Case Reports J Vet Intern Med 2005;19:348±349 The Use of Sarmazenil in the Treatment of a Moxidectin Intoxication in a Foal Jessika-M.V. MuÈller, Karsten Feige, Sabine B.R. KaÈstner, and Hanspeter Naegeli 13-day-old Arabian Thoroughbred ®lly weighing 40 Depending on the arterial blood gas values, supplemental A kg (88 lb) was presented to the University of Zurich oxygen was supplied via nasal insuf¯ation (6 L/min). Ran- Equine Clinic with a history of depression after deworming itidinee (6.6 mg/kg PO q12h) was administered to prevent with moxidectin at a dose of 2 mg/kg (recommended dose gastric ulcers. Broad-spectrum antimicrobial treatment with 0.4 mg/kg body weight)a the day before admission. The foal ceftiofurf (2 mg/kg IM q24h) was added to the therapeutic was found recumbent 12 hours after drug administration regimen because of a marked increase in the white blood and was in an unconscious state 6 hours later. cell count during the 1st day after admission to the clinic. On admission, the ®lly was recumbent, unconscious, and The foal was closely monitored, and physical examina- unresponsive to stimulation. Palpebral re¯exes were absent. tion ®ndings were recorded every hour. Fifteen hours after A pulse could be detected over neither the facial nor the admission to the clinic, the circulatory functions were sta- lateral plantar artery. The foal presented with a heart rate bilized and the rectal temperature was within normal limits, of 40 beats/min, a respiratory rate of 28 breaths/min, a cap- but the foal was still recumbent and unconscious. However, illary re®ll time of 3 seconds, and a rectal temperature of she exhibited a weak palpebral re¯ex and involuntary trem- less than 89.68F (328C; could not be measured with stan- ors of the front legs. To antagonize the effect of moxidectin, dard thermometer). The distal limbs were cold to the touch. sarmazenilg (0.04 mg/kg IV q2h) was administered for 10 Urine drained passively from the bladder. hours beginning at 14 hours postadmission. The condition Venous blood gas analysis revealed a PO2 of 25.7 mm of the foal improved rapidly with the administration of sar- Hg. No abnormalities were detected for pH (7.37; reference mazenil. After the 3rd injection, she started to hold her head 2 range 7.37±7.39), HCO3 (30.2 mM; reference range 27±35 up for periods of several seconds and progressed to a 1st mM), base excess in the blood (1.3 mM; reference range attempt to stand 3 hours after the 5th sarmazenil adminis- 0±6 mM), and PCO2 (49.7 mm Hg; reference range 49±57 tration. After another 4 hours, the foal stood for a period mm Hg). pH, PCO2, and PO2 were temperature corrected to of 10 minutes. She suckled the mare several times in the 868F (308C). With the exception of blood glucose (5.1 mM; hours that followed, and the nasogastric tube was removed reference range 8.2±12.3 mM), CBC results and blood bio- 36 hours after starting the sarmazenil therapy. chemical results (PCV, hemoglobin, MCH, MCHC, MCV, After 48 hours, the clinical signs had resolved complete- white blood cells, platelets, total plasma protein concentra- ly, but on day 3, a marked increase in liver-speci®c enzyme tion, ®brinogen, plasma sodium, potassium, chloride, mag- activities was noted. Glutamate dehydrogenase concentra- nesium, and phosphate) were within reference ranges. A tion was 509 U/L (reference range 8.3±13.1 U/L), aspartate blood sample was subjected to bacterial culture and tested transferase concentration was 1,190 U/L (reference range negative. 226±540 U/L), and sorbitol dehydrogenase concentration Initially, the foal was treated with 4 mL/kg/h warmed was 110 U/L (reference range 1.0±8.2 U/L). Aspartate 10% glucose solutionb and 4 mL/kg/h lactated Ringer's so- transferase and sorbitol dehydrogenase values increased lutionc and fed with mare's milk via a nasogastric tube. The even further on day 4. The white blood cell count increased foal was kept under a heat lamp and a forced±warm air from 6.8 3 109 cells/L (reference range 5.2±11.9 3 109 d heating blanket to increase her body temperature. Electro- cells/L) on the day of admission to 19.1 3 109 cells/L on lytes were monitored and intravenously substituted accord- day 3. Hereafter, the leucocytosis started to resolve. On day ingly. The total plasma protein concentration decreased pro- 5 the white blood cell count returned within the normal gressively from 50 g/L to 39 g/L (reference range 48±67 range (6.9 3 109 cells/L), and the foal was discharged free g/L) during the 1st 12 hours. Therefore, the foal received of clinical signs and continued to progress well. Three 750 mL of fresh frozen plasma, stabilizing the total plasma months after discharge from the clinic, it has been reported protein concentration. that the foal is in good health and has shown no further signs of illness. From the University of Zurich Equine Clinic (MuÈller, Feige, KaÈst- Moxidectin, belonging to the milbemycin group, is a ner) and the Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology (Naegeli), Fac- widely used endectocide in several species. Similar to the ulty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zurich, Switzerland avermectins, milbemycins are lipophilic, macrocyclic lac- Reprint requests: Jessika-M.V. MuÈller, MedVet, Equine Clinic, Uni- tones binding to glutamate-gated chloride channels in ar- versity of Zurich, Winterthurerstrasse 260, 8057 Zurich, Switzerland; thropods and nematodes.1 They have a wide safety margin e-mail: [email protected]. in most species. Neonates have a less developed blood- Submitted February 11, 2004; Revised June 19, September 21, and 2 October 20, 2004; Accepted November 22, 2004. brain barrier ; therefore, they might be more sensitive to Copyright q 2005 by the American College of Veterinary Internal toxicosis induced by these drugs. Moxidectin intoxications Medicine have been reported in foals as a sequel of severe drug over- 0891-6640/05/1903-0008/$3.00/0 dosing.3 Once moxidectin has been administered, it takes Sarmazenil in Moxidectin Intoxication 349 less than 9 hours until maximum plasma concentrations in the treatment of a milbemycin overdose. However, further the horse are reached.4 The foal in this report developed studies are necessary to con®rm this possible effect of sar- signs of toxicosis within 12 hours of the drug's administra- mazenil in antagonizing the action of macrocyclic lactones. tion. In mammals, the lipophilic milbemycins are able to dif- fuse across the blood-brain barrier, but low drug concentra- Footnotes tions are maintained in the central nervous system through a Equest, Fort Dodge, WuÈrselen, Germany the action of P-glycoprotein pumps.5 In neonates, or after b Glucose 10% Eco¯ac-Plus, Braun Medical, Sempach, Switzerland a large overdose of the drug, the P-glycoproteins in the c Ringer-Lactat LoÈsung, Fresenius Kabi, Stans, Switzerland blood-brain barrier might provide insuf®cient return trans- d WarmAir, Cincinnati Sub-Zero Products Inc, Mosteller, Cincinnati, port from the central nervous system. The toxicity of mil- OH bemycins and avermectins results from a potentiation of the e Ranitidin-Injektor, Streuli, Uznach, Switzerland g-aminobutyric acid (GABA) inhibitory neurotransmitter.6±8 f Excenel, Provet, Lyssach, Switzerland Moxidectin stimulates the synaptic secretion of this neu- g Sarmasol, Dr E. Graeub AG, Bern, Switzerland rotransmitter and, moreover, leads to a postsynaptic en- hancement of GABA binding at the receptor site, causing membrane hyperpolarization through opening of chloride Acknowledgments channels.9 The authors thank Dr H. Boschung (Dr E. Graeub AG) Sarmazenil acts as a competitive antagonist at the ben- for providing an insight into the archive on sarmazenil re- zodiazepine binding site of the GABAA receptor in the cen- search material. tral nervous system.10,11 Therefore, it was hypothesized that sarmazenil might counteract the action of moxidectin at the References GABA receptor by down-regulating chloride conductance. 1. Steel JW. Pharmacokinetics and metabolism of avermectins in Sarmazenil is used in equine anesthesia to antagonize the livestock. Vet Parasit 1993;48:45±57. action of benzodiazepines such as climazolam.12,13 Previous 2. Rodier PM. Developing brain as a target of toxicity. Environ studies indicated that conditions of loss of consciousness Health Perspect 1995;103(Suppl 6):73±76. can be treated effectively with administration of sarmazen- 3. Johnson PJ, Mrad DR, Schwartz AJ, et al. Presumed moxidectin il.14 Presumably, this benzodiazepine antagonist is able to toxicosis in three foals. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1999;214:678±680. block the action of endogenous benzodiazepine receptor ag- 4. Perez R, Cabezas I, Garcia M, et al. Comparison of the phar- onists, which have been associated with increased GABA macokinetics of moxidectin (Equest) and ivermectin (Eqvalan) in hors- es. J Vet Pharmacol Ther 1999;22:174±180. activity in various diseases.15 Because of the short half-life 5. van Asperen J, Mayer, U, van Tellingen O, Beijnen JH. The of sarmazenil in the horse (1.6 h; Ludwig, Hamza, Heiz- functional role of P-glycoprotein in the blood-brain barrier. J Phar- mann, et al, unpublished data), a treatment interval of 2 macol Sci 1997;86:881±884. hours was chosen to maintain an active drug level for a 6. Campbell WC, Fisher MH, Stapley EO, et al. Ivermectin: A po- longer time period. In the foal of this report, sarmazenil tent new antiparasitic agent. Science 1983;221:823±828. was administered in the same dosage as is used to antag- 7.
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