BPMl 30-Nov-77 08:14 42492 ,NLS DOCUMENTS AND PUBLICATIONS LIST - May 1977 This file is a combination ot two earlier files that included a listing of ARC publl~ations and documents through May 1977. It was compiled by Nina Zolotow. 1 AUGMENTATION RESEARCH CENTER PUBLICATIONS 2 Engelbart, D.C., "Special Considerations of tne Individual as a User, Generator, and RetrieVer of Information," Reprinted from American Documentation, Vol. 12, No.2, APrll, 1961 (XDOC··0585,) 3 Engelbart, D.C., "Augmenting Human Intellect: A Conceptual Framework," Stanford Research Inst1tute, Augmentation Research Center, AFOSR-322J, AD-289 5&5m October 1962 (XDOC--3906 J ) 4 Engelbart, D.C., "A Conceptual Framework for the Augmentation Of Man·s Intellect," VISTAS IN INFORMATION HANDLING, Howerton and Weeds (Editors), spartan BOOkS, Washington, D.C~, 1963, PP. 1-29 (XDOC-·0981,) 5 Engelbart, D.C., Sorenson, P.H., "Explorations in the Automation of Sensorimotor SkIll Tralnlng," stanford Research Institute, MAVTRADEVCEN 1517-1, AD 619 046, January 1965 (XDOC--11736,) 6 Engelbart, D.C., "Augmenting Human Intellect: Experiments, Concepts, and Posslbilltles--Summary Report," Stanford Research Institute, Au~mentatlon Research Center, March 1965 (XDOC--9691,) 7 EngliSh, W.K., Engelbart, D.C., HUddart, B., "Computer Aided DiSPlay Control--Final Report.," Stanford Research Institute, Augmentation Research Center, July 1965 (XDOC--9692,) 8 English, W.K., Engelbart, D.c., Berman, M.A., "DisplaY-Selection Techniques for Text ManiPulation," IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON HUMAN FACTORS IN ELECTRONICS, VOl. HFE~8, No.1, Pp. 5-15, March 1967 (XDOc--9694,) 9 Licklider, J.C.R., Taylor, R.W., Herbert, E., "The Computer as a CommuniCation Device," INTERNATIONAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, NO. 76, PP. 21-31, April 1968 (XDOC--3888,) 10 Engelbart, D.C., "Human Intellect Augm.entation 'l'echniques, F'i.nal Report," Stantord Research Institute., Augmentation Research Center, CR~1270, N69-16140, July 1968 (XOOC--3562,) 11 Engelbart, D.C~, "Augmenting Your Intellect," (Interview with D.C. Engelbartl, RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT, PP. 22-27, August 1968 (XDOC--9698,) 12 tngelbart, D.C., English, W.K., "A Research Center for Augmenting BPM3 30-NoV-71 08:14 42492 NLS DOCUMENTS AND PUBLICATIONS LIST - May 1977 Human Intellect," AFIPS PROCEEDINGS-FALL JOINT COMPUTER CONfERENCE, Vol. 33, PP. 395-410, 1968 (XDOC--3954,) 13 Haavind, R., "Man Computer 'Partnerships' Explored," ELECTHONIC DESIGN, VOl 17, NO.3, pp. 25-32, February 1969 (XDOC--13961,) 14 Field, R.K. , "Here Comes the Tuned-ln, Wired-UP, Plugged-In, Hyperartlculate Speed-ot-Llght society-wAn Eletronics Special Report: No More Pencils, No More Books--Write and Read Electronically," ELECTRONICS, Pp. 73-104, November 24, 1969 (XDOC--9705,) 15 Engelbart, D.C., "Intellectual Implications ot Multi-Access Computer Networks," paper presented at Interdisciplinary Conference on Multi-Access Computer NetworkS, Austin, Texas, April 1970, preprint (Journal--5255,) 16 Engelbart, D.C., SRI-ARC Staff, "Advanced Intellect-Augmentation lechniques--Flnal Report," Stanford Research Institute, Augmentation Research Center, CR-1827, July 1970 (XDOC--5140,) 17 Savoie, R., "Summary of Results of Five-Finger Keyset Training Experiment," Project 8547-21, Stanford Research Institute, Bioengineering Group, 4, P. 29, MarCh 1972 (XDOC--II101,) 18 ~ngelbart, D.C., "Experimental Development of a Small Computer Augmented Information System--Annual Report," Stanford Research Institute, Augmentation Research Center, Contract NOOOI4-70-c.0302, SRI project 8622, APril 1972 (Journal--10045,) 19 "Online Team Environment, Network Information Center and Computer Augmented Team Interaction--Annual ~eport," Stanford ResearCh Institute, Augmentation Research Center, Contract F30602-70-C-0219, SRI PrOject 8457, June 8, 1972 (Journal--13041,) 20 Engelbart, D.C., "Coordinated Information Services tor a Discipline­ or MisSion-oriented Community," paper presented at Second Annual Computer Communications Conference in San Jose, California, January 24, 1973 (Journal--12445,) 21 Engelbart, D.C., "Design Considerations for Knowledge workshop Terminals," Reprinted from AFIPS CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 42 (XUOC--14851,) 22 North, J.B., "Experimental Development of a Small Computer Augmented lnformation System--Annual Report," Stanford Research Institute, Augmentation ResearCh Center, Contract N00014-70-C-0302, SRI project 8622, December 1973 (Journal--21453,) 23 iEngelbart, D.C., Watson, R.W., Norton, J.C., "The Augmented Knowledge 1 BPM3 30-Nov-77 08:14 42492 NLS DOCUMENTS AND PUBLICATIONS LIST - May 1971 Workshop," AFIPS Proceedings National Computer Conference, June 1973 (Journal--14724,) 24 Lehtman, H.G., "NLS File structure: Documentation," Stanford Researen Institute, Augmentation Research Center, June 6, 1973 lJournall--17069,) 25 lrby, C.H., "Display TeChniques for Interactive Text Manipulation," Stanford Research Institute, Augmentation Research Center, November 15, 1913 (Journal--20183,) 26 Andrews, D.I., "Line processor: A Device for Amplification Of Display Terminal Capabilities tor Text Manipulation," stanford Research Institute, Augmentation Research Center, November 28, 1973 (Journal--20184,) 27 Hardy, M.E., "Microprocessor Technology to Extend the Utility of Computer PeripheralS," stanford Research Institute, Augmentation Research Center, 1974 (Journal--20185,) 28 "tNLS-S Primer," Stanford Research Institute, Augmentation Research Center, uctober 16, 1974 (Journal--23911,) 29 "Basic TNLS-8 Course," Stanford Research Institute, AugmentatIon Research Center, November 18, 1975 (Journal--24207,) 30 "TNLS-8 QUiCk Reference," Stanford Research Institute, Augmentation Research Center, April 21, 1975 (Journal--25765,) 31 "NLS-8 Command Summary," Stanford Research Institute, Augmentation Research Center, May 16, 1915 (Journal--24831,) 32 "NLS-8 Glossary," Stanford Research Institute, Augmentation Research Center, July 16, 1975 (Journal--22132,) 33 van Nouhuys, D.H., "Introduct1on to Documentation through NLS," Stanford Research Institute, Augmentation ResearCh Center, JulY 17, 1915 (Journal--26429,) 34 "Output Processors Users' Guide," Stanford Research Institute, Augmentation Research Center, July 29, 1975 (Journal--32812,) 35 Bair, J.H., "seminar on the Augmented Knowledge WorkShOp," Stanford ResearCh Institute, Augmentation ResearCh Center, August 12, 1975 (Journal--33193,) 36 Engelbart, D.C., "NLS TeleconferenCing Features: The Journal, and Shared-Screen TelePhOning," paper submitted for presentation at !COMPCON 75, Washington, D.C., september 9, 1975 (Journal No. 33076) 37 2 BPM3 30-NOV-77 08:14 42492 NLS DOCUMENTS AND PUBLICATIONS LIST - May 1977 "Secretarial Functions Guide," stanford Research Institute, Augmentation Research Center, september 10, 1975 (Journal--26442,) 38 "lnvestments in Tomorrow," Stanford Research lnstitute, 1975 (X-DOC No. ) 39 White, J. E., "AKW SYstem Design Note 3," Stanford Researcn Institute, Augmentation ResearCh Center, October 2, 1975 (Journal--26621,1 40 Meyer, N.D., "Executive Information Tools," Stanford Research Institute, AUgmentation Research Center, December 18, 1975 (Journal--34111,) 41 Watson, R.W., "Issues in the Design of a Large Interactive System User Interface," Stanford Research Institute, Augmentation Research Center, December 23, 1975 (Journa l--27171,) 42 White, J.E., "Elements of a Distributed Programming System," stanford Research Institute, Augmentation Research Center, January 5, 1976 (Journal--27250,) 43 Irby, C.H., "The Command Meta Language System," Stanford Research Institute, Augmentation Research Center, January 6, 1976 (Journal--27266,) 44 "NLS Programmers' Gulde," Stanford Research Institute, Augmentation Research Center, January 8, 1976 (Journal--34210,) 45 "Knowledge workshop Development," Stanford Research Institute, Augmentation Research Center, Final Report RADC-TR-75-304, SRI Project 1868, January 30, 1976 (Journal--22133,) 46 "The TNLS Third Course Outline: Intermediate NLS," Stanford Research Institute, Augmentation Research Center, March 5, 1976 (Journal--34668,) 47 "Tenex Guide for Users of NLS," stanford Research Institute, Augmentation Research Center, MarCh 24, 1976 (Journal--34837,) 48 Michael, E.K. and van Nouhuys, D.H., "Documentation and Control System Design Study," Stanford Research Institute, Augmentation Research Center, SRI Proposal lSU 76·51, March 31, 1976 (Journal--25928,} 49 Norton, J.C., "The Status of Workshop utility service SUbscr1ptions," Stanford Research Institute, Augmentation Research Center, April 15, 1976 (Journal--34880,) 50 3 BPM3 30-Nov-77 08:14 42492 NLS DOCUMENTS AND PUBLICATIONS LIST - May 1971 Lieberman, R.N., "A Knowledge Workshop for the Navy: An Experiment in Technology Transfer," final Report, Contract N00014-70-C-0302, SRI Project 8622, Stanford Research Institute, Augmentation Research Center, December 31, 1974 (Journal--26687,) ~l Engelbart, D.C. and Staff of ARC, "Computer Augmented Management-system Research and Development of Augmnetatlon Facility," Final Report, Contract F30602-68-C-0286, SRI Project 0967, Stanford Research Institute, Augmentation Research center, April, 1970 (Journal--5139,) 52 ~ngelbart, ID.C., "A Special-Studies support Center," SRI Proposal tor Research ISU 74-263, Stanford Research Institute, Augmentation Research Center, December 14, 1974 (Journal--24758,) 53 EngelDart, D.C. and HUddart, B., "Research on Computer-Augmented Information Management," TeChnical Report ~SD-rDR-65-168, Contract AF19(o28)-4088, Stanford Research Institute, Augmentation
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