 9: 22, 22 For more information hemsleyanum 9: 83 Annual General 8: 22–23 Fortescue’ 12: 24, 24–25 Tulbaghia violacea about plant names and ‘Red Wine’ 9: 83 Meeting in RHS panel) Convolvulus sabatius Pittosporum tenuifolium 9: 22–23, 23 the RHS Award of Garden japonicum toxicity Air-Pots for Eucalyptus 7: 23, 23 ‘Warnham Gold’ Viburnum farreri 1: 23, 23 Merit (agm), see RHS 1: 19, 19 10: 55, 55 Corylus avellana 12: 25, 25 Yucca filamentosa ‘Color Plant Finder 2015, p11. Actaea simplex Ajuga: ‘Contorta’ 2: 20, 20 Guard’ 12: 25, 25 (Atropurpurea Group) reptans 11: 45, 45 ‘James Compton’ 12: 41 ‘Braunherz’ 11: 43, Actinidia (see also 44; 12: 41 almonds: Herefords 4: 93–96 annual meadows, sowing kiwi fruit): Albizia julibrissin Tropical for flavour3 : 96 Anemanthele 4: 28 arguta 7: 28; 11: 33 Dream (‘Pos 1’) 4: 12, 12 for patios 11: 70–71 lessoniana 8: 50, 50 Anthriscus: deliciosa 7: 28; 11: 33 Albuca spiralis 8: 62, 62 Aloe: Anemone: sylvestris 5: 78 Adiantum aleuticum Alchemilla mollis ferox 6: 49 hupehensis ‘Ravenswing’ 5: 80, ‘Imbricatum’ 2: 29, 29 11: 43, 45 plicatilis 6: 49 var. japonica ‘Pamina’ 81 A adult learning events at Alder, Fern, on: Wendy polyphylla 6: 17, 17, 49, 9: 22, 22 Antirrhinum Pretty in Pink RHS Gardens, 2016 12: 74 Shillam’s urban rooftop 49; 9: 70 x hybrida by Helen (‘Pmoore07’) 6: 13, 13 40 years of The Garden, Aeonium: garden 11: 40–41 striata 6: 47 Dillon 11: 15 ants 6: 32, 32 by Chris Young 6: 17 ‘Du Rozzen’ 9: 69, 69 Alexander, Paul, on: RHS striatula 6: 49–50, 49 ‘Robustissima’ 11: 15 aphids: Abbotsbury Subtropical haworthii 6: 31 research into effects of alpine plants, by Tim Anemonella: and ants 6: 32, 32 Gardens, Dorset: new ‘Variegatum’ 6: 50, growing media on Ingram 6: 23 thalictroides: on fruit trees 1: 31 rope bridge 6: 13 50 watering requirements x Amarcrinum ‘Amelia’ 5: 60, 61 Apiaceae 5: 78–82 Abies: hierrense 6: 47, 50; 7: 58 memoria-corsii ‘Flore Pleno’ 5: 60, 60 Apios americana 9: 82, koreana ‘Silberkugel’ 9: 69, 69 Alexander-Sinclair, ‘Howardii’ 10: 15 f. rosea ‘Oscar 82 1: 63 ‘Logan Rock’ 12: 40 James, on: Arundel x Amarine tubergenii Schoaf’ 5: 60, 61 apple aphid, rosy pinsapo ‘Au re a’ 1: 65, 65 ‘Merry Maiden’ 9: 69, 69 Castle and Gardens, 10: 15, 15 Anethum graveolens (Dysaphis plantaginea) procera (Glauca Group) ‘Poldark’ 9: 69, 69 West Sussex 10: 32–36 Amaryllis belladonna (see dill) 1: 31; 10: 42, 42 ‘Glauca Prostrata’ simsii 6: 47 Allium: 10: 15, 15 Angelica: apple capsid bug 1: 62, 62, 63 ‘Velour’ 12: 40 leek rust 8: 27, 27 Amberboa moschata gigas 5: 79 (Plesiocoris rugicollis) Acacia pravissima ‘Voodoo’ 6: 50 hollandicum 4: 95 ‘The Bride’2 : 64 pachycarpa 5: 82 10: 42, 42 11: 24, 24 ‘Zwa r t ko p’ 6: 21 (letter ‘Purple Sensation’ Amelanchier sylvestris: apple codling moth Acaena inermis on), 21, 50, 50; 5: 48 x grandiflora ‘Ballerina’ ‘Ebony’ 5: 82 (Cydia pomonella) ‘Purpurea’ 12: 39 12: 40, 41 nigrum f. roseum 11: 58 ‘Vicar’s Mead’ 10: 43, 43 Acer: Agapanthus gall midge 12: 12, 12 Ammi majus 3: 29; 5: 79 5: 79, 82 apple sawfly griseum 11: 58; (new species) 10: 8, 8 allotments: Anderson, John, on: taiwaniana (letter on) (Hoplocampa 12: 25, 25 Agastache ‘Blackadder’ and pollinators 9: 44 Camellia ‘Cornish 7: 19, 19 testudinea) 10: 41, 41 palmatum: 8: 26 courses at RHS Gardens Snow’ 2: 21 angel’s fishing rod (see apples: ‘Asahi-zuru’ 11: 24 Agave: 10: 82 Anderton, Stephen, on: Dierama bitter pit 10: 43, 43 ‘Atropurpureum’ top 10 hardy 3: 12 Wendy Shillam’s Noel Kingsbury’s trials of pulcherrimum) brown rot (Monilinia 11: 59; 12: 36 americana 3: 12; 6: 49 rooftop, by Fern Alder herbaceous perennials Annual General Meeting, fructigena) 10: 43, 43 ‘Bloodgood’ 11: 59; in flower at the King 11: 40–41 at Montpelier Cottage, RHS 8: 74–75 cracking 10: 44, 44 2 The Garden | Index 2015 apples (continued) – Biggs, Matthew 7 July 2015 8 August 2015 9 September 2015 10 October 2015 11 November 2015 12 December 2015 cropping calendar Artemisia schmidtiana beefsteak tomatoes bargain plants, by Dumf&Gall 5: 98–100 new iris and peony 12: 33 ‘Na n a’ 11: 42, 44 7: 68–69 Daniela Blomeley 2: 16 Gordon Cooke’s selections 6: 68–72 damage from high artichoke, globe: currants 7: 80 bark mulches 10: 29 ceramics garden in Berry, Mary, container temperatures 10: 44, cultivation 6: 26 Impatiens New Guinea Barlow, Gillian: award of Cheshire (The Garden, plantings for roast 44 recommended 5: 94, 95 Veitch Memorial Medal November 2014, vegetables 3: 79, 79 frost damage 10: 44, 44 cultivars 6: 26 Lathyrus odoratus 3: 14 pp57–59) 1: 18 Berry, Robert: award of in containers 11: 70 Arts and Crafts castle 11: 30, 30 Barnhaven primulas, by reader response Veitch Memorial Medal leaf curl 1: 31, 31 gardens in Aberdeen- Mexican salvias 9: 58 Val Bourne 3: 52–57, 52 beech (see Fagus 3: 14 Lincolnshire cultivars shire & Fife, by Agnes RHS Plants (monthly Barnsdale Wood, sylvatica) Beschorneria yuccoides at Normanby Hall 10: 9 Stevenson 6: 55–59 feature) 1: 22–23; nr Doncaster 2: 31 bees (see also 6: 31, 80 pests and diseases, by Aruncus aethusifolius 2: 20–21; 3: 26–27; Barter, Guy, on: bumblebees) Beth Chatto Gardens, Tony Dickerson 7: 42, 43 4: 26–27; 5: 28–29; managing soil 3: 64–68 bee-friendly lawn Essex, by Phil Clayton 10: 41–44 Arundel Castle and 6: 24–25; 7: 22–23; waterlogged spaces weeds 6: 75 9: 46–52 scab (Venturia Gardens, West Sussex, 8: 22–23; 9: 22–23; 12: 42–43 effects of lime trees on reader response 12: 20 inaequalis) 10: 42, 42 by James Alexander- 10: 20–21; 11: 22–23; basil 6: 28 10: 16 Betula: sooty blotch Sinclair 10: 32–36 12: 24–25 ‘Purple Ruffles’2 : 45 Great British Bee Count chichibuensis 11: 11 (Phyllachora ash dieback Solenostemon 8: 55–57 baskets, hanging: 5: 43 ‘Mount Apoi’, by Roy pomigena) 10: 44, 44 (Hymenoscyphus tulips, by Christine planting 3: 33 honeybee (Apis Lancaster 11: 62–63, ‘Allington Pippin’ fraxineus) 7: 8 Skelmersdale 4: 55–62 bats: mellifera) 2: 61 62–63 10: 9, 9 in the Lake District awards to people, RHS attracting 5: 43 leafcutter (Megachile utilis var. jacquemontii ‘Ellison’s Orange’ 10: 9 11: 35 3: 14; 5: 105 brown long-eared centuncularis) 2: 60 ‘Moonbeam’ 11: 24, 58 apprenticeships: new outbreaks in (Plecotus auritus) 5: 43 solitary 2: 61 Biarum National Plant horticultural, by Scotland 7: 8 Batsford Arboretum, beetle: Collection 5: 15 Sally Nex 12: 15 reclassification7 : 8 Gloucs: plantings from lily (Lilioceris lilii) Big Garden Birdwatch RHS 12: 15 Asplenium seed from Hiroshima 5: 33, 33 6: 37 apricots: scolopendrium 10: 9 thick-legged flower big gardens: their pros cropping calendar Fimbriatum Group Batten, Claire, and Jeff 9: 43 and cons, by Nicola 12: 33 2: 29, 29 Rowe: their nursery in tortoise (Cassida Stocken 8: 17 cultivation in the UK Associate of Honour B Penzance, Cornwall rubiginosa) on readers’ responses 8: 24 awards 2015, RHS 3: 14 9: 67–70 melancholy thistle 9: 18; 10: 17 for patios 11: 70–71 Association of Garden Bacon, Susan, on: herbs bdellium 12: 52 (letter) 10: 17, 17 Big Tree Plant campaign recommended Trusts 1: 8; 9: 9 at Raveningham Hall, beans, overwintering: Begonia: 4: 14 cultivars 8: 24 Astilbe ‘Hyazinth’ 12: 43 Norfolk 2: 48–49 broad: 9: 31 ‘Apricot Delight’ 2: 66 Biggs, Matthew, on: ‘Garden Aprigold’ 11: 70 Astrantia ‘Ro m a’ 8: 27 badgers, feeding 6: 75 runner (letter on) 2: 16 Fragrant Falls 25 years of Hampton Aquilegia National Plant Astrophytum ornatum Bailes, Christopher, on: Bean’s Trees and Shrubs Improved Series 2: 66 Court Palace Flower Collection affected by 2: 95 (painting) Dactylorhiza elata Hardy in the British Isles ‘Lemon Fizz’ Show 6: 63–66 downy mildew auricula theatre

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